Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Saying goodbye to our little fella

Our little munchkin didn't make it. 

We had to say goodbye on Tuesday.

He truly was such a gentle soul and showed me love and loyalty like no other.

How we found him

We spotted Beethoven at the pound18.5 years ago. He was the tiniest little round fluff ball you ever laid eyes on. I fell in love with him on the spot!

However we had to wait for the official adoption date and hope for the best. We sat on pins and needles for nearly a week.

And then it was the day. However, a major snowstorm hit. It was nearly impossible driving conditions, but we set out anyway. We wanted our kitten!

We got there a little late and hoped for the best. And all was well. Our baby was still there!

As we walked out with him, a girl spotted us walking in, and burst into tears. The snow delayed her arrival by minutes behind us. She had planned to pick up the same cat. My heart went out to her because I know exactly how that felt.

Every day I felt blessed to have landed our gorgeous cat. He was the quiet type that never meowed, hissed, fought, nothing. He was my gentle giant. And he touched my heart in more ways than I can count.

There was a bond between us that was unspeakable. We read each other like clockwork and loved each other fiercely.


The quirks

When I use to get ready to go to work, I'd always chant, "Mommy go to work!" and he'd give me one meow as if to say goodbye. Like clockwork. He wouldn't meow any other time. :)

He use to be antsy for his food in the AM, so in the mornings, he'd jump onto the dresser and paw at the blinds so the clanking would wake me up. That got old pretty quick.

I use to have to lock the cats together downstairs because if they climbed in bed with me, Beethoven would purr too loud and smother my face. But lately he took to howling in the dark (he was deaf and was looking for the other cat) which woke me up. So only a few months ago I cut him some slack and allowed them to sleep upstairs.

Every night I'd go to bed, and it wouldn't be long until I heard the soft thud thud thud walking down the hallway, then the stall, then the thump on the bed. He'd nudge himself under the covers, turn around then snuggle up right against me and stay perfectly still the entire night. He truly became my cat pillow. And I looked forward to it with anticipation every evening.

It's only been two nights since I lost my cat pillow. When he fell ill, it was critical he was on the floor for safety's sake. He is so very very missed.

The bond

The incredible bond we had was so strong. They say when you have kids, the pet thing wanes somewhat. It never did between us. I was his protector and he was my companion in return. He truly was a cat like no other. The most amazing softest fur, beautiful purr and gentle quiet nature had me falling in love with him harder each day.

It gives me great sorrow to lose him. But it's my hope that my parents will look after him until I can meet up with everyone one day again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Below is a celebration of Beethoven's life with us.

( Click both plays below at the same time. )

Thank-you for all the support and prayers you've given me the past few days. You have no idea how much that has touched me.

Comment #59 tells you how I came up with his name. Thanks anon. :)

See you in Heaven, Beautiful.


  1. Thanks for sharing Beethoven's life with us and how much he meant to is amazing how they can snuggle their way into our hearts. I havn't had a cat in over 40 years but I still have fond memories of the one I grew up with! Love the video tribute!

  2. Ohhh....I do believe that your sweet Beethoven is happy and healthy in heaven. I'm so sorry, Donna.

    : (

    Julie M.

  3. Ohhh....I just watched your video. What a blessing to not only have your loving memories with your kitty...but to have such beautiful pictures and videos, too.

    God Bless You!

  4. Oh Donna, what sad news. I know what it is like to have such a stong bond with a pet. To loose any animal is devastating, especially one you had such a special connection with. At least you had many years of special and happy memories together and I am sure you gave him a happy and loving life. I am sure your parents will look after him well for you. Take care xx

  5. Donna -
    I am so sorry that you have lost Beethoven. He was a very beautiful cat and you can tell in this montage that he was as beautiful and special on the inside as on the outside. I know some of these photos are pretty it is a gift that he was in good health up till the very end. That is all any of can hope for. Yes, he is with your parents....and you will see him again.

    I'm so sorry you have lost a beloved family member.

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. I am very attached to my animals as well. I recently lost my beloved female Presa Canario. She was seriously the best dog ever. People were somewhat intimidated by her, but she would snuggle with me and my husband in an instant. When I was pregnant, she kept licking my stomach. I swore she knew my daughter was in there. She was my rock when my husband was deployed. I used to snuggle with her in bed and cry on her shoulder and neck when I got depressed that he was gone. She got a tumor last year on her neck and we had it removed. Unfortunately the vet didn't send it off for biopsy and a few months later not only had the nodule come back, but about 10 more came back too. We had another surgery and sent it off and found out that it was an aggressive form of glandular cancer. We let her live as much as her life out as we could provided she wasn't in pain. After Thanksgiving, it was too much for her. We could tell it was time. I have never cried so much over a pet than I have with her. Even my husband and the vet techs were crying. We all loved her.

    But I knew she loved us as much as we loved her. I am sure your Beethoven felt the same. Something connects all of us and even animals can feel that same love as we do. They give us such joy and laughter....and unconditional love

  7. I will miss seeing Beethoven in your pictures! Sweet fella :)

  8. I am so sorry for you both. That cat had a wonderful and long life with you guys. I bet he is very glad you picked him to come live with you.

  9. Thank you for sharing the photos of your gorgeuos kitty. Thinkinf of you.
    Anne xx

  10. I am so sorry for the loss of your fur baby. What a beautiful tribute...thank you for sharing!!
    Hugging you gently

  11. Ohhh, how sad! What a beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry.

  12. Such a tough time & I'm so sorry! On my sidebar, I have a photo of my Maxie cat I lost 12/1. He was about the same age as Beethoven & had the same type of medical problems. I miss him so much! Maybe they are playing up in heaven with the rest of those who have gone over the bridge?
    Take care,

  13. I cannot stop crying right now. You have no idea how much your post meant to me. I don't think I ever got over my first cat's death back in 2002 and I swore that I'd never have another pet because of the pain from losing one. But, one little beautiful creature, that looks very similar to your Beethoven, (whose photos also end up in blog posts) walked straight into our lives and have once again, opened up my heart to unconditional love. No words could ever really describe the connection we have with our beloved pets. I am sending you and Beethoven loving thoughts.


