Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pets in our photo shoots

Some of my most endearing photos ever are when my pets walk into camera range.

I take the opportunity to click click click like crazy to attempt to catch them at the best possible moment.

One of my alltime fav new pictures is this one of the crate stairs. Beethoven was standing ever so still as if waiting for me to go ahead and get my shot. :)

And then he settled right down to watch me. So I kept on clicking! LOL My heart absolutely melts with this pose.

The sight of pets add such a different element to a photo. And are next to impossible to plan. You just have to wing it.

 This photo didn't look nearly as enticing when the cat wasn't snoozing away in my crumply bed. :)

I couldn't resist snuggling up nearly that very instant! (that's the cat in my face)

I love this shot. Jenna(my dog) is my total shadow and even though you don't see her that often, she's always right beside me. And to catch her where she always typically sits is so... homey. :)

Here Jenna was dodging the sun but it's as if she sat to 'dog-up' the picture. :)

Here... let's take a picture of my wing chair. Isn't she cute?!? I'll just move it into the house and...

... then this happens. Within moments. Any new thing that comes in? The cats own it until the novelty wears off. :)

LOL! Those little eyes buried in all that dark fur. Teddy Bear's up to NO good sitting beside all those bird houses... when realty really was, she was just keeping me company while I muttered to myself on how I'd make that twig chandy work. Free therapy!

And then there's the day I was tiling my entry when a thunder storm hit.  Can you guess what dogs do during thunder booms? They shake rattle and roll while hyperventilating. But they don't walk over fresh grout. Amazing.

One of my very fav shots of Miss Mustard Seed's is this wonderful bedroom. While the bedding and canopy are both most certainly amazingly droolworthy, my eye always darts back to the little furry darling, wanting to go scoop her right up!

I suppose you can tell I'm crazy about my animals and I don't encourage them to scoot out of the photo zone all that often.

Even if they DO drink outta my junk.

Yes, YOU! :)

Do you encourage your furry loved ones to pose while you shoot or attempt to shoo them out of sight?


  1. I certainly don't discourage it. I think the best pictures are those that aren't planned. If I try to get a good shot of Henry it usually results in him looking possessed with the glowing eyes. I'd much rather snap away when he isn't aware of it and just sort of part of the background. And nothing says homey like a cute face of a pet in the picture.

  2. I love the photos with your pets. We have a very soft spot in our family for feline friends. Seeing them in pictures DOES make your house a home.

  3. I love having them in pictures. Here is an example of when my 20lb puppy cat George started nosing around a scene:

    I tried to catch a real photo of him...but he wasn't feelin' it at the moment.

    Your fur babies are super cute!

    : )

    Julie M.

  4. Miss Belle always wants to be right in the middle of it all!

    I have a $200 Giveaway from Fifi Flowers!
    Do come and enter!

    Art by Karena

  5. I love it when mine get in the shots and I like seeing others in the photos too...but my Sally is always standing there staring at me when she gets in them. Your cats are so pretty. I love seeing cats lounge around the house. I used to have a cat and she was very nice and the dogs loved her. But after she died...I decided not to have another because it was like living in a rodeo with the dogs chasing the cat constantly. Too much chaos.

  6. I am always tickled pick to see your pets in your photos.

    Since my blog is named in honor of my pets I try to include them in each post. Not always an easy feat since two out of the three are freaked out when I put the camera up to my face.


  7. I lost my furry loved one about five years ago. It was so traumatic that I can't bring myself to bring another one into the household!! How pathetic is that?
    Yours are adorable and I love all the photos with them in them. The ones where the cats take over the new chair is priceless!!

  8. I love all your fur babies! We have two dogs, one cat, and I don't know why but I am always shooing them out of photos. They are such a huge part of our lives and family, I will rethink that next time I'm clicking away.
    Suzy xx

  9. Oh this is exactly what I was feeling the other day when I was documenting our remodel. Every single pic had our Lab in it! I knew he was in a few, but I didnt realize until later that he was in practically ALL of them!

    And the cat thing...I 100% agree. The cats always get me in trouble cuz they nap on anything NEW that comes into our house!! WTH is up with that anyways?!

    Oh and never shoo them. Animals are our children and part of our family too. You wouldnt shoo Grandma outta a pic!!


  10. Love the pics...we don't have a cat at the moment but I do remember how she sat on anything new immediately..and curled up into any paper bag or box that was left on the floor! LOL

    Question: could you do a link party about using vintage items for storage solutions? I am going to be moving and I want to use vintage finds in my craft room for different things...would love to get some ideas!
    Craftroom/office vintage storage solutions...that would be so much fun!

