Friday, May 13, 2011

A gift, a special linkup and a message - thanks to my cat

 I can't thank you enough for your heartfelt wishes and prayers you've offered my way the past few days.

Not only are you expressing your thoughts online, Cindy and LeeAnn, two local readers gave me some beautiful flowers. I was so surprised! How can this colour NOT make you smile through tears?!?

 And also this rockin' awesome giftcard to Starbucks! Oh my dear grande cinnamon dolce latte, I shall be there soon! My son likes the Jones rootbeer so we're planning a date. And we will toast our little Beethoven and the gals while we enjoy. Thanks so much, girls! Very touching.

 And someone was watching the entire photoshoot of the gifts.

This is my little girl Teddy, short for Teddy Bear. She's loaded with special quirks and one of them is overseeing EXACTLY what I'm up to all day long. She's been my little protector lately, helping to calm the storm.

 Here I am banging out work in my downstairs office Thursday. She generally hangs around on the window sill in front of the monitor, so it's an extra special treat when she cuddles up against the keyboard. Stressed about work deadlines? A little pet and purrrr moment wipes that out quite nicely.

Talk about a dentist's dream!

Ahhh, she's my special little girl. And she's getting extra cuddles these last few days.

I miss my boy so much but am keeping busy. Busy is better than overthinking something you can't have back, ya know?

What every cat owner should know

My pets are the indoor variety so they didn't travel to the vet on a regular basis due to that.

Some cats don't show deterioration when something is wrong. Beethoven was one of them. While he lost weight, I summed it up to old age. The day he lost his balance, I raced him in. And that's when the bad numbers hit the fan and I was told in no uncertain terms how dangerous it was to attempt to nurse him back to health. Ask your vet what can happen when they're at the ending stages of kidney failure. It's not pretty.

Kidney failure is very common in cats simply because they use their kidneys HARD. They can get the failure from lots of things, but the most common for healthy cats is simply old age. That was Beethoven.

What my vet wants to say

Every cat over the age of 13 needs to be checked out.

Don't mess with this. While you can't remove the disease once they have it, you can slow it down. Had I known of Beethoven's illness, I MAY have gotten him to live 2 more years. His level of stage 4 was pretty dramatic.

It's just so shocking to think things are fine and then have him gone in a blink of an eye. I had no idea. No idea.

I was very blessed to have this perfect pet that didn't even 'put me out' when he was at his very worst. His deterioration the last two days was mind boggling. It was if I was given a heads up so I could say my goodbyes. It was an absolute privilege to care for him the way I did the last two days.  The last day he slept on my bed, I knew it had to be the last regardless. I'm so glad I gave him one last shot. I'll never forget it. Or him.

If pets do go to Heaven and I'm given a choice on a special pet to hold and to love for eternity, this big guy's on my list. So look for us when you join us too, ok? I'd like to show you how special he is. :)

You can catch all the updates on Beethoven HERE.


A special pet themed SNS
next weekend

We're always taking photos of our homes for show and tell and sometimes our animals get caught in the mix as an afterthought. I'd like to give you some homework.

I'd like to host a themed linkup next weekend for SNS on getting those precious shots with your pets.

One day they will be gone and that's all you be left with. And I guarantee you, those shots will be priceless. Ask me how I know.

I delayed getting some excellent shots of Beethoven when he was sick because I anticipated on bringing him home again. But I was wrong.  He didn't come home again and I feel sad about not taking that extra step.

Don't let the same happen to you. Do a photoshoot of your special furry friends in your home alongside your favorite decor. Capture the essence of your decorating along side your buddy and you will have a portrait that will mean the WORLD to you once your pets are gone.

This one's for Beethoven. And for yourself.

See you next weekend with PETS IN YOUR HOME as the 3rd themed linkup. Thank-you Ann, for this wonderful idea. It's a GREAT one.

