Thursday, January 14, 2010

1000 Followers Giveaway Event ~ Draw #1, Creations from my Heart

 Each day until Sat Jan 23 (wow!!) we'll feature a giveaway along with a comment of the day to make things a little more interesting! So check back daily in comments so you don't miss lots of fun banter and tips galore. This IS a party after all. :) 

All the draws are open until Sat Jan 30 midnight Pacific time. One entry per draw per person please. You do not have to be a follower or subscriber to enter, however feel free to join if you like what you see. :)

So, let's party!

~ Comment of the day ~
DIY paint tip

I have a totally favorite place to wash out paint rollers. It use to be a laundry tub until that thing was ripped out during renos, leaving me with nothing. The hose in the backyard wasn't cutting it during the colder months, so I started using my (gasp) good porcelain bathroom sink.

Here is my cute little porcelain sink. And I have something of utmost importance to say on this issue.

I will never own a PLASTIC laundry tub again!

Porcelain doesn't stain. It comes out spotless each and every time. This thing is a workhorse and I'm starting to think every sink in the house ought to be porcelain at this point. It is sooo much easier to clean up than stainless. It really is.

There are such things as porcelain laundry tubs too. I'll be on the lookout for one when my budget allows.

You're turn. :)

What's your fav DIY paint  tip?

But first, how about a little party present? :)

has a very special (one click) post waiting for your visit. She wants you to come on over and pick out your own giveaway item should your name be drawn. Cool, no?

"This wonderful pincushion is made out of a white teacup adorned with buttons, rhinestones and is embellished with ribbon. This is a wonderful gift for a woman who loves to sew."

Here's just one small sample of something from her Etsy shop that she creates. Darling!

And OH. MY. GOSH. You must check out her decorating skills. You will be soooo pleasantly surprised!

Please remember to give her abit of bloggy comment love for her generosity while you're there. :)

How to enter the giveaway

1. Visit Sherry's blog HERE to choose your giveaway item if you won.

2. Come back to comments HERE and let us know...

- which item you'd choose if you won
- your comment for the question of the day reply if you wish; we'd love to read it!
- include your email if it's not on your blog/don't have a blog

3. Watch for all the links below so you don't miss even one!

See ya tomorrow for another. :)

and all our wonderful giveaway sponsors,

Day 1 - Creations from My Heart


  1. This is great!

    Went on over to see her beautiful treasures, and chose #1.
    She did a beautiful post. Hope i can do as well.


    berbara jean

  2. Congratulations on 1000 followers - WOW. That's a huge testimony to you and your blogging!

    I love Sherry's #2 pincushion - Sweet Roses.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway this week.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. Yeah the party has started! If all the giveaways are this good I am surely sticking around. I told Sherry I really loved the second pincushion.
    And yes I do have a tip. If your are busy with a multiple day painting project. Do not wash out your brush or roller after finishing for the day. If you are using waterbased paint, just pop brush/roller in an old jar filled with water, if you are using non latex paint, wrap your brush/roller in aluminium foil and pop it in the fridge. It will hold for several days this way and is ready to be used at your convenience.

  4. My choice would be the second pincushion, it is so pretty!

    UHM a painting tip.....the previous entree (#3) has told my tip already lol ;)Another one:
    Safe the left-overs of paint in a little jar (babyfood or whatever) and label it with the room/wall you painted it with. That way you always have some extra for a touch up, instead of almost empty paint cans that take up a lot of (much needed) space :)

  5. Congrats on 1000 followers! Here's my painting tip: when painting baseboards, cut off a box top from a sturdy cardboard box and use it as an "edger". Hold the long edge against the wall and paint the baseboard below. No need for tape and you have a clean, crisp edge. Were I to win the giveaway, I would love choice #2.

  6. Congratulations on reaching your 1054th follower (that's exactly 1000 more that I have : )

    As for my DIY paint tip...don't eat it. Just kidding, well don't eat it...but my tip is this: If you are using a latex based paint, dampen your brush with water before dipping it in the paint. (Make sure, however, to not drench the don't want drippy paint bubbles..well, I know I don't : )

    Have a beautiful weekend!

