Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dreaming in White for 'So You Think'

I remember this day vividly.

I had just signed up to be a part of  a town wide Christmas tour featuring all the local artisans. Being a rusty metal junkin' wood fanatic type, I really wanted to try my hand at something white for the showing, to prove I could decorate girly too. :) If blogland was doing white, so was I!

So on a whim, one week before the entire town arrived, I tore my unfinished funky sign bedroom apart. *sob*

It's ok! I could do this! First, I needed a new headboard. And naturally with absolutely NO budget for such an endeavor, this became all about making do with what I had on hand. 

An old door from a burn pile, a gate found at the dump, and a chunk of metal clad siding from a farmer's scrap pile became the main players for this new creation.

I see that doubt in your eye. :)  Laying the components down on the backyard lawn where space is never an issue, I started building the pieces up like a puzzle gone just abit mad. Would it work?!? By golly, I was going to MAKE it work. :)

Next I created a backdrop. Different sized scrap boards spaced randomly became my own spin of a board and batten feature wall, perfect for what was to come.

Once I mounted the gate and door to the wall, I created a pattern for the shape of the metal.

Two grinders with different blades were used:  one to cut, and the other to grind the edges smooth.

The metal siding was painted out in white, then mottled with glaze creating an aged appearance. Note the colour is deeper on the bottom than it is on the top? That's the way the light hits an object so it's fun to fool with Mother Nature when painting. :) A scrap piece of molding finished it off.

And then the bed making began. Although I really liked the quilt, I was left with a feeling of ... "Eh... it was ok." 

It was when I threw a bunch of stuff on the bed that something unique clicked. And just like that, I knew what I was going to do. I'd never seen a bed quite like it, so why not be the first?

An empty battenburg lace duvet cover became a coverlet of sorts. Leaving it crumply on purpose just enhanced the lacy details. And turned a simple bed into a white wonder!

And the craziness continued. I grabbed a lacy sheet and draped it across the fold of the quilt to create some extra poof.

Pillows! I needed more pillows.I shopped from the rest of the house and placed everything in it's new eclectic home. The burlap looking things are $1.50 sand bag covers fresh from the local hardware store. :)

An old weathered table top found at a garage sale became a rustic bed tray, perfect for a snack or a game of cards. And the sleepy little kitty makes the perfect companion, ready for a snuggle. :)

And then it was done.

Welcome to my little white oasis, which I cleverly titled, the White Trash Bed. :)

The rumply crumply look of the bed has the style of one cozy retreat! No pillow is tossed just so, no crease is smoothed. It is the easiest bed in history to make. Especially when you don't make it. :)

The added height from the gate as well as the white feature wall created headboard impact with much more substance.

This bed wears many shades of white, convincing me that's exactly why I love it. It's the warmest white I've ever been around. 

And good news! The bed was an absolute hit with the Christmas crowd ladies!

And continues to be with the cat.  :)

I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Please visit all the other talented gals in the competition and cast your vote for your fav two!

Other related tutorials:

How to make a crumply rumply bed

Aaaaand, the results of the contest just came in.

Thank-you all for your votes of kudos!! 2nd place this baby makes!  :)


  1. Another job well-done, Donna! You were really creative with all of those pieces. You've blended them perfectly!

  2. I love it more each time I see it. It's just beautiful, and there's so many clever uses of scrappy things.

  3. wow! that room looks so cozy! I love, love, love it! That table top is brilliant!
    good luck this week.

  4. That is beautiful! I want to crawl in and take a nap. :)

  5. GENIOUS!!! It is so stinkin cool, all of the different elements put together to create one really beautiful bed! I love the ladder on the side and all of the rumpled whites too, really beautiful. Ok now I'm just gushing! I'll be back soon, Theresa

  6. You know how much I love this room Donna! Can not wait for the completion of our master bedroom and put to use some of your techniques! Beautiful!

  7. WOW!! I love everything about this bedroom! You have inspired me to go out and find a gate!


  8. Great entry this week! That gate above the bed is just amazing! Your bedroom looks so cozy and inviting! Love it!

  9. Love the gate above the bed and the way you framed it. Wow, you are creative!

  10. I am sure you inspired this week's theme--simply dreamy! Heading over to vote ;)

  11. I'm awestruck. That's amazingly beautiful. The tabletop used as a bed tray is pure genius. Love every bit of it.

  12. Ok, can I just toss you out and move on in? Actually, I think we could be great roomies, I'll even pay rent, just don't tell Mr. Tide! ;-) I love this, but then again I always love your stuff!

    Kat :)

  13. Very cozy. Everything is so pretty.

  14. All the white projects are tempting me to try white again!! Maybe someday I will know how to do a little and make it look right. I love your bedroom and your style.

  15. Alright Missy. What were those round wheel thingys? Blades? You have blades. You better mention that to AD! OK!!!

    I remember seeing this white transformation. However at the time I didn't know you and love you as well as I do now. You carved pieces of metal? And there's a "burn pile" somewhere near your home?

