Friday, January 15, 2010

Sat Nite Special #13 brings you Draw #2 - Jaz Creations

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #13!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a *DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

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... also...

Welcome to the Followers Giveaway Event!

This little shindig is all about celebrating the milestone of 1000 + followers. No need to be a follower nor subscriber to enter, however you sure are welcome to become one. :) Watch for the Comment of the Day for some fun additional banter.

~ Comment of the Day ~
Junk food favs

No party is complete with out junk food right? Fess up on this one. Do you munch while you blog?

Guilty here! Hard cheezies are my fav. I have to admit I felt a surge of excitement when I found this picture on the net. :) I also like frozen blueberries, pistachios, pomegranates and my ever present fresh ground coffee. But by far, the hard crunchy salty orange snack does it for me.

Now THIS pic is awesome. I'd definitely apply this to my own blog profile if I wouldn't get sued.

So, what's your bloggy snack of choice? :)

Today's Giveaway

We have something special from Christine at Jaz Creations!

Have you ever heard of fractal art before? You are not only in for a treat, but an education as well. You can see more of her unique creations in her ETSY shop. They are beautiful!

This girl knows her art. She's an active DIYer as well, creating art with whatever she touches. Cool glassware, Christine!

Christine has a (one click) page for you to view! Please choose #1 or #2. Make sure you also offer up some bloggy love while you're there for her generosity. :)

 How to enter the giveaway:

1. Visit Christine's blog HERE, and choose which item you'd like if you won.

2. Come back here to the comments  and...

- select #1 or #2 (mandatory to win)
- your email if it's not on your profile nor blog (mandatory to win)
- tell us about your bloggin' junk food passions if you wish :)
- one entry per person per giveaway event

Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

1. Please link up your intended  post, NOT your blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please link back to the party within your post via SNS button (see sidebar) or text link.

*3. Entries in DIY format only please. No direct Etsy links.

The below draws are open until Jan 30


  1. Can't believe i'm the first to post. Christine's art work is so unique. I love the notecard with the piano keys on them and the Red Hearts. What a great giveaway. Blessings...Sherry

  2. She has very creative work! I love the set with 5 different designs.

  3. Hi sweetie!! I love Fractal art...and hers' is fabulous! I would love the 5 card note selection. So beautiful!!

  4. Hey there! I'm new to the world of blogging and to your wonderful blog. Thanks for letting me join your party by sharing posts of my sitting room and fireplace/mantle transformations! I look forward to seeing everyone's inspirational projects. (Love the glasses!!) Take care, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)

  5. I love both sets of note cards, but would chose the set of 5 different pictures if I won.

    Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers!

    I am guilty of eating jellybeans while reading blogs or peanut butter straight out of the jar. Don't worry, I'm the only one who eats the peanut butter in my house!

  6. I would pick #1, the note cards if I won.
    A coke and cape cod potato chips, lightly salted. Yum.

  7. I am guilty of eatting chips or ice cream while reading blogs, unless it is in the morning...then I enjoy my coffee!! Thanks for hosting another great party!

  8. I just wanted to say thanks for hosting this party - this is my first week joining and I'm excited!

  9. I like #2 - and Wow! Her art is really beautiful!

    I don't really snack a lot, but I keep a glass of iced tea nearby pretty much all the time. Hopefully that counts! :)


  10. I obviously can't spell, so I had to delete my previous comment. :-) We'll try again...

    Thanks for hosting the party, Donna! A cup of chai tea is my favorite thing to sip on while blogging.

  11. Christine's work is beautiful. I would love either set of note cards, but especially love the 5 different designs set.
    And yes, I snack (too much) during computer time. A cup of Chai Latte and anything sweet for me.
    Thanks for hosting!

  12. Hi Donna! I love the 5 different note card set! Her work is amazing! I love to have an espresso while blogging,morning and night! Otherwise it is ripple potato chips with top the tator & a coke!

  13. Love the Summer Breezes print ~ those colors would work so well in my master bathroom! I'm putting the finishing touches on my project today, so I'll be linking up later on. Can't wait to see what everyone has done!

  14. The first set, but I'll admit, my daughter would claim them. LOL Off to check out the links! I love this stuff!

  15. Beautiful giveaway.
    I love the first set.

    Off to check out the links!

  16. Thanks for hosting and for a wonderful giveaway. The notecards are beautiful. I munch on anything sweet, usually chocolate.

  17. Wow, I LOVE Frosted...beautiful!!!

    For the giveaway, I love the first set of cards. You both are so talented!

    amyyellowstone at yahoo dot com

  18. I'm drawn to the first set of notecards. I don't snack when I blog. Why? I'm too focused on what I'm doing that I don't even think about it! :)

  19. Wow her artwork is beautiful!! I would love the set of 5 different designs. I snack but not when I blog...but my snack of choice POPCORN, it's too messy to eat and blog.