    Julie M.

  7. Creations from My Heart is one of my favorite blogs. She has beautiful ideas. I love No. 2.
    Congrats to you for 1000 followers!

  8. Congratulations. This celebration is gonna be FUN! I loved Creations from My Heart's post, lots of great stuff. I would choose #1 if I won.
    Painting tips, hmmm. I do the plastic bag thing with the roller and put it in the fridge. Otherwise I have no great knowledge to share.

  9. I love this party, you are such a fun gal. I would want to be surprised by which one showed up at my house if I won. My paint tip is to pour a little paint into a small glass jar and keep it stored in the room it was used in for quick small touch ups. Great way to freshen up those abused spots, without the hassle of draging everything out.

  10. I sure do love her work!! I visited her site and her ETSY store...fabulous!! I would love to have her No. 2!! On her ETSY site, I am in love with her Teapot Hat pincushion! So beautiful! All of her work is amazing!!! As for a DIY tip...I can only think of what I do when I am painting. I store my used brushes in a plastic bag so they don't harden while I am using them. Then when done, they are easier to wash out too!

  11. I did not know that about porcelain. My tip is to use a Q-tip to touch up those little spots ~ you know the ones you get on the ceiling when you were painting the wall or when you've filled in a hole and need to touch it up with paint. Saves getting a brush all dirty and works just fine.

    I was just looking at Sherry's teacup pincushions earlier this week! I do love the black and white ones, but I also love that baby shoe.

  12. I visited Creations from My Heart and I love #2. She has some wonderful projects.
    My paint tip is a testimony to my frugal side. I save plastic butter tubs for my paint projects. Before I start edging I pour some paint in the butter tub. It's a lot easier to handle than the big paint can or tray as I'm scooting along the floor and climbing the ladder to do the edging. Pop on the lid when finished and it stays fresh until I need to get to another wall. Once finished with the project the tub can be thrown away with no mess. I know you can buy similar paint containers at the store but this works the same for no money.

  13. Painting, I use my microfibre mop to wipe down the walls before painting.

    I use a 2 in angled brush for edging (no taping) per your instructions on the video.

    I always do two coats...

    I use artists brushes to get in difficult to reach places.

    And my newest lightbulb moment....when painting stained woodwork, I used to do a coat of primer, then paint the walls, then do two to three coats of semi-gloss. Well, this time, I got a quart of my trim color in a satin (flat would work too) and went over the primed trim pretty heavily before painting the walls. That way, when I slop the trim paint onto the walls, it's easily covered by the wall paint....semi-gloss is not.
    Paint walls, then quickly go over the trim with a light coat of the semi-gloss...I just did the 'front' parts that didn't even touch the painted walls. No need to tape, and it only took the two coats.

    Hope that made sense.

  14. Paint tip...I just wrap my roller or brush in saran wrap or a grocery platis bag...tightly. Don't need to wash between coats...or when the painting adventure takes more than a day!

  15. Very nice! Congrats on 1000 followers! I like choice 2, sweet roses!

  16. Wow checked out Creations from my Heart and love #2! I also use to have an old porcelain sink in my basement at my previous home that I used to clean up paint items. I miss having that extra sink to use. I think everyone has posted or would know my tips. So my tip is to let hubby climb the ladder to those spots that make my knees shake! LOL

  17. Ok..I'm not sure how I got here..BUT as soon as I got here I put on my PARTY HAT...I got out my CONGRATS to you banner on your 1000 followers ( added myself to your list too) AND I started looking around! Sigh......
    Ok...Now a great bloggie...DIY...I love DIY...I love give-aways...I love it ALL! And then I realized that I was being asked to choose a prize? No way Sistas...not when I want it little blogger huh? ;) Well...I can not choose...Just suprise me! Oh,,,and while I am abonding my DIY project so that I can come back and peek around your bloggie...I will go place my paontbrush in a plastic it up and put it in the frig to keep it moist//until I can DIY some more! Oh...and this may be a gerat test of my lil I think I may be visitng here for a bit....Love it!
    Party on girls!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. My painting tip would be to store your paint roller and brushes in ziploc bags in the freezer. Not all the time of course, just when you have to stop painting, but are not done with your project yet. I would pick #2, sweet roses if I was lucky enough to win.

