Thursday, February 10, 2011

My call came. Are YOU ready?

I sat and waited for the call.

The appointment had been made the day before. They had found me on their own. I was still giddy over that and today was the call day.

I was ready. And even a little nervous. Why? No idea. How silly! But I was.

Oh. I know why now. Because this was dream material in the making.

And then the phone rang.

And we had an awesome talk! Which won me my first assignment. To prove to a major book publisher that I had what it took to write a book. On funky junk style decorating. And I had until next Thursday for a sample draft with enough substance to help sell the idea.

Write. Photoshoot. Stylize a book. Me. In under a week.


I've always wanted to write a book. In fact, I've started two ebooks. But I always dragged my feet working on them.

Truth be told, I've always wanted to do a proper FJI book riddled with info from start to finish. Who I am, how I find stuff, what I look for, what I do with it to make it safe, how I fix it, then finally bring it into a home to make it sing.  And I also envisioned volume 2 and 3 as well because I'll never stop creating new things. Dream talk!

It'll never happen so may as well dream big, right?

Wrong. Be careful what you wish and pray for. Someone's listening. And others are watching.

How to be ready for your call


Take your photos over and over again until you LOVE them. Then tuck them somewhere safely in high res. Figure out your software editing and do it well. You'll need it.


Write before you get the call. Have at least a draft! Have something on the go so you don't have to pump out 12 months of writing in 3 months. Just do it! A little at a time, whatever you can. Don't be like me and procrastinate.

Do the renos

If a magazine called you desiring high res pics of your home, what would you do? Or better yet, a team dragged their cameras in tomorrow? Get your stuff done. I know it's hard and you're tired after work. But chip at it abit at a time when you can. A little is better than nothing. Because trust me... should that call come, you'll wish you did it prior.


Believe it can happen to you, because it can. Believe in prayer and put it into practice. I could tell you stories that would give you the chills. And this is one of them. And believe you are capable of doing this because you are.


Are you good at something? Does something come completely painless for you? You need to write about it if someone else can learn from it.

One of my ebooks is getting the most out of your point and shoot - how to use it and how to get that photoshoot you're ultimately after. Without an SLR. It can be done and I can teach you. Lots of new material and tips I haven't blogged about yet. Sorry that one isn't ready yet... :P

My other ebook is a collection of inspirational stories that teach. Things that have happened to me and what I learned from them. Happy, and deep stuff. If my inspirational stuff has helped you in the past, this will leave you with the same feeling. "The Call" will indeed be one addition for that very collection.

Should "The Call" not pan out? I'll add this FJI book to the mix and work on all three in ebook form I guess. :)

But I hope this pans out because it's such a perfect fit for me. Write around my other work. Be at home. Have it help offer more opportunity in other areas later. And just the pride that one would get out of their own written work! My goodness...

So, over the next week I have to buckle down hard and do what it takes. This is important. I will be around but at a minimum. I'll post some Blast from the Past posts I think will help you next week if I can't write any new material. This really is my time to fly. Or try. :)

I know you'll be rooting for me. And if you have a spare prayer handy, I'll gladly tuck that in my pocket too. Thank-you!

This is dream stuff! And I'm going for it!

I LOVE your comments and read them and devour them. I just wish I could answer everyone, but I can't right now. Meet you at Facebook for any further discussion? It's loads of fun over yonder. :) However please comment here too. I look forward to your encouraging words so very much!

SNS will still roll this weekend, no worries! It just may have to coast a little more on it's own this round.

Copy Me is over Fri 7pm Pacific. Are ya in? 

It's time to go write. Wish me luck?!?


  1. That's awesome! and scary! Congrats!
    Scissors & Spatuas

  2. Donna,
    I am so freakin' excited and happy for you!!! And I have already sent up a prayer!! You GO girl and happy writing!

  3. OMG how exciting!!! I am crossing my fingers. I am sure you will get it and do great!

  4. Wowzers! How exciting!!! This is something YOU can Totally Do! You definitely have the talent for it! Luck!

  5. woohoo! congratulations! happy writing :)

  6. Good luck Donna--love to see a dream come true and your hard work and sweet disposition make you particularly deserving. You go girl!

  7. YAY!!! So awesome, Donna! You deserve it!

  8. Congratulations! Exciting and slightly scary, I imagine. But you have lots of material in your blog to pull from; I'm sure your draft will totally wow them.

