Thursday, February 25, 2010

My mom.

Today,  I'm honoring my best friend and biggest fan, my mom.

Last nite, Tuesday, March 30th at 9pm, my mom collapsed while grocery shopping. And she never woke up.

God took her very suddenly, just like He did with my Dad years ago. So I go into this new phase knowing, this was indeed planned.

My mom was one sweet gal. She showed the masses what true optimism was. She was artistic, loved life, loved her family beyond measure, and her faith her highest ranking hobby. Her hugs were long, and it pained her when you left her sight. When you left her place, she always went outside and stood by the road waving until you were completely out of her line of vision. Without fail. It was always hard to leave her and her place. She just never seemed to get her fill of you. She loved her family and was the finest example of what a parent could be.

Last night at the hospital, I actually smiled through my tears as I held onto her for the last time. I was holding her leg through the soft flannel sheets because I wanted to remember her warmth. My playful thoughts were, "Mom, you stinker! What have you gone and done now?!?" My most inner thoughts were, she was finally reunited with my Dad, whom she desperately missed every single minute he was gone. They simply were a pair that belonged together. And now they are.

My son was with me the entire time. This is his first round of this type of loss and I'm so extremely proud of him!

Yesterday had me feeling like it was a day to celebrate. Most certainly shock has taken over, but more than that, I was able to see over and beyond the fog, that THIS is where she needs to be. It was time. Even without warning for those that loved her.

How I feel today? Hour by hour. It's all one can do.

It's ok. It will be ok once we figure out the new norm. For now, I'm simply clinging to the thought that she's no longer in pain from that back of hers, she doesn't have to remember those silly meds nor does she have to wear hearing aids that never worked to her liking anyway.

And she's in the most ultimate place ever. WHAT A DAY that must be! I can't even imagine.

Between the tears that will no doubt spill, I wear a celebration hat for my Mom. Missing her desperately will come easy. So I'll continue to attempt to turn my thoughts to what SHE must be living in right now.

How I wish I could pick up that phone and ask her what her new pad is like. :) For now, I'll just have to wing it hour by hour and know she's being cared for by The Ultimate. Lucky gal.

See you soon, Mom. And Dad. My thoughts are with both of you today.

:) xoxo

I'd heard this song over the last 2 days on the radio, so this popped into my mind right away. It evolkes memories of my youth and just somehow 'fit'.

A lovely song suggested by a comment. So true. Thank-you!


  1. Sorry to hear about your Mom passing. I know it would be very hard for me. Atleast you're being positive. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. So sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. Yet so glad to hear that you are a believer and know that she will have eternal life. God Bless You!

  3. (((hugs))) to you. What a great perspective you have and what a great tribute to your Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time and you celebrate and grieve. May God's peace, comfort, and joy be with all of you.

  4. Donna,

    I am sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and look forward to the day we can celebrate with your parents.


  5. I'm so sorry, Donna! I'm thinking of you today and, while I know you will have tears thinking of your loss, just remember all these wonderful things you told us about your Mom and remember to smile at her memories.

  6. So sorry to hear about your mom. What great strength you have. I had chills just reading this. You and your family will be in my prayers during this tough time.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing , she was obviously a wonderful person you were lucky to call Mother , she raised a lovely and balanced woman to be handling this so well .

  8. What beautiful, amazing words to honor your mother! My thoughts are with you. Thanks for sharing this and being a great example to all who have lost a loved one. I am sure you mom is proud of your attitude towards this sudden shock. I'm sure she is loving her new pad and how happy your parents must be to be together again. Sending prayers and love your way!

  9. oh, Donna-
    What a day it must be!
    The thought of living life here- without parents, yet knowing they are together in the presence of God!
    I pray that The God of all will indeed Comfort you- today and in the weeks to come.

  10. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. I'm glad to see how well you are taking it. Stay positive, that's what she would want for you. Celebrate her life.
    All your blog followers are here to listen whenever you need to vent.

  11. Donna, I know you will miss your mom terribly, but I believe she and your dad are watching over your every move. :) They are with you in your heart.
    I hope your son can deal with this loss, as I'm sure he loved your mom dearly.
    We in blog land are thinking of you and keeping your entire family in our thoughts and prayers.
    May God bless you and your family.

  12. Oh no! I hope you can feel some peace from God-- you are right, she is probably so happy at this moment-- but it is still hard.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. What a reassurance to know that your mom is in heaven! The hope that comes with faith in God is amazing.

    May you know the peace that passes all understanding now, like never before.


  14. I am so sorry Donna. God bless you and your family. And what a wonderful way to honor your mom!

  15. Just another follower adding my prayers and wishes for peace for you and your family. I too, believe my parents are both residing in a better world!

  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your Mom sounds just like my grandma, and in fact your faith in the Lord and your eternal optimism brought me to tears. How strong of you to see through the sadness and embrace the good. I know your Mom is feeling very loved right now, she has a most wonderful daughter. God Bless and take care.