  14. I am sorry for the loss of your beloved I don't profess to have the words to comfort you except to say (dammit i cant see what I am typing here I am crying for your loss) that I am profusely sorry that this happened I have lost one furbaby before in April 06 and you don't forget you just try to move on I have been in Aussie for two yrs now and could not bring my furbabys to aussie (long story) and the fact that they are some else's now doesn't take away the time and memories. I guess what I am trying to say is yes he has passed and this does not change the grief you are feeling but you will always have the memories I know that for sure

    take care

    Cee from

  15. Oh, Donna, I'm so sorry for your loss of Beethovan. What a beautiful, sweet face. I will miss his presence in your beautiful photos. We just lost our 15 year old cat, Sam. It is always too soon to say goodbye.

  16. Pets are so hard to be without. They love just because. You have wonderful pictures for memories.

  17. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing cat. So sorry for your loss. He lived a full and happy life.

  18. You were so fortunate to have found each other. He was so well loved and that is apparent in your tribute to him.

    It's never easy to lose a loved one. I hope your happy memories help you through this difficult time.


  19. as i sit reading this with my furball curled up in my lap i am crying uncontrollably... so sorry for your loss... i will so miss seeing him peeking through your photos.

  20. I understand totally how you feel, a couple of years ago I lost my beautiful Sasha after having him for 19 years and until his last 2 weeks was in perfect health. Such a wrench when he died, I had him longer than the kids!!! We too would have our conversations. But life moved on and we now have the lovely Bella....I will never forget Sasha though. My thoughts are with you.

  21. I'm so sorry you lost your friend Donna. I love my cat too. I hope you feel better when you look at all of the wonderful pictures you have of him and remember what a good friend he was.
    xo Susan

  22. Donna my heart is just breaking for you i have been here for my cat's and dog and even after years and years i sometimes cry sometimes i say there name out of the blue and sometimes i think i hear em....i think people who bond with pets are special people and i know you are.....

  23. Oh, Donna...I am so sorry you have lost your sweet baby! Our kitties become such a huge part of our lives and leave a big hole when they are gone. My heart hurts for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers...hugs...Debbie

  24. hugs, a huge loss for you and son. What a beautiful cat/friend.

  25. All pets are a blessing, but if we are lucky, once or twice in a lifetime we find a special one that the bond is beyond anything we can explain or describe to anyone hasn't experienced it. Beethoven is such a pet. I wish I had the power to take away all the pain you feel right now, but unfortunately I can't. Time will take care of that a little at a time, until you just remember the love. I am so sorry for your loss.

  26. You will most definitely see him in heaven.

    Love and hugs to you at this time.


  27. What a wonderful tribute to your sweet kitty... to video and keep photos like you did will keep him with you forever.... My girl, Rikki is now in her 17th year and I just don't know what I'll do without her one day. I need to give her a few extra hugggsss.
    Yes, you will meet up with Beethoven again sometime and I'm so sorry for your loss.

  28. I'm sorry Donna. Beethoven sounded like a wonderful pet to have..enjoy all the special memories,those you will have forever.

  29. Crying for you, Donna... You're getting all of these posts because we can't all come and hug you in person.

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  30. Beethoven was blessed to have you as his human just as much as you were blessed to have him in your life. You loved him fiercely and well.

    Blessed memories.


  31. Your words and thoughts are so beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

  32. I'm so sorry ... losing a pet is so difficult.

  33. What a handsome boy. It's never easy saying good buy and letting them go. But it's worth every second of heart break to have them for so many years. My heart goes out to you...

  34. He was a beautiful cat...he'll be waiting for you at the "Rainbow Bridge"...

  35. That is so sad Donna. I am sorry for your loss and I know it is heartbreaking to lose a special pet like your gentle giant.

  36. Donna, I am crying with you...We have lost many pets over the years, and it is so hard. They each hold such a special place in our homes and hearts. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I too know he'll be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge. What a beautiful, sweet boy!

  37. I'm so sorry. He looked like such a sweet kitty and I'm sure you'll miss him so much. Thanks for sharing his life with us -- he looked well loved.

  38. What a lovely tribute to your sweet and loyal friend! I'm so sorry for your loss.

  39. Donna I'm so sorry you've lost your dear friend, my heart is aching for looks as though you gave him the very best life...we are so blessed when we've had that one special pet we bond with...I lost my Chester last year and he was my best friend ever...he too was a big sweet heart...wishing you comfort in all the wonderful memories of a life shared...

  40. I know exactly how you feel. It is so heartbreaking to lose a loved pet. They are such an important part of my life and my family.

  41. I'm sorry to hear about your beautiful Beethoven's passing. Please feel pride in the knowledge that you gave him a wonderful home for so many years. There are many cats who never get a chance to sleep on a bed and be cuddled by a loving human. He will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge

  42. I'm sending love and prayers for peace and virtual hugs from a stranger. I'm so sorry.

  43. Oh Donna,I am so sorry for your loss. I have 2 "babies" of my own and dread the day that we will have to part but you are right about one thing. You will see each other again in heaven. God Bless You Dear.

  44. Donna, I know the pain that you are all going is painful and lonely. Your love for him is so special and beautiful...and made me appreciate your spirit even more. The bond will go on and he is always going to be there in spirit...You are a wonderful human being with so much love to give. I hope you find peace in knowing he is happy and whole...and not in pain anymore.