  19. Here is a tip: Don't fill your garage with so many "projects" you have no room to work. Oops, I already did that. I have busted out and now have to work in the driveway, which is dependent upon the weather. Not good. Anyway, I love your blog and can spend hours looking at all your old projects and ideas.

    Also loved the pincushions from Sherry. I liked #1. Very creative. Thanks!


  20. I love all her pin cushions, so a surprise would be great. My paint tip is: For me to paint and not let my hubby. I'm a much better painter that him.

  21. What beautiful things she makes! I would choose #2.

    My paint tip is.... use the best tools you can. I love Frog Tape, good bristle brushes and rollers, and good paint and primer. It makes all the difference. I also don't usually re-use rollers. I think that all the water wasted cleaning and that I never get one totally clean warrant a new roller for each project. I buy my rollers in a multi-pack to cut costs. I also roll it with masking tape before using to get off all the stray fuzzies that get in the paint and ruin the look.

  22. I adore pin cushion number two. It would be the perfect Valentine's gift for my fashion design student daughter.

    Paint selection can be a very tricky process. Over the years I have taken several classes on color psychology, top trends, etc. in the hopes of making the process easier on my clients.
    My #1 tip is buy the smallest amount of the paint color you think you want. (Most companies now have sample sizes.) Purchase a piece of white poster board and paint it. Then leave it and move it around the proposed room for a few days. Make sure to look at the color and how it reads in the morning, afternoon and night. People who take the time to do this elimate the frusteration of painting an entire room and then finding out that it doesn't work.

    Make sure you stop by and enter my giveaway as well.

  23. Sheepskin roller!! It will cost you..around $30 for ONE roller, but It will last you F.O.R.E.V.E.R. It rolls the paint on beautifully, and it cleans in a MINUTE!! I HIGHLY recommend you try one. You'll never buy those "other things" that are now Diego Spotting Scopes at my house!

  24. I would like choice #2 - I love to sew so it would be perfect for me!

    My paint tip is actually for glazing. I use a product called Watco in a light walnut color. It actually glazes & ages the piece, but it also provides a protective finish like a poly - really a 2 in one product - LOVE it!

  25. Congrats on 1000. My best paint tip, is label what room goes with what color, it could be a mess if you don't and want to touch up!

  26. What a great celebration... I think I'm follower #1058! and happy to be a new follower... I'll be back to enjoy reading some of your older posts this weekend... as for now...

    I'd pick pincushion #2, though they are both beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity to be introduced to some wonderful bloggers that I might not otherwise have found. This is a fantastic giveaway idea! Good for you! Good for us!

    ps... that "paint" idea made me cringe... the sink may survive but the pipes... oh the pipes!

  27. I would love #1!

    My paint tip...remove your time while the paint is still damp.

  28. Woo Hoo Congratulations~ over 1000 followers!That is awesome! Thanks for the opportunity to enter in the give away! I would love #2!

    Paint tip - if you're just going to be stopping for a little while, don't wash out your brush! Put it in a plastic bag and seal it!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  29. congratulations
    what a nice giveaway ... it i won i would love the black and white pincushion!
    i keep my paint in the fridge... a small amount in a jar for touchups when i need it

  30. What a fun party! Congratulations on having over 1000 followers! Her blog is wonderful and so are her creations1 I'd pick #2, too cute! My painting tip is to turn on some good music or a book on tape when you paint, the time goes by much faster! I loved reading all the great tips!

  31. This is fun! I love #2, Sweet Roses! My painting tip is that you can never have too many layers when achieving a vintage or shabby chic look! The more the better and distress the piece when you are done to bring out the different layers/colors of paint. Adds even more character to the piece!

  32. Even if I don't win, I now know what to do with my chipped tea cup and how to solve my need for a pin cushion! :) Yay! But if I do win, I pick #2!

