Sunday, April 11, 2010

Create your own wooden gate window screens

I LOVE old gates.

And I've had these privacy screens as my window treatments for my large picture window forever.

I much prefer them in our home over curtains due to pet hair, however I always had visions of making them look like old gates.

Working from this inspiration just down the road, I liked the curvy top and came up with a plan.

This wood fit perfect! The slats are 3.25" wide and the boards are very thin, which was important so the framework remained as lightweight as possible.
Using an air nailer, I attached the tongue and groove pine boards direct to the screens. What a treat to use brand new wood for a change, but cha ching! $15 a panel x 6 = $90. Youch when you're use to spending nothing! I suppose I'm worth it once in awhile. :)

A special thanks again  to Manual Replacement Guy Dan for teaching me how to use the nail gun in a red hot jiffy. :)
Using vehicle pin-striping tape, I created a curve along the top.  I then followed along with a pencil line and cut through the boards with a jigsaw, then sanded the edges with a palm sander.

I laid the fancy trim boards on top and penciled in my cut marks, then cut them on the compound miter saw. The air nailer again was used to attach the boards. I didn't bother to fill the holes from the nails as the more dents the merrier. :)

I jumped for joy when I got to this point! It was working! Yes, I do doubt my projects all the from time to time. And just so you don't think I get by without issues, my first trial had these things too tall to stand up in the room so I had to shorten the curvy top. :)

Authentic gate hardware was added. I found hinges for half price in white, so black they became in a flash. I aged the works by the high tech method of dragging the pieces over the cement driveway. :)

The screens then received a bonding primer, semi gloss white latex paint, then a glaze. The glaze was simply made with water and a deeper colour latex paint. It isn't the right way, but I was in a hurry and it works in a pinch. Brush on, wipe off with a damp rag, leaving darkness under cross beams etc where natural shadows would occur.  

A rusty old lantern was mounted on the inside of the gate handle for a little extra rustic outdoor charm.

And here's the finished result!

Welcome to my cottage style old gate window screens!

Light and bright, and casually charming that would suit most any decor.

The two gates resemble one large entry gate, appearing as if it was simply carried it into the house and propped in place. They provide lots of impact, but in a texture kind of way, as the white just adds brightness to the room. The curvy tops add some architectural interest to an otherwise very square window frame.

Here's the closed version. We rarely close them anyway, however if we wish for extra privacy or block out sunlight when watching a movie, the option is there. Felt liners run along the bottom of the screens for easy shifting.

I love the end result and am ecstatic to finally have my old gates. :) 

April 2010


  1. holy moly, i LOVE these - it looks to me like they fit the style of your house better. I love old gates/doors all that stuff - it looks so good - i am so very jealous that i cant totally copy you (we have plantation shutters on all windows)but maybe i can use the idea some where else :)

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  2. I am in love!! You did an amazing job!!!

  3. You just made that room! How talented you are Donna! Terrific job! Donna...the 3rd sister

  4. You are AAAAMMMMMAAAAZING! Love, love, love them...want them for my own!

  5. The new screens/window coverings are beautiful!!! What a difference.

  6. You are soooo talented and your execution of these gates is amazing!!!!

  7. these are amazing.
    but i'm not surprised coming from you. in love with the "gate" look. so unusual, but works & LOOKS so well.
    i feel a gate window treatment trend coming on!

    in almost every post of yours, i shake my head in amazement or my mouth automatically drops open in awe. - just so you know!


  8. WOW! These are freakin gorgeous! Man, I SO wish I were your neighbor! I'd be begging you to come over and "help" me with projects all the time

  9. This is INCREDIBLE. I love it. At first I wondered but sure enough, you knew what you were doing.

  10. Wow, these are wonderful!!! What a creative idea...and cute too. I am always in awe of how you come up with these great projects.

  11. Each week I find myself sitting here starring at your project thinking to myself, she did it AGAIN! Wonderful Donna! what a great job!!!! Going to vote now!

  12. That is simply outstanding...speechless.

  13. You did a great job! Love the antique feel of this "gate" window treatment. You would never guess under $100 bucks!

  14. I love it! We don't have curtains because of all our animals. Great idea!

  15. Those look amazing! And they look so much more like your style. I also love the old rusty lantern...I have a weird thing for those =)

  16. Yes, you are worth it! :) I have been wanting shutters for my windows, but they would have to be custom because of the size, and that is not in my budget. I could totally see your technique working for me. Do you want to help me with that when you come over to do the stairs? ;) And my shed is finally done so you would have a place to work. And I will bring in a palm tree if it would help. ;) You are over the top once again in design and inspiration. Love it!