    XOXO, Meme

  45. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend.

  46. I am so sorry!!! You are very lucky to have had him for 18 years, but still it does not make it any easier. You want them to live forever! Here is a post I did when ours suddenly left us a couple months ago -

  47. what a beautiful tribute to your beloved baby.. I'm in tears <3

  48. Donna, I'm so sorry for your loss. Memories will be forever. Hugs.

  49. I'm so sorry Donna. We just lost our dog of 12.5 years in March. They make such an impact on our lives and we're so much better for the experience.

  50. A lovely tribute to your long-time friend. It's so hard to lose them.

  51. Awww what a beautiful story and yes you will see your friend again in Heaven. All pets go to Heaven. I am so sorry for your great loss. I cried six days and six nights straight (and then some) over losing one of my pets before. They are just like our real children. Sending prayers and hugs to you at this difficult time.

  52. My heart is breaking for you...I understand the pain. Hugs from your cyber friend.

  53. I am sorry that you are going through this heartache right now, it is never easy to say goodbye to our furry family members...I have been there too many times. My prayer for you is, that The Lord will hold you in His loving arms and comfort you like only He can...Beethoven is up in Heaven playing with all of the other kitties that have gone before him. xo

  54. I love the video you made Donna... so sweet... and I just hate that you had to say goodbye to your kitty.... so sorry! I really hoped he would pull through. I loved the part where he watched himself on the computer... I do that with our cat... it is so funny. Our cat is 13ish and his kidney numbers are high... so I try everything to give him liquid... I haven't reran his #'s in awhile... too scared to know... anyway... again... so sorry Donna!!


  55. Donna & Cody

    I Am So Very Very Sorry to Hear the Loss of Beethoven.... I was fortunate enough to know this sweet little guy and he was a Mother's boy.
    I swear the two of them knew what each other was saying, He was no ordinary cat. If you were looking for a cat to give you love, then Beethoven was that cat. When you were down and feeling blue or under the weather with the flu, Beethoven would be at your side. He was and always will be Donna's Tobin !

    I am not sure if Donna had ever shared why the name was given to Beethoven with any of you.
    For any of you that have had the chance to know Donna you will know she has many, many talents and one of them is playing the piano. I could listen to her for hours and it was beautiful.

    Well when she brought home her new find that brisk stormy snowy day, I was envited to come see her new addition. She sat down at the piano and played some christmas songs and said " You know he looks like the keys on the piano" and continued to play...... Not long after she stopped once again and said "Beethoven!, That's it! I am going to call he Beethoven"..........

    And the rest my friends is history.....

    I am thankful I had the chance to be there that day and throughout the years to see this little guy grow up ( truth be known he was a baby ) and he could'nt have found a better partner, friend and owner then in Donna, That little guy was loved and will be missed, but never ever forgotten....

    Rest in Peace Beethoven.....
    Rest in Peace

    And you will always have a special place in my heart....

  56. Donna,
    May the many memories you have shared over the years, comfort you now in the loss of your precious family member. Beethoven will always be with you in your heart.

  57. I am so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a beloved pet.

  58. Thank You for sharing with us! So sorry for your loss. I Love the video. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  59. I am in tears! What a heart warming story, thank you for sharing. I am so, so sorry for the loss of your furbaby. Aren't they just wonderful?! I lost my furbaby 3 years ago, to kidney failure. He was a blessing for so many years...and like you, we rescued him. To this day, I cannot get another is just too hard to lose them after so many years of devotion.
    Take care.

  60. My heart goes out to you in your loss. I have been there with beloved dogs. That emptiness is so painful. Take comfort that you gave him a wonderful life! Hugs.

  61. So sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.

  62. Thinking of you ....such a sweet story and thanks for shaing.

  63. Hey Donna, first let me say I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Beethoven. And blessings to you for rescuing an animal and providing a good life for him. I'm sure he lived a great life in your home. We have rescued animals too, and they too are so grateful. I think they know we rescued them. I have a strong bond with my Dobi, and can't imagine loosing her. You are in my thoughts and prayers and if you need to vent I'm only an email away. Hugs to you

  64. Tears are running down my face as I type this.
    I am SO SORRY for your loss, some pets are truly our soulmates. I still grieve for my Maddie(my Golden) and Boo(my first black kitty) both of which I am sure are waiting for me across that Rainbow Bridge.
    I wish I had some magical words to comfort you. Try to think of the happier times and how fortunate you were to have found each other.
    My Deepest Sympathies, Cindi

  65. I am so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose such a good friend and part of the family. We lost our Sissy, she was a German Shorthair hunting dog, at the age of 16! She was my husband's hunting partner and a perfect addition to our family, we still miss her so much. We have such wonderful memories and keep lots of pictures of her around.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!
    Take care....Jodi

    Dear Colleague: I do not know you and found your blog only today. And I cried a lot reading your tribute to Beethoven. I also have three cats that are important to me, are part of my day (one is blind, but very happy). I can imagine your pain and longing. So I came here to leave you a loving hug, my prayers for him and the confirmation of his hope: the certainty that he looks to a better place.
    With much love ...

    I am following your blog since now :)

  67. I am so sorry about Beethoven. Those furry creatures become such an intricate part of our lives and we miss them terribly when they leave us. So thankful for the days we get to enjoy their company.

  68. I am so very sorry for your loss. I am sitting here reading this, crying for you. You are in my prayers.

    Take care,

  69. Oh my goodness, hard to write through my tears. What a lovely remembrance. Having loved many animals the same way, I can totally understand what you are going through. Bless You ~

  70. What a beautiful way to celebrate a beautiful life. So sorry for your loss.

    Jill @ JunkyVagabond

  71. Donna,
    so sorry for the loss of your little one. I know you'll miss him so much...I couldn't watch the video--maybe another day.