  17. May the peace and love of God surround you and your son at this time. Knowing that your parents are together with God is awesome. One day you will meet again, and what a wonderful reunion that will be. You were truly blessed to have a wonderful, loving, caring mom.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  18. Oh dear, I am so, so sorry for your loss. I love your optimism and joy in knowing that she is HOME. Praying for you through the inevitable heartbreaking sadness, just the same. And for your sweet son.


  19. Oh, Donna... God Bless you as you and your family move through this. My mom is my best friend, too, as they should be. Your Mom is actually MORE with you now. She knows you better now. She loves you in a more pure way now. It's but a short separation, and you know you'll be together in Eternity! Praying comfort for you...

  20. Donna, this is a beautiful, heartfelt and loving tribute written about your mom. Huge HUGS to you and your family at this time. Even through your loss, your words, thoughts are SUCH an encouragement! Your mom passed on great qualities to you.

  21. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. Your love is so deep. You are doing such a great job of honoring her, even with your own grief.

    And it all happens so suddenly... one day to the next.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. Be extra kind to yourself these next few days.

  22. So very sorry for your loss. Your Mother sounds like she was a fantastic person and friend.

  23. Donna,

    My heart and hugs go out to you and your son. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

  24. Donna, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother! Big hugs to you! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
    Your friend, Missy

  25. So sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your sweet mom - her legacy will live on through you... Hugs..

  26. Glad you had your son by your side. We wish we could shield our kids from such pain, it's hard. I wish you both peace. Such a beautiful picture of the 3 of you!

  27. Oh Donna, I'm so sorry. As you know, I just lost my Mom and it's so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son and may God bless you both.

  28. I am so sorry Donna for the loss of your mom. Hugging you!! Now she is with her sweetheart and the Great I Am! I can't imagine what that must be like. Take care of yourself.

  29. Oh Donna..this tribute to your mom would make any mom happy!! As I read this I was selfishly thinking is the the legacy that I am leaving my grown girls? What will get them thru the hard times..they will come.Your Mother must of been a gracious..warm..thoughtful...creative..a survivor...and a beautiful woman. I didn't know her..and I don't know you personally..but your words..your past attitudes about life..and creativity is her passed down to you. May you be wrapped in strong arms of love and family these next few days and weeks to come. Prayers will be going out across the blogville land.

    When I was on deaths bed 6 yrs ago..I knew nothing...the music..and I might add my favorite..We are Standing on Holy ground ..was daughter later told me..there had been no music in ICU..I was hearing God's still gives me chills and a warmth about death..It is Beautiful!!!!!

    Cindy from Tx

  30. Donna,

    I just can't stop crying, that was so sweet what you wrote about your mom. She must have been amazing! Strength and Faith will get you through the tough days ahead. Blessings and prayers to you and your family. I know she is smiling down on you right now. Hugs, Vicky

  31. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Donna! May the Lord give you comfort as you learn to live without her.

  32. I am so sorry for your loss. My mother facing some very difficult health challenges right now and this makes me appreciate the time I have left with her all the more. Your mom sounds like an amazing lady!

  33. What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. She did a wonderful job raising you and this is a testament to that. Things will get better, but you will miss her everyday. I still miss mine and it's been 10 years.

  34. Donna, I am so sad for you and your son right now... I just lost my Mom last month and it was one of the hardest things that I had to deal with in my life... but she lives on in my heart with the wonderful memories she left us all... Each day gets easier, I believe God needed another Angel and she is in a better place now. I hope you can keep your wonderful spirit in tact and know you are in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.

    Big Hugs, Deborah

  35. Donna,

    I follow your blog on my google reader and look forward to your posts always. After reading your tribute to your mom, I couldn't help but comment. My dad passed away in January completely unexpectedly of a massive heart attack. One second he was here and the next, he was standing with God. I sympathize with your words of hope and celebration and also with your notion of the "new norm" which I'm still trying to get used to. I think the thing that I most related to was your description of your mom's hugs and how it pained her to have her loved ones leave her sight. This describes my dad to a "t" as well. I am assured in faith that dad is in a much greater place now, perhaps building our new house for when we join him (oh how he'll worry over the type of granite for the counters to make sure mom will think it's perfect ;) but it definitely is hard to move on in the day to day without someone so dear to you around. Know that you're in my thoughts, even though I'm a stranger to you. I'll leave you with the verse we put on the bookmarks we had made for dad (he loved his books!)

    "And I pray that you and all God's holy people will have the power to understand the greatness of Christ's love... how wide and how long and how high and how deep that love is." ~Ephesians 3:18

    Sarah in Fort Worth, Texas

  36. Oh Donna, You are so wise and your heart is so beautiful...I teared up reading your sweet words to describe your beautiful Mama...I am sooo sorry for you and your family's loss...