  9. WOW Donna!!!! That is great, I am so excited for you!!! This is HUGE!!! and you, my friend, deserve it so much! You will be great, I am already looking forward to buying a copy!!!!!!

  10. Hi Donna-

    It's about time. I have just been waiting - as I knew it from the first time I landed on your blog that you had "it". Now stop reading these comments and get to work.
    My best-Diane

  11. LOL Diane!!! How ever did you know...

    Thanks, friends!!


  12. Congratulations! Sending you prayers and big hugs!!!

  13. Not only am I excited for you, I already look forqard to seeing it in written form! Lots of prayers for you, my friend. I know you'll do awesome.

  14. Donna, that is wonderful news! And I agree, it's a perfect fit for you! CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you!

  15. DONNA!!!
    I am SOOO freakin' happy for you. SO happy!
    I'll be first in line at the book store, with bells on.
    Old, rusty, banged up cow bells, at that :)

  16. The decorating stratosphere just began rockin' and bits of funky junky fragments are about to descend upon homes, interior design studios & classrooms and libraries all over North America and beyond!!!!!!!

    Look OUT cuz someone we know and LOVE was looking UP!!!

    WooHOOOOOOOOO! (I'm kinda giddy!)


  17. Woo-Hoooooo Donna! You GO Girl!

    I'm a fairly new follower, but I'm so excited for you. I would LOVE a book on what you do and how you do it. The outline you gave sounds fantastic, and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

    And as for getting my own stuff done, it's funny you mentioned that, because I've been bitten by the Gitter Done! bug started by Marianne over at Songbird, and I'm getting there . . . it sure feels good.

    And as for a prayer? You've got it. :) Now go knock 'em dead!

  18. Donna - - So happy for you!! Of course they will love your book and love you, too! We all already do!! Get to writing and we'll see you next week.

    Hugs (and prayers) ~~ Suz

  19. Yeeehaw!!! Congratulations, Donna! I'm praying for your week.

    : )

    Happy sample draft doin.'


  20. Donna, congratulations. I believe you will SOAR!!!

  21. That is fantastic news Donna!
    A HUGE Congratulations to you!
    Sending prayers and best wishes from Australia
    Shirl :o)

  22. Congratulations! How exciting!
    I've enjoyed following you blog for some time now. It's been an inspiration to me. I've also had fun watching your progress as a blogger, good job!
    I"m always pleased when good things happen to good people!

  23. This is such exciting news, Donna! I'm sending up prayers and rooting for you all the way. Congrats on the call... I can't wait to hear more about all this :)
    Best of luck on the writing
    Becky C

  24. That is so exciting! Good luck!!! :)

  25. I'm so excited for you! What a great opportunity for you and us to have all your wonderful ideas in print. Congratulations Donna!

  26. So awesome!!! I can't wait till you share more... praying for a week of clarity, wisdom and flowing ideas.

  27. Wow! What an honor that must have been to receive "the call"! I wish you all the best and have already added you to my prayer list. Hope that you get the gig and will be one of the first ones to buy it! Love your blog, you inspire me to see that special something in all the little junky things I find! I love it! Thanks for all your inspiration!
    Autumn @ Graceful Rantings of a Clutz (

  28. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is BIG. Not just a little big, but BIG BIG! WOW! I am CRAZY excited. You deserve this. You can do this. This is definitely your thing.

  29. Awesome!! That is so cool. You deserve it! I can't wait to buy your book. I hope to have it autographed some how, some way.
    Susan : )

  30. Congratulations! This is indeed so very exciting! What an inspiration you are to all of your readers. This is going to be so great...I pray your words flow freely and your energy levels stay high...don't forget to sleep :)

  31. Donna, follow your heart. Dreams do come true!

    Here is a favorite saying of mine and my daughter....

    "Go confidently in the direction of your Dreams. Live the life that you have imagined."
    by Henry David Thoreau

    I will be praying for you. May GOD always provide that open door.


  32. Very happy for you! I remember reading your story when I first started blogging, and it just seemed sad to me. I'm glad it is a much happier one now. They always say good things come to those that wait. Good luck!

