Friday, December 3, 2010

SNS #59 brings you - Your favorite things (gift or DIY inspired)

~ Sidebar features are now up!  ~
Reader readers, hop on over! 

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #59, the favorite things edition!

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up. Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
Are you stumped on what to get your loved ones for Christmas?

The very best way to figure out what the best gifts are, is by asking others what THEY like best!

With that in mind, here are...

~ My favorite things ~
(gift giving inspired please)


I love my coffee! Especially fancy coffees that have an expiry date so it seems. :) Ah well...

A hot beverage gift certificate is a very good gift idea that feels like a luxurious hug. :)


If you're a DIY type, you need tools in order to create.

I have a list of 5 must have tools HERE, however my ultimate favorite can't live without tool is my cordless drill with all the fittings that come in it's own carrying case.

How do YOU choose? #1 - ask advice. #2 - Go into a tool isle and hold various tools in your own hand.  Some will feel the right weight, while others will be too heavy and bulky. Figure out what works for you, then hand your list over to Santa. :)

A good computer

Everything is done on a computer these days. So if you're still dodging crashes and peering into itty bitty dark fuzzy screens, a new family computer gift (wink!!) is a REALLY good idea. I guarantee, it will change the way you do everything online.

Just a note: If you are into photos, I  recommend to compare a Mac screen to a PC one. Just know what the differences are. My own PC to Mac review is HERE.

favorite treats

Call me old fashioned, but if you showed up at my door with a box of quality dark chocolate covered cherries, I'd forever be your friend! No rust needed on this one. :)

Girls are girls and most of us love our own favorite chocolate. Find out what that is and you'll ALWAYS give the perfect gift.

Or any treats or favorite foods for that matter!  My neighbor loves pop out of the can and chips. Just knowing that is wonderful ammunition, wouldn't you say? :)


 I positively LOVE to escape into fantasy land now and then. IMO you can never go wrong with a gift certificate to the local movie theater. And make sure you leave enough for the popcorn and a drink. It doubles the cost, but is also double the fun. :)

blogger necessity alert :)

If you ever desire to be online while on the run, this baby is made for you!

I take pictures for clients from thrift stores and phone them over on my glorified cell phone. I check my email. I look in on my blog on a lunch break.

If debating on a phone that goes online, look at ALL the screens. On this particular one, the buttons and graphics are large enough to see for failing older eyesight. :)

warm cozy blankets

This one's for my son. He ADORES warm cozy blankets for TV watching. A warm pretty blanket will always be useful AND appreciated!

This lovely blanket has a wonderful story attached I've been meaning to share. Sewers will appreciate the handiwork and DIYers will LOVE the hidden detail that makes it extra special. Coming soon!

Did you know a single gal dreams of someone knocking on her door to help her lug heavy stuff around even for an hour? Or to help fix something? Do you have a computer guru in your family that could help someone out with a net glitch? Maybe it's a new mom that could use a real nap. Or maybe it's the young boy next door that would DIE to come to a hockey game with another guy. How about the delivery of a home cooked casserole or a plate of cookies?

I think the gift of time is perhaps the most valuable gift of all. And I guarantee, YOU will benefit from it probably even more.

Soo... which of those things could you handle having? :)

What are your fav types of things?
Link them up in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!
(gift giving or non gift giving)


"Dear Santa,

I totally adore all of the following things in The Sponsor Store. 

I've been a good girl too!

So.. how about it? I rust up your sleigh in exchange for a few of my most favorite things there?

Hello? Helloooo..... 

oh oh..."


~ HERE  ~

to check out a few of my other favorite things that I've chosen over in The Sponsor Store. 
It may be quicker. :)

Ho Ho Ho!

~ Upcoming December Themes ~

Dec 10 - your fav Christmas recipe (link open until Dec 25 2010)

Dec 17 - your full home Christmas decor reveal (link open until Dec 25 2010)

Dec 24 - No theme. Just let'er rip! SNS will be up for those loving the extra browse, however I won't likely be highlighting or commenting. It's time for family. :)

Dec 31 - Share this years' Christmas story (link open until Jan 7 2011)
I hope you'll join in the fun!

