Thursday, December 31, 2009

A coffee table with a dual personality - revisited

This post isn't brand new to blogsphere, however has been added to. And since I took a lovely picture of it at Christmas with 'the different look', it totally feels like a brand new table again! Read on and see what I mean.

Woodsy finishes on coffee tables can be lovely! But in this case, this little table had a troubled finish that needed alot of help. The table had some great features, but I had something else in mind for it.

First, the table recieved a light sanding, then was primed.

The table had a lovely ridge around the edge that offered some interesting opportunities! So the trials began. The varations are still thought out at priming stage to ensure the right finishing colour is used.

The chosen antique white paint goes on! Great care was taken to save all the time worn nooks and crannies to allow for the next step.

Here is one side with the new glaze! Isn't it amazing how the features just pop when a glaze is added? A mid tone was used so the antiquing would have a softer hue.

Here's the magic part of the table. The tiles were dry placed without mortar nor grout! The fit was just that perfect! This option allows for an easy change or to simply morph back to a wooden surface. Nothing like a little 'change my mind' option thrown in!

Tile version.

White version. In seconds!

 Let's try out some other vignettes!

Um... yeah. Next!

The table colours were chosen to compliment this room. The tile ties in with the darker fireplace, yet the antique white paint lightens the space, pulling in the sofa.

A slight ledge on a coffee table is a fabulous and hard to find option. The lip captures any spilled drinks...

... and makes the most awesome 'Lego capturing' table EVER.

Lil Dude, you make it look good, tiles or no tiles. :)


  1. Boy he sure is cute! Love the table, but I REALLY love that black tray sitting on it.
    Another great project for sure.

  2. I cannot believe the tiles fit. That is just awesome. I like both looks.

    I'm with you on the coffee table with a little lip. We no longer have a coffee table, but a train table that my dad made for us and it has a lip on it. No more juice boxes on the floor! :)

    Your son is a cutie. Ahhh... legos. I see them in my near future.


  3. Now that was FUN! Well done...Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your table and your son, they dont stay young for long!
    Happiness from Poland,

  4. What a great Lego table! Love that picture of your Lego lover. It brings back memories of my own son surrounded by piles of Legos. Now he's nearly grown and the Legos are consigned to plastic bins in the basement, being saved for his future kids. Sigh.

  5. Love the table and the antiquing glaze!Happy New Year!

  6. Your table looks great! Your son is a cutie!! :)
    Hope you have a great day, and Happy New Year. Beth.

  7. I love the tiles and that they aren't grouted in. Great idea! Cute boy too! Happy New Year!

  8. I love that coffee table so much!
    I wish I could find something like that around here!

  9. Ooohh, I remember this one! It is a great transformation! Happy 2010!

  10. Happy New Year, my friend! I love your table and what a wonderful redo of it.

  11. that looks great!!! I love how it turned out!

  12. Your son is so cute! The table looks amazing either way!!!

    Great post

  13. I noticed when you took some Christmas pictures that the tiles that you had put on, were now off... great table to be able to use different ways when needed.
    (He's adorable!)

    Happy New Year,

  14. I love this table. I'm on the look out for one that size to replace an old thing that I have that is a little wonky!

  15. This table was a triumph! I love the practicality and beauty of the tile top.

  16. Gorgeous!!! As you obviously already know. Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog, have a wonderful new year!! :)

  17. What a great table!! And that handsome young man doesn't hurt either :)

  18. LOVE the table and what you did to it!
    Wonderful vignettes,
    and sweet little guy. =0))

    barbara jean

    PS thanks for coming by. =))

  19. Donna, I would be hard pressed to say which of you projects have been my favorite, but this is surely ONE of them...this is STYLE! Thanks for stopping by with sweet comments, it made my day! This high-tech pot brews one cup at a time, thereby, no waste! The 'pods' are a perfect cup's portion of ground coffee...and there are so many to choose from! You just HAVE to google it and check it out...I am in love with it! I will probably drink TOO much coffee this year as a result, lol! Thanks again for stopping by and I am looking forward to your next project!!!

  20. The possibilities are endless! You could have a different tile for every month of the year! Love it.

  21. Hi Donna-
    Congratulations on being nominated and getting 21 votes in the "Hommies" I was so happy to see one of my favorite blogs way up on the list. Way to go!

  22. Sigggghhhh! It's perfect! Awesome job on the aging, I have to to tackle that!

  23. I love the table, Donna. I've been looking for a table with a lip like that for puzzles at the library.

  24. May I ask exactly what the paint and glaze were on the coffee table? I'm in the middle of an end table (will now have to change it from black to antique white with glaze...) and have an oak kitchen table stripped and ready to go, and cannot find the exact shades I want. I LOVE what you've found. Would you mind sharing, please? Thanks.

  25. Donna, this table looks great with or without the tiles. What an awesome table! You so inspire me! Thanks!

  26. I love this coffee table--the legs, the rope trim, and the paint treatment are all wonderful!

  27. Very nice you have done in your blog .i really liked it very much what you have done related to Coffee Table.Well done.

  28. May I too, ask what type and shade of paint and glaze you use? I have tried several and have never been satisfied with the results. Thank you.

  29. What a great "new" coffee table. I'd love to have one just like it! I'll have to get my hubby on the job. Think I'll get the tiles FIRST, just to make sure they fit. The tiles turning out to fit yours just right is wonderful! Your sweet little boy and his leggoes make a pretty picture!

    Have a great day, Maki

  30. Gorgeous! Wish I could live in your head. You're so blessed with such an artistic flair. Oh, and your son, he's the icing!

    Would you be willing to share the name or formula of glaze you used? It's just perfect!


  31. Donna, love the table...but Lil' Dude is a cutie!
    Smiles, alice


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