  72. I'm truly so sorry for your loss. Pets are such a special part of our lives -- their love is so pure and unconditional. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your beautiful Beethoven.

  73. I don't know you, and it's been only recently that I started following your blog, but this huge loss for you and your family is getting to me way to hard. I silly!, but I adore animals so much, and have been through pet-losses that I can only imagine what you are going through. They are such a treasure, and such a big part of your family, that it is very hard to see them gone. I once heard that when we go to heaven, our gone pet-friends will be right there in the gate to greet us. Isn't that a lovely thought? Something I know I will be looking forward to! Bless Beethoven, and bless you for have made such great family.

    hugs and thoughts your way.

  74. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are family members and it is so hard when they leave us. May your sadness be replaced with the wonderful memories of the time you had with Beethoven.

  75. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved pet, Donna. Your Beethoven sounds like a sweetie. I have a few of my own, and I know how quickly they become a part of the family and what a void they can leave when they're gone...
    Sending you a big {hug}.
    ~ Jo

  76. Hi Donna, our feelings from Brazil about Beethoven lost... I know what are you feeling, I know the same bound with cats, they are like our childrens, they always are there for us. Actually I have 15 cats at home and they are so different from eachother is a delicious daily life. But I am sure that they still there for us after go to heaven and that they are very good there. Beethoven had a increadible and love life with you! We are blessend.
    Take care!

  77. Donna, I am so so sorry. He sounds like the most wonderful furry friend ever. I can truly understand why you miss him so much.

  78. Donna,
    Your photos are so serene..what a beautiful member of your family Beethoven was..I am so sorry for your loss..Those of us that know the true love and joy of a pet know what a difficult time this is for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers...tears are flowing for you....

  79. Donna, that was a beautiful tribute you eyes are wet watching it. I have had cats all my life, up to 5 now, and I can tell by watching what a love he was and how close you were to him. Some of them are like that, they have that special something that the others don't. I know you have an ache in your heart without him after all these years, he will always be one of the special "ones" you meet in a life with animals; I'll be praying for you because Ive been there, it's a hard price to pay for such a long loving relationship. I'm so very sorry :(-tears devon

  80. So sorry to hear about Beethoven. It's so very hard to lose a member of the family. Already I think about it. My dog is 12 years old. By the end of the day he doesn't want to climb the stairs to go to sleep. So every night I carry him up. It's become our hugging and holding time. I cherish it.

  81. Beautiful tribute. I cried and was reminded of my own special feline friend in heaven.

  82. I am so sorry for the sadness of your loss. I think one of the most precious and tangible ways God loves us is through our pets. Their love is so pure and constant and simply sweet. I pray you are showered with comfort and peace and enjoy all the many years you were blessed to share with him. Hugs through blog land...

  83. So Sorry for your loss. Those 4 legged little critters become part of the family and you begin to think they're human. My Sheltie is 15 and I dread the day when he leaves us. Thanks for sharing Beethoven.

  84. So sorry that his time has come; I loved your tribute even though my mascara situation is now iffy. My favourites were B watching himself on the monitor and his head snuggled under the burlap; you really were kindred spirits. Hugs to all four of you as you miss him. xo

  85. Donna, so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing with us what a sweet kitty he was. Although Beethoven is no longer by your side, he is forever in your heart!

  86. Awww, sorry Donna for the loss of your sweet boy. Loved the video tribute to him...we were laughing thru our tears watching him watch himself on the video. So precious :-)

  87. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  88. Oh, my heart breaks for you! It's so hard to lose a pet....It looks like he was a great buddy to have around. Love the video where he sees himself on the computer! ADORABLE. So sorry for your loss.

  89. My heart is with you, I know how painful it is to lose a beloved companion like Beethoven. We lost our parrot, who we'd had 20 years since he was a chick, a few years ago and we still miss him. You and Beethoven were blessed to have so many wonderful years together and I do believe his spirit is still with you.

  90. Oh Donna, I'm bawling my eyes out right now. I am so very sorry your precious Beethoven is gone. I was dreading this day for you. I understand that bond so very well, as I've had my sweet kitty Chloe for 16 years, and I am lucky she's still going strong. The life we share with our furry soulmate is so precious, and I cherish her love and companionship every day. My heart breaks for you today. Please know you have many Kindred Spirits holding you close in our thoughts.

    Warm Hugs from Portland, Maria with Magia Mia

  91. I am so sorry. Our Fur Family means so much to us.

  92. Deeply sorry for your loss.

  93. Donna - I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure he was a wonderful companion. We had our cat Tate for 17.5 years and lost him to cancer about 5 years ago. He too, was a gentle soul with a quiet nature, and was that way until the end. I look at his picture even now and his eyes are just as trusting and loving as they always were. The day he died, I cried like a baby. Some people believe cats aren't as loyal or communicative as dogs....that's just not so. Tate was a part of our family for many years and I miss him still sometimes. Blessings as you mourn Beethoven's passing. :)

  94. I'm in tears. What a touching tribute to your baby.

  95. We lost our Petey this past week. Thank you for your strength.

  96. So so sorry.........I lost my Sasquatch last year. I had him for 18 years!! He had 7 toes on each foot!!
    I loved him so much and was heart broken, in bed, sad......then a stay cat showed up in my yard a few days later. He was a mess, go him all cleaned up and he's never left. I think my best buddy Sasquatch sent him to me!