  33. Congratulation on this wonderful opportunity. You deserve it!

  34. Great news! Good luck working on it this week. Very exciting.

  35. WOO HOO! how exciting donna! praying that you will be focused and finished by your deadline.
    i so believe in you...see my last post to see why ;)

  36. Congratulations! I for one will buy that book!

  37. Congratulations dear Donna. I know it will be a best seller!!!

  38. Bravo!!! This marvelous blog of yours is proof enough that you WILL write a FABULOUS Best Seller!!

  39. Awesome Donna, Love how you share that this is something you've prayed for. God Does give us the desires of our heart. Sending prayers for God's leading and much success with your soon to be published book! yeah!!

  40. I am beyond thrilled for you!! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person! You rock girl! I am sending you lots of prayers tonight to tuck into your lil' pocket. CONGRATS!!!!

  41. That is awesome! Congratulations and good luck with it!! I'm sure it will be fabulous!

  42. I think we all knew this was coming! I'm so glad you got the call and I just know it will all work out for you. I can't wait to see the end results. Remember us little people when you famous ;)

  43. I can't get my head around how BIG this is. I'm so proud of you. How exciting. You go girl!

    Lisa x

  44. WOW!!!!! That is soooo exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

  45. Happy writing! We will miss you this week. Good luck.

  46. Woot! Woot! Congratulations!! This is wonderful news and I know you can do it! You have what it takes to get 'er done!!
    Best wishes and you have my prayers as well!!

  47. Congrats! You go girl! You can do this......your blog is proof.

  48. Go fly !!! and above all.. enjoy !!!

  49. CONGRATULATIONS! You'll do've got what it takes!!!

  50. AWESOME NEWS, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Oh boy, you are gonna have fun doing this and I'm so buying your book when it comes out. Good luck with everything this week.
    Anne xx

  51. GOOD LUCK!!! This is so cool, I can't wait to read you book! Theresa xoxo

  52. Awesome!!! Wow, I wish you all the best on this adventure! I know you can do it, I know that you can write an awesome book. Know what, I would buy it! I was showing hubby your site last night, he thought it was pretty cool!

  53. Donna I am so psyched for you(and I'd love to read your point and shoot camera book). You have a great site and you do great work. Congrats, good luck and God speed!

  54. I am thrilled for you! Following a dream is always a good thing. You will do incredible.

  55. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I know God will send you just the right inspiration for the words that will be music to your publishers ears!!! This is amazing. I am so thrilled for you!

  56. How exciting and wonderful! It's not a surprise to me though, as I think it was just a matter of time before someone would 'discover' you. Keeping you in my prayers and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first of many of your books!

  57. Best of luck to you!! :) This is so exciting!! You deserve it -- you truely do!!

  58. Congratulations Donna! You deserve it. Your positive attitude is simply infectious. Good luck with the draft.

  59. OMG Congratulations! How exciting to have such a big dream realised! I am so happy for you!

    Mrs BC

  60. Fantastic!!! And I know you will pull it together in tip top form, can't wait to see it and BUY it.

  61. Congratulations, that is such amazing news.

  62. Congratulations! I will continue to keep you in prayer! What an awesome opportunity and I know you will undertake it with the graciousness you always display! Toodles!!

  63. What a fantastic opportunity for you Donna and I am so so happy for you!! Hugs ~ now go and write!! xo

  64. How awesome Donna! Such exciting news. I'm rooting for you, you deserve it!

  65. Congratulations from me too! I hope it works out for you. It would definitely be a one of kind book (I've never seen a book similar to your style) and it's definitely needed and welcomed! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

  66. Oh My! How awesome....Congratulations!! tuck my prayer in your pocket!

  67. I am truly happy for you. Great things are headed your way! I know this will work out because everything you set your mind too happens. You not only have talent, but the will and determination it takes to be successful. You deserve this!

  68. WOW!!!! AWESOME DONNA!!! DOING a "YIPPEE" DANCE FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!! How exciting!! Good for you... you deserve it!!

  69. Yeah, Donna! I am so very happy for you. I love seeing dreams come true.
    Go fly, girl! :)

  70. OMW Donna!!!! how exciting ~ this is fantabulous news for you and all of us too, You know how much we all LOVE you. You have been an inspiration to thousands and thousands. You deserve this you've given so much... Now that makes my heart smile!!!!!!!!!! xo

  71. Hi Donna, I'm so excited for you. Your book will soar I just know it! I will live vicariously through you. I've been dreaming of a book on organizing. I'll just keep it in my scrap notebook for now. Thank you for all the info in this post.
    Good luck this week...I know you can do it. Make a big pot of tea for yourself and write, write, write...LOL, but get some sleep in there too.
    Take care,

  72. WOW!!! You go girl.....congrats!! :)

  73. i know u r the happiest girl in the whole usa.
    my thoughts & prayers will be with u...
    will buy a copy for sure... edna salter

  74. What to go... Congrats!!!! I would buy it for sure.


  75. Congratulations, Donna! How exciting!!

    There was a story on our local news a few days ago about a gal who was rejected by several publishers who has now "made it big" through e-books. Good inspirational story you might enjoy.

