Sunday, February 28, 2010

Accessorizing for SYTYCD

Welcome, to old friends and new guests alike! I'm pretty proud to be included in this amazing group of gals, to show you a little bit about my own personal style of decorating. Thanks Stephanie!
And thanks for your visit! Let the fun begin. :)
* indicates links shown at end of post 

Once upon a time, *my favorite chair broke, changing my office area forever.  I took suggestions from your comments, throwing in a dash of my *own decorating advice, putting function before beauty.

Because, after trying out the new farm table, it had to stay. It just HAD to. So out came the paint and gone went the old accessories, and the rebuild began.

More on how I got it to where it is later, however today, thanks to SYTYCD, we're celebrating...

~ accessories! ~

Come on in...

... to my new revamped junkin' bloggin' office. :)

Gone are the days in my home when a dining room is used for eating. This area is now my blog office, with a very funky personality. :) Random objects of desire come together, all playing a much bigger part. A little bit of metal, wood, black and white all harmonize, creating a fun, casual environment that would inspire any junk lovin' blogger! Not that we need the extra enticement...

Even the inside of the two doors of the armoire provide function. Although they can close, I'd never want to do that. :) ( I prefer to face space, rather than a wall ) On the left hangs a bulletin board, also displaying an antique clipboard for some layered interest.

The right door houses an old heavy duty metal shower caddy for post it notes and writing materials.

The top row of labeled baskets hide all kinds of office needs.

Punches of white were needed to tie in the farm table top, so the middle shelf holds a white drawer from a dresser, one of the best paper catchers EVER. (groups an entire year of school paperwork before it goes into the year end scrap book)  The office sign was created from bits and pieces of this and that I had laying around. The surface of the sign was lightly roughed up to give it a chalkboard appearance.

Have you noticed *the backing on the armoire? A chunk of metal clad siding, complete with rusty details gives this area a kick of unexpected industrial charm! If that doesn't make you smile, not much would. :)

Inside the armoire, old jars, plates, platters and an antique sewing machine drawer do double duty for useful office storage. A few fun things just to look at are also thrown in the mix. Can you guess what that spoked wheel thing is? (hint... laundry)

The white, the dark and the metal all flipflop, taking turns at being center stage. The rounds really draw in your eye much like a bullseye.

I'm not sure where these wire bowls originated from, but I always see them in the local thrifts. I need another. This one use to hold my bananas and sugar container on the counter and I miss it. :)

My little FJI buddy from *Denise, sits perfectly perched up on top..

.. of this productive yet fun vignette. All the galvanized goods create a  home for non office DIY helps as well. 

The fluted can happily holds twine and string, patiently waiting for that inspiration to hit. (I have a twine thing) A hidden clothespin simply clipped to the edge of the can holds up the small ball of twine, creating a great spot to stash easy to grab scissors.

The old coffee perk displays a touch of the great outdoors, while the old pot lid becomes the perfect pin drop.

Grouping these like minded objects together created a theme that highlights the contents, rather than fights them.

No blog office is complete without a good 'ol antique meat grinder holding up those pens and pencils. (Look, it even has a number on it. Cool.) Not only does this little addition make me smile, the raised elevation keeps the desk tidy, as well as the clamp keeping the works from being knocked over by 2 cats and a 10 yr old boy.

My brushes sit right in front of me, attempting to reel me off the blog, and into project land. Sometimes they even win. :)

The new revamped blogging office is all about the things that inspire me, just the way it should be. Thank-you favorite chair, for breaking. :)

After you're done here, head on back to SYTYCD to cast your vote for your favs!

* Offshoots from this post:

Next up: tutorials on the office sign, labeled baskets, and what I did with the table to make it work.

How about you? Is your 'blogging' office uniquely you? Have a link to it online? Feel free to share the url in comments. I'd love to see. :)


  1. You have done an amazing job of adding all those wonderful textures. I just love your eye for using unusual items for decoration and organization. Huge fan!

  2. DONNA!! Awesome girl!!! I am amazed at your SYTYCD entry!! How exciting for you! Awesome pictures too-I think good pictures are important...:)
    Great job and can't wait to see the coming projects!

  3. I've been sitting here pressing the refresh button, just waiting on your post. It looks fabulous! Such great examples of how little details really do add class into every element of your vignettes.

    I'll be back to comment further. Just too tired after market to think too hard right now.

    I love it all.

  4. You definitely have a flair with junk! Your eye (and creative heart) for this stuff is incredible! I love the first shot of your office through the chair slats! The shower caddy is brilliant! My mouth dropped open when I saw that!

    I also love the touch of greenery in your earthy ware display! And Denise's birdie on top! My best to you on this competition! I'm jumping over to see what everyone else is doing!

