Monday, December 20, 2010

NEW Whoville tree with a WhoDroop feature


Yes. The Whoville Junk Memory tree to be exact.

Bad news. It didn't make it.

 It was one of those fluky things. I went back to the tree place and inquired why it dried out so fast wondering what on earth I did wrong, and they didn't hesitate. They wanted to replace it immediately. Apparently some cut trees make the grade and some don't. And mine just got unlucky.

You know you're a blogger when you document every step. Even the 'gone' step. Good grief...

'scuse the darkish photos. They're taken at midnight. My son isn't feeling well again and wanted me to stay up abit longer 'in case.' So.. nothing a midnight photoshoot won't cure, eh?

Sheesh... I felt guilty! But I really did want a tree for Christmas that I wasn't scared to light up. 

Welcome home, quirky tree #2! Oh how I love how long your hair is! And right before I gave it a haircut so it would fit in the room, my son halted me. He suggested I hang an ornament off the tip so it would bend over in fine Whoville style.

I'm so proud of my son! *sniff*

 But the branch needed some help. So one wire hanger later....

... instant WhoDroop!

 I just twisted the wire around the branch and bent it to the desired shape. I still can't believe it worked.

3 stars complete the crazy little feature.

The tree is so skinny, that the license plates REALLY show up now. :)

I just love this Virginia one... total rust!

(plates are from Anything Goes Here Etsy)

I even got fancy and put the sleigh out for a few gifts. We went shopping on the weekend. My son wrapped my gift in a burlap sand bag.  Genius I tell ya...

The little cutie is so pretty and green all over again. And the lights are on! :)

Thank-you Christmas tree place in my hometown. You're the best!

I'm going to bed now. It's just a tad (way) beyond midnight.. eep! Nighty nite!

Ever gone through more than one tree in a season?
How do you keep your tree lush and green and flu free? :)

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Yes I have, gosh darn it! But it never made it to decorated stage. It fell before we even got it in the house! So the farmer replaced it and from then on it was a "cut your own" tree! 8>)

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your WhoDroop tree! And your son IS exceedingly clever! A regular chip off the old block! :) I know your Christmas will be full of fun and hope the new year brings all good things and lots of junk! :)
    Take care, Laura

  3. Bless your Junky Heart Donna! It's like OK, one more time with more luck! An encore performance!
    I put my mini tree up just after you did. It was a dumpster find and it has burlap on the bottom of it and red round balls all over it. I then placed an angel pot holder under it. I decorated it and they plugged mine in and DANG! The lights I just bought did even work! So I too did a redo. Then it worked!
    Glad you redid your tree! I love it! You need a cow bell!
    By-the-way I love the bent over stars at the top!!!

  4. i use an artificial no worries about it drying out. Your Whoville tree is adorable!! Love the bendy over thingy. Works perfectly.

  5. I love the droopy ornament on the top! The second tree turned our to great!

  6. Absolutely LOVe your whole tree..your son is a visionary! Great top!

  7. Coolville! That's one sharp boy you have.
    Sure hope he's back to 100% soon.

  8. Glad all is good in Whoville again. This tree looks just as good if not better. Surely it will last for a week.

  9. You two are adorable - love the tree! Again!

  10. I love the way he thinks! So nice that you got a redo and can light up yet again. Looks wonderful.

    I have had some years where it has dried out quickly but I really only use cold water. I just make sure it is always filled. At first, this years tree sucked in a ton of water. But then it slows down. I think Mythbusters did an episode and proved that none of those old wives tales worked any better then just water.

  11. Me too me too...I love the Whoville tree and I totally agree with everyone else that your son is brilliant in his thinking. A chip off the old errr, young block (wink wink)! Thanks for sharing and a Merry Christmas to you all from Florida!

  12. That is a great Christmas Story! No...I have never had that happen... thank goodness. My sisters lights all burned out(don't put them 20 end on end) so she had to redo hers.
    I love yours! I sorry but I'm glad you got this one.
    Enjoy your holiday!

