Monday, May 9, 2011

Being original takes GUTS... and gets you on Apartment Therapy

 If you're visiting Funky Junk for the first time today from Apartment Therapy, welcome!


Today my feature went live! And they did an amazing writeup and spread. Thanks Sarah!

Now know, when I got called to guest over yonder, my first thought was, "Gahhh.... they're so honest over there!"

And then I smiled. Isn't that what we want when we design? We want honest to goodness feedback at times so we can better ourselves.

Well, I do anyway.

Blogland has become my soft place to land. You're most gracious with your comments and kudos, which inspires me to keep going to no end. But at times, don't you ever wonder if your stuff really IS good?

Well, you can see for yourself what the big ol' world is saying about my stuff right now. Some of it's complimentary, and some of it's pretty frank and honest. But I've honestly been looking forward to the feedback. I mean, I've really been curious.

 Most of you that have followed me for some time know my story and why I design why I do. I don't have an extra 10 cents to go out and buy new stuff. I'm busy paying off loans like most of the world, so rather than get the latest greatest retail trinket, I pick up junk and create out of it. It's free, and pushes me to the hilt to be creative.

But there's more to why I do what I do.

It's original.

Why does that matter so much? Wouldn't it be simpler if I hawked every PB catalogue I could and just copied their stuff so I knew without a doubt everyone would love my home? Why yes it would. And chances are, most would adore my stuff that way too. Possibly even more than what I pump out today.

But you see,  the moral of my story in creating unique things is to invent new ways of doing things. Because if I invent, I grow.

My point to why I do what I do is to help inspire you to think differently. To not fear what others may say about your stuff. To go out on a limb and put that idea you've had in your head to work, rather than it stay a dream.

Being original takes guts.

Being original makes you a leader, rather than a follower.

Being original has earned you the kudos AND stinging comments you'll likely land. So wear them proudly. :)

 When you get to Apartment Therapy,  ensure you click the ENTER HOUSE TOUR text. That's where the mass of pictures are. It's in slide show format so it's really easy to whip through.

Look! There's my little stair model. :)

Thank-you Sarah for spotlighting my home and work! I'm thrilled to be on board! Honesty and all. :)

So why not go take a peek HERE and tell me whatcha REALLY think? :)

Do the possibility of 'honest critiques' hold your creativity back?


  1. I used to read apartment therapy. I noticed that the comments were actually very harsh and mean a lot of the time. it really turned me off. Here, you have people putting their homes out for all the world to see; they are so proud of their work...then to have people tear it down?

    There *are* nice comments on there, and I know as a writer or blogger we can't be too overly sensitive; but I feel like some of the comments are just downright nasty.

    Love your stuff, you ARE original!

  2. Congrats on the feature! Well deserved, to be sure!
    Learning 'the other side' is always thought provoking. You can grow from listening to that. I hope you gain insight from all the feedback. (but I have a feeling majority of those readers are going to love your stuff!)

    It can be easy in blogland to get sucked into trends and not come up with something of your own. But you are right, it is the original ideas that typically stand out. Not the copies. Thanks for being the 'leader in junk' and always inspiring!

  3. You are so amazing Donna and deserve all the recognition you get...One of a kind...that's what you are...xo

  4. LOVED the house tour, so very original and bold. And congrats for being featured in AT!

  5. Bravo Donna...Ive been following for awhile and the reason is because you are original and inspiring. Im the mother of 5 and I cant afford to go out and shop PB or Ballard so I look at their photos and think how can I make something better. YOU ROCK!
    I've been told in comments to my posts...oh it's a bit much for my taste" Well yes, because it's MY TASTE!" lol But you are right you cant let it get to you. I continue to do what I do and share with my friends who choose to follow me in blogland just as I follow you!

    Love your house, love your blog...your my Junkin Hero!

    Lucky 7 Design

  6. by the way, I meant to answer: critiques would never stop me from using my own style. It's my house, I want to decorate in the style that I love! :-)

  7. The blogger network just ate my lengthy comment. I'll have to recreate it tomorrow. Ann

  8. You know I love all you do. I guess if everyone loved the same thing it would be a really boring world we live in. I like industrial, but not modern design. I would never follow that sort of blog and if I saw modern design featured on a blog I liked I wouldn't write negative comments about it. Just because I don't care for it, doesn't mean it's not beautiful to others. I love that you are unique, determined, and not afraid. Never change. You have always been my blogging mentor and you inspire and challenge me.

  9. Congratulations Donna! The thing I love about you is that you are so real. You work with what you have and it turns out beautiful because of your creativity. I love that you always think outside the box and do your own thing. It's inspiring and you are a testament that you don't need a lot of money to make your surroundings beautiful. Thanks for always inspiring me.

  10. I'm so excited to have found your blog! I absol love vintage things and am constantly trying to work them into my existing decor. What fun to have your guidance!! Congrats on a fabulous article. XOXO

  11. Originality is what makes our world beautiful and interesting! Congrats on being featured, and keep doing what you're doing! And I'm also happy your sweet kitty is doing better! We lost our older Border Collie last week and it was simply gut wrenching!

    Kat :)

  12. Oh very cool. What a nice milestone for you. Often we are very influenced by what we see others doing and don't think about our true wants and needs. I am more concerned with my house making me feel happy then what the Pantone Color of the Year is. You set a great example by just doing your own thing. I've even found myself with some old weathered wood thinking, what could I do with this ? Then I remembered! This is what Donna does! I don't need weathered wood. I just need my thing. I love your style. I wouldn't take everything from your house and put it in my house. I expect you would feel the same way.
    ~ Christie

  13. Congrats, Donna!

    I must agree with Comment numero uno up there-- Apartment Therapy has some nastiness going on.