  17. SHut up! Amazing. I love the look. You have inspired!

  18. I follow a lot of blogs and I must say, that is one of the coolest things I've seen thus far. I want one!

  19. I LOVE them! What a lovely addition to the space.

  20. I Think these are awesome.. love them.. a looooot!

    Good luck this week.


  21. My mouth is hanging open! You've out done yourself again! These fit so much better with your style. Great job, Donna!

  22. I am in awe. Seriously these are amazing. You just keep getting better and better.

  23. Fantastic idea, you have such incredible ideas.

  24. Wow... you are A-mazing! That rocks!

  25. PS... your glazing technique is just fine! =)

  26. Donna- you have the best projects. LOVE it! Great job!

  27. I'll echo what other comments have said...WOW! AMAZING! Seriously, I love them! I pictured having these in my living room then I pictured my son knocking them down. haha

  28. It's wonderful! I love the curve of the screen and the details you added to make it look like a gate. You are so talented.

  29. You never disappoint ! Fabulous job on those gates. They really are perfect for your room! Another amazing accomplishment!

  30. I love them. What a wonderful idea. They look fabulous. What a wonderful way to frame the window. Hugs, Marty

  31. WOW! WOW! WOW! That is incredible Donna! Wow!

  32. Girlfriend! Where are you coming up with all this awesomeness?! I hope SYTYCD never ends so we can keep getting all up on THIS.

  33. Seriously, you should be on tv. I am in awe of these ideas you come up with. Just awesome! Feel free to come try some projects at my house!

  34. You have reached the pinnacle-PERFECTION!!!

  35. are amazing..I can't even begin to think I could accomplish something that nice on my own..its gorgeous..I don't comment much, but I take all your ideas and have actually done some on my own..lots of inspiration in yoru blog! L just love it!! marlene

  36. you are ridiculously talented, and have such a great vision for things. the gates look fantastic, and good luck on SYTYCD!

  37. donna, donna, donna...these are so awesome!!!

    i'm curious...what does the other side look like? did you paint the black frame too, i'm assuming you did?

    love your home

    judi ;)

  38. What a great idea! I have two old doors in my house for decoration and am about to take a third and make a sideboard. There is just something about old doors and gates that just are so welcoming!

  39. That is incredible! Those are so more you than the ones before. I love how they look. A big improvement. I wish I had half your talent and creativity.

  40. Goodness you sure know how to make a DIY chick feel good! :) Thanks so much!

    #40 Judy, yes, I did paint out the black screen on the back and the onion paper on them was already white. But at some point I'd like to remove that cloth stuff and spray the backs in white.

    If I were to sell them, I'd do that before I let them go. But for just me? I'd probably never do it. :)


  41. I'm addicted to old doors and windows, and I really love this idea. Great job!

  42. once again I am blown away and totally in love with your project!!

  43. Holy Stinkin' Cow! You are so blows my mind! Thankyou for sharing!

  44. Get Out! that is wild. You never cease to amaze!... I am just shaking my head in disbelief.
    You are SOOOOO creative.
    Love it!

  45. Who would have thunk to do such a thing? Only you Donna, you have an amazing mind and a knack at making the wildest ideas come to a perfect reality.
    You totally ROCKED this one!

  46. Absolute fabulousity! Seriously.

  47. I have to catch my breath. Those are amazing and beautiful and I so want some now. You are such an inspiration. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

  48. Incredibly awesome!!!!! I can't stop oooohing over them!

  49. Oh my goodness perfection! Love Love Love it!

  50. Wowsers!!!!

    What magazine do you design and create for, again?

    Oh yeah, "they" should be calling you any time now!

  51. A simple, "THOSE ARE FABULOUS" is so trite, but oh my gosh they are!!!!

  52. I am in love with these! Too lovely! :D

  53. One word will do...Spectacular!!

  54. SO DARLING, MUCH MUCH BETTER... TOTALLY LOVE IT! the entire room too! JGG

  55. Beautiful!! I love it.. Your ideas are just the best... :O) I love your decor!!

  56. Come on over to my place and use some of your creations! This is just amazing. Great job as always. Blessing, Vicky

  57. Okay, you know how cool you are? What a wonderful and beautiful idea, Donna!!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  58. These are so awesome!! I love them. They are perfect in your room. And your tutorial is so easy to follow. Thanks and a hearty "well done"!!

  59. Totally breathtaking! They look beautiful in your room!

  60. OMG these are so awesome!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them and they look fantastic in your room!