  76. WhoooHOOOOO, so excited for YOU!!!! Here's to an extra measure of sanity and energy this next week as you pull it all together. YOU GO, GIRL!!!!

  77. Such WONDERFUL news!!!!! Congrats and good luck with the writing this week :-)

  78. It's the stuff of salvage artist dreams. Go at it gangbusters style. I've only recently found your blog and the first thought was wow I love her style! she should write a book. The best of luck & wishing you oodles of energy. The creativity you've got ;)

  79. Oh Donna, I am so excited for you! Huge congratulations! But I can't say I'm really surprised! You are amazing and there are so many more good things ahead for you! Enjoy the ride! And thanks for letting us tag along!

  80. OMG! This is no lie, I had no idea about this book but I was sitting in my bathtub last night thinking "DONNA SHOULD WRITE A BOOK!" So help me I did!! WOW!!This is awesome and I hope everything comes out great and I for one dont want to be without a copy of this book!! YOU GO GIRL! We are behind you 100 percent!

  81. Donna, A book written by you is one that I would BUY! You are amazing talented and have an amazing voice. We all have our dreams and what I have learned over the last few months is that it is all about putting yourself out there. No one is going to find you otherwise. And look at that, you have shown us so much of yourself and we love what we see and so do the people who publish books! Whats better than that? Take your time, do what you were meant to do, and we will look forward to hearing from you when you get back from this amazing journey! Laura

  82. And GIRL! You should go for it! You so deserve it! It will be unbelievable in so many ways. I am just giddy with delight for you. You teach us all a lot Donna, with your talents, and inspired ideas and advice. I listen! Like you said you never know who is stalking out here.

  83. Oh Donna!
    I am so tickled for you! You have such a wonderful witty style. You go girl and make all of us junkers proud. But wait you already have!
    smiles, alice

  84. Donna, I am so excited for you! You rock sister! I can't wait to see what happens for you!

  85. How AWESOME! I'm a fairly new reader, but am devouring your blog. The book will be a huge hit. XOX

  86. Awesomeness for you! Congratulations. Prayers are yours as you fly!

  87. Congratulations! Take your dream and run with it!!

  88. This is so awesome!!!! Congrats to you, all your hard work is paying off big time. I can't wait to see you in print and to nab a copy of that book. Yes, it will happen! Doing the happy dance with you!!!!

  89. That's wonderful! Congratulations!! I can't wait to buy the book!

  90. Congratulations! I'm so looking forward to reading your ebooks and the real book! We totally understand that you won't have much time to post right now; however, posting the best from the past is a great idea. Sending prayers your way.

  91. That is so amazing and I am so happy for you!! Congrats to you and I wish you the best of luck!!

  92. I know how excited you are, as I've been down that path. I got THAT call a few years ago from a publisher of quilt books. After writing the proposals, making all of the quilts, writing the 'how-tos', etc.; I ended up having 2 books published. What a thrill that I'll never forget. So, best of luck to you - you'll work like a Trojan; but it will be so worth it!!! Sally

  93. Congrats.
    Prayers everyday.
    Funny how things work out when U put it out there.
    Have Fun.

  94. Donna, It should not surprise any of us that you are in this dream because you are so very talented !!

    Col 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks the God and the Father by Him..

    God bless you !!

  95. I would like to put in a reservation for my copy now, please! If this "call" doesn't work out, e-publish it on your own. I want a copy! I'm so happy for you and have appreciated your tips all along the way. Good luck, prayers and good vibes your way. Go Team Donna!

  96. How fabulous!! I'm so happy for you! I've enjoyed reading along with your adventures and am just so pleased that this is working out as well! Not surprised a bit, I have to say, you rock!

