Friday, March 19, 2010

SNS #22 brings you - your highlights!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #22!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

~ This weekend's DIY Feature ~
SNS #21 highlights

Beautiful new MUCH bigger hallway mirror with hooks, by The Gathering Place. I think the side hook placement on this one makes for one ultra unique piece. Good job on pickin' that colour, hubby! ;)

Adorably rustic clay pot nests from The Bee Zoo. I just love how natural these look. Sweet!

And another lovely nest in a pot variation from Treasures from the Heart. 

I've just decided I want a nest in a pot. Or 3.

One of the most amazing photo spreads ever by Mustard Seed Creations, on new uses for an old loaf pan. What a cool piece to work with!

Molding pieces, spools of thread, and a little themed creativity makes for very unique jewelry holders. Anything Goes Here, what a great idea!

Creative clipboard coverings with a tutorial, by Lemon Tree Creations. They look like works of art, don't they?

And I have to award this last one for best use of spare space. What kiddo wouldn't LOVE to have a chalkboard this big and accessible at their beck and call at any given time? Brilliant move on the molding to create the chalkboard frame. This one is a true winner.

Guys, I'd be on my knees drawing right with ya if I could! Brilliant, This Blessed Nest. 

Goodness... I want one of those too. For ME!

Are you ready for more? Right this way!

Oh. Before you go?
Just curious... are you currently working on anything cool?

Do things always go tickety boo for you? Or do you struggle like me?  Right now I have 101 ideas on the go and my house is ripped apart. Literally.  I'm coming here to forgetaboutit for abit. Can you relate?!?


~ Update: Just in.... ~
Thank-you soooo much for those that voted! I'm floored that this little rusty number ranked so high! My  post for this project is HERE.

2nd place was Flea Market Trixie's amazing door headboard. You can check out her post HERE. Congrats Trixie!!! Fabulous project!

Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

1. Please link up your intended  post, not your main blog url. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. I've allowed 100 characters in the link title area, so go ahead and tell us you blog name AND project description. There's room. :)

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Happy party hopping to all!

New post up Sunday nite!
You'll LOVE the theme this weekend.
I cannot WAIT to see the submissions!  


  1. I've unofficially changed the spelling of Cottage to Cotttage. Don't you think three t's work better than two? Ah hahaha! What's a girl to do?

    Thanks for hosting, Donna!

  2. Thank you for hosting a fun party! What great ideas from last week! Love the chalkboard wall! Looks like hours of fun :)

  3. oh you sweet thing!!!

    i tell ya ~ i'm flattered. it is so fun to walk down that hall now. besides the drawing aspect of it all, it really does help occupy them while cooking dinner or well...let's be honest, making more projects. ha!

    thank you thank you!

    and just so you know (even if i don't have anything to link up) i look forward to SNS with my saturday morning coffee all week. it really is a saturday ritual for me. thanks again for your kind words.

    happy spring!!!!

  4. Kellie, I'm right there with ya! I LOVE my Sat mornings, coffee and SNS. In pjs' of course! :)

    And, you're most welcome. Very deserving DIY!

    FJ Donna

  5. I love them all!

    If I had a cute chalkboard all the way down my hall and colored a cute pennant garland on it, I wouldn't want my kids to color on it! My inner 4 year old would come out!!

  6. I've been working on projects like crazy lately, but it's not creativity that is driving me. It's getting all the crap out of my garage so we can walk in there again!!

  7. Happy SNS, Donna!!!

    Oh, I couldn't agree more about the photos from Miss Mustard Seed. You can not imagine my surprise when she posted it. I seriously had gotten a loaf pan just like hers from our thrift store a few weeks ago. I thought I was a big smarty pants and going to put plants in it and blow everyone away... and THEN... GASP, she posted her AMAZING pics... I drooled. You girls are all just so darn creative, I can't stand it.
    I've not been commenting, but I've been checking you out (and voting) on SYTYCD. Congrats on your projects, thus far!

    I have nothing exciting that I'm working on right now, need to go and check out all the inspiration so I can get my mind back in the blog world!
    Have a great weekend,

  8. Projects? Ever since my fingers started talking more than my mouth I have more projects than you can shake a stick at....hold on, I might want that stick for something. 'Member that studio I created while doing your workshop? Well, we need another workshop. It's a total capital D disaster.
    Projects are as follows:
    1. painting two chairs
    2. re-doing a seat cushion, rebuilding (who just wrote that, get off here!) the seat
    3. slipcover for my sofa
    4. two paintings, one for the hallway, one for the joy of it!
    5. painting a mirror for my little ones room
    6. removing hall closet and pantry doors
    7. painting inside closet, changing layout
    8. painting little ones room
    9. painting a tray
    do you want more?...this place is a creative wreck! And I feel like I don't know whether I'm coming or going right now. And the weather changed and now I want to be outside in the garden!! PHEW!