  20. I LOVE the one with 5 different designs, and I have the perfect spot for it!

  21. Thanks for sponsoring another giveaway. Christine's artwork is so beautiful and unique. I like #1 option, it represents all of her artwork.

    My favorite junk food to snack on is Martin's kettle cooked chips from Thomasville, Pa.

    Thanks again and Have a blessed weekend!

  22. Lattes--I got a latte machine for Christmas so it is becoming dangerous. I don't eat at the computer though, so I guess that is good. I would chose the set of 5 different designs notecards. I love seeing everyone's different talents!

  23. No munchin' for me Donna.

    Need my hands free for typin' in all the comments
    and fun posts I like to write. =0)

    barbara jean

  24. What an awesome giveaway! I would love to have the 5 different note cards. A bit of all her work in one!

    I have recently become additicted to Planters Trail mix....the nut and chocolate! Dont know why....but once the bag is opened, it is gone :)

    Thanks again and Happy New Year!

  25. I love her designs.. I like the 5 differnt designs.. Congrats on getting 1000 followers...

  26. Hi Donna- I just checked out Jaz Creations and her Etsy shop. I like purple so Lavendar Fondly is my favorite piece.
    As for what I eat when I blog- well usually nothing because I am so involved with getting it all together, writtten word, photos, etc. Today is different, a girl scout came to my front door earlier today with girl scout cookies. So I have some thin mints keeping me company right now. Yum

  27. Oh my goodness Christine is so talented, her work is beautiful.
    I don't know if I'm in the mood for V-day or what but I fell in love with her set of "Melody of Love"

    I must confess that I am addicted to and have to have Jalapeno Cheddar Cheese Cheetos while I'm blogging and of course an icy cold Pepsi...yummy!

  28. Jaz Creations are very unique. i would love #1 the 5 different designs. I love all the colors.

    I usually do not snack and eat. However, I always have a Diet Dr. Pepper within my reach.

    Love your blog!

  29. I am trying again!

    I am a math teacher and I would teach how to make Fractals so I LOVE this! I would like # 1!

    My favorite junk food is: Dill pickle chips! yum!!

    Thanks for hosting!

  30. I'm new to your blog, and totally love it! Misses me how I missed it for so long..Anyways, now that I'm in here, I'd love to have the set#1...I love her artworks...And yes, I'm guilty of drinking a lot of chai or tea all the time. I love it!

  31. I just Love your SNS!! So many inspiring projects and ideas. I am so excited to be apart of this one in particular. Thank you everyone for you kind comments and good luck on all the giveaways this week.

  32. So creative. I love the mixed set. My favorite junk food would be cheese and crackers ... yum! Although those have been banned from the house due to my resolutions. I have to get my act together to get something done over the weekend so I can participate in your fun party!

  33. Wonderful sponsor this week. I would love #1, shows off more of her work.
    Ok the snack thing.... I have sworn off snacking while I blog, ONLY BECAUSE my laptop is very temperamental, any crumbs on the keyboard and she ceases to work.. I have to admit, when I turned it upside down and shook it, I'm sure a whole bagel fell out of there.

  34. i would pick the Fractal Art note cards with 5 different designs

    I don't snack while I'm on the computer, I actually eat less ever since I came to blog world. I think it's because I have my mind on the net instead of food.

    Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your 1000 achievement. I can only hope to get there one day.

  35. I think I found you in the nick of time!! I would love to be entered in your giveaway!! I think the 5 different designs would be a delight to win..they are beautiful!! My fav junk food while blogging is roasted almonds and also my mocha coffee!! Congrats on your 1000!!Thankyou so much for the chance!!
    Hugs from Susan in Georgia

  36. Those are the best cheezies EVER!! I usually do not snack a whole lot but when I do I love the chocolate/salt combo. I would pick the set "Melody of Love".

  37. I love M&M's but they don't seem to last around here! (Who keeps eating them?!) I love the piano note cards. I could stare at them all cool!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  38. Beautiful Digital Art...loving #1!!

    Hummm...the question really should be what don't eat. Chips, nuts, lunch...LOL!!

  39. Microwave popcorn, piping hot, right out of the bag!

    And I would love to win the set of five designs notecards! Very cool artwork, I especially love that one in the top right corner, which looks like a snowflake. Beautiful!

  40. I would love to win #2 but I think both sets are great.
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  41. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna

  42. I think the obesity is very danger for everybody, is like a pump that can explot any time. So is necesary to take care exercising and taking good and healthy food and stop eating junk food for ever!!!!. The life is too short, so we need to take care of us every single day for enjoy the things that the life gave to us. I bought my house through costa rica homes for sale and i enjoy it every day.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!