    Ps-I'm dying to get my hands on your book. It couldn't hurt to mention casually (or not) to your publisher next week, "yes, well I blogged about this book opportunity the other day and x number of my readers have already said that they are interested in it." You already have a fan base, you might as well milk it a little. :)

    Happy weekend!


  97. Congrats!!!!! So well deserved.... now where do I preorder??? Enjoy your journey!! :)

  98. 98 Erin, already done! They'd like proof on the need/desire for such a book and you have all helped me already beyond belief.

    Thank YOU!!


  99. It someone else out there in the world can do it! You can do it too! and maybe even better than them!!! Everyones blogs have inspired me so much today, I am off to grab the materials to create my own labels. One more thing in starting my own buisness! :) You go get em!

  100. wow 100 comments already ;). donna i am soooo estatic for you.what a dream come tru for you . and such an inspiration for us blog stalkers and your son. you go girl ;)

  101. Oh Donna!
    I'm SOOO happy for you!

    Your book will be a wonderful read - but sure to put YOURSELF into it.

    Funky Junk Book Tour!
    I'm there :)

  102. Wow! I was hoping for a TV show, but I'll take a book. :) Fingers crossed for ya! And don't forget to breathe.

  103. Holy cow! Good luck and congratulations. Now quit reading your blog and get back to working on the book!

  104. congrats & good luck!! :)

  105. Wow, that fantastic news! go do it!!!!

  106. I am so happy for you because I know how you must feel. My dream is to have my own book published.
    Good luck to you and can't wait to hear all about it. :)

  107. How exciting! Wishing you all the best! A "real" book, YAY! I was at Target the other day looking at a Romantic Homes magazine and saw your bedroom. I know I'm a little slow to the chase but it was fun to see you there. Good luck in your new adventure!

  108. Congratulations! You go-Girl! I wish you 100% can do this! Hugs-Diana

  109. Wow, that's AWESOME Donna!! I hope everything works out!

  110. I will be in line for a copy no matter how many volumes. The best to you.

    Linda StarQuiltCo

  111. Yeah- I knew it! Your book will be fantastic, you can DO it. :)

    An Oregon Cottage

  112. I'm so happy for you! You deserve it :) Thank you for inspiring us and may your book deal be a success!

  113. Awesome news, Donna. You are just the girl to tackle this exciting project. You are so You!

  114. Congratulations Donna, Your style is so unique it will make for an exceptional book.Best Wishes on your success.

  115. I will take ten (10) copies. Tell the publisher I will pay right now. Of course I want them autographed.
    When Simon Cowell of American Idol first saw Carrie Underwood, he said she appeared in color, and all the other contestants were in black and white. Donna, when all of us first logged on to your blog, we knew that you were one of a kind. Your style is great, but the photos, the writing, and all the other details are what make you unique. We are all available this next week for any personal consultations you might want. Much love to you. Ann


    I want to shout Woo-hoo! You can do it Donna.
    Focus. Focus. Focus.
    We'll be here when you pop every now and again, you can be sure of that.

    I would buy your book~ I will say, "I knew you when"

    I'm thrilled for you!


  117. I am absolutely jumping up and down with joy for you!!! Amazing things DO happen to AMAZING people!! Congratulations!

  118. Donna,

    I know I already commented this morning, but I keep thinking about it! And, what is so amazing is that you took the time in your moment to give US advice! Thanks! Laura

  119. Laura, I will ALWAYS share what I get out of something. This is just as much for all of you as it is for me. Probably for you even moreso. There's a reason this is happening and it's so I can further encourage others. I have to believe it's a calling. Nothing else makes sense! Thanks for your comment all the same, that was really awesome. :)


  120. wowee!!!! so excited for you! BIG congratulations and high-five jumping up and down hugs. You ROCK! I hope that this experience will help your creativity stretch to new and wonderful places. Wishing you the very very best :)

  121. Congrats! Very cool~~can't wait to see what you write! That's a dream I'd love to have come true! ~Heidi

  122. OMG Miss Donna!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo for you girl! I am so excited about this opportunity. I loved reading this post because I have been asked by a mag for high res shots and I don't even know how to figure it out. I have a lot of stuff to learn. And I think its great that this happened to you. I have gotten the call before ~the HGTV audition that after months led to know where. But you know it is just one thing, that is all. I know there are other things waiting for me, and I have to be ready. So great post, but any tips on what I can read to figure out the high res thing????