  13. I love the second tree even better. The WhoDroop tree has character.

    Ellen Hite

  14. We just watched the version with Jim Carrey the other night and your tree couldn't be any more perfect for it. Your son's idea of leaving the bent top was a great idea. It looks wonderful.

  15. Love the Droop! Your son is so smart. I hope he is feeling better Donna.


  16. "The Second time around..."! Looks fantastic. Love the WhoDroop tree. It has a personality that can not be denied. You just made a memory that will be told many Christmas from now.

  17. Your new tree looks great! The Whodrop is PERFECT!

  18. Oh My- the top is PERFECT. It loosk great.

    No, never gone through two trees. Secret? Our is artificial... not my fave, but son #1 has allergies, and when he was really little the tree seemed to make his asthma worse, so... Maybe next year, I'll get a real one- god knows we have the room for multiple trees!

  19. Way too cute, Cindy Lou would be proud!

  20. That is the best tree ever!! I SO love the "WhoDrop"!

  21. Sorry about your first tree...but glad you got another really fresh one in time for the "WhoDroop"! Merry Christmas, Laurel@chippingwithcharm

  22. Well that must have made you want to cry to have to start all over again. But the new whoo-drop tree top is super duper and how clever of you both to figure this out. It really is sweet. Hope lego man gets better before the man in the red suit comes....

  23. Love the droop so much!!! You are Clever Extraordinaire!

    Your son wants you to be "normal" but then honors your "un-normalness" by wrapping your gift in burlap and keeping the "long hair" on the tree. be still my heart.

    Yay to you for getting the replacement tree! It's Christmas after all!!!!!!

    Have no advice on keeping the trees good. The men in my life have always taken care of that. I don't do well with havin' to water things around here. I'm sure there will be loads of advice above or below, tho.


  24. A true Donna Funky Junk tree. Glad to see all your designing is wearing off on the boy. My guys come up with some great ideas, too!

    Merry Christmas.

  25. I honestly think that is the cutest tree ever. Love your son's idea. How cute. Have a Merry Christmas.......sorry your first tree bit the dust but this one is even better.

  26. Oh my! I LOVE your new tree even better than the first one! Total Whoville!!! Speaking of which, I've got to get my Grinch movie out and watch it, that's my all time favorite cartoon Christmas movie!!!


  27. Very cool whoville tree! And your son wrapping your present in a sand bag and also thinking of the droopy top is ingenious. I'm a little scared that he is going over to the junkin side though. With two of you in the house there will be no stopping you :).

  28. I LOVE it! Kudos to your clever son!

  29. Hats off to the man at the tree lot. This tree looks fabulous as well. Luv the tallness & the loop. Such a smart son. Hope he is feeling better. He has been sick way too long. Merry Christmas.

  30. I love a happy tree ending! Your tree looks just incredible. Hope your son is feeling better soon!

  31. what a lot of work...having to do the same tree...twice!!! But I love the WhoDroop feature! Don't the best things come from crazy accidental quirks? I didn't think you could improve on the last tree but you did.

  32. Don't you love when the kids come up with great ideas? And I love it when the idea they come up with is MY style. It's like they GET me. KNow what I mean?

    LOVE the new Whoville tree!

  33. So adorable! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

  34. LOVE the WhoDroop!!! Hope your son is feeling much better soon!

  35. Well I think that's just the cutest thing ever!

  36. Well Donna, I must say that is the FUnkiest,COolest Tree I have ever seen!!!And a Big Kudos to your son for his Brilliant idea for the drooping star on top, Whooville style!
    I love the presents wrapped up in the burlap bags as well.. This all really gives me a down home Christmas feeling :)


  37. I can't even tell you how much I adore your tree...the bent tip is perfection. Merry Christmas!

  38. "WHO" would have thought that it could be so darn cute! Great touch by the creative child department!!!

  39. Oh I am sorry about your first Whoville tree but the second one is just as grand and I love the Whodrop, brilliant!! I hope your son feels better soon and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  40. Whodrop!.... WHO would a thunk it? LOVE IT!