    I lost my Mama when she was 46 yrs old...I was only 18 yrs old...It was sooo hard to let her go...I know the pain...oh so well...You had her for many more years than I...And that is a gift in itself...Your son got a chance to know an awesome human being...

    Take care of yourself and your sweet family...And I know she is watching down on you and saying...What is all this fuss about? ;) That is what I know for sure...Let her live in your laughter and let her memories strengthen you...

    Love to you and your family, Meme

  37. What a great rememberance of her that you shared today. I can't even imagine your loss! My thoughts and prayers are w/you and your son...

  38. Oh Donna, my heart aches for you. Such a beautiful post to celebrate such a lovely lady. I know your heart is aching, but your faith is so strong. God Bless. I know she is looking down at you and is so proud of the person you are and how much you loved her. She and your Dad are having a wonderful time together. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Marty

  39. I am so sorry for your loss, and certainly understand what you're currently going through. My father-in-law passed away this past Sunday. I hope you and your family find peace and strength as you grieve her loss.

  40. Donna..You are so amazing..I aspire to be like you. I know your mother was so proud of you! God is with you and your son. I just know it!

  41. God bless you and your family. I'm so sorry. God's speed.

  42. A million words cannot express my Sympathy for you. It is great to know they are together and with God, it will make the journey harder. Greater still is that God is counting your tears you shed for her.
    May her light shine in your life this day and each that follows. If I could reach through the computer to hug you I would!

  43. I am so sorry for your great loss. I can't imagine, my heart aches for you and your family... I will keep you in my prayers...

  44. I'm absolutely positive your mom is looking in on you right now with great pride, just like always, but from a better & more perfect place. What a beautiful tribute. Will be thinking of you... hugs!! -Tammy

  45. I usually stalk you in silence, but today I had to coment- I know words are not much, but I am so sorry for your loss. It was so refreshing to see your positive outlook on it though, and your strength is so admirable! Best of luck during this hard time...

  46. Donna - Thinking of you and sending prayers and good thoguhts your way.

  47. Donna, My sincere condolences for your unexpected loss. My heart goes out to you as I can only imagine what a difficult time this must be for you, to lose your mom and friend.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your son and your family. {hugs} ~ Stephanie Lynn

  48. Sorry to hear about your Mom, she sounds like she was a fabulous person. I'm sure all of her greatest qualities live on through you! Sending hugs your way!

  49. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but what a wonderful outlook on the situation.

    Mercy Me has a song. It's called "Homesick". Youtube it when you get the chance. It really helped when I lost my loved one.

  50. Prayers for you and your family.

  51. Hi Donna.. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. But it's great that you're celebrating the marvel that was her life & where she must be now rather than the sad side of it. Hugss....

  52. Oh Donna Im very sorry to hear about the loss of your momma. You wrote a beautiful post here and its a tribute to a very special & loving life that she lived here on Earth. As you said, God knew the timing. I once heard it said "there is no Plan B with God. Its all HIS timing/purpose. That doesnt always make it easy to understand but please know we're praying for you and your son.

  53. Beautiful tribute to your mom. You are very brave. She sounds like a wonderful mom. Bless you and your family.


  54. Donna
    So sorry to hear about your moms passing. Wonderful warm tribute to her though. Both you and your son have great strength.
    Peace to you both.

  55. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I lost my own Mom 9 years ago and my Dad many years before that. Your Mom looks like a sweetheart, just like you. I loved reading your tender words about her. It made it as if I knew her my own self! You are very right, she is no longer suffering and she is now with the man she has missed for so long. God bless her and God bless you and your sweet family.


  56. Oh Donna ... I am so very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful picture ... you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  57. I'm so sorry Donna. You have a wonderful example of a mother. She sounds so beautiful. I'll pray for your peace and comfort, knowing that she is happy and peaceful where she is now. Hugs to you and your son. You have such an amazing attitute about everything. I want to be like you when I grow up.

  58. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  59. I am so sorry for your loss. But you are such a strong and wonderful ray of sunshine. Your Mom & Dad must be so proud of you. I am truly happy they are reunited in our Lords home. Your family will be in my prayers.

  60. What a beautiful tribute! She sounds like a lovely lady. May God comfort you and your family, may He give you wisdom as you need it and may you be reminded of all the sweet memories you've shared with your Mom!

  61. I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing! Isn't is a comfort to know that she is now with your dad and her heavenly Saviour!! I will be praying for you during this new season of your life!! Your tribute to her is a testament of her character and in turn, yours!!

  62. Such a beautifully written post. I am so sorry to read of your loss. Take care.

  63. I'm so sorry too, I know just what you are going thur, my mom passed away going on 9 years but I think of her everyday and so wish I could call her too:)
    I always read your blog and love your posts.
    Take care,

  64. So sorry for your loss, you have an amazing attitude about it though!

  65. Praying for your loss of such a dear friend, your mom. I don't look forward to that day either. None of us do. What a wonderful weekend though to be reunited with our Savior and her husband. That's a neat thought.

