Friday, January 1, 2010

SNS #11 brings you ~ DIY, Christmas stories, nests and songs!

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #11!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a *DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Too busy with Christmas this round for a DIY project? Gotcha covered! Feel free to share your Christmas story with us. What you got, what you did, where you're putting it all... ;)

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts, so make sure you check after the party to see if your blog is in lights. I sneak in some features in my sidebar widget during the party too. :)

This weekend we have a giveaway as sweet as a song, perfect for your little nest. :)

I'd like to introduce to you,

Barbara Jean, from

Treasures from the Heart!

Make sure you check out her bird nest tutorial on her blog. Cute!!

Barb, who is a very active part of our little blogging DIY community, also creates beautiful whimsical treasures that are at the hilt of popularity these days!

Barbara Jean has a gift store in Oregon, however in order to reach the world around her, she also has a delightful blog dedicated to showcasing what she sells.

is her online gift shop, especially geared to show all her wonderful wares. Ready to melt? Don't say I didn't warn you.

She specializes in:

sweet nesty type shadow box pictures with loads of natural elements,

... how adorable is this bird nest flower?!?

And all things vintage. DROOL!!! I'd be in BIG financial trouble if I lived close to her shop I can tell.

Scroll down to her labels so you can catch all she has listed, and be sure to follow if you wish to see her add as she creates!

So what's the giveaway?

 Barb has created a special page on her DIY blog with some lovely choices  so you can choose! You will LOVE them.

This just in! Until Sunday 11pm, Barbara Jean is offering purchasers of her items 15% off their purchases. More info on her blog when you get there.

How to enter the giveaway:

1. Post your DIY project or Christmas post.

2. Visit Barbara's blog HERE, and choose which item you'd like if you won.

3. Come back here to the comments HERE and...

- let me know what # your entry was from the listing
- your gift choice
- your email if it's not on your profile nor blog

(this way will allow you to enter as many posts as you wish, while keeping entries one per person)

The winner will be chosen through the comments by random draw. The first one that is chosen that offers all the #3 criteria will win the giveaway! Winner along with highlight post will be announced later next week.

Rules to link up:

1. Please link up your intended  post, NOT your blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. Please indicate if it's a DIY or Christmas post. I'll allow for more space in the link area so you can type what you need.

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Did your link up disappear? No prob! Please reread the rules and try again!

Thank-you Barbara, for hosting this awesome giveaway!

Please make sure to give her lots of bloggy love over yonder for her generosity too.

Good luck and happy inspiration to all!


  1. I love this giveaway! I can't wait to see others' links as well.

    The requisite info: I'm post #2 and I LOVE prize #4. I'm a big proponent of hope and I love hope inspired decor.

  2. Thanks for hosting Donna and Happy New Year!!!
    I am linky #3. Boy is it hard to choose between all the pretty things! If I were lucky enough to win I would love the bird nest flower!

  3. H Donna! Happy new Year!! I hope 2010 is a GREAT year for you & Cody! I am linky #4 this week, and love #1 the bird nest with perals! Cute stuff!


  4. Thanks for hosting. I am visiting from Barb's blog. I am link number 11 and I would live prize number 4. The frame with the verse from Romans.


  5. Thanks for hosting. I love this party. Barb's items are beautiful. I'm link #5 and would love to win prize #2 (the flower bird nest with doily). Happy New Year, Donna!

  6. I love that flower bird's nest, thanks for hosting a great party!

  7. Ooh I adore prize #3! Would be perfect in the music room. Oh and my link is #15. Thanks!

  8. I'm in Oregon (like Barb) and can't wait to visit her shop. I'd be honored to win NEST #1 and am link #16 above. I enjoy reading your blog frequently and am thankful for the both of you hosting a fun giveaway. Good luck to my fellow bloggers who enter and share all their great DIY projects!!!!


  9. Thanks for hosting! This is my first time actually joining, so I'm extra excited.

    I'm entry #17 and I LOVE prize #3.
    All of the prizes are gorgeous, but #3 is my favorite.
    Can't wait to check out everyone's projects.


