Friday, February 26, 2010

SNS #19 brings you - one junkin' laundry room


Welcome to Sat Nite Special # 19!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

This weekend's DIY feature

Have you met Beth over at Patina White yet?

She's a real life junker. The real deal. She is the blonde version of me. IF I knew half as much as her that is.

She loves rust.

She makes cool metal stuff for her seasonal store. (not online)

She loves all the kinds of stuff that I love. LOVE.

I've been following Beth's blog for some time now. Her organic rustic style totally has me riveted to every single creative post of hers. She's a true junker and knows what to do with it. She makes me realize what I personally LOVE. How does she know better than I? I don't get it.

Anyway, when she posted about her new laundry room makeover, I knew right then and there that I had to have her on board HERE. You'll soon see why.

Oh my word... vintage and texture wherever you look. Every square inch of this room totally speaks to me.

Beth says,

"I added a burlap skirt to the wood counter to provide a rustic cover & create a storage nook. the ship-lap counter was stained ebony which made for a rich mocha hue on the former new pine. and i am so tickled to have the commercial sprayer faucet for stubborn stains + rinsing! you remember the peek at the weathered bleach sign? well you can now see it in it's full glory above my folding station! let me tell is quite a luxury to have a spot to fold clothes! (other than the random tables and beds around our home!)"

Beth, I missed the sign. How could I miss the sign?!? I LOVE this thing.

This galvanized bin (with real rust attached! swoon!) holds the cleaning supplies. I love Beth's quaint way of labeling with a stamp and simple card stock. A homespun element but in a pro way.

And this wire mesh basket wears multiple coats of sealer as it's reserved for the clean items. Groan...  

Wimper... What do you think of this 'radiator belt rack'? I love things that have a story attached to them.

I'm dyin'...  Beth's laundry room post in it's entirety is HERE.  Beth, I need to be your best friend because when I copy your laundry room one day, I want you to realize it's a compliment, not a copyright infringement, k? xo

OK one more.  This drying rack is being put to excellent use as the perfect stage for other fun things. Beth just really knows what to do with her 'stuff.'

I could just totally take Beth's whole blog in html mode and cut and paste it and be happy and content. I'll let you go wander over there yourself and snoop around.

Beth, thanks so much for allowing me to feature this very cool room! If this doesn't start the inspiration passion, I don't know what would.

Sunday Nite Vote Madness!

Heads up! SNS will be off the main page earlier Sunday night due to

I have to have my own post up and running Sunday night. SNS will continue to run until 11pm as usual so just scroll abit lower for it.

Funky Junk's Workshop Series

Sunday night 11pm pacific is the deadline to add your workshop before and after. Please stay tuned shortly after for the voting poll to arrive on the sidebar!

Interested in a giveaway?

Click the workshop button, and make a label kinda comment and you're entered!
Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

1. Please link up your intended  post, no your main blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. I've allowed 75 characters in the link title area, so go ahead and tell us your blog name AND project description. There's room. :)

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Bring that junk'o yours on!


  1. Oh my, she is wonderful. Ok, time to finish a new project to link up tomorrow or time to sit in the hot tub with a glass of wine and finish project in the AM.

  2. Great post Donna.
    Cannot wait to go see her blog


    barbara jean

    PS sorry no project this week. =0(

  3. What a freakin' fab room! Thanks so much for featuring this blog, Donna! I hope to have a project to post later on this weekend. :)

  4. I love all the elements in the laundry room so much, it makes me a little sick to my stomach!! (but in a good way!) I love great inspiration! I'm keeping my eyes open for rusty, metal stuff to re-use. And what a great tip to put sealer on it so rusty crud doesn't get on your stuff.

    I haven't been able to link up to SNS in awhile due to life getting in the way. I'm so happy to be back!! But, I am always reading your wonderful blog Donna. :)

  5. AHHHH - this feature is amazing - that laundry room is stunning - thank you SO MUCH for sharing her with us!

  6. I want that huge sign!!!!! Love it!

  7. Wow! That laundry is amazing! I'm in laundry room envy!
    Thanks so much for hosting and for sharing Beth with us, I'll definately be checking out her blog!

  8. Oh my!! I love that room..swooning here!! And the sign...the counter...the faucet!! And all the nifty storage items. Fantastic!!

  9. Absolutly stunning! I'm in love...with everything in that room. Makes me want to go re-do my newly redone laundry right now.