  11. Great images! My favorite is the cat on your bed ;-) I follow you since yesterday I think and I love your work. Please feel free to visit my blog


  12. nothing like a blogger showing off there loved ones...yes the furry ones never sezies to grab my heart

  13. This is the cutest post!!
    You babies are so sweet...I love the chair shot with your cats on it...too funny!!
    My dogs arent usually in the place that Im photographing...but next time they are Ill be sure to capture that precious moment.
    Thanks for sharing this!!
    It was my "morning smile" before Im off to work for 6.00 a.m.

    Deborah xo

  14. My dog walks in my picture frame all the time!

    by the way... I'm in awe of your stairs! Love!

  15. I really enjoy seeing animals and even children in shots, expecially around the house. I think the feel is more authentic. We don't decorate our houses just to be pretty, we do it to make a home for a family. It's one thing to get great shots of our projects but to shoo pets and kids out of the pics ALL of the time, well then, it just seems like we've gotten the reasons as to why we all do this a little mixed up.

  16. I loved your pictures! I have to say, though, I loved your staircase more! I just recently ripped all the carpet off of ours and it's just sitting there like that until I could figure out what I wanted to do with it. If it's okay with you I am going to show a picture of yours on my blog Thank you so much!

  17. I love when your furbabies are in the pictures :) My Bogart follows me around the house 24-7, so he's usually just out of the camera range...though sometimes I can get him to hold still in the shot.

    One thing I love about blogging are those 'accidental' shots that we get....and then capture for posterity.

  18. I always thought that was a black fluffy glove in the picture with you. I still can't see the cat, even now that you mentioned it.

  19. There's no fighting it. Just go with it! Besides, my cats look good in my house!

  20. Mine sometimes get in the picture too but they are so big that they usually block whatever I'm trying to photograph. They usually end up as photo ops just of the dogs. Its as if they are saying hey, take a picture of me (kind of like kids). That's okay though, because when I need a picture of them for a post or anything, I have plenty to choose from. If you want to see them, here you go:

  21. Pets on stairs are especially cute. My dogs lie at the top of the stairs and rest their chin on the edge, looking down. My husband is convinced that our older dog poses for the camera. But he travels into a polluted city every day for work, so who knows what his brainpower is these days. I find that the pose is easy. It's the expression that is hard to get. Sometimes they seems to know what you want and purposefully look blank or goofy. Sometimes I open my eyes in the morning and someone is staring at me from four inches away. Now that would be a picture! Ann

  22. PS Some Australian blog (desire to inspire?) has a feature every Monday of pets on furniture. That's cute, but how about pets with Junk? My younger dog gets into my car every chance she gets so she'll be ready for any trip. Another good feature would be dogs in cars, especially hanging out a window. Ann

  23. My dogs usually show up as a passing tail or a close up of someones snout! But they do make the most willing blog subjects! Love your blog and i'm still amazed every time i see your stair steps...awesome!

  24. Where did you get the rusty gear/cogs on your table? I've been searching for similar items and can't find any!

  25. Adorable.:) It depends on the photo for me as my dogs are ALWAYS under my feet. They are here in the office while I work this morning. But I wouldn't have it any other way;) Have a great weekend.

  26. Usually the animal I am trying to photo is the only one who won't cooperate. There are always plenty of other volunteers though.
    I agree, I do tend to be drawn into any photo with an animal involved, even as an "accessorie."

  27. I LOVE furbabies! Is Jenna husky or husky cross ... does she speak to you? One of my fav pics of yours is your bed shot with your kitty.


  28. Awwwwww... you know the crazy lady from Primcats house (that's me) loves this post and agrees wholeheartedly. ♥♥♥

    Carmen and the Primcats

  29. So funny, Donna! I especially love your kitties curled up in the wing chair! Our little cocker spaniel loves to get in my shots, too! I think it makes it more fun (and real!) when we see each others fur families appear in our pictures:)

  30. Love this pictures;)
    I`ve got two cats, and they always know when I put aut my camera.
    They always have to be on any photo;)

    Lovely greetings...

  31. The picture of the kitty on your bed is my favorite!
    My dogs follow me around wherever I's nearly impossible not to click without them in the picture!
    Too funny!

  32. Oh yes, this happened to me recently. Made for a much better photo op, I have to admit!

  33. So cute! I love it!! I do both, I can't resist when they are there looking so cute I have to take the shot and then I shoo them away and take another shot then I go to look at the pics and always pick the shot with them in it!! :) I love my pets and they ALWAYS know when I get the camera out!!

  34. I just got my girl in a photo yesterday!

  35. how come my pets don't look nearly as snuggly and cute when they are in my photos?!! I love a home with pets... so when I see them in photos it makes it seem all the more "real". cute post! ;)

  36. A couple of my furry kids start posing when you pull the camera out!

  37. I love the pets....i have a husky too...but she is old and lays around...she is never in my pics....:(

  38. I am new to your blog!
    I just love your photos!
    Adorable pets!
    Husky's are so pretty and Cats just love all of them!
    thanks for sharing some cuties!