  61. At first I wasn't sure but WOW. They are amazing looking and a totally different look for the room. Great job!!

  62. These are amazing!! You always give such great inspriation. Thanks!

  63. wow!!!!! awesome!!!!! love, love, love them!!!!!!!

  64. I've just come upon your blog and wow! I was grinning the whole way through this post! What an amazing idea. Definitely given me some inspiration to dig out my old screens and try doing something new them! Kim

  65. That is one of the best blog creations I have ever seen (someone did some crate stairs that were tied with this!!). Donna, you should be writing a book, or be submitting your things to magazines. This is seriously fabulous and original stuff you do!

  66. They look amazing! What a great job you did!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  67. LOVE IT!! oh my goodness........that is THE coolest thing I have seen in awhile!

  68. I'm in LOVE!

    ~Rhonda in Minnesota

  69. Oh my gosh, that is positively perfect. You're so creative and the end result is gorgeous.

  70. Talk about BEAUTIFUL... I would love to do this... think my hubby would mind if I took down our 1200. shutters?? hahahhaha

  71. Donna,
    I just came by to say hi, and let you know I am praying for you.
    But look what a nice surprise i found.
    These are wonderful!!! What a difference!
    Just fits your house so well.

    Off for along walk, before it reains i hope.


    barbara jean

  72. Hey Donna,, i love your old gate window screen,, and it looks more like your style than the previous screen,, it suits you!

  73. This is awesome! How do you come up with all of these ideas? They are fantastic. You are very creative!

  74. Thanks again all!

    #78, I'll do a post on that very topic soon. I get asked that alot so I'll take you through my process.

    FJ Donna

  75. Fantastic Donna, absolutely fantastic! This weekend I was looking at my curtains and sheers which are only three months old but look older thanks to certain feline members of my household and was wondering what I could put in front of my picture window. I love how they look but it seems no matter what I put on that window, the critters end up destroying. Blinds? Forget it! I have spent a fortune on replacing blinds over the years and when I began remodeling my home, I swore I was not going to put up more blinds. That window faces the street so I do have to have something to close for privacy in the evenings. I like your idea and, if possible, will copy it or do something similar. I wish I could let you loose in my house and give you free reign to create to your heart's desire! I love your sense of style and that you are not afraid to try anything. I am still in awe over the painted crate stairs. I absolutely love them!

    ~ Tracy

  76. You're absolutely ridiculous. I cannot believe how talented you are! I wish I had a tenth of your talent and eye. You are my dream decorator!

  77. Is there anything you CAN'T do? What a great idea and fabulous outcome! I think I'll spend my next vacation at your house because it is so wonderful.

  78. Once again may I say WOOOOOOW! I am headed to vote for you right now! And then maybe go work on a project of my own!! Your so inspiring!

  79. Is there no end to your creativity?! The gates look fantastic and what a bonus that they can actually be closed. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  80. You are just " TOO SCARY GOOD!!"!!

  81. Wow! You totally just got my vote this turned out so amazing!!

    Check out my new


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  82. HOLY MOLY!!! What a remarkable difference! I cannot believe how great they look -- truly authentic and way way better than the screens. I love it. And now want to find something similar for my house. If only...

  83. Those are the absolute best! What a great job and good artistic eye you have!! Still thinking about you and praying you are doing well every time I see a post.

  84. Another completely amazing and inspiring idea, Donna. I just love how they turned out! The room looks completely different now.

  85. Donna, these are just the best! You did a marvelous job and I just may be borrowing this idea!! Aren't nail guns so slick?
    Sorry to hear about your Mom...your strength is amazing and inspiring...just like your mad carpentry/blogging/design/decorating skills!!
    I wanna be just like you when I grow up.

  86. I just brought my hubby over to see....had to leave another comment! hehe I am SO in love with your style! If I had a place to use these I would make me some!

  87. They are absolutely GORGEOUS! Totally wish I could just whip up something like that! =]

  88. Love, love, love this idea of yours. You see, I have got to do something about window coverings in my house. Thank you for sharing.

  89. Your creative brilliance makes me have to pick my jaw up off the keyboard every time! I love this :)


  90. NO WAY!!! Amazing and beautiful. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your old gate panels. Sooo Clever, as always:)

  91. Wow! First the stairs, now this! Keep 'em coming!

  92. I have to say... You are one of the most CREATIVE gals I ever saw!

  93. Wow!!! It's so beautiful! Great Job!

  94. UH-mazing! You are uh-mazing too, and I wish you lived next door -


  95. Absolutely beautiful and very inspiring. They look amazing in your home. I love your work!

  96. Holy Cow! They jsut totally MADE that room complete! I cant figure out why you're not being featured in any magazines. Seriously! Maybe after this trasnformation someone will get smart and publish you!