  10. Donna, I have spent nearly all day at your blog, learning how to make ours better. Your ideas and those of your readers, made my muddy waters blogging so much clearer. Thanks so much for doing that post, it was illuminating. Also thanks for your SNS that give us all a chance to share our "stuff". We LOVE your blog and all of the inspiration it ALWAYS gives to me & Hubs. We love your style & appreciate your sharing your time and considerable talents! Deborah & Hubs
    PS we are link #18 & really love #1.

  11. I love your SNS's! I listed your post on layering vignettes in my Top 10 Picks from Blogland 2009. Check it out:

  12. Donna,

    Thanks so much for your ever wonderful and helpful blog.
    I have learned a lot to help make my blog better and gotten so many great ideas from you and the others who join in on SNS.

    And thanks for helping figure out how to do this giveaway with you!
    Soooooo fun!

    blessings to you and good luck to all.

    barbara jean

  13. Thanks for hosting Saturday Night Special. It's fun to read blogs new to be and to get great inspiration.

    I'm linky number 27. If I won, I'd pick prize package number 2.

  14. i joined the party! instead of christmas, i linked our very DIY new year'e eve party. to start the new year off right...with a party of course. :)

    happy new year. wishing many blessings, lots of funky decor, posts, & link parties to you.

  15. Hi Donna, i'm linky #29 and if I won I would pick prize #2 Flower bird nest with doily or glove,

    Thanks for the party :)

  16. I am #35 in the link-up, Donna. I love Barbara Jean's nest with the pearls on the little black tray. This would look great in a vignette on a chest I have in my foyer, under some old looking egg prints/bookplates that are framed.

  17. I am #36 and I fell in LOVE with the bird nest did indeed 'melt' my heart! I'm lovin' everyone's projects too!

  18. Number 46 I love the birds nest with the pearls, so pretty.

    Isn't this fun??

  19. I'm post #53 on your blog and I think Prize #1 is the cutest. It has me itching for spring!

  20. Hi Donna, thanks for inviting me! I'm very excited to be part of my first link party! Just another DIYer.

  21. #20 Ana,

    it is about TIME you showed the masses your incredible talents. Any builders out there? You must go check out her link at #55. :)

    I'm glad you're all loving what Barbara Jean has to offer. Aren't her projects the sweetest?

    Funky Junk Donna

  22. I'm number 58. My favorite thing is prize number 3. How generous of Barbara Jean.

  23. I am number 37 and my favorite is number 1

  24. I love your new profile pic! Cute! And the header design is some nice work. I think maybe my favorite so far. :)

  25. I am #65 & #66.

    My favorite is: Prize #2 Flower bird nest with doily or glove.

    My email is on my blog! :)

  26. I'm post #70 and I think prize #1 is sooo pretty!!

    Happy New Year!!

  27. Thanks for Hosting! Barbara Jeans creations are so darling! I'm post #73 and I love her giveaway number 2 ... it's fabulous!

  28. Thanks for being so committed for hosting the SNS. I love your ideas. I am post #76 and I love prize #4 about hope...perfect reminder for a new year! Thanks again and I would love to have you visit me!

  29. Donna-

    I'm no. 77 -- I would choose #4 at Barbara Jeans give away.

    Thanks for hosting and show casing her great talent!

  30. Thanks for hosting this have a great blog and I am glad that I came across it. (I will now waste *okay maybe waste is the wrong word* several hours pouring through every post and link! :)
    I'm #79 and I think the framed verse (#4) is
    ~Bethany @ HappyByDesign

  31. Since none of my current projects are ready for a big reveal, I had to go digging in my photo albums for something from the olden days. Thanks for the push to revisit a fond memory from the past!

    I'm # 83 and love #2.

  32. Barbara Jean is the sweetest, isnt' she?!

    I didn't get to participate this week but the links to DIY projects are amazing! Hope to get through them this week!

    Have a great week Donna!



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