  39. Ahhhhhhh ~ I've never seen your lil out building. Too cute.....where can I find more pictures of it? TIA :)

  40. I love this post! Your pets are soo adorable! I'm just like you and love it when my furry babies roam into my picture. Whenever I work on a project while sitting on the floor, my dogs think that's a sign that it's play time. They will often plop their cute selves right down in front of me, and sometimes even sit on my project, as you can see in this post:

    Thanks for sharing your photos and for this post. I look forward to more appearances by your furry loved ones. :)


  41. I LOVE seeing pets in photos, especially when you can tell they're just hanging out being themselves. Love the first shot of B-kitty and TB-kitty looks like a triplet of my beloved Hannah & Fraidy. sigh. My dog is my shadow too; pets are such wonderful company, especially when we're home alone.

    I used to love it when Hannah would lay on top of whatever I was quilting - AS I was sewing it. Those were the days.

    Thanks for the reminders and warm fuzzy pics. :)

  42. My Dixie Doodle stole my chair when I washed my hands after them!(animals and sticky fingers!) you have time to scout my blog...

  43. awwww, your teddy bear is just like my bobob. we have her water dish refilled everyday but no, she wants to drink from the mug we leave in the toilet. and it's great that your pets love to pose for you. mine is camera shy. everytime she sees the camera or phone in front of her she'll turn the other way. stuck up! i wish she is more photogenic like yours. what did you feed them? :P

  44. Oh the picture of Teddy Bear made me LOL the other day - she looks all puffed up from being cold and is saying to herself "Hurry Up Woman and get done with your crazy twig project!" Too cute! If I had pets I would never make them scoot out of the way. My last two cats were my babies, one passed on New Year's Day 2009, the other in June 2009 and I am just now feeling up to having some new fur babies in our home. :-) After Baby Peanut gets here though! Love the pet pics! ~Iris~

  45. I so love the photo of your kitty napping on the bed! Of course my kitties love this photo to and want your address. They say your bed looks fluffier than my bed but are willing to test it to be sure ;)

    I LOVE photos that include pets! Of course mine are not always so see a close up tail shot occupying 3/4 of the lens....well it doesn't always work so well. But hey, that's part of the fun now isn't it?!

    "Her" and Romeo

  46. Oh, my kitty cat. That's "Scully" sitting on the bed. :) I've always loved the picture of your cat curled up in your bed.

  47. agreed! my pets garden with me so I often get shots of them, even if I don't see them. I did one set of before and after shots of my backyard garden makeover, and I think there is a cat in every shot - unplanned.

  48. Awe. So sweet! Yes, my Niski is in a few of my pictures too (there's one of my painted bathroom floor on my side bar - there she is in her winter sweater).

    Enjoy the weekend, Donna!


  49. Love your animal pics, they steal the show!
    My dogs are very shy of the camera, and take off as soon as they see it pointed their way.

  50. Adorable! I, too, love pictures with the animals in them. It gives the pictures character & makes them less contrived. Love your blog, too!

  51. I LOVE these shots Donna! There is something so endearing and real about seeing the critters in everyone's photos. I'll be oohing and ahhing at all the decor stuff and then scroll down to a shot of a kitty or doggie or birdie and I just MELT!!!!

    My doggies follow me around. So shadow? yes. Some of the shots are parts of their bodies, though...a tail, a foot.

    But when I get them in there I leave it. I happen to LOVE it!!!!

  52. Donna - I just adore seeing those photos of your furbabies! They just make a house a HOME. Your babes are so sweet - and I especially love the one with the kitties curled up in your wingchair! lol! Hugs from one smitten animal lover to another smitten animal lover! :)

    xoxo laurie

  53. I love these photos with your furry friends in them! They are so adorable. I'm planning a blog post showing out takes from my recent "photo shoot" where my kids kept popping into the pictures. They had me cracking up.

  54. #24, the cogs are from a local junk find out in a welder's back 40. You don't have an email so I hope you come back and read this. :)

    #43, my cats are indoor only so they're pretty hefty looking. :) Although the dark cat is fairly thin. You just can't tell because of all that fur!


  55. My daughter has a Boston that photo-bombs all the time... we sit and smile for a picture and the next thing you know Hanzo is in the background looking at the camera! He's funny for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your furry babies.

  56. For the record, dogs WILL walk through wet grout. Not that I would....uh....ever know that, because I wouldn't take on a project when there are pets/children that could tromp said project down the hall onto the carpet....;)

    I love your pet photos - although those snuggly bed ones are making me miss my cat!

  57. I love the pets in the pics! The video the other day of Jenna following you back and forth across the street was SO cute!


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