  66. Donna, my prayers are with you and your family.
    You said "Hour by hour. It's all one can do." and that is so very true. I lost my mom when I was 16, and those early hours and days, and weeks and so on, are trying to say the least, but taking it one hour at a time is just it. You will find strength through this - it seems you already have.

  67. I want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your mom sounds like a great lady and great mother.

  68. I'm so sorry, Donna. What lovely words about your beloved mother.

  69. So sorry to hear about your mother's passing. My thoughts are with you and your family. What a special lady you described! I bet that she enriched everyone's life that she touched.

  70. Donna, my friend, your faith is so refreshing. This post is such a lovely tribute to your mother, and I'm sure she is smiling down on you mightly. My deepest and sincerest sympathy for your loss.

    As a believer, you already know that "to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord". I find it comforting to know that that verse tells us that it happens instantaneously. No waiting in line, no sitting around to check in, none of that. Immediately, she WAS with God. before anyone ever reached her, she had seen our Lord face to face. I can't even imagine what an honor that will be.

    A favorite song of mine in a time such as this, by Kirk Talley...................Seranaded by Angels

    "She went to sleep one night, never here to awake again.
    But everything was alright, between her and Him.
    So she awoke in Heaven's courtyard, FREE from pain within,
    and the angels gathered 'round her, and they took her by the hand.
    'Seranaded by angels
    Up to the throne.
    Seranaded by angels, finally at home.
    Surrounded by praises, to the King,
    Welcome to Paradise, the angels will sing."
    Your mother is experiencing a peace like we will never know until we are honored to be where she is now. Bless you, my friend, may the Lord lift you up.

  71. Your thoughts today made me--someone that did not know either your parents or you---smile and tear up. That is the ultimate compliment. You expressed through your words so eloquently that I could both feel your pain and your love. Thoughts and prayers are with you, your son and your family.

  72. So, so sorry Donna! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  73. i am so sorry for your loss! i will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers!

  74. Oh so sorry for your loss of your sweet mother. We will be praying for you and your son during this time of sorrow and pain.

    bee blessed

  75. Oh Donna, what a wonderful tribute to your mother. My prayers are with you and your family during the next few days as there is so much to do and so little time to mourn. I'm sure she is celebrating in heaven with your father, a good back and perfect hearing!

  76. i lost my nana a few years back (she raised me like my mother should have) and the only advice that i got AND USED was to think about her everyday. if you do that, she will be alive in your heart forever.
    i am so sorry for you loss and i cried while reading your post. im so happy that she is with her sweethart.

  77. I'm in awe of your strength!!!

  78. I am thinking about you and praying for you and your family. God bless.


  79. What a beautiful post. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  80. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. She must have been a great person for you to have given her such a beautiful tribute. I lost my dad suddenly like that and acutally felt peace with that as I too, knew he was in a wonderful peace. May God be with you!

  81. (()) tons of hugs coming your way from here in AL... can you feel them?! Your mom is such a cutie. I'm sure your dad is glad to have her back!

  82. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.

  83. I'm so sorry for your loss.


  84. To bloggers funky junk interior: My heart breaks for you. I am amazed at your "optimism"...wonder if you maybe got that from mom?:) You are in our thoughts and prayers in the following days and beyond.
    Gods Blessings

  85. Donna, what a brave and beautiful person your mom was. And she must be very proud of you and your son and how you are handeling this. We cry for our loss but need rejoice for our loved one in Heaven. My mom has been batteling cancer for 13 years now and my dad passed when I was only 2,1/2y/o after a long illness, so it was a blessing your mom passed quickly. (It doesn't hurt any less though)My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, on earth and in Heaven. Donna M.

  86. I'm new to your blog and I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Your faith, I will say, is blowing me away. What a testament to your mother...that God be glorified even in this. Thanks for sharing with us and I will certainly remember you and your family in my prayers. -shaunna :)

  87. What a wonderful way to remember ur Mum! May God Bless you and be with you.

  88. Donna, I always enjoy reading about your projects and your words were a very beautiful tribute to your mom today. I wish you comfort and strength as you miss your mom. I'm recently adjusting to a new norm here as well since my mom died last month. You take care.

  89. This post made me cry and I'm so sorry for what you must be feeling. Knowing that she's in Heaven and that you will see her again is an amazing comfort but its still hard to let go. You are an incredibly strong woman and you will get through this with God's help. I will be praying for you and your son during this time! God bless!

  90. Your beautiful, eloquent and loving tribute to your mother brought tears to my eyes. Your faith will help you through this trying time. I will pray for you and your son.

    Warmest regards,

  91. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother sounded like a very sweet woman.

  92. I lost both of my parents 14 days apart. My mom passed first and I truly believe my dad died of a broken heart. Your strength is that they are now together. Someone said to me if you asked either of your parents if they wanted to return to earth they would say no. Your strength is that your mom is where she belongs. Live your life with your family now you will all be reunited one day.