  5. Congratulations, your beautiful office definitely deserves to be honored! Good luck!

    Kat :)

  6. Love the different things you used as accessories, Donna! This area definitely says you!

  7. Loving all the metal touches! And that ball of twine to hold your scissors? Nothing short of genious!


  8. Amazing! You are definitely off to a fabulous start. I wish my "office" looked half as good as this! Good luck!

  9. WOW...luv the shower caddy and the ball of twine holding your scissors...these ideas are soooo pea-pickin CUTE!


  10. I just found your blog and I am in love!!! So much fun!! Love your style and use of old things! A girl after my own heart!

  11. Hi Donna - I love how you incorporated your junk loving style so creatively and I must say super successfully into your office. I enjoy seeing how you didn't over look the smallest detail.
    I love to see work spaces. I posted one half of my studioffice, and am updating the other half still. It is a fun process, since it is all my space and I can make it truly a place of my own. I don't have to share it with anyone else in the house. Best of Luck with SYTYCD
    url to my desk:

  12. Donna,
    It all looks so great! You are a queen at accessorizing with interesting things. I love how your home clearly wasn't bought from store or a catalog. It was lovingly collected and arranged over time. Just beautiful! Good luck to you.

  13. Donna~

    I too have been waiting by the computer for your post. I couldn't wait for this moment to see your post- and you did NOT disappoint.

    My favorites? Oh, the vintage clipboard, the sewing drawer with the canning jars (ring/lids included) AND! the hand painted sign!

    Great job.

  14. I HATE my office. Hate, hate, hate it. It's the only room in our house that is not done. And unfortunately, it's the first room you see when you walk in our house! Both my hubby and I office out of the home, so we have to share it. But now its a catch all with no curtains, no wall hangings, no nothing. Do you travel? Ha!

  15. I seriously could spend hours on your blog. You have an amazing talent!!

  16. Well done Donna, you have made an amazing office area for yourself. So much to look at and the pictures you have taken are just beautiful.... now that's a place I'd like to do my office work at... Good Luck:)

  17. I so love your decorating style!

  18. Donna!! Your office is amazing! But then, I wouldn't expect anything less. I adore all of it. Every. little. bit. Pure, junk-lovin' perfection!

  19. Serious? You just made me drool on my keyboard!


  20. The meatgrinder pencil cup was my fav! And here I've been using mine to make hamburger--what was I thinking...

  21. What a great spot for inspiration! I love all your touches, textures,'s the perfect place to get productive!

  22. How lovely! And how very you! I love that meat press, and I am going to steal your drawer idea(s). Yeah I have a personal blogging space too, just not blogged about it and it is so different from yours, you wouldn't believe. It is where I let my girly girl hairs loose. Will blog about it soon.

  23. This week's theme was made for you. You are the Queen of accessorizing! Loved your entry. Good luck!

  24. An awesome entry for sure. Loved everything about it. Quite a great array of textures and elements you've used to pull together a fabulous blogging/office area. Great job!

  25. Donna this is fabulous!! Terrific job as always. I love listening to you describe it all as well. It makes me want to bring you over to my place to talk about my decor in a way that makes you look back over the parts that you had at first assumed were less significant details! :) Bravo!

  26. Love love love....can I come blog from your space??? It is so inviting and warm. I love the way you use such unique items in your decorating..very inspiring! Good luck at SYTYCD

  27. Ummm... can you come to my house!? LOL! I have no idea how I found your blog, but I'm here to stay! I WISH I could do what you do!

  28. Girl! If you only knew how often you inspire me!
    I added as a facebook follower. Hope you will look me up to and befriend tales from Bloggeritaville.
    Hope you have a great week. Stop by my place if you get a chance. Would love to have you visit.
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  29. I wouldn't get a single thing accomplished in that office...I'd be too busy admiring it! Great, great job!

    Andrea (Junk Girl)

  30. Donna
    Love what you've done with the space. I would love to sit there and spend many hours "producing" stuff.

  31. Wow! You inspire me every time I visit! I am trying to teach myself to see things in a different light when I go junkin...I'm getting better at it, and your posts give me better ways to repurpose things and give them a new lease on life! Thanks for sharing!

  32. That was so much fun! Your photography is getting better and better! Outstanding. I loved the shower caddy. You are as clever as ever. I've missed our visits. :)

  33. Thank you so much, all. My style is 'abit different' so I appreciate you looking past the old beat up components I tend to sway towards, to enjoy the artful aspect. I hope it's artful. Is artful a word?!?

    FJ Donna

  34. I discovered your blog recently and am enjoying it very much. Your kitchen office appears to have made a few transformations. Did you remove the table? Your post on your kitchen office caught my attention because I am about to turn my breakfast area into a home office for myself. I just love what you have done. Thanks so much for sharing.

  35. I love it all! I have a blue and green desk! One day I'll have photos on the blog. I like how you surrounded your space with pretty things. Your style is perfect! :)


  36. Donna, saw you FB update & decided to see what's new. Office looks great! Mine is mostly high-tech, but I have one little corner where my own FJ tendencies shine through. You can see it in this focal point of that room:


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!