    My DIY Paint Tip:
    Take advantge of paint testers!

    Most of the time they're only a few dollars and it's better than buying up a whole gallon, only to realize the color on the can looks nothing like the color you just slapped all over your wall (and paid $20 for).

  33. 1000 Followers "Thats Great" I love the first pin cushion, so lovely. Fantastic giveaway. blessings, Carol Mae

  34. Ok... First- my fave tipfor painting (if you meant interior paiting) is to use a bit of paintable claking over any taping. I have stucco/textured walls and this is the only way to get the nice crisp line between wall and ceiling.
    Secondly, I checked out Sherry's blog. OMG. That ladyCAN decorate!! I would chose her "Sweet Roses" pic cushion. So cute. I also checked out her etsy shop- that recipe journal is too cute!!! :)
    Thanks for the chance, Donna. I'm not surprised you blog has attracted so many followers- you are very talented!

  35. Love #2 Sweet Roses...thanks for the chance to win.

    Painting Tip. Save the lids of your empty paint cans and write in permanent marker the room you use the paint in. The lid usually comes with a sticker on it that tells you the paint color but this will remind you the room you used the paint in and it's small for storage.

    Blessings to all, Lori

  36. Put a large rubber band from the bottom of your paint can all the way over the top. That way, when you rub off excess paint off your brush, it goes directly in the pain can, not all over the sides.
    This is especially important when you're putting the cover back on. When you hammer it down, you won't have all that excess pain splattering all over the place!!

  37. I would LOVE the "sweet roses" from her shop! How cute!
    Oh, and now I'm coveting that cool apron!

  38. Oh, I'm all over the Polka dots.

    Since we resently bought our first house and I've painted EVERY room now, including the doors and trim, I have lots of painting tips!

    --Always buy the sample paints. After painting my kitchen and living room the WRONG color, I learned to pay the extra 3 dollars. And I use the whole jar, not just a little. Then you're assured that you get a good sample on your walls and when I'm done, I wash them out and use them for "touch up" paint, so I can just grab a little jar, unscrew the cap, and pull out a tiny brush to touch up.
    --My second tip (and this may seem wasteful to some) but I always buy new paint rollers for each color I use. Trying to wash out a roller is a nightmare and I can never get the color completely out, so I just save it until I'm done in that room and then throw it away! It's a few extra bucks and the paint always looks better with a fresh roller

  39. I really love choice number 2.

    So many good paint tips have already been given...
    how about- sweet talk the Hubs and have him paint for you. I know, I know, but he's just so much better at it than I am.
    I'm being silly.
    A paint tip that I need to follow in my house is= don't start painting the walls at 7pm. Get it done earlier in the day. The lighting is better, and if you do it at night, you'll wake up to seeing all sorts of spots that were missed.

    Congrats on the 1000- I'm sure the road to 2000 will be fast!

  40. My sister would just love "Sweet Roses" as a gift!
    As for a painting tip...
    Don't paint a room until your kids are in school, and your little one is down for a nap! :)
    Oh, and if you have that ugly popcorn ceiling like I do...When you are painting the top of the wall, use a 3 or 4" straight paint brush to paint the top edge. Hold the brush horizontally (and at a slight angle) and barely overlap the top corner edge. The popcorn ceiling hides your line, and it save you from taping off the ceiling.

  41. I would choose #2 but I absolutely adore the vintage baby shoe pin cushion on Sherry's site. This is going to be so much fun. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these and congrats on your 1000th follower.

  42. Oh how sweet is this giveaway...I would love #2
    hard choice...Congrats on over a 1000 followers...
    Sweet Blessings...

  43. Whoooo Hoooooo, 1000 followers. GREAT!!!

    I left a comment with Sherry and told her I liked number 2. I would really love either of them.

    That apron she made is oooohhhh la la lovely.

  44. What fun! I'd choose #2 for the giveaway. As for the painting tip...I say always take the time to tape off with blue painter's tape. It's worth the time. I left Sherry some comment love as well. :)

  45. Hi Donna- Congrats on 1000+ followers. I would choose # 2 as I have a set of china in the same pattern as that teacup.