  93. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Your mother sounds like an absolutely wonderful woman. Know that you are dearly loved and you have another set of wing guarding you from above.

    God Bless you as you remember all of the incredible moments you've shared.

  94. No sorry for your loss, is hardly enough to say when you've lost your mom. Your life is definitely heading down a new road. Speaking from experience, my mama left here 4 years ago, it's a bittersweet journey, but one that she gave you a good foundation to make. She'll still make you laugh, she'll still hold you close, she'll still scold'll hear every word she ever spoke to you in your heart and head. Smile lots! In my prayers, Vicki

  95. Hi Donna -
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Even as we ourselves get older and realize that our loving parents can't live forever here on earth it is hard to say goodbye for they have loved us unconditionally while shaping and influencing our lives in so many ways. It is a very hard rite of passage to go through, losing a loving parent, but I truly believe she is in a wonderful place and she is looking down at you smiling and so proud of you. My mom is 80 and has been in skilled nursing for 19 months. She can't move and is in constant pain. Just know as hard as it is to lose your mom, she went quickly with no pain - a true blessing.
    As you and your son's life continues, I hope that you will be able to find ways to celebrate the loving memories you have of your mom and they bring you comfort, peace, and eventually joy that will remain with you always - like her waving goodbye from the road unitl you were out of sight. She will always be in your heart and that is what counts in the end. God Bless

  96. Donna, Sending hugs your way. I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to your mom is amazing and strong. I pray for you and your son, that you may find comfort and strength in this difficult time. She leaves an amazing legacy, you and your son. God Bless!

  97. So much love and caring coming your way! I am so sad at the sudden loss of your Mother. Your words are a wonderful tribute to a woman who raised you well. I know the next few days will be difficult but you are not alone and never will be. God Bless.

  98. Donna, I am so so sorry about your mom. I loved the way you did your post on your mom. I lost my mom 2 years ago. It has not gotten any easier, its so hard to loose a Mom. I will keep you in my prayers during this difficult time. Take care

  99. I am so very sorry for your loss. What a gift it is though to know where she is, and how happy she must be. Thank you for sharing your heart - I will pray for you and your family.

  100. I'm SO sorry for your loss! Please know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  101. Not only do you impress with your craft skills, but you impress with your attitude and the way you handle life. I am so sorry about your mom. I will be thinking of you.

  102. What more can i say except my thoughts are with you and your family at this so very sad time, Amanda

  103. You know, I just met you last night and loved your blog. As I read and read, I kept thinking to myself that you are amazing. And Now I hear about your Mom. Please know that I am so sorry for your loss and you are in my prayers. When my Mom passed, I was sad, yes, but also happy that she was no longer in pain, so I know just what you're feeling.

  104. I am soooo sorry to hear about your mom. I hope you find the peace you need to get through this as you see fit.

    The "Seasons in the Sun" song was one of my favorites too when i was young, I used to play it all of the time on my record player and I still remember most of the words.

    I'll be thinking of you~

  105. Donna...this broke my heart when I read this and I'm so sorry for your loss!! But your words are very touching and you have the most wonderful outlook about your mom! Will be thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

  106. I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost my mom 5 months ago. It is so hard to adjust to them being gone. Like you, though, I know that they are in a better place, with loved ones, and at peace. We will see them again one day. Prayers to you and your family, Jill

  107. I am so sorry~
    I'm sure you will miss her very much ..she looks like a really nice mother(:)

  108. Im sorry for your loss, to be with out your mumma is the hardest thing. God needed a new angel that day. And mothers make the perfect angels.

  109. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Mom.
    But at the same time I am happy for you because you are able to express your feelings so wonderfully. She would be proud of you.

    I lost my Mom a few years ago and there isn't a day that goes by that I do not think of her.

    hugs and blessings

  110. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  111. Wow! So sorry for your loss.......

  112. Donna, thank you for sharing your heart and your tribute to your Mom. What a wonderful woman she must have been.

  113. SO very sorry for your loss.

  114. I'm so sorry for your sudden loss. I had to read the first paragraph twice because I couldn't comprend what I was seeing. Your tribute to her was done with grace and absolute class. She is proud, I am certain.

    I'm just in tears because my mom is so frail and becoming more ill; I too know what is coming soon. I'm thankful that you know the Lord and realize that she is with Him. And how lovely to think that she is there with Him on Easter! God bless you and your family.

  115. Sorry for your loss. Prayers to you and your family in this sad time.

  116. Oh Donna - so sorry for your loss.
    Will be praying for you and your family for peace.

  117. oh donna! i am so sorry for the loss of your mom! i cant even imagine! i am so glad that you both have your faith in Him! i will say a prayer for you and your family! xo

  118. My Deepest Sympathies to you Donna. I lost my Dad suddenly 4 years ago, so I know what it's like. I pray for God's peace to be with you and your family.