If you're new here and don't know what SNS is, click HERE for last weekend's installment)

SNS 81 this weekend

SNS 81's draft disappeared due to Blogger maintenance. If it isn't back by 6pm pacific, there will be no SNS this weekend. I'll check back at that time to see if things are back on track. If not, use the time to get those pets involved. You'll never regret it!

The vintage hardware theme will simply be moved to the weekend after the pet theme so save those drafts!

Next week - we're back in full DIY swing again! Lots of fun happening so get ready to play along! :)


  1. Our bulldog died in December. We knew he was sick and we were able to bring him home from the vet and spend the weekend saying goodbye before taking him back for the inevitable. We took lots of pictures throughout the weekend and I'm SO glad. Everytime we come across any photo of that crazy bulldog, we all just smile.

  2. Sorry about your kitty. I didn't see the post as I am having problems with my blog and have been all week. I know how bad that hurts to loose a part of your furry family.

  3. I just discovered your blog through a friend in Chilliwack. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! What a sad story. Made me give Java an extra hug and not scold too hard when she wiped out a quilt I had laid out on the living room floor today!

    LOVE what I've seen of your blog so far. Making me think shabby thoughts... good thing hubby's good at renos and painting!

  4. So sorry to hear about your little guy kitty. They ARE family, just not in human form. I've had to put a couple of good old kitties down, one from old age with kidney failure & the other from cancer. It's so rough on the whole family.

    We don't have any inside pets now, but we have a silly-girl dog that stays outside. I've been working on scrapbook pages of her for both my kids.

  5. My heart goes out to you and your son - it's never easy to lose an old friend. I wanted to tell you about a wonderful book called CAT HEAVEN. Cynthia Rylant is the author/artist (and she has DOG HEAVEN, too). It's a sweet little book and the illustrations are lovely too. I hope that you find comfort in the memories - sounds like he had a good life with you.

  6. Hey Donna, your other kitty is cute too. Thanks for sharing about Kidney disease. My MIL's cat just passed away with the same problem and she was only a few years old. The pet link up is a great idea. I always try to post about my pets a few times a month at least. Hugs

  7. i can name every pet i ever owned and can say i miss each 1 for something special they did to make a spot in my last pet was my boxer Jordan Montnana she is gone 4 yrs in June and i still cry and miss her terribly, tg for cookie my cat and i wanna say she is a work of art is no cat ever gonna replace with all that i am so sorry for your loss your braver then i am i couldn't handle those last 2 days you had....but your have many wonderful memories and many tears for your loss.

  8. I know how you feel since my white cat, Taz, went through exactly what yours did. He was fine and then it was too late. I was told there was nothing I could do, so I didn't bring him home to nurse him but instead wrapped in a blanket to be buried here. I miss him very much. We have one cat now, a black male named Jed that looks exactly like your Teddy, and I don't think he has many months left himself :( It's so difficult.

  9. Due to home renovations I haven't been on the computer the last couple of days and missed your last post (I am a lurker and read all your posts). Just wanted to leave a comment this time and say how sorry I am you lost your cat. I have lost a cat to kidney failure who was just 4. She also lost weight, after an operation (remove an abscess from her mouth) and she never got better. I thought she was recovering from the surgery and tried to nurse her back to health at home as well, until it was too late. We gave her IV's for two full months and it took me a fortune, but she didn't make it and I feel so terrible guilty I didn't go sooner to the Vet.
    I also have a cat missing for almost 1.5 years now. Reading your post really touched me.
    There is a website called under the rainbow bridge. Maybe it can give you some comfort. I am sure we"ll meet our beloved pets again someday. Wishing you comfort to get trough these days. Hugs!

  10. My heart breaks for you just as it broke for my son and his dog Two Spots. When he found a quarter sized lump by her neck/jaw area he rushed her in to the vet. He was told in no uncertain terms she had a very fast acting cancer that would take her soon. In three weeks time the tumor had grown to the size of a softball and she went to her final resting place. Your sweet little man will be waiting for you and one day he will greet you with a big smile and purring to tell you he sure has missed you too. It is hard on anyone who looses a pet they have had for many years. They are loved and never ask for anything but food, water, and our love in return for their loyalty. Please know that prayers are being offered up for you and your son for your loss. Thank you for sharing such a personal time with us.We care about you and your family even though we have never seen you. You came into our homes through the internet and we invited you in. If I could reach out and give you a hug I would but distance prevents it so wrap your arms around yourself and feel the love and concern from us all because we care about you very much.

