Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Decorating with "what are they?" objects.

I have all kinds of 'what is it' things flanking every nook and cranny in my home.

I suppose one of the bonuses of not knowing what something is, is the fact that it gives you official permission to make it become anything you desire. I practice the same trend  when I waltz down tool and hardware isles. I just love unknown oddities because the creative explosion goes off and the sky's the limit!

Here's one of my latest acquisitions. Remember my grand junkin' day awhile back? My special treasure was in this pile. Somewhere.

It's a metal screen of some sort and I'm in love with it!  I use it as a tray on my coffee table. Isn't it wonderful?

And it's no lightweight variety either. There's official weight to this piece. It's heavy AND it's visually chunky too, in the most delightful of ways for any metal lover. :)

I mean, look how it fit on the coffee table! Perfect! It turned a standard schmandard table into a layered metal/wood/fake-plant-lover-so-I-don't-kill-it's dream!

Off topic: Can I just say this? Everytime I see my sofa in a picture like this, I'm glad I didn't slipcover it. You can add your whites via pillows galore too! Amen.

white So You Think shutter project in this photo is HERE

I love my screeny metal tray display thing! Whatever it is! Anyone have any idea of it's origin? I'm curious to know! I think...

Never underestimate any found object. Especially if you can use it to layer with. Layers add an additional dimension to your vignettes and just give you the opportunity to create more of an impact on one given area. I've written a past post about layering vignettes HERE.

How about you? Are you equally intrigued to plant most anything in your home and wonder after what on earth it was originally for? If you have any such items in a post, feel free to add your url so we can take a peek. Maybe we can help you figure out your own little mystery. :)

Good news! I've been working on my Workshop Photo Series post bit by bit! Stay tuned for Part 3 soon!


  1. I love that metal tray! Such a neat find and I have no clue what it's original purpose was! Check out these rusty treasures. I think the star shaped piece was a gear of some sort. Ideas as to how to display??

  2. Donna when I worked in a nursery..we had one of those over the wheelbarrow to keep the big chunks of clod out of the potting mix.

    Or it's a large cheese grate..for a zoo..lol

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. wow! cool tray! I love your living room! It's sooo homey!
    btw It's getting harder to vote on syty, but you got my vote again this week! I LOVE your gate/screen. Good luck!

  4. Your screen tray looks like a compost screener What a great find!

  5. I am peeking my head a bit out of my turtle shell to thank you for your kind comment and support.

    Your metal tray is the perfect finishing touch and I absolutely adored your garden gate screen. Love truly does live in your home.

  6. Compost screener?!? Oh no! Now I want two! I'd like to use it as that as well. Phooey. :) Thanks for the insight!

    #3 Gail, don't you worry now. You go vote for your fav project, period. Same for the rest of all of you. I'll still be everyone's friend even if the vote goes elsewhere. :) xo


  7. I agree with Gail! Love your projects and it is getting harder and harder! So many wonderful ideas!

    Love the screen! Just one handle?? I want to come live on your stairs!!
    smiles, alice

  8. Love the tray and the way you layered it. I think it looks great. Congratulations! I am not surprised your stairs won the vote! I also voted for your new wooden gate screens.

    ~ Tracy

  9. i agree with you about your sofa, love the earth tones and it can be jazzed up with pillows...take a gander at my last post, it's all abou the pillows! Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

  10. I know. I haven't voted yet...oh gosh....who???? I love everyone way too much. I'm gonna put all the names in a basket and pick one!

    I love metal too, Donna. I know you're shocked, but I do. I'm really into copper these days.(is that a metal?) I love your compost screen tray. It looks just like my neighbor's!!! Is it aluminum??

  11. What a great find. It is a screen used for landscape and composting. They have them hanging up at a landscape place here and when I asked what they used them for, the guy said they filter the potting soil with them before the use it in the pots.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you use all of your other goodies for.

  12. I have to say that when I saw the full view shot of your tray, I was thinking that it makes a perfect template to do a diamond pattern in the middle of your table {or triangles on each corner}. Sorry, I get distracted so easily these days : ) ~ love the way you are using this item. I have a decorative rod finial sitting on a tray with other things on my foyer chest. I just like the way it adds a bit of interest and the color is similar to the tray. I'm sure someone coming to visit will think I just put it down there for the moment and forgot about it!

