Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Top 5 YUMS for this week

1. YUM that a simple wall of wall storage riff raff has inspired me in a new direction. Sometimes all it takes is the smallest things ever to change the course in which you thought you would go.

2. YUM that my desk idea in my downstairs office is finally working! NOW I'm ready to build. GIDDY!

3. YUM that this temporary work table is an idea that is actually working. And a way to enjoy my parent's farm sign at the same time.

4. YUM to realize, this antique ironing board can be productive. Not to mention, I have TWO. Lookit this amazing medly of wonderful wood tones... YUUUUUM!

Can you tell I've been working in my downstairs office lately?

5. This is a double YUM. And no, I don't mean two pics of me! >:)

#1. I figured out how to crop your subject out of a picture. I've wanted to do this forever! YES!! (done in photoshop elements) My late night playing is paying off at least.

#2. I'm going to play a real photographer today. Once my work day is done, I'm scooting off to take a few photos of a friend at an invitation only open house. Just for fun. I want to see the finished environment and this way I can slip in AND be helpful. :) Hmmm... wonder what a photographer wears....

Ok, I'm adding more because they just matter around here. :) 

6.  My son looks all brand new today. He tried on about 15 pairs of jeans last night at Walmart and landed two. And he got his new kickin' shoes he wanted. The trying on part appeared to be painful but the payoff... priceless. He is so pumped to look so handsome. :)

7. I've been abit out of my element lately (alot actually) so we shopped for vitamins. I ended up with the right help. Hopefully we'll soon feel brand new inside too. :) More on this topic soon. It's quite the amazing little story that's building...

8. I LOVE WALMART. They took back my son's broken shoes with no issues. You rock, Walmart!

What a fun way to post! Thanks Laurie, for enabling me to reflect on a few of my current YUMS.

Join in the party!

Copy Me Challenge

Two more days to link up to the Copy Me Challenge! New entries have been added. FUN!

Got 5 yums you care to share? What's yumming you today?


  1. Love those ironing boards and the Farm sign! Isn't it nice when an idea works out?

  2. I enjoyed this. I have to learn how to edit crap out of pics too. I need to play more on the computer!!!! Yes! Donna said to (not to self).
    Well I hope the vitamins kick in, if not wear the MMS wig, that will lift your spirits. I swear I almost peed my pants over that one Donna.

  3. okay, this weeks YUMS for me:
    1. Made sauteed scallops first time yesterday ... total YUM. I continue on my journey to becoming a "great cook". :)
    2. Feeling the results of adding some superfoods in my morning drink. Donna, one of my passions lately is to expound on my desire to live healthy naturally.
    3. Learned about Puttanesca sauce. haha On facebook of all places. One of my friends showed a photo of his dinner. haha Did a google on it, and going to try making it soon.
    4. Scored some nice clothing finds at the thrift store again yesterday. :)
    5. Inspired again by FJ Donna to dabble in Photoshop. :) Hope you show us how to crop a background.

    Yeah, I got more, but these will do for now. :)

  4. Great YUMS!!! I can see why the farm sign is a YUM. :)

  5. My top five YUMS for today?
    1. Left-over eggplant parm for lunch eaten on the dock in the warm sunshine.
    2. A dog so relaxed that she moans as she stretches herself beneath my writing table.
    3. Windows open, fresh air flowing through and the only sound filling the house is that of birds talking to each other.
    4. Finishing the project that was begun over the weekend. The same project that has been on the to-do list for months.
    5. A brand-new Yankee candle..."Garden Hideaway"

  6. I love and NEED that Farm sign. It's adorable beyond belief. I feel a Funky Junk Farm sign hack coming on. Aww, never mind. I've had too much sugar the last couple of days and I think I'm crashing! Nap time...

  7. TANYA! Forget the nap! Get yer YUM on, girl! I wanna see your new sign. :)


  8. Great cow picture.
    I have some of the old irons too.
    I also have an ironing board too. Luv it in the bedroom for now.
    I'll post pictures of these one day.
    Being a farm girl or, in my case, a ranch girl just seems to stay with U.

  9. The scale at the gym said I weighed 6 pounds less than the scale I have at home!

  10. Interesting tidbit about the vitamins. My mom had started taking Women's vitamins from GNC. A short time later, her doctor told her she was pre-diabetic. It turns out it was the GNC vitamins. She doesn't take those anymore. She does, however, pay a grip for a brand she has to order online.

  11. I just figured how to remove the background in photoshop too... I still feel like I only understand about 10% of photoshop.

  12. Donna, LOVE your YUMS!!! That sign stole my heart when you first shared it and the history of it. Love old ironing boards, I too have 2 and use them for just about everything ~ Have fun with the photo shoot. Makes my heart smile to read other's YUMS~

  13. Fun Yums! I need to work on Photoshop...Love your son's Yums too!

  14. Hi Donna-

    I felt a Yum going on when I saw the photo of your downstairs office with the VAT tape on it. Since leaving my job, no more working with VAT tape for me. Didn't mind the little jobs, but the big picture windows where ya have one shot to get it right - not going miss that - YUM.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    My best- Diane

  15. We love Walmart too !! (would be lost without them) LOVE the cow picture for all it's adorable character :)

  16. I KNEW you'd have some great YUMS...and you do!!
    Me, too....I have LOTS of YUMS in my life and sure am thankful for them. I told her that the 5 YUM THINGY is a perfect meme...we never run out of YUMS...
    xo bj

  17. Love that ironing board and the farm sign. Those are great!

  18. Wowzers to that farm sign!! And those ironing boards...ahhhmazing!!!
    Your yums were delicious!

  19. I love the farm sign too! At first glance, I had thought you had made it. The wood textures are great too and I can't wait to see the finished office "build.

  20. Fun Yums!
    Great, now I have a graving for Funyuns. LOL
    That antique ironing board is rockin'

  21. Thank you so much for the comment! It made my day! I don't even want to win, your encouragement was more than enough!

    And if you ever need any photoshop tips, let me know! I live, eat and breathe PS haha.


  22. Dear Donna,
    You make me smile! That is all.


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