Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SNS #12 highlights and a picture winner!

127 links! Egads you've been busy! Am I the only one that hasn't dragged out the hammer and nails since Christmas? Thanks for the added encouragement!

I want you to know, I visited ALL the links and here's what I did. I sporadically made comments. I couldn't fit it all in but I did try. I made visits to ALL of you more of a priority. So, know, I came in the back door, just didn't knock in some cases. And what a delightful sneak that was. :)

Highlight time!

Lounger slipcover made out of wonderful ticking fabric by A Snip of Goodness. I'll say! Love the ruffle, stripes and the two toned look.

Sweet ribbon and pearl bracelet made by Somewhat Simple. Neat effect!

Craftaholics Anonymous comes up with a clever design for her chocolate coloured burlap place mats.

I'm in LOVE with these two pictures from Someday Crafts. Feb 14 is just around the corner.

This is not a book page wreath. It's a burlap wreath!  Where the Heart Is, thanks for this clever variation!

Beautiful cabinets made from old window frames, by My Repurposed Life. LOVE.

Knock Off Wood draws up some farmhouse bed plans for you to copy! Ana is amazing and she's going to be famous. What a beautiful photo.

Know what I love about this one? Besides that it's drop dead gorgeous I mean?

This. You GO All Things Thrifty! I can nearly breath that sawdust in. :)

JunkFest gets creative and makes a bar out of a... can you guess? How about an old radiator cover?

If you wish to drool over the other SNS #12  wonderful DIY entries, they're all RIGHT HERE.

I've been waiting FOREVER to hear who won...

an original works of art print from Trish at

The Old Post Road. I can't get enough of her pictures. They make me happy. :)


EEEK! One of my blog buddies Christine, from Great Oak Circle!

Christine is one lucky gal, as this gorgeous Trust in the Lord print is on the way to her own blog headquarters. :)

Christine's DIY entry was...

a wonderful tutorial on this adorable button ponytail hair tie.

Congrats Christine! And thanks Trish, for your sponsorship!

And thanks to all of you for taking part in SNS!

Know what?

I really liked the fact that everyone could enter the giveaway at an SNS event, even if you had no DIY. Let's keep that up, shall we? :)

See you on the weekend for another round!

And this upcoming weekend's giveaway? It's a part of...

See you then. :)

If you make or sell or wish to donate something, an SNS sponsorship is a wonderful way to advertise and bring blog traffic your way! Please contact  for more info.


  1. Congrats!!! And I loved all the DIY project pictures. Thanks so much for sharing and thanks to all those who put forth such a great effort to showcase their ideas!! Wonderful!

  2. Super cool stuff! YOu always pick the neato-ist stuff to feature...

    I didn't have anything to link up this week. I've been using my creative energy trying to organize this mess of a house and finish up my master bedroom. Hopefully this weekend I'll have something to show off :)

  3. whooo hoooo...I am so excited!!! Thanks girls!

  4. Congrats Christine,
    What a great cheerful painting to hang up. I just loved all of the DIY entries. I really like you blog and am a follower.
    Have a blessed day.

  5. Sad that I didn't win, but THANKS for featuring my window cabinet! Taking a break from the living room re-do to stalk my blog friends!

  6. Great stuff favorites are...ribbon/pearl bracelet...burlap placemats...burlap wreath...thanks soooo much for sharing them.


  7. I am so in love with the glass ornament heart wreath. I must go today and make one. I just got my husband to put away all the boxes of decorations into the attic, so I might have to go rummage through them myself to get what I want out. Too bad there's still not any leftover Christmas stuff in the stores.

  8. Thank you sooooo much for highlighting my slipcover entry! It is so fun to see my project on your blog! I love seeing everyones projects, thanks for hosting, and for making the effort to visit us all. I know that is a HUGE thing!

  9. So much talent! So much creativity. Really gets the juices flowing....I'm stuck in a cleaning rut right now, but as soon as I'm done...look out!

  10. Thanks for such a fun SNS! Can't wait for the next one...

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  11. Thanks for the ideas!

    Every since I read you bed post about a not so perfect made bed, I've been experimenting with mine. I always worry over the slightest wrinkle or if the bedspread is perfectly square on the bed. I feel free to jump right in and get cozy now THANKS. And the look is really growing on me!

  12. Thank you for featuring our Decorative Wall Art!!! I love your site. I'll be stopping by often.

  13. I think this is one of the things I like about your linky parties--the recaps. You always seem to find things that I miss! I would love to visit every single one--and I do try. I like knowing that you are looking out for me--so I don't miss anything. :)

  14. There were so many great projects! I had a wonderful time going through them. Great recap.
    Congrats to the winner.

  15. Thanks for posting those beautiful pictures I found!

  16. The bar made out of an old radiator cover is awesome, what a vision she had.

    I like recycling old windows and screens into picture and art frames. Love the cabinet made from a recycled window.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!