    Thanks for passing on this eye candy and hosting another SNS! Have a great weekend!

  10. just found you tonight and LOVE your blog! OMGoodness sooo many fun ideas. added myself as a follower and will be back!

  11. I know. I so know what you mean. That room is CRAZY. I feel sick looking at it too because it really belongs HERE, not there. I'm so not kidding when I said copy. How can one improve on that?!? :)

    Soooo glad you're enjoying it!

    FJ Donna

  12. Holy moly that is one beautiful laundry room! I love everything about it and can't wait to visit her blog!

    Kat :)

  13. i am here to inspire! :)

    really donna...thank you so much for sharing my little happy to be a part of your SNS! you all have brought a HUGE smile to my face this evening....

    the "blonde" donna!

  14. Thank you so much for hosting this fun link up everyweekend. I always look forward to it and everyone else's inspiring works!
    -Heather @

  15. Great feature!!! I love what she has done! Thanks for hosting!

  16. OMGosh...Beth is one COOL gal...luv her style! I'm going over to check out her blog...I'm sure it's AWESOME! Hop over and enter my CASH GIVEAWAY...I think you will like it!


  17. LOVE that laundry room. I definitely need a facelift for mine.

    Thanks for hosting SNS!

  18. I wish I had half her talent and yours too. I can find the stuff I just have trouble displaying it. You both need to come over someday and help me. I'll be waiting!

  19. Oh Wow! I am in Love with that Laundry room!!!

  20. What else can you say about that laundry room but WOW ... I want to copy that room too! Good luck tomorrow Donna. I can't wait for the contest to begin.

  21. Can I jump on the I LOVE BETH bandwagon? :)

  22. Hey lady...I think I might do a tutorial on the lamp shade even if I do plan to sell them (I am still debating that), but I will throw an email your way if and when I do a tutorial for the lamp shade. :) Glad you loved it...I adore your blog.



  23. I WANT that laundry room. I don't have the space to have everything she has in her laundry room, but if I did, it would look exactly like that. Very nice!

  24. That is a great laundry room! I think I'd try and find a reason to stay in there for a little bit ~ even if there's no laundry to be done!

  25. OMG ~ what a fabulous vintage collection. I love the laundry room ~ so much character!!
    Paula Grace ~

  26. Wow this is gorgeous!! Great find, thanks for sharing with us!!

  27. I love that laundry room!! Thanks so much for hosting!

  28. thanks for sharing beth's laundry room (i'll go check out her blog!). doing laundry would be FUN in that room... wouldn't it?! i especially like the work of art hanging about the sink... and the ceiling. this whole room is COOL!

  29. Thanks for sharing such an awesome laundry room link. My basement laundry room needs LOTS of help, but alas, there are far too many other rooms in this 'ol house that need finishing first!

    Not ready to link up yet. Working on the guest room today - can you tell??? (get off the computer!!!!) but will post the before and afters soon....

    Happy Saturday!


  30. Hi again Donna, thanks for stopping by and grabbing a pix-you're sweet! I got the coffee mugs at Crate and Barrel.

  31. Fabulous! That about sums it up!! I sense a fight over who gets to do laundry first!!

  32. Thanks for introducing me to Beth, I had not seen her great stuff before!

  33. WOW! WOW! WOW! and I thought I had finalized my plans for our laundry room, back to the drawing board. Thanks for introducing her to us!

  34. What a gorgeous laundry room. Thanks for showcasing Beth's blog. I'm going to go check it out.

  35. Everything about that laundry room is FAB! I think I would even want to do laundry there!

  36. Well, let me tell ya, I've met this super gal, Beth, and she is overflowing with talent. She lives only 3 hours away and has a permanent spot at the flea market in Detroit Lakes, MN. Her stuff is FABULOUS. Oh, and you can see all the rooms in her house on her blog. You will see not only is she SUPER talented, but she is a total sweetheart. Love her!

  37. Oh my.. I'm in love with that laundry room too. Have to go see more...
    Thank you, Donna, for all the inspiration!! -Tammy

  38. Your words said it all...except it is like finding a vintage chandelier that does not need to be re-wired!

  39. Wow!! The world is all about laundry rooms...I've seen the coolest laundry room updates recently...

  40. Nice! I was working on my laundry room as this was posted! So jealous of her washer & dryer!!


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