  119. I'm so sorry for your loss, Donna. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  120. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. Today is the 2nd anniversary of my mom's death - she also died suddenly (of a brain aneurysm). She was only 51 years old. For me, shock set in at first and then as time went on the grief got harder (for a time) and would creep up just out of the blue. It is comforting to think about Heaven and how wonderful that is compared to life here. I pray for comfort and peace over you and your family.

  121. Donna, I am so sorry, but happy for your mom! I lost my mom last Jan and it was so hard. I know exactly what you are going through. God bless you, you're mother and father and you're sweet son. Take care, I care.

  122. Dearest Donna,

    I am so tremendously sorry for your loss. I cried as I read this, knowing how meaningful my relationship is with my best friend, number one fan...and mom.

    I do thik God has given you the insight through your faith to know that his plan is mighty and devine. And of all weeks, can you just imagine the celebration and homecoming?

    Donna, You will certainly be in my prayers and thought in the next few days and weeks. Take your time.

    In and Through HIS never ending LOVE,
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  123. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son.

  124. I am so sorry for your loss. No words can express how one feels, your words above would make your Mom proud. My prayers are with you and yours at this time.

  125. So sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers to you and your family

  126. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your son my thoughts for the tough road ahead.

  127. I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your sweet little momma.

  128. Hugs and condolences to you and your family. What a wonderful tribute you have given her. What a wonderful woman she was... and a wonderful woman she raised. God bless you in your sorrow, and always.

  129. Oh my. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss, and yet quite uplifted by your beautiful tribute. I've been a lurker here, but wanted to offer my condolences.

  130. I'm so sorry, Donna. You have such a beautiful outlook on life; this one, and the next. I'm so glad you can feel peace at this tough time. God bless your family.

  131. May God Hold you in his arms at this time. It is very hard. I too have lost both of my parents. It's great to know that you and your parents were believers.

    God Bless You and Your Son

  132. So sorry to hear about your mom Donna, you have the right mindset though, you are an inspiration and I'm sure your mom is very proud of you!


  133. So sorry to hear about your mother. I know it's so hard losing a loved one, but it sure does make you feel better to know that they are in a better place.

  134. Donna,
    I am SO sorry for your loss! My heart aches for you and your family. Your mom was certainly a wonderful woman and has left you a wonderful legacy.
    Rejoicing with you in her homegoing.

    We lost my brother the day after Christmas and although we were "prepared" it has still been difficult. We cherish the memories and the fact that he is with the Lord. (i also did a tribute on my blog-it has helped me to deal with this loss)

    I will keep you lifted in prayer as the days of grief are just beginning. Allow yourself time.

    big hug to you and your son,
    judi ;)

  135. Send my prayers and wishing you peace!
    Hugs to you both,

  136. Donna, I am truly sending you sweet thoughts. My parents were taken from my family together, very suddenly, very tragically. So often people "expected" us to be so angry, shocked and grief stricken. And yes, there were those moments. But I can feel in your words, that you have a similar strength to look and dwell on the POSITIVES instead of the negatives. And however you feel from one moment to the next...don't let anyone tell you what's right and what's wrong. You are the only one to know that. Take care.


  137. Oh Donna!
    I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss. You have my deepest sympathy. Your post was beautiful. You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Peace to you,

  138. So sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Don't worry about rushing back...we know there are more important things.

  139. I am so very sorry for your loss but I love your perspective! May God be with you in these days ahead!

  140. I just found your blog and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Your mama must be very proud of you right now.

  141. Oh Donna--I am so sorry. She was a beautiful lady--prayers being sent your way!

  142. Donna,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son.


  143. My prayers are with you and your family. Your mom sounds like such a wonderful lady and it sounds like you can at least take comfort in the fact that you know she is happily in heaven now.

  144. I am so sorry, my friend, for this loss. May God bless you and keep you and your son in His arms through this time.

  145. My heart and prayers go out to you. Your mom looks like the sweetest of moms and it must be really hard to lose someone so special.

  146. My heart and prayers go out to you. What a beautiful post about your mother....and how blessed you are to be able to find peace and write such positive, lovely words. BIG HUGS to you!

  147. So sorry for your loss. Celebrate the blessing of having had such a wonderful woman in your life :-)

  148. My thoughts will be with you and your family many times in the coming days. You were so lucky to have such a special mom to guide and support you. I think you honor her spirit wonderfully!

  149. So sorry for your loss! It is us we grieve for as we know our loved ones are in a much better place. I lost my Dad last month and while it has gotten a little easier, there are moments. Another great song that helped me is, 'When I Get to Where I am Going', by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton! Used it for the slideshow I did for my Dad's memorial. The good thing is we know our loved ones are watching us from heaven and always in our hearts!



  150. Donna, I am so sorry to hear of the very sudden passing of your mom. Even though she is in the most wonderful, ultimate place; I know it doesn't stop you and your family from missing her terribly. I am sending you a big hug and I'm sending up prayers for love and comfort for you and your son right now.