  97. SO sorry. :( What a beautiful little kitty and friend you had for 18 years! I know he will be missed.

  98. Donna,

    So sorry for Beethoven. You made a beautiful tribute. I know you will miss him terribly!

  99. So sorry for your loss, Donna. He does look like a well loved and liked kitty. His face reminds me of my Jax.
    You made me tear up a bit talking about your bond.

  100. Hi Donna,

    I am a LONG time reader but the first time I've ever commented on your page. My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss (I'm bawling as I write this). My family is preparing the time for our oldest Golden, Karma, to go stay with my Dad & Grandmother. She has an aggressive cancer and we're preparing to let her go. Everyday just seems to get harder to make that decision. You're Beethoven is a beautiful boy. I know that you will miss him but he will be there to greet Karma when she goes : ) Thank you for having such a sweet boy. I'll show her his picture and tell her to look for him.
    You're in my thoughts~

  101. Oh Gosh, this brought tears to my eyes. Loved how he looked at himself in the video. Was smiling through the tears. Thinking of you.

    Hugs, Renée
    a longtime lurker from Amsterdam, the Netherlands

  102. Oh no Donna, I'm so sad to hear this. I had my own best little gal for 14 years, so I understand how it hurts to no longer have them at your side. Sounds like he read you well and was a great comfort to you. I know you'll miss him. We've been without ours for 2 years now and I swear, I still expect her to be at the back door when I come home. Pets can certainly grow on us and wrap themselves around our hearts. I'm sorry for your loss.
    ow is the other cat coping? Does he realize Beethoven is gone from the house?

  103. I started crying when I saw the title of your post and was moved to sobbing as I read your moving words and watched your beautiful video. Thank you for sharing the life of your wonderful little man with us. I am glad you were able to have him home with you these past couple days and let him tell you when he was ready to go. I am so sorry for the heartbreak you are feeling. I know nothing will erase your pain, but please know there are so many of us here praying for you. I know there is no heaven without our precious dogs & cats so he is being welcomed with open arms by the loving arms of our Lord.

  104. oh gee... yeah, our pets are our children for sure! I'm one that cries. So sorry for your loss there. Good thing, you'll see him again in heaven! BELIEVE girl! love ya and all you do!

  105. So, so sorry for your loss. Beethoven was lucky to have you.

  106. What a beautiful video and tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss Donna.

  107. Today would have been my dad’s birthday, so I was already kind of weepy today, now I’m over the top. I’ve been stressing over my two ancient cats lately, both are about 21 years old, a mother cat and her kitten. The momma cat is getting senile and no longer jumps up in bed with us, but is staying closer to her food bowl an on her favorite blanket. Her kitten has now taken to spending her days curled up with her mother, but is still able to jump in bed with us at night. These two girls have been a blessing to me, seeing me through a difficult divorce and then financial hardship, then onto a new husband and step-kids. I’m dreading the day when it is time, so I feel your pain and understand your bond.

  108. So sad. I lost my 18 year old just after Christmas to kidney disease that was so sudden and heart breaking. Such a sad end for a loved one. X.

  109. Sorry for your loss. I also have a cat who is very precious to me. I had her for 13 years now, and she is the most wonderful cat I ever had. Very lovable. You are in my thoughts

  110. Oh Donna, I am so sorry to hear about your handsome Beethoven. I loved when he was in your posts. Especially when he was curled up on your bed. This tribute to him brought tears to my eyes. The bond you had with Beethoven sounds like the bond I had with my Boogabella. You are lucky to have had 18.5 years with Beethoven. You have accumulated many memories of your time together which you will be able to cherish forever.

    I will keep you in my prayers.


  111. What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss, Donna. I'm glad you and he had many happy years together, and I'm sure your parents will take care of him until you are together again. ♥

  112. Donna, I take medication that makes it impossible for me to cry. When I saw your tribute to Beethoven, I cried. The universe blessed you with a pet friend, because it knew you needed one. Lucky you. Fondly, Ann

  113. Such a beautiful tribute to a dear friend. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby girl Patches over 3 years ago and at times I still feel her with me when I go to bed

  114. I'm so truly sorry for your loss. Our furry companions etch their marks across the most tender spots in our hearts. I believe he will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge. hugs

  115. I just read your post and watched your tribute to Beethoven as I sit here, cuddled up with my own kitties. I choked up, because of your loss, but also because of how lucky we are to be touched by these little creatures so full of innocence and tenderness and love. I lost my own big black and white kitty -- Oreo -- six years ago. He was only ten, and I would give the world to have had him for as long as you had your bundle. I'm so sorry he's gone but so glad that you were blessed enough to have each other for so long.

  116. I am so sorry for your loss...I know what you´re going through! Time will make it easier but the void will always be there...I´m sure he had the best life with you. My heart goes out to you./Love Eva-Mari, Sweden

  117. I found your site via Apartment Therapy and just wanted to console you on your loss of a wonderful, wonderful cat.

  118. Donna, you are in my thoughts. Having lost our first dog last year, I feel your pain.

  119. An absolutely beautiful tribute to your cat. I feel like I know both of you now. I sat here and cried through it. I believe that you will one day see him again.

  120. So very sad for your loss. Your parents will watch over him for you as they watch over you each and every day. Hugs to you and your son. Maryjane from Storybook Cottage

  121. a very sad time. He loved you and you loved him. What a wonderful memory.

  122. I'm so sorry for your loss :-( I firmly believe that animals have a special place in heaven (they are God's creatures too, after all) and he is waiting to give you all his love when you get there. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your space, you have a wonderful blog!