    My painting tip: Buy the best brush you can afford. Purdy is a great one, but there are many other good brands. You will never have to buy another brush for years, so you save money in the long run. The best brushes never shed and I once left one filled with paint overnight, cleaned it up the next morning and the bristles are soft as ever. At work, my fellow visual merchandisers and I have our own brushes with our names on them. They are to us like a haircutter's pair of sharp scissors.

  46. Congratulations on having 1000 followers. Will I ever be that succesful?! I love your blog and have given you a Kreativ Blogger award.

  47. Congratulations Donna, on 1000 followers!

    My painting tips:
    Buy good quality brushes and wash them well each time, let them dry and store them hanging. The quality of the paint job from a great brush is so worth it, and I'm sure cheaper in the long run than buying numerous inexpensive ones and throwing them away.

    Store leftover paint in clean mason or spaghetti jars, or plastic containers with tight fitting lids. Label the container with the room, date and paint type (sheen) for easy touch ups at a later date.

    Learn to 'cut in' around trim etc. with a good quality brush to save on painter's tape costs. A bit of practice can produce a really good result.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I visited Sherry's blog and she has some really great and unique items. If I were to win I would choose #2.

  48. Best painting tips....
    1)baby oil takes oil paint off your hands and
    2)we store our rollers and brushes in the frig wrapped up if we are going to be using the same color again soon!

  49. Wow thanks for hosting such a grand giveaway and congrats on such a ton of followers :)
    MY DIY tip for painting, is to be smart and have your husband do it for
    I love both but I would like CHOICE #2

    "Sweet Roses" if I win. Have a great weekend.

  50. I would choose the roses one, but both are adorable. My paint tip--paint brushes should dry hanging upside down so the water doesn't go into the fret and push the bristles out. Screw some screws, cup hooks or pound some nails into a board, hang the board in your mudroom, garage, etc. and hang those paintbrushes up to dry.

  51. I just ran over and chose Number 2 -- but, gosh, love everything she's done! Thanks for introducing her to us!

    My sister just showed me how to paint my doors this fall, and I learned that up until now, I've been using way too much paint. She showed me how to barely dip the edges in the paint.

    What this means, is it takes a looooong time, so my real tip is to listen to a great book on tape while you're painting (I listened to a wonderful book, "The thirteenth tale" as I painted the back doors.


  52. My choice, would be no.2, sweet roses. She makes lovely pincushions. The little baby shoes are adorable.
    I'm still learning about painting and most of the tips that I have learned along the way have been posted.
    Thanks for hosting this terrific giveaway!

  53. What a great giveaway! If I had to pick, I guess it would be #2. Her creations are all so beautiful and thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
    Paint tip: When my husband and I paint together. I put some in a container with a lid, when done I put lid on or throw away. My husband uses the paint can and puts nail holes around the rim, for the paint to drain down through, back into paint can.

  54. Wow! What fun! I would choose #2 though would be thrilled with either. Every paint tip I could come up with has already been covered. Thanks and have a good one!

  55. How fabulous to share such fun giveaways with us! I'll be waiting for my "Sweet Roses" pin cushion!


  56. I love #2...the sweet roses! This is so much fun! Thank you! My paint tip would be to paint some on and live with it a few days until you're sure!

  57. I like the black and white one. My favorite paint tip I am trying out this weekend. If you have to mask anything off you can use plain old masking tape. To keep it from bleeding through, Paint your base color over the edge of the tape. If you don't have any of the base color, you can also use glaze.

    Thank you so much for the sweet mention on your sidebar! If I only looked as cute as you with a tool in my hand!

  58. I would choose #2,,,,so very tip

    if you need to step out for lunch while in the middle of painting.wrap your brush in cyclophane and then tin foil...keeps it moist and ready to keep painting.

    love your bathroom too...

  59. Congratulations!
    Sweet Roses {#2} is my fav! Thanks A BUNCH!!

  60. Congratulations on your 1000! I love both of them but I think #2 is my favorite..

    My tip is: If you run out of white paint and need to do a few touch ups use Liquid paper!! It really works great!