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime.
List HERE.
~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url) If your post has been deleted, please try again.

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old.  This helps keep content fresh!

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!


  1. Thanks so much Donna for being the hostess with the mostess!

  2. If I ever make it up to Canada I'll be sure to bring the dark chocolate covered cherries! ;)

  3. I want one of those phones and cozy blankets are a must!

  4. Love your sponsor store picks. I just ordered 2 of those awesome bracelets!
    I linked up a bunch of posts about my laundry room project. It's still in progress, but getting a lot closer!
    Thanks for hosting,

  5. Ooooh! I love your list, Donna! Coffee is top on my list, too! I pat my Tassimo and tell it "Good night...see you in the morning!" lol Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  6. Okay -I might just have to make a fav. things post! Thanks for the party, Donna. :)

  7. I think I could just copy your list! Great minds think alike!

    Thanks for hosting the link party!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Thanks for hosting again Donna. I love a warm cozy blanket any and everyday and movies are a passion of mine. Have a great weekend.

  9. Thanks for hosting another fun party!!!

  10. Thanks for hosting this link party; I look forward to it every week. Can't wait for the Christmas parties!

  11. Love the gift cert. you added for "time"...that would be a very clever gift!! And too funny, I was going to have the laptop, a warm quilt, and a few like minded things you had (great junkers think alike!). Of course I was scurrying trying to get good photos, wait...stop...the camera batteries need recharged...more pics, edit pics, resize know the routine! hahaha Love, love your linkies!

  12. Well I gotta say most of your favorites are mine too! I think chocolate must be tied in to female hormones or something--I might have listed that first! Ha! I'm glad you're open for business on the weekend. Thanks for the fun! Jacqueline

  13. i love everyone of your favorite things!

    i want & need one of those phones!!!

    thanks for throwing the party! i may have to do a favorite things post & come back tomorrow to link up.

    i linked up for $5.00 teak antlers i found at the salvage yard. LOVE THEM!

    have a super weekend.

  14. I hope you don't mind, but I linked a post showing how I'm decorating with a little oil painted Santa. Unfortunately I don't get to keep it because we're giving it away on our site. It is a Nathan Pinnock original painting he gave to us to give away for the fun of it. We're just a small site though and I'm trying to get the word out.
    By the way, I'm with you on the tools and phone. They're totally on my wish list too.
    April from

  15. Oh my...those gifts are so awesome to receive especially some power tools like that but I'm so fascinated with the Gift of Time Certificate...

  16. Great gift ideas!! Thanks for hosting!! Loving all the wonderful creations!

  17. Thank you again for hosting! Also, I found your November blogger tips and it helped me soooo much. I am still cutting my teeth in blog land. (I wouldn't have found the tips if it weren't for the recap. Great idea!) You rock.

  18. Thanks Donna for hosting. Love your favorites. I agree with them all! I am linking up in favorites and in crafts. Did a little craft for Kolein, she dared me, I had to!

  19. I agree that time is definitely the most precious gift to have. It just seems like there are a million things to do at this time of year.

  20. I love all of your favorite things. I mean, coffee... Seriously, LOVE!

    Thanks for hosting and letting all of us get our Christmas on!

    Hope you are having an awesome weekend! Take care!

  21. Thanks so much for hosting this party every week Donna. I love all of the ideas gleaned from all the talent out there!
    Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  22. I have to agree with your son on the cozy blankets...I adore them too! In fact the perfect night would be on the couch wrapped in a cozy blanket, watching a movie while eating chocolate covered cherries and drinking a cup of flavored coffee! ;)
    Thanks for hosting!

  23. Thanks for another week of SNS! It's always nice to have an outlet to share our projects and ideas.

  24. I just LOVE my Makita drill, too!
    ThAnKs for hosting!! :)

  25. Donna,

    My Mac is out for repairs and I am using a PC. I can't get over the difference. I feel like my pics are all crappy that I've posted because I can't get "true color" on this darn windows thing. It's pretty sad that I post, then I review my photos on my iPhone.

    Lonely w/o my Mac


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!