Monday, January 4, 2010

SNS #11 highlights and a winner!

You guys blow me out of the water.  See for yourself what transpired during SNS #11.

Flea Market Trixie prints deep meaning messages on burlap. LOVE this.

Salvaged door shelves help enhance...

... this little number. LOVE it all, by The Painted Home.

Two old shirts or one new cool sweater? Blue Cricket Design shows you how.

Bi fold door art by You Git. Mandi is funny too. :)

Finally, a tutorial on how to create silhouette pictures from Treasured in my Heart. Don't you love how these are arranged?

And how unique are dog silhouettes?!? Design-Aholic does a brilliant job!

Sanctuary Art's eating area. The smallest changes bring the most pleasures!

I'm going over to Swan White Curtain's pad next Christmas. This gal is too fun to hang with so it seems!

All about the window that makes The Lemon Cottage crazy. I LOVE this post. :)

I'm in serious love with Treasures of the Heart's delicate nests!

Just a Thought brings you beautifully designed new cushions that bring this sofa back to life.

Old Post Road's outstanding 2009 list of accomplished projects. Don't you adore her hand painted illustrations?!?

Wanna build this beautiful Pottery Barn Knockoff? (by The 7 Daggetts)

Knock Off Wood creates easy to follow plans to do just that!  OHMYGOSH, Ana ROCKS.

Sometimes the smallest touches are the perfect ones. Livin' the Simple Life does it with stain rather than paint. Refreshing change!

Farm house track lighting, or brilliant? Continental Calliope, BOTH!

Mustard Seed Creations displays 2009's furniture befores and afters. These two will forevermore be my all time favs.

Ok, I need to stop or this page will NEVER load. :)

And, we also have a winner for one of

The winner is comment #3...

Ty Pennington. (kidding!)
Missy, from The Little Green Bean! 

Missy entered a really cool DIY project.

She installed some old hardware and doorknobs to newer french doors...

... and applied chalkboard paint to the glass panels, creating the most wonderful rustic and whimsical doorway ever!

And Missy chose Barbara Jean's...

#1 choice, the bird nest with lace and pearls on a black 5" tray. You lucky girl you! You have broken many hearts this fine Monday morning I'll have you know. :) I'll have Barbara Jean contact you.

And many thanks Barbara Jean, for sponsoring this party!

For many MANY other wonderful projects that were entered in this weekend's draw, please visit them HERE.

Thanks to all that joined in the fun, and see you next weekend. :)

 Do you make or sell an item that you'd like to have advertised? Consider sponsoring an SNS event. Interested? Please email me  with 'Sponsor Interest' in the subject at 


  1. All great projects ... LOVE the desk with the blackboard centre.

  2. You're right. Ana rocks!! Since building our Hyde coffee table, we have built a side table to match, and I'm hoping to get my husband to build me the console table, too! And of course, there are so many other plans on her site that I am dying to try.

    Thanks for mentioning me in your SNS highlights. Beth. :)

  3. Ooh so much I missed out on! I'm off to check 'em out. Thanks for mentioning me! Love ALL your ideas! Keep 'em rollin'. . .;)

  4. Thank You Donna &! Woo Hoo! I never win, maybe 2010 will be my lucky year! I am so excited, this will be so cute in my house especially this spring! Thanks again!

  5. Wow Donna, I mean WOW! I can't believe you featured my project on this post.

    I think I checked every single link this week. :) I love SNS!

    Take care Donna-


  6. Haha, thanks for the feature. :o) Now I'll go tell my family that at least SOMEONE thinks I'm a riot!

    Again, love your blog. People post such amazing projects. How will I ever catch up!

  7. Oh, man. Your parties just get better and better. I love Barbara Jean and all of her creations.

    Check out my giveaway if you have some time! BTW, love the new header!

  8. Thanks for the linky love sister! you rock!

  9. Wow -- great projects! I'm love, love, loving those necklaces hung on a hanger in the window! Would look so pretty in my bath looking out on the snow! Love it!

  10. Thanks Donna for featuring my burlap feed sack project! I love SNS!!!!


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