Friday, April 9, 2010

SNS #25 brings you - a wacky winner and picture linky!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #25!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, *past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

*max 1 month old, and never posted here before or entry will be deleted. I wish to keep the info fresh for viewers. Thanks!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

NEW! Let's try out the picture link party this weekend! There's abit of extra typing when you enter, but I think it may be worth it for easier viewing pleasure. Smaller descriptions tend to work better. Let's try it out!

Giveaway winner from SNS #24

Miss Polly hosted a giveaway last SNS. And I've been too absent minded and busy to announce a winner of this fab giveaway. Thank-you for your extreme patience!

Remember this sweet thing?

This is the Farmer's Market Apron tht was up for grabs. So, drumroll please.....

Dawn, at Wacky Whimsy, be very afraid. 171 comments wanted that very apron. :) Congrats girl! I'll have Polly email you.

Good news! Because I forgot to announce right after SNS, Polly has extended the sale of all her aprons, including this number for 1 more week. Polly, you are a GEM!
You can find the entire selection on sale in her ETSY store.

Thanks again Polly, for the fab giveaway!

~ DIY Feature ~

So back to this Wacky Whimsy stuff, have you seen Dawn's blog? Fun fun wacky fun stuff!

Here's her FURNITURE link.  Isn't that wackin'' crazy?!

Here's her CRAFT link. Oh my word, she has way more patience than I ever will! Isn't this fabulous?

And you KNOW I had to check out her polka dot link. How fun is this?!? That wall is to die for. Love it! Like, ALOT. I want one.

Go browse around Dawn's blog. You'll enjoy yourself!

Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

* Please enter your chosen DIY once in one of the below parties. No duplicates in both linkups please. Not sure where yours goes? Pick one and run with it! :)

1. Please link up your intended  post, NOT your blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. A shorter description will work better with the new picture linky party. Let's try it out!

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. Please link projects up to 1 month old max, and new to SNS. Repeat posts will be deleted. I wish to keep info fresh material for viewers that visit this party. Thanks!


  1. I like how you separated the posts like that. Much better! I luckily selected the correct one before realizing that their were categories now. :)

  2. Love that initial wall! I'm heading over to check it out!
    Thanks for hosting!

  3. I'm diggin' this new picture linky...
    thought it would be harder to do.
    ...I hope I did it right!

    Now, I'm off to check out the other Links...

  4. Oh my stars, I feel like I should go buy a lottery ticket, I mean what are the chances of ME winning that adorable apron?!?!! Thank you SO MUCH Donna, for the giveaway, and for the shout out and link to my site, I'm very appreciative!

  5. Thanks for hosting Donna! I gotta getta apron!!

  6. Congratulations Dawn! {I just adore that dang apron} Donna, Love the picture linky {very cool!!!} Thanks so much for hosting {hope you are doing well} Have a great weekend!!

  7. Hey Donna! I love this picture linky party so much better! Makes browsing so much fun. I feel like I'm window shopping. I guess I could call it "blog shopping"=). Thanks for hosting.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  8. Thanks for hosting again, Donna. I love the photo linky and the different categories.

  9. Loving that mosaic birdbath, I'm going to check out Dawn's blog for sure!
    The picture link party is so cool, and so easy to join that even a beginner like me could do it! Thanks for hosting it Donna!

  10. Oh my... I'm loving the picture link party! This is wonderful!!!

    Still all things family in my neck of the woods so I'll pop in where I can.

    FJ Donna

  11. Congratulations Dawn! I'll be contacting you right away.

    Donna, the picture linky is awesome! Glad you decided to do that.

    Hope you're holding up.

    Headed to check out Dawn's blog.

  12. Congratulations, Dawn! That apron is so lovely!

    Thank you so much for hosting your fantabulous party, Donna!

    : )

    Julie M.

  13. Wow! Love the new linky set up! Very cool! And congrats to Dawn! I need to check out her blog too!
    Such great links to visit...I better get some more coffee!!

  14. Congrats on winning SYTYCD this week! Loved your stair idea. Love all your ideas. So are you going to be a TV star?

  15. oops, sorry I posted a link on the home decor section too thinking it was all one category. forgive me please? :)

  16. Congratulations Dawn! I LOVE the "H" wall! it looks so neat!!

    Donna, Love the picture links! So much easier to go through them! Er .. should I say so much easier on these old eyes that need multi-focals hahaha

  17. D~
    Picture linky ROCKS!!!!

    Thanks for all you do for link parties,
    you ROCK 2!!! :)


  18. Time to go get a project finished to post! Congrats on SYTYCD win--you deserve it!

  19. I haven't linked up yet, but I'm LOVING the pic links! They really add a lot to the fun factor, and sneak previews are always a plus in my book.

    CONGRATS on the SYTYCD win!


  20. I love these parties with the pictures! Thanks for hosting.
    I've just started "junking" myself and it's really addicting so I'm looking forward to following you to see what I can learn.
    ☺ Celeste

  21. Oh Dawn! You will be so HAPPY when that box arrives!!! I love my apron so much!!!!!!! Congrats!

    Donna, LOVE THE PIC THING!!! Wish I had somethin'. I got nothin'. What's the deadline? I'll go look!


  22. Loving the new link format - thumbnails and categories! Great idea!!! Can't wait to join in the fun. I'm off to continue working on my creative space....see ya soon...!

  23. Donna,
    Congrats on your win at sytycd! I loved your entry so much!

  24. thanks for hosting another party - love the links with pic's :)

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  25. Hi Donna,
    Thanks for hosting this week. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve for this week's SYTYCD.

  26. I love the photo linky and the different categories. I have a little something for you on my blog, stop by and check it out.

  27. This is so much fun. I love the pictures for the links, makes it so much easier! Thanks for hosting, it's my first time to the party, and I'll be back again for sure!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  28. Thanks for featuring my headboard, I'm glad you liked it! :) I agree with the others, photo linky is fantastic, so much to be inspired by!!

  29. Love the new picture linky! Works great! Thank you so much for hosting!

  30. Donna--thanks for featuring my coffee table. My goodness girl, with everything on your plate, didn't know if you'd even have time to look at the links, let alone feature any. Take care! Can't wait to see this week's SYTYCD entry :)!

  31. Thanks so much for hosting this and for featuring the bedroom makeover! This post has resulted in my finding many other great new blogs....thank you for that! Your blog has a great energy to it!

  32. Love your gates! Thanks for hosting!


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