  151. I am so sorry for your loss!! What great perspective you have. She sounds like a wonderful woman!

  152. huge hugs, so sorry to hear of your mums passing.

  153. Hey my sweet friend, know that I am praying for you each day. I lost my Dad in November, and as you well know, it takes a long time to figure out life without them. God's timing is always perfect, nothing is a surprise to Him, I rest in His promise that He is close to you today.
    Much love,

  154. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Love your positive attitude! I know that you are strong and will get through this hard time. It's good that you have your son for comfort. My prayers will be with you!

  155. Donna,

    I know your heart is torn between the missing her and the rejoicing of where she now resides. I believe when we know our life is eternal and our loved ones have just moved on ahead of us it lessons the heaviness in our hearts. When my dad made his departure I was the only Christian of my siblings and it grieved me more for them because they were wailing in utter agony and all I could do was Praise God silently that dad was free from the painful cancer and thankfully had accepted Jesus into his heart a few weeks prior. It was time just as you said about your mom. Life never ends when you know whose creation you belong to...Heavenly Father is wrapping his arms around your mom right wonderful!! Kathy

  156. So sorry to hear about your mom. What a comfort to know that she is reunited with your dad. Just remember you are not alone~we are on this journey together. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you and your son grieve.


  157. Praying for you today! In tears and in celebration.

  158. Bless your heart! It's been 6 weeks since my Mom passed. Use the cocoon of shock that surrounds you now to do what needs to be done. Gather friends around you who will be there when you need a shoulder, a hug, or just the space to grieve. Your world has tilted on its axis, and will never be quite the same again.

  159. Oh my, I'm so sorry for your mom passing. This is such a hard thing to live through, even though you know she's in a better place and without pain. That's what I kept telling myself when I lost my mom about 10 years ago...but my heart was breaking.

    Big hugz,

  160. I'm so so sorry about the sudden loss of your Mom. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  161. This comment has been removed by the author.

  162. I too am sorry for your loss Donna. The things you said about your mom reminded my of my dear sweet grandmother. It makes me want to strive to be a better person and pass down those types of memories to the people who know me. I'll be praying for your peace and comfort. God Bless You.

  163. Oh no! My deepest condolences Donna, glad she is reunited with her husband again, but so sorry for your loss. XO

  164. I'm very sorry for your loss. Peace be with you. xo

  165. Even though we don't know each other, I'm moved by your post, and saddened for you over your loss. But what a sweet gift you've been able to have all these years with a wonderful mother. Your blog family is here if you need anything! Not that there's tons that can be done over the digital waves, but just know you're being thought of and prayed for.

  166. Donna,
    What a beautifully poignant post you wrote to honor your Mom! You must have been exhausted as you write those words, yet you were able to convey the sense of the beautiful spirit of your dear Mom to all us complete strangers. I confess to bursting into tears as I read this, as everyone who read before me undoubtedly did too. Bless you for sharing so much of yourself in this time of great loss. You are truly a remarkable person and a testament to the lives of your dear parents. My prayers go out for you and your son.

  167. Donna that was lovely. I'm so sorry for you, but happy she is with the scares me because I know one day I will be where you are feeling the same way. Bless your heart and I'm glad your son is a comfort and there for you. You are teaching him so much right now. I'll be praying for you & your family as you find your way.

  168. Oh man... crying on your behalf. I am just sooooo sooooo sorry. Praying for your strength and peace. Do you know Beth on Stories of A to Z.... she just lost her Daddy 2 or 3 weeks ago. Wow... I feel for you.

  169. Sending you lots of virtual hugs. It was clear from your writing and the lovely picture that your mom was a very special lady and that she had an extra special connection with your family. Take care and know we are all lifting you up.


  170. Donna, I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother and your son's grandmother. We lost our mother this past New Year's Eve day. She passed her strong faith on to us and we find comfort in knowing she is in a better place.
    I will be praying for you and your family as you face the days ahead.

  171. Donna,
    It is tough to lose your mom. I lost mine four years ago and still miss her everyday. I'll be praying for comfort for you and your family.

  172. Donna,
    I'm so sorry for the missing you will go through, but so glad your Mom is with your Dad, and in a better place than this life can ever be.

    Our prayers are with you.

    His grace and peace be with you as you process your great loss.


    barbara jean

  173. That was beautiful. I can tell you will miss your Mom very much. She raised a fine daughter. I'm so sorry for this loss. You and your son will be in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve.

  174. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you, my friend.

  175. I simply can not imagine your loss - but I'm very sorry because I know you will miss her terribly. Your comments were very moving - it is truly a blessing when we know our loved ones are in Heaven and that we will meet again someday. I pray God will give you and your sweet son comfort and peace.

  176. What a beautiful tribute to your mother. Wishing you healing in this time of sadness. May that warmth you felt in that room live on in your heart and memory until you are reunited one day!

