Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Crazy Workshop Fairytale (and winners!)

Once upon a time,

... this crazy girl with crazy dreams could no longer budge into her own workspace to create crazy creations. She called a truce with her junk and exclaimed, "That's it! We are SO DONE!"

So she decided if she was going to go through the major breakup of all her fine rust and relics, that she needed some major moral support. So she created a workshop series along with a blog friend with the first installment being, to create a workshop of course! And opened the door to her beloved blog buddies to suffer along join in.

Most joined in and cheered. And then there were those that took the challenge to enhance their own workshops! But it was a tough road for many of them. Dealing with renos, poor winter weather, illnesses, and

*some crazy wacked out computer with a temper tantrum losing major amounts of pictures at the eleventh hour, many lost hope in their quest for a beautiful workspace. Spirits dropped! Something had to be done! Quick like!

So the crazy girl did the only thing she could do. Make crazy videos of course!

Spirits perked... seemed like the crazy girl had crazy loyal friends, for they stuck it out much to the crazy girl's surprise!

One by one, workshops started to come to completion. The crazy girl watched in glee as her flourishing friends rose to the top right along with her! Estatic, she set a deadline so they could begin a normal life again soon! Very very soon!

And then they were done. To celebrate this amazing feat, the group got together and threw a little workshop shindig, inviting the entire world over for a little peek at all they had accomplished.

#1. Babysteps Cottage's amazing barn slowly morphing, as the cold weather put a temporary hold on the progress. Look at that brick wall! Cool!

#2. Make Mine Beautiful's amazing professional setup! Polly had just moved house and home and was able to have her new workshop set up in the knick of time for this reveal!

#3. Heartwood Roses' amazingly unique space in her 1848 home. Incredibly unique features everywhere you look. You must check out the island. Beautiful!

#4. The Magic Brush's art studio. Beeeeutiful colours and patterns! But ya gotta go check out that floor! Floooooor envy, baby!

#5. Artistically Speaking's video of her awesome studio. So many specialties to gaze at with every turn! Sorry, was not able to capture a picture.

#6. Kitchen Table Productions goes through a major amazing overhaul!

(Too bad we can't say the same for the uncooperative ribbon)

#7. Prim and Proper gets all gussied up for the big event! Check out her sideways shelf she mounted to the wall. Cool idea!

#8. Simply Casual-Cottage creates a sweet little cottage style workshop, adorned with a lovely tarantula, funky junk style for this special occasion!

#9. Under the Table Dreaming's amazing rustic retreat that has all the touches any creative mind would enjoy. Amazing photography and ultra creative objects!

#10. Sue - I'd love for you to email me when your workshop is complete. Get better soon!

And then the voting began. Many from far and wide joined in for the big event, casting their votes for the little workspace that spoke to them the most. It was to celebrate these 9 beautiful workshops that came to completion! Bravo to all!

However, as in all good sportsmanship kind of events, it's time to celebrate with gifts for the lucky chosen!

Congratulations Stephanie Lynn of  Under the Table Dreaming!

Your workspace is amazing. Total eye candy brimming with inspiration everywhere you look! I'd hang any of these items right in my livingroom. Stunning photography to boot! Thank-you so much for the lovely tour! 

and random draw winner...

Congrats Ali! I'm happy to wait till after your move so we can get you set up with just the right touch!

Ahhhh... but we are not done quite yet.

And I'd like to make one honourable mention. There was a gal in our midst that, against the odds, she overcame so much in such a short time. It's my belief that passion has indeed hit her in the most profound way. She brings laughter and smiles to her posts at every turn, and I'm so very pleased to have her as our friend right here in workshopville. Grade A student, going for the gold!

Kolein the arteeeest, you get to go shopping too. :)

Let me know what type of labeling you gals would like when you're ready as per THIS LINK, and I'll getcha set up!

Awww... shucks, SL. Say... I'll trade ya. :)


  1. Wowzers! Everyone's spaces look incredible!!! I loved them all! Great storage ideas and tips! Colors and textures...amazing!!!!
    Thanks for sharing the links

  2. I had so much fun with this. Thanks, Donna, for providing the inspiration and the gentle prodding to keep us on task. Without this workshop feature, my own space would still be a messy basement room. The best part is ... I can find my tools!

  3. Amazing how happy having a workshop can make you! Love all these lady's work...Bravo Girls! I'm available for a craft night anytime...thanks for the eye candy Donna.

  4. This was a great series and so inspiring. Lots of good tips from everyone who participated. Makes me want to go clean up my workspaces now so I can actually work in them!
    Kudos to all who finished and posted. You did great.
    Thanks for the series Donna, hope you do more of them.

  5. What a great little storyteller you are!
    Everyone did a great job on their spaces, and Stephanie certainly deserved to win. Her space is incredible. I would give anything to see it in person.

    Stephanie, if you're reading this, I think you shold submit your space to "Where Women Create". Yours is the kind of space they covet.

  6. I too thank all of you for taking part! I personally have to say, I'm delirous when I go into my own garage and can belt out a small wood cut in a jiffy without tripping over something. :)

    Stay tuned for more 'building in the workshop' on Wed!

    FJ Donna


    Everybody's space looked so great. Now we have no excuse not to be creative.
    Thanks Donna for lighting a fire under MY seat. If you didn't join in on Donna's first workshop- well, you can go back and check the previous posts- her tips are great and her ideas inspiring!
    We all had fun to boot!

  8. Wow, Thanks everyone who voted and stopped by to check out my space. I am so honored to say the least. Donna, You're amazing! Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to inspire us all.

    I'm so happy....and your video songs are still playing in my head!

  9. Stephanie... you are welcome! And sorry about the video songs. They are indeed the type that don't leave for a GOOD LONG time. :) I don't buy new music (radio liker here) and this is just old junk I had on hand. Hmph... I sense a life pattern here.

    FJ Donna

  10. I LOVE everyone's space! I have gleaned so much from getting a glimpse into how other people "do it". Oh my gosh. Talk about "lighting a fire under MY seat"!!! Burn baby burn! Donna, you are my champion!!! As are all of these gals. It was and is a complete BLAST! And while my desk isn't as clean as the before shot....my studio is being used in such a productive way. Some days I just go down there because I can. I find I am an inspiration all aglow!!

  11. This post is so cute, Donna! I love the rustic workshop that won. Very deserving and congrats to the other winners.

  12. Donna, how did I miss this motivational opportunity? Well -- I did, and I wish I hadn't. It looks like so much fun and goodness knows I could sure spend about a week in there getting something accomplished. These spaces are great, as was your office space on SYTYCD. I also loved that you appreciated my post about the ottoman story. haha... I'm gonna get this right sometime!

  13. Wow, such creative spaces!

    I just gave you the sunshine award on my blog :)

  14. so bummed i just missed this opportunity! i just worked on my craft space area, i have a few finishing touches but it's almost done. found you through late night owl blog. i'm so glad i did! looking forward to perusing your blog. i am now following you. hope you'll come visit me when you get a chance!

  15. Hi Donna,
    I'm awarding you with the Kreativ Blogger Award, because you so awesome. You can check it out here:
    Remember to pass the love on to 7 others you're inspired by.



I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!