  123. Wow, that is so awesome! I am proud of knowing you....the future book editor! I have always enjoyed your writing and wish to do as well....just for personal use! A little prayer for you!


  125. Congratulations, best of wishes, you deserve it, I can't wait to buy a copy and my prayer for you has been said and I hope it's safely tucked in your pocket!

    So happy for you!


  126. WOW WOW WOW!!! How scary exciting is this!! We'll miss ya, but we know bigger & better things are in the works for you. Knock 'em dead girl!

  127. Donna, I am so excited for you! I will pray that everything works out just how you have imagined. What you think you become. You can do it! :) C

  128. GO DONNA, GO DONNA!! WHOOP! WHOOP! I'll buy a book and would be honored if you'd autograph it! If you lived closed girl, I'd come help you in anyway I could - even stacking books in boxes to ship all over the place!
    God is so good, and it's obvious that it is a calling! Thank you for inspiring and encouraging me (& everyone else too, I am sure) by your writing and sharing! Rock on with your Funky Junk bad self! ;)

  129. Oh this has got to be so exciting for you! I am so happy that you are getting the recognition you deserve! I know we all will be lined up to buy a copy! Best of luck....we all believe in you!

  130. This doesn't surprise me in the are a hard working go getter....Congratulations!! I look forward to buying your book!!

  131. Congratulations Donna! I am so excited for you. Get busy....I want to buy a book "Funky Junk Interiors".

    May God Bless you and this book.

  132. May we pre-order? Count me in! Just wonderful news! He is our provider! PTL!

  133. Congratulations on getting your call! So wonderful. I know your hard work will pay off. Thinking good thoughts and sending a prayer your way.

  134. I've never commented before, and I don't have a blog, but I sure love yours! Your call is soooo exciting! Prayers have gone up for you, girl!

    Donna T.

  135. I am so happy for you. You are so talented & have inspired so many of us. I will keep you in my prayers. Go for it!!!!! Debbie

  136. Wow wow wow! So amazing and so exciting! Congratulations~

  137. You will be in our prayers! Ms FJI Donna is a ROCK STAR as the kiddos would say LOL. And like your other followers/ will be our honor to buy your book for our home as soon as it comes out !! CANT WAIT !!!! :)

  138. WOW, that is wicked awesome!!! :-) I would totally buy/read your ebooks. esp. the photography one; I'm really trying to take better pics of my blog.

    I would LOVE to write a book, but I feel like it's soooo not going to happen. Maybe someday it will!

  139. I would like to reserve my (autographed) copy in advance!! Congrats girl, thanks for livin' and sharin' the dream!!!

  140. Congratulations Donna! Wishing the best for you. Thanks for inspiring us to do the same. Praying you all the way there!

  141. I just clicked on your news! Congratulations and good luck!!!

  142. How wonderful, Praying is the easy part, you keep dreaming and writing, you do such a great job.

  143. OMG...I LOVE THIS...I am not one tiny bit surprised. You will have a book on FUNKY JUNK and it will be a best seller and be around from now on. People like Laura Ashley have NOTTA on YOU! Your style is so HOT and so unique that we all NEED to read your book so we can pick up more pointers.
    GO FOR IT GIRL...Your time to fly and FLY HIGH.
    I KNOW you can do it...
    xo bj

  144. Great news, I am so excited for you, what a wonderful opportunity. You will do a fabulous job and you know we are all behind you rooting you on!!!!


  145. Yehow!!!! That is wonderful news. And so utterly well deserved. Oh woman you were so ready for this call, I wonder what took them so long.
    Take all the time you need (euh, I mean all the time they have given you). We are here waiting patiently and to cheer you on loudly.
    Go for it!!!!

  146. I am in love with your blog! I want to give the Stylish Blog award to you! Please stop by and let me know you accept! Thanks!

  147. Congrats! Time to rock the literary world as much as you have the blogging world!

  148. I have to say, I am not surprised at ALL! I knew from the first time I spotted this blog, that you had a talent. SOOOOOO happy for you!!!

  149. Good luck...and a big bear hug from me to you too! :-)

  150. Yay Donna! This is great news! Cannot wait to get my hands on your first book!

  151. Congrats and good luck writing Donna.....sending positive thoughts and wishes your way!

  152. Wow! You totally can do that! You rock!

  153. Omigosh, how EXCITING! Saying a prayer, but I'm sure you will do a great job!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!