  11. I had the same thing happen to not one, but two cats a year or so ago. With both of them, it was very sudden. With the first, we tried everything we could to save him, only to have him eventually succumb to the illness. When the second one showed the same signs (a year or so later), we knew what was happening and chose not to have her suffer. Both were fairly young cats; under 10 years old. Kidney failure in cats comes on very quickly and can be devastating. I'm so sorry for your loss and wanted you to know that I can truly emphathize with you.

  12. I'm terribly sorry about your kitty kat. I can't imagine how hard this is for you.

    I wanted to thank you for the pet advice since I've been pondering the same thing about my kitty. He's been an indoor cat all his life. I stop taking him to the vet last year since he doesn't have contact with any other pets and he hates the ride to the vet. You have changed my mind and I will take him this year again since I don't want to loose him - ever. He's been through happy and very bad times with me.

    We are sending a big hug your way and 'thanks' again for the advice.

  13. Having had cats my whole life and recently losing 3 who grew up together and lived to be 18, I understand the depth of your loss. I think it's a great tribute to Beethoven to have a pet link up. I won't miss this one!

  14. I'm sorry for your furry loss! The pet photo shoot and link up sounds like a great idea.

  15. Hi Donna, I went thru this same illness and result with my sweet little white girl who was 12. I still miss her. Decisions like that are gut wrenching. Prayers were said for you guys.
    I lost my linkys for my blog party too (Vintage Inspiration Friday), I just went in and recopied and pasted my current code and it came back up. You might try that. Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo Debra

  16. Sending you good thoughts, this was a lovely post for a lovely friend.

  17. I have lost a kitty to kidney failure, too, Donna, and it is hard to watch. I am glad you have your little girl to give you those special kitty hugs that you need right now. I am taking my sweet Ozzie to the vet to get her check-up since she is just about to turn 13. I am so blessed to have my staff of four and so many wonderful photos of each of them since they play such a huge roll on my blog! You are still in my thoughts and prayers. Your Beethovan was much loved and had a full and happy life and that's what counts!...hugs...Debbie

  18. I work at a vet clinic and we always recommend that pets get a senior bloodwork done at the age of 7, just to try to catch anything before it can progress too far. Sometimes the right diet and/or medication can really add years to a pets life. Of course sometimes I think that when our pets are acting healthy and playful, well it's just not something that we think about. And sometimes you can do everything right on schedule and life still throws a curveball. Thanks for posting the cat info to make others aware!
    I'm going to try to figure out how to link up to SNS (I not very computer-smart) but I have a ton of photos! Sometimes I think I write more about my dog Blue on my blog than I do about anything else! LOL!
    Your Teddy looks just like my Harry! (He's the cat love of my life.) I hope she can give you some comfort during these sad times!
    Hugs, - Cindi

  19. Of course pets go to heaven! Heaven isn't some fluffy place where we all hang out on clouds, strumming harps in a dreamy half-conscious state. It's full of love and energy and the people and things we love. It's a joyous, complete, peaceful place--like the best family reunion ever, where nobody has to do the dishes. ;o)

    You can bet your cogs Beethoven is there, and you'll get to enjoy his company again. He loves you, and the bonds of love are honored on the other side.

  20. How typically generous of you to think of including some tips on keeping our beloved cats safe during your time of sadness and loss. Beethoven isn't surprised by your kindness and is smiling and nodding, saying, "That's my mom." to all of the other fondly remembered pets.
    These comments bear witness to the love each of us have for the animals that we bring into our homes and lives. I couldn't imagine my life without my fur babies, past and present.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!