  13. Your chunky metal tray is gorgeous and I love the layers of wood surrounding it. Your couch is looking cute too :). My boys throw all of my cute pillows onto the floor...so does the dog. I can't win, so I'll admire yours :).

  14. It's just perfect for your coffee table! If you're relaxing...watching t.v...and you see a bug...just reach for your screen tray and hold it in front of your face so the bug can't get ya!


    : )

    Julie M.

  15. I love all your mystery stuff! You are such an inspiration to me, Donna.

    I made a table out of my "What is it?". . .then somebody told me what it was: http://hgcountrygirl.blogspot.com/

  16. Love the metal tray...I especially love the large tray and the Cutting, Inc box. They look great together.

  17. That screen is awesome, what a great idea on how to use it in your home. And I'm with Sherry, LOVE the industrial like wood crate, they look really neat together.

  18. Last nights post on my blog asked about a round glass orb. Fishing net float? But it has a flat bottom...What the heck is it?

    I love the sectional gate shutters. I really need to get my studio up and running so I can share too!

    I'm looking for a barn door track so I can cordon off a day porch in my house. Found the perfect inspiration of doors on a track at my local Goodwill. Wanted to take a photo of it, but was told "you are not allowed to take any pictures in here". Who ever heard of such nonsense. A crafter's mall or something like that, I totally get, but a Goodwill? It's part of the building!!! Architecture at its best. All vintage original and such.

    You'd love it too! I'll just have to visit a bunch and build my own, I guess.

    Keep on inspiring us....

  19. You always help me think out of the box! Love the tray, and I'm glad you didn't slip cover the couch too!

  20. Hi Donna -

    I am clueless to what your screen is, but you could tell everyone that you take it with you when you go panning for gold. I love your sofa uncovered too, it accents your style so much better than the popular look of white slipcovers.

  21. I love them all stacked on your table, you are so inspirational I hope you know!! It's funny you posted this, I just bought a tray at TJ Max today and am going to give it a fresh coat of paint. I was hoping to find something a little more vintage, but I can fix that. Hope your having a great day!

  22. Thank you for stopping by my blog for a visit and your sweet comments! I love what you did with your "found treasure". Would have never thought of it but probably would have loved it and brought it home too!


  23. Hello sweet Donna - love how you repurposed the screen! Very clever. It looks great with the other tray and box on top! I really like your coffee table too.


  24. That tray looks fabulicious on your table. I think it was orginally used to sift sand for pebbles. Just kiddin! I don't know what it is, but it sure looks good!


  25. Umm - Can you come over and help me decorate {and bring your findings with you!} Love the metal tray - look sfabulous on your table. I adore the unexpected and love mixing in the unusual...looks stunning!

  26. The screen is wonderful, you are right...I haven't a clue...

  27. Donna, I love the screen! Loved your gate window treatment too. Gonna save that one for a later date.

    I have a current post for a "what the heck is it supposed to be" at my blog that you might want to check out. Will be linking up here Saturday night with it. In the mean time, check it out here: http://mybiglifeinasmalltown.blogspot.com/2010/04/miss-thing-gets-makeover.html

  28. I can't wait to see what you do with that sled! So many awesome pieces in that trunk. I love the metal tray!

  29. It looks really great, who cares what it is! But I'm thinking maybe a dryer rack for nuts or grapes or tomatoes or something? Hmmmm. Anyway, the more I see of your home the more I love what you've done. Your creativity is amazing!
    Thanks for visiting the other day, hope you'll be back soon. I've got a Wednesday Gratitude party going in case you're interested! Love to have you.
    Have a great day.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  30. I love that you have so much metal in your house, yet it doesn't look industrial or modern at all.

    Love it!

  31. Wow. What an awesome find and it looks terrific!

  32. That looks great! I also love the burlap pillow...did you make it?

  33. Love all the junk in the trunk and what you've done with some of it! Lezlee

  34. i love how you layered this - it looks so good i am going to "borrow" your idea - i actually went tonight to get some more paint for one of my trays - i love it that much :)

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  35. It looks absolutely terrific. You sure know what to do with your junk!


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