  41. a limerick for your tree- merry christmas donna!

    Donna once showed us her tree
    Then notice "it died", said she
    The leaves did dry out
    But a second did sprout
    Hope she doesn't need to have THREE!

  42. You win the prize for the cutest 2 trees in blogworld this year! That droopy star on the top is PERFECT...yay for Cody!

  43. Ohh... I LOVE your "Who-droop"!! Kudos to your son for thinking of that idea, and to you for executing it so well! I'm glad it all worked out with the tree. Merry Christmas!

  44. Mercy! That is one fine tree! I hope I remember your WhoDroop for next year's tree. And I'm loving the goody sacks hanging from the mantle! Merriest Christmas ever!

  45. THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!
    I love the way it bends over!! Awesome!

  46. That coat hanger start is genius I tell ya! I am so glad the tree place stood behind their product. It looks awesome!

  47. Great tree! Love it! Also on myth busters they said that the tried a bunch of different ways to prolong the green-ness on trees. And one of the better ways was spray it with hair spray. They also had luck with bleach in the water. However that did discolor the needles somewhat. So in case you need a third... there is the way to preserve!

  48. How clever! I love the WhoDroop. I always use a fake tree as in the past when I have had a real tree, it has always dried out prior to Christmas. With a fake tree,I can leave it up from Thanksgiving till past the new years and I don't have to worry about it drying out or a fire.

  49. You are a riot! I'm going to go cut a fresh tree in a couple of days so it will (hopefully) last through my HGTV photo shoots. :) This will be by 3rd tree of the year!

  50. Hi Donna-

    You have me singing - Fah who for-aze! Fah who for-aze! Dah who dor-aze! Dah who-dor-aze! Welcome Christmas, Welcome Christmas, Come This Way, Welcome, Welcome Christmas Day.

    Your tree is very special cute and so is your son for thinking of making the tree a Who-tree. I hope he is feeling better.
    My best- Diane

  51. your crazy bad and wacky...I love it!

  52. Oh Donna, This one is even cuter than the 1st. See, it's meant to be. Made me break out in laughter looking at the top of it! You two are creating such great memories! Feed him lots of chicken soup between now and the big day! Merry Christmas to you both. As Ever, Annette Tracy

  53. Wow! You and your boy are quite the team. That tree looks great :)

  54. Oh I love it. Lil Cindy Lou Who is who I have as my FB pic right now =)

  55. Well, I am so sorry you had to take it all down and put it back up again BUT the new tree looks great! I love how you are not afraid to take risks beyond what is traditional and "normal" I would have NEVER thought about putting liscense plates on a tree but they look FABULOUS! Bravo! Hope your son feels better soon:)

  56. Wow, this is cool. Only you would think to decorate a tree this way for Christmas. Merry Christmas!
    Warmly, Michelle

  57. Love it!! Super cute, your son had a great idea!!! I hope that you both have a wonderful Christmas!!!!

  58. this tree is awesome!! i love it!!

  59. That is one fantastic tree! Your boy truly is a genius!! Love the who-droop!

  60. I am in LOVE with this tree!!! Amazing!!! Thanks for sharing your talent!!

  61. I think I like this one better than the other one ~ loving the top Donna ~ genius!! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet boy. xo

  62. Your Whoville Junk tree is just adorable. Love it!
    Sorry you had to do it all twice; but it really looks great with the sled. And your son's package is just so sweet how he wrapped it for you :).
    Merry Christmas!
    ~ Julie

  63. This is wonderful! The tree is so unique with great decorations!

  64. What a great tree! I love it! I saw your first tree featured on another blog and I was wondering about the tree stand, but now I see it tucked down in the bin :)

  65. Love the way you decorated your tree!! Beautiful!
    Merry Christmas!

  66. I absolutely LOVE your tree top. It caps this particular tree like nothing else could. what creativity.

  67. I have a confession... The first tree is cute, but the second is by far my favorite! There is a little Christmas link-up at my blog if you are interested. Have a wonderful Christmas!



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