Monday, December 20, 2010

BlogHer is giving away an iPad!

This is a compensated review by BlogHer.

Wishing you had one of these babies? You are not alone! It's high on my list so I can carry a portfolio around and go online when on the road. Gosh it would be so nice to have. I played with one 2 weeks ago and fell head over heels...

Want a chance to win one? Follow along and I'll show you how!

If you frequent my blog, you'll have noticed an advertising campaign on my sidebar called BlogHer. I have been asked many times in the past what exactly BlogHer is. So finally, an official post!

What is BlogHer?

BlogHer is actually TWO  things.

#1. An advertising network


#2. A website.

With a twist. BlogHer is a network that features and caters to women bloggers.

Blog Her. Get it? :)

~ The Advertising Network ~

Ever wish your blogging passion could turn into a little more? Here's an opportunity for you!

The BlogHer widget that sits on the face of my blog is an advertising network. The widget features quality brand name advertising,  as well as links to other BlogHer blogger posts such as the example above. Every so often you'll see my own posts in that list all over blogland.  It's a wonderful way to network.

The program does pay you for being on your blog.

I love the added opportunities that comes along for the ride! Compensated written and shopping reviews, contests, assignments... all kinds of cool things. :)

Care to join? You can apply at anytime, however there generally is a waiting list and a criteria that must be met. I personally find them incredibly easy and supportive to work with. 


~ The Website ~

Blogher has a very informative website that is loaded with all sorts of topics of interest. I liken it to a magazine that you'd pick up at a store. You crack open the cover and you see all sorts of categories for everything under the sun.

Let's go browsin'...

This one's rather cool. See the teal coloured buttons along the top? Click on BLOG DIRECTORY.

This list will then appear on the right side, allowing you easy access to click on the kind of blogs you enjoy. And yup, there's even one that says Hobbies, Crafts and DIY Blogs. :)

Join the community and you too can add yourself to the list!

If you'd rather be more selective in what you read from the get go, pick and choose! Here I chose Home and Garden, then I selected DIY. And this little gem is what I found.

link HERE

Oh my gosh.. .what perfect timing! My lips are fried this time of year, and the recipe is easy and el cheapo to make!

Honestly, there's just a ton of reading on all topics that will appeal to any interest. And the writeups are really well done. And being part of the community also offers you a chance to write for them too which is excellent exposure for your own blog!

There's also a cool little deal called BlogHer Chatter. It works like Twitter and is great for gabbing and networking.

And as if that isn't enough...

~ Win that iPad! ~

There's a 'FUN' section on the website with all kinds of sweepstakes and such. And this week, an iPad is up for grabs!

How to win? All you need to do is check out the website, snoop around and report in on something you like about it in the comments area to qualify.

A quick free sign up into their community will enable you to leave a comment, and that baby could be yours. :)

Enter iPad Sweepstakes HERE

Visit website HERE

Apply for the Advertising Network HERE

Now go on. Try and win that thing and make me jealous. :)

Have you wanted an iPad too? 
What do you love about them?


  1. Thanks Donna! I'm on my way over to BlogHer right now. I'll let you know if I win.
    Enjoy your Christmas week.
    Hugs from Florida

  2. Hi Donna,
    Thank you so much for telling us about blog her,
    I have been wondering what Blog Her was!
    Merry Christmas!
    Take Care
    P.s I loved your headboards over at HGTV!

  3. Hi Donna,
    Great review! You have done Blogher proud. And yes I so want to win/own an Ipad. Although staying off-line could really become a challenge then.
    Love, M

  4. Good luck KarenSue! Way to go!

    Maria, I didn't see it! Thanks for the heads up! Saw your to die for headboard as well. Kudos!

    Thanks Marianne. :) The screens on them are soooo awesome!


  5. Wow!! An iPad! That is so cool!
    Merry Christmas and thanks for the link.

  6. I always thought BlogHer was a blog platform (like blogger) thanks for the explanation.

  7. Thanks for the introduction. I will check them out another time. I tried to register and then waited, but it was too slow. Gotta move on. But I'll try another time. Looks like an interesting site with varied topics. cheers! -susan

  8. okay, I am checking Blogher out right now on another tab. Thanks

  9. Aww, it's what my husband wanted to get me but we couldn't. So glad we all know what BlogHer is now...Thanks!


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