    Also, another tip is: If you have something ( a candlestick, a ring, etc and you do not want it to "turn" colors or fade, paint over it with clear fingernail polish. I have things that Ive done this to and they've never faded or turned.

  61. #2 "Sweet Roses"
    I have been doing painting projects for a while now and get really tired of washing out my brushes....after use,(dont wash paint out) wrap in foil..I promise you can go back to the brush a month later and it will still be wet and ready to paint. When closing a can of paint, put foil under lid before hammering down..this keeps the rust (that the lid produces) from getting in your paint.

  62. OK, first things first, I really like Choice 1 (Polka Dots), but if I had it, I would have to buy the teapot at the top to go with it. The matched set would become a Valentines Day Present.

    OK, my painting tip is this: Check with your local newspaper for endrolls. There is always quite a bit of paper left on them. It's easier to use than newspaper, quicker to put down, and if it accidentally sticks to your wall, there isn't any ink to transfer.

    And finally I have a question: When I clean out my roller, paint goes flying everywhere. How do you do it inside, in the bathroom, without making a freaky mess all over the ceiling and walls?


  63. Those pin cushions are so lovely, my choice would be #2 Roses! I'm not a very experienced DIY so I'm more of a reader of hints then a giver. Love you blog and have become a follower. So glad to have found you at link from Treasure from the heart!

  64. i would pick #2 sweet roses

    My tip is to check if there are any paints that mixed for someone who for some reason did not buy. They are sold at a discounted price.

  65. PREP!!!
    Always prep before you start painting:
    -wash and dry walls or surface being painted
    -tape around moldings or other areas ie. painting lines etc. and make sure that the tape is pressed down well so there will be no leaking and bleeding.
    -use drop cloth, cover furniture, floor and other articles that can't be moved out of room being painted.
    - prime, if it needs to be primed

    these are just simple steps that save time and mess ups down the road;}

    I adore #2; her shop is great!

  66. I love #2 too! My new best friend is my electric paint sprayer. My tip to you...GET ONE! I love it!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  67. Adorable #2!
    Hummmm...paint tip...not to sure I really have one, other then I love Kilz paint!

  68. I love all of Sherry's creations but if I won, I would choose #2 - sweet roses! I really dislike painting but I just pop everything in a plastic garbage bag is I have to finish the next day. Nothing drys out! Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Choice #2 is super sweet!

    So DIY paint tip. Don't do it yourself. Paint with a partner paint, paint with a freind. Not only do you finish quicker but you have that extra set of hands to help you clean up afterwards. But really, for safety reason I like to have another person around for paint projects in the home. Even well ventilated areas can get overwhelmed with fumes quickly.


  70. I love #2 and think the pin cushions are great! My paint tip is: Clean up with Dial liquid hand soap. I was helping our handy man paint my house and we found a forgotten brush with paint dried on. I grabbed the Dial soap and after a soak and some encouragement it came completely clean. He was so amazed that now he carries Dial soap in his truck.

  71. Wow, Sherry's pincushions are so cute! Love that baby shoe one as well.

    If I win, I would love either of them, but seeing I have to choose, I'd choose #2.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun week and congrats on so many followers, I have been one for a few months now and love your posts and sense of humor!


  72. I love #2 or maybe I think #2 thanks for hosting!....Jo

  73. I hope it is not to late. I would choose #2 moss rose tea cup and saucer pin cushion. It matches a small of the moss rose pattern I am collecting.

  74. My, My, I must say there's a lot of lovin.
    My choice is #2. What a great little pin cushion to put all those pins which somehow just keep falling to the floor. My husband has been wounded a couple of times. I'm surprised that with all the sewing I do that more there would be more punctured toes.
    Have a great day!

  75. On my, what lovely things in your shop! I am a quilter who loves all things tea! I love choice #2 :-)

  76. #2 is my favorite!
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  77. I would choose #2 for myself.

    Thanks for posting all the lovely gifts!

  78. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!