  97. Donna, your home is an absolute inspiration as are YOU!!! I LOVE your ideas and MUST visit your blog every day!! Would you be willing to post a layout of your home? I have a split entry home and I think you do as well. It is hard to envision the whole house and how it fits together! Thanks for considering this!! Keep up the great work!!

  98. Oh Donna, you are simply amazing. Those gates look incredible. It's one thing to see it in a photo, but I bet it's even more COOL in person! Great job.


  99. Brilliance once again! I love this. Love the hardware and the lantern hanging there is perfect.

  100. This is brilliance! ONe of my most favorite projects of yours!!! Great job! This will "win" for sure!

  101. Such a wonderful project! I absolutely love it. I featured it today on my blog!

    {tatertots & jello}

  102. Crazy amazing! Creativity at its best. I am looking at my Arcadia door and thinking how great these would look there:) You are an inspiration. Keep it up.

  103. donna... that turned out incredible!!!! i would just sit in that room all day long admiring its beauty!

  104. These are totally amazing ! I am beyond impressed. Must tweet right now !


  105. This is off the hook FANtastic! Seriously, one of your best projects EVER. Love this!

  106. g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s

    Always on the hunt for a deal, I too love the challenge of making it myself, but this goes way beyond the causul DIY'er. Fab job!

  107. You should get a patent on those, girl. That's fabulous! Very creative!!!

  108. LOve Everything you do !!!! Stairs and gate windows are just the bomb!!!!! Thanks for all your tips on blogging. I figured out how to put someone's button on my to try to add you. Been following you for about a month! What a great gal you are! new friend friday. sillyfriend -- terra
    Need to figure out how to make a button. ha ha

  109. Love these... you sis a fabulous job!


  110. They look amazing! I wish I had a place to put some! I just love everything you do!

  111. I love this idea! Such a clever solution and they turned out absolutely beautiful, adding so much character to the room!

  112. great job - I L.O.V.E these - they look like you paid a fortune for them :) Now I just need to figure out where I need a pair! LOL keep up the great work!

  113. Wow I just found your blog. I'm speechless. I have been a blog stalker for a long time and I thought I had seen it all until now! You are incredible!

  114. Stunning!!! Just stumbled upon your blog - always looking for great ideas - will be back!

  115. ummm yah, these are FAB. Gosh, great job! love them!!


  116. Gorgeous! They compliment your other furniture so well too.

  117. This project is one of my all time favorites EVER. Big loves!

    Thanks so much for linking up to The CSI Project's hardware Store Challenge! We hope you will come back next week for the Martha Stewart-inspired challenge -- The MS Craft Department are our guest judges!!!


  118. You and your power tools amaze me every time!! Thanks for leaving the sweet note :)


  119. If I haven't already commented on these then I have to say...I love them! They gave me an idea for closet doors that I want to make. I blogged about it and posted your screen on my blog with a link back to you.

  120. The wooden gate screens look amazing! I adore this idea. So creative. I will be linking to your amazing screens. Thanks for sharing.

  121. These are beautiful! What a great change. :)

  122. I'm in love. These are spectacular! Must put on the to-do list!

  123. Just found your site and will follow you often. Would like to know where you got the planks to make these screens. I have looked on line and could not found them. Love your project and would like to make one for our home.

  124. #136 Anon, the planks were picked up at either Rona (in Canada) or Home Depot, I don't remember! :) It's just tongue and groove pine planking that comes in packages. Often used for ceilings, creating paneling or walls. Very lightweight and easy to work with.


  125. These are just so awesome. I just keep staring at them and calling to my husband to look at this stunning invention. We don't even have a window like that, and I am trying to figure out how I can utilize this great idea in our home. Thanks so much for sharing! I am truly amazed.

  126. I just love these old gates. I think they look better with your interior. I love the cozyness of this room but it's still so open and bright looking.

  127. Hi there...I've been on your site before, but never so thoroughly as today. I have that same screen you made into window shutters...very ingenious! You've got me thinking about my own idea for shutters in our bedroom...Thanks!

  128. Love the shutters at the window, and the fireplace. If it was me I would of put the tv in a cabinet to hide it.

  129. Gorgeous job!! Just the incentive I needed to tackle the shutters in our living room!!


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