  177. Donna,
    I'm so sorry about your loss. Your post about your Mom made my cry. What a wonderful way to celebrate her life. Thank you for sharing.

  178. Oh, Donna...I'm so sorry for your loss! I'll be praying for you. My daddy is up in heaven with your folks.

    God bless you!

    Julie M.

  179. You are an inspiration and I for one appreciate that it is now my turn to be as giving to you as you have always been to us through your blog. Keep taking one step at a time Donna and continue to know that you are treasured and that we all look forward to more of your posts when you can. Debra A (Australia)

  180. Donna ~ I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your Mom sounded like a very special lady and I am sure she is dancing with the angels right now. Thoughts and prayers to you sweet lady. xo

  181. Donna - Your mom must have been so proud of the way you are living your life and of the inspiration and guidence you provide to so many others. She must have been a wonderful woman. My heart and my prayers go out to you and your son.........

  182. Donna~

    I'm so sorry for your loss. But what a precious tribute to your Mom's beauty!

    Blessings to you and your son~

  183. oh sweet lady. I am so very sorry for your loss. You will all be in my heart and my prayers.

  184. I just saw this post and wanted to tell you that I am so sorry. I can't imagine your pain - loss is so hard. I will be praying for you and rejoicing that she's reunited with her God and her husband!

  185. Dear Donna,
    Five 1/2 years ago I lost both my Mom and my Dad within a few months of each other. I, too, know that they are in God's presence, and deep inside I rejoice for them, yet my heart still longs to hear their voices and misses their hugs.

    We are indeed blessed to have had such wonderful loving parents! My heart aches for your loss, and I want you to know that I will be praying for you through this difficult time.

    If you ever need a sympathetic heart to listen, you can email me at
    This is something no one can truly understand until they have gone through it.

    Love, BIG hugs and prayers,

  186. I'm so sorry about your loss, Donna. Thank you for taking the time to tell me how to link when you are so overwhelmed with everything else. I lost my dad six years ago, but he visits me so often in dreams that I feel a new relationship with him began. I hope you can stay close to your mom through great memories, etc. I am praying for you!

  187. I'm new to your site and just read this about your mom and it brought tears to my eyes! Your attitude is so great and inspiring- I know one day I will have to face that, but right now I can't imagine. May God continue to bring you strength and comfort.

  188. I am a new reader of your blog and just read your sad story about your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I dread the day when I have to go through the same exact thing.Having lost my father 13 years ago I can still recall how acutely painful it was and how surprised I was at the depths of my grief. It was a pivotal moment in my life and the next one will be even worse. Your comment about the 'new normal' really struck a chord with me. Life from this point forward is forever changed but it does make us better human beings in the end. I am no longer impatient with little old men and women in the supermarket. Instead I see their sweetness and fragility. They are precious. Compassion and empathy replace impatience, judgment and ambivalence. It is much easier to see beauty in all people. God Bless You Nancy

  189. So sorry for the loss of your Mother. I can truly relate...I lost my Mom on January 15th, after a relatively short (7 months) battle with cancer. We celebrated my only daughter's wedding 6/6/09, and within a few weeks Mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Kidney Cancer...and it was all downhill from there. It was so hard to witness the effects of the disease and medications on her body...and watching her progression to the end. It just broke my heart to see her in pain. As a friend (who had gone through the same with her mother, and had just a few weeks earlier buried her Mom) whispered to me at Mom's visitation: "There are things worse than death...and we have seen it." Those were actually comforting words...knowing that someone knew exactly what I had experienced...and helped me to understand, and accept, that Mom was in a better place...with no more suffering...and joined again with those that had gone before her.
    It's been over 2 months...I "checked out" for through winter...and now, the arrival of Spring is helping me to move on, to find my "new normal", to rejoin Life, and to seek joy in everyday life, in all the things I love!
    Wishing you Peace, Love, & Joy!

  190. Your Momma is smiling down at you this Easter day. I know what you mean about calling- 100 times you will pick up the phone and then realize what reality is...but listen and wait...and you will hear from your Mom, feel her rpesence and know she made it and is settled in. It might be awhile- lots of souls to reconnectw ith first. I am convinced parents always parent- even long distance.

  191. Donna, I am so sorry for your loss.For those of us who have been there can feel your pain through your beautiful words. Your Mom raised a beautiful and strong woman. That was no accident. She gave you the ultimate tool you'd need to get through this very painful time.I'm so glad that your son was old enough to really know your mom and that the two of you can share all the memories every day to help you. I know you won't believe this now but there are actually days when a memory of my dad can have me in tears from laughing so hard. Take good care now and I will be thinking of you like so many here. xxoo Donna <3

  192. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm thankful she is with your dad. It's such a hard loss and yet there is hope in the vision of her being welcomed by the waiting arms of her Heavenly Father. May He also wrap His same loving arms around you, and hold you and your son tightly through this time.


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