    I just read in Google news that scientists have discovered another galaxy. They couldn't figure out whether there were neighboring planets. But they did notice a sign - they just transcribed it - FuNkY jUnK, just northwest of Neptune!

  16. Sorry, no time to comment on your wonderfully, awesomely white dreamland because I'm headed over to vote for you : )

  17. That bedroom makeover is to die for. Beautiful job!!!

  18. White Trash Bed...that is excellent...and super cute!

    : )

    Julie M.

  19. You are amazing! What a great idea and it looks so wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Vicky

  20. The first post you did on your bed with this amazing bedding, headboard and tray, I was star struck. I mean totally smitten with you and your decorating skills. I love love love this whole look. Can I just bring this whole room from your house and stick it into mine as is?

  21. And the curtains...

    oooh! and the ladder...

    Every time I view this room...I want to book it for the night!

    Just one night...Donna... I'll pay enough you can stay in a really nice hotel ... and be pampered. You get the room service... just let me sleep there!

  22. Donna,
    This is awesome!!

    Love the crumply, multi layered, fluffy withe look!!
    Wonderful headboard too.

    barbara jean

  23. I'm also a white/pastel kinda person.. nice layered look....

  24. Beeeeeeeeautiful!!!! I loved the entire room. Esp. the headboard!!!

  25. It takes lots of imagination to throw this together like you did. I think I am safe to say you are just bubbling over with imagination and creativity. Wish I could show you some things I don't know what to do with, I draw a blank! Have a great day!

  26. i love this room and i love your name for it!

  27. I love everything about your bedroom.. its incredibly creative... but I think my favorite accessory is the rustic bed tray... LOVE IT!

  28. I just love your bedroom. So comfy and cozy looking! I am all over that unmade bed look too.

  29. I so dream of sleeping in a bed like yours. I just love this room. You are so talented!!!! :O)

  30. This is slap-yo-mama wonderful! ...simply amazing!Can I come crawl in... kitty and all? This got my vote. ...very well done!

  31. Would you please come to Wyoming and redo my bedroom? PLEASSSE!

  32. Donna,

    I wish you could bottle your design talent and sell it on etsy. I'd be your first customer.


  33. Oh gosh you guys... thanks so much for your compliments and kudos! What's kinda scary is I think you actually 'get me.' That's asking alot I know! :)

    I'm still enjoying this bedroom immensely. Although the room isn't quite finished, I've added another element/change to it I'll be showing soon. :)


  34. I hope you know how much I admire your talent lady!! This bedroom is are amazing!

  35. Prolly my favoritest makeover ever Donna! So many things to many great juxtapositions in texture, style and color, all fitting perfectly together in eclectic bliss :)

  36. that is so neat! not overdone or underdone but just right,comfortable and not fussy.

  37. Ever since i saw your gate - i have been on the lookout, i MUST have one!!

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  38. wow, look at that, very creative and inspiring, I wish I could design something like that

  39. WOW!! You never cease to amaze me! I just love how you come up with stuff!! I need to free up some of my thinkin' that stuff has to be perfect and maybe I could be more creative. I know I have it in just takes effort to let go and take chances, ya know?

    This is absolutely LOVELY!!
    And you're right! Oh so very warm! I think I'm started to fall in love with all the light neutrals!!

    Have a great week!

  40. are uber talented...if that is even a word~lol

    Love the headboard....I have always wanted to shop at a dump....with gloves of course :)

    The bulletin board in the kitchen is fantastic. A few years back....I saw a bed spring board in a magazine...I searched and found a crib/bed spring..I painted it white so I could have a bulletin board in my daycare. I am thinking about moving mine to the kitchen and hanging aprons and stuff. Thanks for the inspiration. I already have everything I need.

    This is why I love blogging so much!

  41. I love what you've done with those cast offs! You created a unique room, and a bed that looks cozy and comfy. The hard materials needed something to soften them up - I think the pillows and fabric really fit the bill!! It's perfect and dramatic, too!
    I can't believe I've never been here before. But I'm glad I found you! I'll be back often.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  42. Hello sweet Donna - I've been out of the loop since January. Catching up on my fave blogs today! I enjoyed this post. Love your new white room! You are so creative - love it when you go outside the box to make something work. You have such an incredible eye for this. Your kitty looks very content!


  43. Donna,
    Your bedroom is gorgeous...I have been back to visit MANY times to ogle it!!!
    One question--what are your curtains? Did you make them or purchase? What is the fabric?



  44. #45 Jennifer, the curtains is simply unsewn fabric thrown up onto a steel rusty rod I cut down myself. :)They are non functional as I don't need them (window faces mountain view).

    Drape it up and go!

    FJ Donna

  45. Wow, amazing results with this transformation. I just love what you've done. This is such a fun contes. Unfortunately life has been busy, and I see 2 weeks have slipped by that I've missed out on, so I'm trying to play catch up.
    Love your blog... Such talent you've been gifted.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!