  123. Donna, I've always felt I could just reach out and pet Beethoven in your pictures. I lost my cat Bootsie this past year. She too had the same coloring as Beethoven and long hair, and was such a love. I still see her walking around the house some days! You've been very blessed to have him in your life. As Ever, Annette Tracy

  124. I'm sure you've heard this, but it's really true---Catherine

    If tears could build a stairway,
    and memories a lane.
    I would walk right up to Heaven
    and bring you back again.

    No farewell words were spoken,
    No time to say "Goodbye".
    You were gone before I knew it,
    and only God knows why.

    My heart still aches with sadness,
    and secret tears still flow.
    What it meant to love you -
    No one can ever know.

    But now I know you want me
    to mourn for you no more;
    To remember all the happy times
    life still has much in store.

    Since you'll never be forgotten,
    I pledge to you today~
    A hollowed place within my heart
    is where you'll always stay.

  125. So sorry for the loss of your best furry friend.

  126. So sorry. May the outpouring of kind words and prayers from all of your blog friends help a tiny bit to ease your pain.

  127. So very sorry to hear this Donna. Bless your heart.

  128. Donna . . I only know you through your blog but subscribe and follow you closely. I am sorry for your loss . . you gave a beautiful tribute to such a faithful friend. Only we "pet lovers" truly understand. Praying the pain lessons with time.

  129. haven't even watched the video and I'm crying. I know it's so hard to loose a pet, not just a pet but he's like a child. I'll come back and watch the video's when all is quite in my world tonight.
    Prayers for your comfort and peace darlin.

  130. Such a beautiful tribute to your special boy ~ my eyes are leaking everywhere! I am so very sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter how long we have them, it's never long enough. The 18.5 yrs are such a treasure though and full of incredible memories...I know that helps a bit to ease this pain.

    Much love and peace ~

  131. Donna, my heart aches for your loss. The only hard thing about our precious pets is that their time in our life is only temporary. I believe that our sweet babies will be reunited with us when it's our time to cross over.

    Beethoven will be there waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge so he can once again rattle the blinds on your windows in Heaven. Thank you for allowing us to get to know him through your words, what a sweet soul.

    Much love to you my friend, I pray you find comfort in the many sweet memories you had with him.

  132. oh donna so sorry i have tears streaming down my face. anyone that has lost a beloved pet truely understands. i like the fact you plan to meet yours in heaven. hugs

  133. So sorry to hear about the loss of a faithful friend. When I was much younger I lost my sweet little Alli dog. My heart goes out to you.

  134. Donna~ I am so sorry. Beethoven sounds like he was such a wonderful cat, wonderful friend and part of your family. Sending you big hugs. Courtney

  135. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your loved one. I understand how hard that can be. A good friend of mine just lost her "dog daughter" who was even in her wedding as a flower girl. This poem is a good one:

    A Parable of Immortality

    I am standing upon the seashore.
    A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
    and starts for the blue ocean.

    She is an object of beauty and strength,
    and I stand and watch until at last she hangs
    like a speck of white cloud
    just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.
    Then someone at my side says,
    "There she goes!"

    Gone where?

    Gone from my sight . . . that is all.

    She is just as large in mast and hull and spar
    as she was when she left my side
    and just as able to bear her load of living freight
    to the place of destination.

    Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

    And just at the moment
    when someone at my side says,
    "There she goes!"
    there are other eyes watching her coming . . .
    and other voices ready to take up the glad shout . . .

    "Here she comes!"

    ~Henry Van Dyke

  136. from Italy
    Puki left me last January. For 19 years he had been my pillow cat. So I can understand your feelings and feel so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience.

  137. So very sorry for your loss.
    It sounds like he was a wonderful companion.


  138. So sorry for your loss. Pets have a way of sneaking into your heart. I lost my dear golden a year ago in April and we still miss him soooo much, he was our special boy. They all have their own special quirks that make them unique. Having a child never changed my relationship with my pets, ever, they were just another child to me.

  139. Pets are family. Period. I know from experience what you're going through at the moment. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

  140. Oh Donna! I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Beethoven! My heart goes out to you! Hugs!

  141. Our pets are members of our family. My condolences on losing yours.

  142. Oh, my dear dear lady.

    Reminds me of when we lost our cat Nala in my last 'rommie' house. She was like 'my' cat. It never was the same.

    My heart goes out to you and your family. I understand just how it fells, babe. <3

  143. So long Beethoven, I wish I had known you!

    Donna, I'm sorry. Losing a dear pet is like losing family. The tribute was so sweet and Beethoven's personality really shown through...loved the part of him watching you and himself on TV.
    Smile:-) Best, Vicki

  144. Donna and Cody I am so sorry for your loss. I can relate, our wonderful pet,a very large cat died after 15yr. I know you will meet again some day. They come and purr into our hearts and we miss them so much when they are gone.

  145. I am so sorry to hear about Beethoven, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers, I know how hard it is to lose such a sweet part of life!

  146. I'm so sorry to hear about Beethoven. He was such a gorgeous cat. I loved him watching himself on video. I'm all teary now. I dread the day when I'll have to say goodbye to my guy.

    Beethoven looked like he had a very happy life in your family!

  147. Donna, I'm so sorry for your loss. He was in your life for a good long time of love and companionship! This is a sweet tribute to your feline friend.

    Hope Cody is doing OK. Thinking about you both tonight!


  148. Aw crap. I swore I wouldn't cry. I'm not. I'm BAWLING my eyes out. This is a beautiful tribute to Beethoven - how he must be purring now as he watches this from his higher perch by your parents side. I'm sorry Donna, I know how much this hurts. I had to let Arwen go in February and it still hurts. Sending you hugs.