    While I love your outlook on the comments (you're so upbeat and easy to brush it off), but I'm so appalled at some people's need to spread nastiness.

    Truly? Probably jealousy.

    Here's my thing: I see stuff every day on blog land I don't care for. I personally think normal people look at stuff, in their mind go "Eh, I don't care for that." And move on. That's it.

    The need to leave a nasty comment says more about the person and their problem.

    You're fabulous. :)

  14. I love your style! I have collected a lot of the same junk over the years, but you have a wonderful way of making the Funky Junk look so wonderful. My stuff looks more cluttered and unorganized, then I get frustrated and put it away again. Love visiting your site for inspiration.

  15. Congrats, Donna, you deserve it! I LOVE your home and your sense of style. It is very unique. You are such an inspiration to all of us!

  16. Congrats, You deserve it just for those steps that you made and I absolutely love. All your stuff is unique and inspiring.

  17. Congrats Donna for being yourself and not following any latest trend. I love your style, it's relaxed, homey, lovely.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  18. I went over and checked it out...awesome feature post! Congrats Donna! As far as the people saying things are overkill and any other form of negativity, we can only dismiss them because obviously you are doing something right. You have a loyal fan base and have been having a chance to shine recently so don't let anyone stand in your way! You are awesome and we all love you!

  19. Hey Donna, I love your stuff!! It's obvious that not everyone can see beauty in all things. I think the more positive and happy a person is, the more creative & inventive he/she becomes. Besides, the world would be a very dull place if we all agreed on everything!


  20. Donna, congratulations on your success. I really admire your style and creativity. We need people like you to go out there on a limb and do cool things so people like me, who lack this kind of special creativity, can copy you! :)

    Enjoy the positive and the negative. Take what is good and true from the negative, learn from it, and keep on plugging.

  21. Hi Donna-

    What a great feature over at Apt Therapy. I find it very interesting to read the comments as they are so different from the kinds we receive here in our own little niche of blog land. I recently had a feature on Design Sponge where there was a mixed bag of comments from yeah to yuck. I only know you can't please everyone, so you just have to please yourself. You are one very talented DIY'er and I love your ingenuity and style.

    My best- Diane

  22. Your style is an inspiration - everyone should take what they like from a style and make it their own...which is what you do with your 'junk'! Congrats on the feature - you deserve all the praise we heap on you :)

    Jill @ JunkyVagabond

  23. Yay for you! You deserve it...:) Love U and your style!

    Xo ,Meme

    BWT, i am having a $100.000 giveaway...ok $100...;) If you get a chance stop by and sign up!!! :D

  24. I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion, but personally, I LOVE your style. Do you think you could head on over to New England to help me out with a few projects? :o) I love found decor and vintage inspired rooms, but my house unfortunately does not reflect that - just stuck in a rut, I guess.

  25. My official favorite of all time are those stairs. They are on my list for my home. Huge congrats on the spread on Apartment Therapy!

  26. You certainly can't win everyone over. And a lot of people probably prefer just small touches or rustic and diy.

    But you also have a lot of fans. I absolutely LOVE your style and the way you decorated your home. The natural materials and colors along with all that natural light -- how could you NOT feel absolutely cozy and creative being in that space!

    Kudos to you and congrats on the feature!

  27. I have never read your blog before your feature on AT. I couldn't believe the comments posted- I really appreciated your style. I hopped on over to see a bit more and read this beautiful post. This is an entirely graceful way of approaching the feedback. I must agree with your other readers, many of the readers on AT are spoiled with what they can afford or where they live and cannot see the forest for sake of the tree. So sad. I commend you for your grace even in the face of nastiness.

  28. Congrats girl!! Kudos to you and your "junk style"! I personally love it. It works for you and that is what counts!

  29. You ROCK! You are my daily inspiration! I have started buying all of the old wooden boxes I see at yard sales and picking up old rusty things out at the farm and my husband is concerned...he will understand soon enough :)

  30. Congrats on the feature, my friend! Take the comments (good and bad) with a grain of salt. It's hard to put yourself out there sometimes and it can be hard to have your personal work and private spaces critiqued. This is a real accomplishment being featured on such a huge site. Enjoy it!

  31. I think you have done rather well...we all love you anyway...and that is what counts! Bravo for a job well done! It's about time someone recognized your talent!

  32. I'm a first time reader of your blog and I think you're brilliant!

  33. This is so great! Congratulations...A very well deserved honor. Had to laugh at some of those comments though, I never quite understand why some people share anything negative. I'm kind of like Thumper's mother in the Bambie movie; "if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all" :)

    I for one am so very grateful for all you share, who isn't on a tight budget these days and for that matter I really don't enjoy spending my hard earned money on something I might see in someone's home. Something made by hand on a weekend with my hubby is enjoyed much more if nothing more than for the memories we made while making it.

    Keep on cranking out that inspiration Ms.FJI, I love junk and have a lot of it, so I need your help with finding just the right use for it all!

  34. you always stay true to "your style"... thats why i follow and thats what keeps me coming back for more funky junk inspiration... thanks for that.

  35. I found your blog only about a month ago. I loved your style and you hooked me from the get. Especially with your post on the table. I fell in love with the idea of using pallet wood. Now that I've gotten to see even more of your creations you have inspired me to create, create, create. I'm on the hunt for some pallets. LOL

  36. Congratulations on your Apartment Therapy feature!! I stumbled across it when looking something else up and am now hooked on your blog! Keep up the good, and unique, work!!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!