    Think I'll just read what everyone else has DONE! Then, say good night!

  9. I love this party. Thanks for hosting again. I think everyone needs one of those chalkboard walls in their home.

  10. Can I relate? Heck yes! I've had two major furniture projects going on for a month, that I've been working on in tandem...Just painting a simple stool helped me feel like I'd accomplished something!!! :) Thanks for hosting!

  11. Donna,
    Sweet surprise seeing my 'pot nest here.
    Instructions for that in the works.


    barbara jean

  12. My house is literally ripped apart too. I have a half-gutted bathroom, partially paint scraped front porch, piles of furniture waiting to be revamped...cute organizational things to actually put to organizational USE!!! It's never ending. My life is a project. I love it!

    Thank you so much for hosting! I'm looking forward to seeing the fruit of everyones creativity!

    : )

    Julie M.

  13. I'm playing along for the first time. I actually just found your SNS, how cool-fun! Love everything I see.

  14. Just wanted to thank you so much for featuring my jewelry holders again! I am off to an Estate Sale this morning of a tailor! Baskets of wooden spools were shown in the preview pictures. I used all my stash of spools for these racks and now I need MORE!

    PS. And back to another one for jute/twine and yarn for some other projects I have in mind. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  15. Thanks for hosting. Love, love, that chalkboard wall!!

  16. In am loving the chalkboard and the loaf pans...oh heck!! I am loving it all!
    Great post!

  17. Great linky love features as always. And Yes my house is a tip too! And the worst part is, it isn't even because I am working on projects (I wish). I just haven't cleaned it in too long a time. So I'd better get of the computer and get out the mop and bucket.

  18. Oh do I struggle and I hope to dedicate this day to cleaning up the messes in all my craft areas...

  19. Thanks for hosting! I seriously LOVE that chalkboard under the molding...your right...brilliant! I'll be coming back for more!

  20. Yes, I can related and it's starting to get on my nerves! I must clean up some areas this weekend, especially before it gets and stays nice out because then I'll have to be outside doing stuff.

    Thanks for hosting, Donna!

  21. Thanks for the link up! Just linked up my brand new blog!

  22. Donna--what a fun surprise--thanks so much for featuring my tray. Old metal and a burlap coffee bag, ya I thought you might like it ;).


  23. Thanks for hosting - I'm loving all the projects you highlighted from last week!

  24. Donna-

    I look forward to this party all week-- even if I don't always have a project to post.

    Am I working on anything cool at the moment- YOU ASK? welll, I've usually got something little going...but I'm beginning to think I'm remedial in the project department! (translates: SLOW!)

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE tuning into the SNS party each week and checking out everyone else's monumental projects.

    CONGRATS! ON THE WIN FOR THE WEEK. I'm loving that little get together too!

  25. Thanks so much for hosting again! I know this is a lot of work for you, and I hope you know how much we all appreciate it!

    Right now, my sewing table is completely hidden under about three unfinished projects. (Maybe I should call them works in progress to make myself feel better?) Rest assured you aren't alone that things don't always just fall into place! :)

  26. Congratulations Donna!! Thanks for the sidebar love! Thanks for hosting another great week - these links just get better and better! Amazing features...lovin the chalkboard!

  27. Hey Donna...congrats on your landslide win! I totally thought you should win....your project is awesome. I can't wait to see what you come up with next pressure or anything. lol
    Karen@Urban Whyte

  28. Thank you so much for showing off my mirror! I love your site and SNS, so it means a lot. Thanks again, very fun. :) Lots of great stuff this week too!

  29. I always look forward to your Saturday night party. Thanks for hosting. I love your decorating style. I knew you would win last week. Your orgnaizer was fabulous. Do you decorate firetrucks? My husband is a fireman.

  30. Alright... my email has combusted. (noooo!) So I'll have to answer some questions here.

    #31 Tracy, I'm a graphic designer/graphics installer by day. One of my accounts is for a major firetruck manufacturer. Here's a post I did on a day in the life of striping a firetruck.

    And I happen to agree with your comments. This party is awesome and the links are getting more outstanding as the weeks go by. My blog is too small to feature all I wish to. I need more room! :)

    And thanks for the kudos. :)

    Off to hack at this email issue. FJ Donna

  31. Thanks for featuring my nests and thanks for hosting the party! I can't wait to get started on my next project to share, and to check out all the other cool links!

    -Becca @ The Bee Zoo

  32. Donna,
    Thank you so much for featuring my reNEWed bench this SNS weekend! This is a first for me in blogland...appreciate the sweetness. ;)
    and yes, I have a milleeeeon projects going...trying to organize the craft studio..only been working on it for a month now! it was THAT bad.

    ~judi ;)

  33. Thanks again for hosting, Donna! I got my project up a bit late, but I'm still happy I got it in!

    -Ann Marie


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!