    "Her" and Romeo

  149. awww...sorry about your lil guy. We said g'bye to our Beagle mix, Ranger, last summer-he was 16 and a half, and was the ONLY dog my twins ever had-from 1st grade until college graduation! Having kids doesn't diminish the love you have for a pet that loves you all the time no matter what... again, my condolences. ♥

  150. Oh, heart just breaks for you, sweetie. I am so very sorry about the loss of your darling cat. I know too well the pain and void that seems to encompass your home right now. I look at my 16 yr/old Sophie and find myself holding her closer for longer periods, knowing our time together is so precious. Hold tight to your sweet memories of Beethoven, and know that there is another angel watching over you and waiting for you at The Rainbow Bridge. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  151. I heard about this on Apartment Therapy and had to come give my condolences. He was such a pretty boy! I'm so sorry for your loss.

  152. Donna I am so sorry for your loss. Glad you have so many precious memories. Gentlest of hugs.

  153. My son just lost his tuxedo cat of 10years, Loki.. He loved his cat too and Loki would take change from the dish on the counter and put it in his shoe,, My son said so he would have some extra change if he needed it..He could turn the doorknob and let himself out so they had to keep it locked, his was gone once for 3 days but came home.. They get in your heart and really leave a big hole when they are gone.. I am sorry and I know you will miss him dearly..

  154. I found myself rechecking your status today. I just found your blog this week...and read about Beethoven and his illness. I lost my dog to heart failure last year. She was one month from turning 15. I loved her so. When God made her He looked at her and saw that she was He does all his creations. I loved her from the depths of my heart. God is a God of Love and love ALWAYS wins. I loved Murphy and cherished her and because I did, God will honor that love and give her back to me one day just as He will give you Beethoven. There is no doubt that they will be there. I'm sorry about your loss. There is but a thin veil between here and heaven. So thin a breath can pass through it. I'll stand before my savior one day and my mom will be there along with a little yapping miniature dachshund running around my feet just as Beethoven will there when you arrive. I hope the sorrow lessens soon and the memories bring you a smile. You'll see him on the other side. I'm sorry for your loss.

  155. So sorry for your loss.

  156. You are all so amazing. I'm reading and rereading your comments of hope, love and prayers and they are really lifting me up.

    #163 Staci, if I ever wanted something in this world, it would be that wish to really come true. Objects mean nothing. Love is everything.

    My son is doing awesome. I am managing. One hour at a time. Bless you all!


  157. Donna, Thank you for sharing the memories of your beautiful Beethoven. All of us who have lost a much loved pet have tears for you today. I only hope you will be all right with knowing that your Mom and Dad will take care of him for you until you meet again. I will miss seeing him in your photos, he's been such a big part of your story. Take care, VBg

  158. I am so sorry to hear about Beethoven. There is something indescribable about the feelings when you lose a pet. I love my Bubba so much that sometimes I tear up just thinking about the day she may be gone...I can only imagine what you are going through and I teared up for you while reading this story. My thoughts are with you.

  159. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your special companion.

  160. Hugs Donna. I lost my cat Mitzi {about 12 years ago} but I had her for 18 years! I know the bond too well. We have a lab who is almost 11 and we see him getting old, I am sad to think we only have a few years left. May your heart not feel empty but full of the memories you had :)

  161. I am so sorry for your loss of Beethoven :( I saw your place on Apartment Therapy and loved his pictures. I was very sad to hear the news this evening on AT that your kitty had passed. I watched the video and cried and cried. I have a 4 year old son but that never diminished my love for my two cats. There have been times when they were the only ones to comfort me.
    I know one day you will see him again.

    Rest in peace, Beethoven..

  162. You poor thing. :o( I hope so much that something brings you comfort while you adjust. He is waiting for you, and I am sure he is so happy to have known the love you showed him.

  163. Sorry for your loss. There's nothing that will ever replace a furry best friend. I hope you see Beethoven in your dreams.

  164. Dearest Donna; I am so very sorry for your loss. Please take Comfort in the fact that he is at peace now, and is Happy and Healthy. He is with your Parents, and you will see him again one day.
    You have been so richly Blessed to have had him for as long as you did, and he for having you be his Mommy. Please be Happy in knowing that he Loved you so much, and was so Happy living with you. You are in my Thoughts and Prayers. God Bless You.

  165. So sorry Donna. They always manage to find that special place in our hearts that keep us going and make life that much better. What an amazing and loving life he had, God meant for the two of you to be together.
    Hugs to you.

  166. Donna I am sorry to hear about the lose of your beloved Beethoven. Our pets are like family.

  167. Donna, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. I know how it feels to lose a pet. Deb Plapp

  168. I'm with ya sister. My little Katie (bassett hound) didn't make it either. She passed away Tuesday 05/10/11 at 3:17 AM from kidney failure. I have had her and her brother Matt since they were 10 weeks old and they will be 10 years old in September 2011. They only have been appart to have surgery. Matt and I are so lost. It seems so odd to get in bed and it just be Matt and me. We all three slept together. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Maybe Beethoven and Katie are in heaven together. I hope so. Sending one of our guardian angels to be watch over you now. Try to have a good day. . . oxox

  169. I'm so sorry to hear about Beethoven. I just came across your blog via Apartment Therapy but have to drop a line as a fellow pet owner who knows the great impact these little furballs have on their owners lives. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful creature. Hugs to you from DC.

  170. I am so sorry for your loss! He's a beautiful cat :-) Surround yourself with animal lovers right now -- when we lost our dog last Fall, we learned that was the best thing for surround yourself with others that understand how deep love can go for an animal. Peace.

  171. I clicked over from Twitter expecting to find something about stairs from a RT... To find this post about your beloved cat, Beethoven. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our cat, Gigi last September and she could have been Beethoven's sister. I know your pain and say a prayer for you this morning.

    Sending so many healing thoughts your way too.

