Friday, February 11, 2011

SNS #68 brings you - chandeliers!

Welcome to SNS #68, the chandelier edition!

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up which stays open indefinitely. Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
this weekend's theme

~ chandeliers ~

Well, this isn't a new reveal. But you have to admit it was a rather gutsy one. :)




This one of a kind treatment was so fun and really didn't take that long to make! The trick was to find a chandy with the right lines, then use willow branches and grapevines so they were all able to bend in all the right places.

The full tutorial is HERE.

Do I love it the same to this day as the day I made it? Absolutely!

What creative things have you done with your own chandelier?
Can't wait to see in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

~ next up ~

bulletin boards


slip covers

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime. They're always open. List HERE.

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url) If your post has been deleted, please try again.

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what's up. (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old.  This helps keep content fresh.

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!


  1. Love the chandeliers!! CONGRATS! on your book too! I'm SOOO excited for you!

  2. Lovely chandelier! Congrats on the book! I'm sure it'll be just awesome! Thanks for hosting the party!!! :)

  3. Congrats on all of your accomplishments here lately! I am so excited for you. Thanks for my fav linky party!

  4. Thanks for hosting today!How exciting about your book!!!

  5. Lucky I had a chandelier post at the ready! Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting!

  6. Wow, super fun and creative idea! Thanks for linking and sharing all the creative peeps!!=)

  7. I love your chandelier. I wish I had one to add, hopefully by Summer. Have a great weekend, Donna!

  8. Thanks for hosting. Can I just say that I LOVE that coke sign in the background!?!? I just love red Coke signs! :-)

  9. Hi Donna! Congrats on the phone call! I still love that chandy! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. WOW!! I love this!! I want to do something like this on the back porch we are enclosing: so country and fun!!! Thanks!!

  11. Yes, your chandelier was a biggy and worthy of a second time in the spotlight.
    Mine is an itty bityy makeover project, but I am so glad I got it done!

  12. Congrats on the book! I love your chandelier, wonderful job:-)
    Thanks for hosting, hugs Biljana

  13. Love all the chandeliers that you have featured. That pink one is adorable!! And your twig fixture is amazing!

  14. That chandelier is so gorgeous...

  15. Love that chandy ~ one day I will attempt one for the farm. Praying that you are throughly enjoying this new journey of yours!

  16. The chandelier is so cool!
    I just posted #123 under the Home Decor a dress up center I made out of an old armoire my kids used. Thanks for hosting, I know there is a cost now - I really love and appreciate the parties!

  17. I love the chandelier!! I wish i was as crafty as you are to create something as beautiful as that chandelier! that is a big DIY to me and i dont think in a million year i could produce something like that, so I really admire your craftiness and I look forward for your next project!!!

  18. That chandelier is gorgeous! Thank you for hosting! Happy Weekend! I linked up a window I made for my mom's birthday. (home decor, #126)
    504 Main

  19. You always have the greatest pictures! I love the chandeliers, thanks so much for hosting!

  20. Thanks for hosting, I have 3 entires in the chandy department!! I guess it is my kind of topic. Hubs is going to be taking a welding class next month, I am going to have him make me lots of things out of metal, including another chandy...rough iron with crystals!!

  21. Thanks for hosting and Congrats on the book! Exciting! Love your creativity. Be Blessed!

  22. I remember when you originally posted your chandelier tut, Donna. It really turned out fantastic.

    Thanks for hosting. Be sure to come by and enter my giveaway. My linky party is still going on, too.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  23. I have similiar chandelier in my basement storage room and seeing your idea, I may do this and hang it outside off a tree branch under either our fire pit/bar area or the whiskey barrel fountain/grilling area. Humm..thanks again...Mel's Cabin enjoys your ideas...I featured an old picture of yours with terrecotta pots.

  24. Love your blog! Thanks for hosting these linky parties and providing this opportunity for all of us to be inspired each week!

  25. I do love that makeover on your chandy. I am sorry I'm late yet again to the party. But glad I could join in! Thanks so much for all you do.

  26. Hi Donna, I can't believe I almost missed your chandelier party. I have been wanting a reason to post our chandeliers. Thanks for hosting your weekend parties!
    ~ Julie

  27. What fascinating chandelier designs. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  28. Each pice is really unique and classic. It will surely make every room a great focal point.

  29. wow what a really cool post. The one with twigs loos soo cool!!


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