  172. I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of Beethoven. He was a beautiful boy who was lucky enough to enjoy a long, wonderful life with a family who loved him so much. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. xo

  173. I am so sorry Donna. The bond between pets and their families is so very strong. It's so hard to say goodbye for now. I'm sending you a big hug.

    Susan and Bentley

  174. Aw Donna, just saw this post and am so sorry for your loss. Beethoven was such a big beautiful boy and we will all miss seeing him in your pics. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
    Sending hugs your way,

  175. I was doing ok watching the video until I saw the last picture of you and Beethoven ~ and I completely lost it. I lost my beautiful Katie Kristine a year ago this coming May 24. Such wonderful memories. Linda, NE IA

  176. Sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. God bless...

  177. so sorry Donna! I can feel how hard it is for you, we will soon be facing that moment with our dog. Take care

  178. awww, so sad BUT sounds like he had a wonderful family during his life on earth. think of him now with lots of fresh water, yummy food and treats, constant sunshine for those nice long naps, when he purrs he's thinking of you. and by the way, i would have thought he was my cat Schmoopy, only she has a black nose, but they could be twins....

  179. I am sorry for your loss. We put our old sweet gald own last summer, at the age of 16 1/2, due to renal failure also. How I prayed I could get to have her till she was 18. It was brutal day, a loving decision, and the hardest thing I've ever done. I miss her still, but have since picked up two sweet boys from the local shelter to help fill the void. Aren't pets grand?

  180. What a precious friend you've had throughout the years! I love the video with him looking at the computer screen. So cute. I'm glad you have so many great pictures to remember him by.

  181. Hi, Donna!
    I found today your blog through Apartment Therapy and I loved your home.
    I´m so sorry to know for the lost of your sweet Beethoven;I understand you so well because I have a sweet female cat called "Maria" living with us for 15 years and I refuse to think that some day she will pass away. This is life but it´s really sad.

  182. Beethoven was your Soul Cat. I've had and lost a Soul Cat also. There is no comparison. I hope you find comfort in knowing that he felt the same way about you.

  183. So sorry to hear of your loss. Big hugs to you!

  184. I'm so sorry, Donna. I loved the tribute. I know you will miss him and how he would inspect any change in the house or anything new added (because we all know, it must pass the cat's inspection first). Hugs to you!

  185. I'm so sorry that you have lost your friend. But I am so encouraged at the length of his life. I have 2 cats, littermates, who were born at our house. They just turned 7 years old last week. They are the first cats I've ever had as I have always been terribly allergic to cats but for some reason not these. Now after hearing about Beethoven and some of the cats loved by other commenters I'm encouraged that I will have them a good long while longer. I hope when the time is right you will open your heart to a new companion. It would be a fitting tribute to your friend of so many years. Just don't expect it to be the same. That kind of bond is rare and difficult to duplicate. I will try to stop crying now.

  186. I am so sorry for your loss. I had to have my kitty put down last year as he has urinary problems and was never the kind of cat that you (or the vet for that matter) could treat. We all tried. He always lived in his own little world and on his own terms. He was 10. And before that I had to have a 17 1/2 year old BFF cat put down. He was my Ozzie to your Beethoven. The pics of Beethoven are beautiful. I love your funky junk, also.

    Ellen Hite

  187. Donna, what a beautiful tribute. The music worked out perfectly with the slideshow. My favorite part was Beethoven watching himself on the screen and I expected him to look behind when he disappeared.
    You share with us the importance of making the most of our days together.
    Beethoven had the most wonderful life with you and remains in your heart.
    Never doubt that you did the very best you could for him.
    May you remember the good times with a smile until you are together again.

  188. Donna, my heart goes out to you and your son. I am going to have to hold off on watching the tribute until I can be emotionally stronger. All of your readers have said what I'd like to say so eloquently; I hope they bring you comfort.

    I lost my beloved orange tabby Jasper 2 yrs. ago next month. He lived until 1 wk. before his 17th birthday-his last 10 yrs. with diabetes. I am disabled & now bedridden most of the time, & we were quite the pair.....he was my constant companion & protector. He even tried to "save" me from the paramedics that were trying to get me to the ER when I suffered a heart attack! He was truly unique. I think about him every single day & I know all of our beloved kitties are waiting for us in a special place one day.
    Sending you my deepest sympathy & hugs,
    Lisa in Lake O., Oregon

  189. I came today to "check in" on your kitty and was filled with great sadness at the news. Your tribute to him is so beautiful and heart felt, I sat here and cried when I watched it. But you know what? You're right, you will see him in heaven, I believe our heavenly Father wants us to be so happy when we get to heaven that our pets will be there, waiting for us! I am so sorry, Donna, I know you miss him terribly, but he'll be waiting for you!

  190. Oh donna :( I'm so sorry. I loved your video/picture tribute, some of it made me laugh (love your bed hat LOL) and some of it made me cry. Remember when you discovered that Beethoven looked just like my cat Bonnie? Well, I said goodbye one year ago to my solid black cat (like yours!) named Boo. He was 17 years old and also my cat pillow. Every night I would lay down on my side on the couch to watch TV. Shortly thereafter he would jump up and lay across my side and purr. It was months before I got over him not laying on my side at night. I still miss him dearly, he was my bud. You'll see Beethoven again someday. I love the story of the Rainbow Bridge and know that he's up there romping around with Boo biding time until we arrive to pick them up and cuddle them. Sending a big cyber hug your way. ((((HUGS)))

  191. Dear Donna,

    I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I lost our beloved boy this week, too, and it was so sudden and devastating. Our Bubba was only 11 years old, but in those years, he grabbed hold of my heart each and every day. Many hugs to you from someone who not only reads your blog all the time, but now also understands your loss very deeply.



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