Sunday, January 17, 2010

Followers Giveaway Event - Draw #3, The Little Green Bean

 Each day until Sat Jan 23 (except Wed, but I have something else for you THAT day) we'll feature a giveaway along with a comment of the day to make things a little more interesting! So check back daily in comments so you don't miss lots of fun banter and tips galore. This IS a party after all. :) 

All the draws are open until Sat Jan 30 midnight Pacific time. One entry per draw per person please. You do not have to be a follower or subscriber to enter, however feel free to join if you like what you see. :)

So, let's party!

~ Comment of the day ~
Let's play "What would you do?"

Meet Amy's living room. :) Amy likes traditional furniture with modern prints. And she is liking everything you see here except for the window above the fireplace. Nice to have the added daylight, however she's unsure of what to do with the window.

~ You're turn. ~

What would you do with the window, decor wise?

But first, how about a little party present? :)

Meet Missy from The Little Green Bean

This gal knows her recycling and creates items from repurposed components, such as authentic coffee bean sacks. Here is one sample among many from her ETSY store.

I LOVE her pillows and happen to have one myself. :)

She's also a very active DIYer and loves to decorate in all things rustic. Here she's created a coffee bar in her own home. My kinda gal. She's done alot of amazing projects around her place, so check her out while you're there. :)

Today, Missy has a very special (one click) post waiting for your visit. She wants you to come on over and pick out your own giveaway item should your name be drawn. You will LOVE what she's chosen for you if you like lucsious grainy coffee sacks.

Please remember to give her abit of bloggy comment love for her generosity while you're there. :)

How to enter the giveaway

1. Visit Missy's blog HERE to choose your giveaway item if you won.

2. Come back to comments HERE and let us know...

- which item you'd choose if you won, #1, #2, or #3. (mandatory to win)
- your comment for the question of the day reply if you wish; we'd love to read it!
- include your email if it's not on your blog/don't have a blog (mandatory to win)

3. Make sure you enter each giveaway listed below!

See ya tomorrow for another. :)

and all our wonderful giveaway sponsors,

Day 1 - Creations from My Heart
Draw #2 - Jaz Creations
Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean


  1. I would love to win #3. (I think I saw them correctly.)
    If I had that decorating delmima, I would move. Not a creative bone in my body. LOL I checked out her etsy shop, cute things

    Hey tell everyone about our $50 giveaway
    gafoodies.blagspot. com

  2. oops, I forgot to say, I love bag #3 since I am a coffee junky!

  3. I'm not sure why, but when I saw that picture I yelled "that needs to be a stained glass window" or maybe something like this stained glass piece hanging in front of the window. If I won, I'd choose bag #3. My email addy is on my blog

  4. How about some type of flower box thingy? It would still let the light in but give you something pretty to look at!

    I love love number 2!!


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. She could keep it simple and continue the valance across that window with the star pull added just like the other valances! It wouldn't block all the light either. And she needs more stuff on her mantle...some dried hydrangea or the like and some grape vine too...maybe some fabric and some ribbons. Just a thought.
    I love Missy's cool! I would chose number three. Very cute.


  7. OOPS,had to delete the first message, I forgot all about the prize, and had to go and pick one so I didn't have 2 comments. ANYWAY-

    I didn't notice the window at first, but if you were to use some iron work above the window(a long piece/horizontal) that matches your fireplace screen that would look great, and draw more attention to the window, and still let in the light;}
    I adore #3, they are all fabulous though;}
    Thank you for the opprotunity;}

  8. Definitely bag #3 for me! :)

    For the window, first of all, what a stupid place to put one. THANKS builders! UGH.

    I'm struggling with this one because if you just carry the valence across it'll de-emphasize the fireplace but if you just put some sheer blinds there (Luminettes maybe) then it'll just blend away while you can still block out some light if you want to. Then I'd dress your fireplace as usual with some taller pictures and candles and such so it overlaps with the window. It'll block *some* light, but not much.

  9. My order of preference would be #3,#2,#1. I truly love all of them!

    If I had that window I would play it up by collection vases and jars in various heights and colors. The light shining through them would be really pretty.

  10. Beige sheers.... it would allow MUCH light in, and yet partially mask the blinds, as well as blending in with the middle wall color.

    If I won, I would choose bag #1. :)

  11. Loving those burlap bags and certainly have no preference in winning: #1, 2 or 3 ! As for the window above the mantle: I am thinking a stain glass design that picks up the colors of her furniture, while changing over the curtains into something sheer and long. That's a toughie! Thanks for a qiveaway!

  12. I would cover it with a flat screen TV!

    If I won, I would like bag #2.

    Thanks for offering such a fun giveaway!


  13. I would like bag #2, since my last name starts with a V. I think stain glass for the window, it would be so pretty letting some light filter through.

  14. I think all three bags are wonderful, but I guess if I had to pick just one it would be #2 because I like the writing on both sides.

    As for the window, honestly, I like it the way it is. I think a window treatment might make it look too busy. It's such a beautiful fireplace surround and mantle (love the grill) so you don't want to detract from that. I do agree that stained glass would be beautiful in that spot.

  15. I like bag number 3. As for that window an old window frame would look great hanging inside, one with diamond or honeycomb pattern would look great!

  16. I like #2

    For the fireplace, I would cover the window with a large print, mirror or wall hanging. I wouldn't add a curtain of any kind.

  17. Bag # 3 is definitely my favorite! The bags are great! My suggestion is that the windows need to be trimmed out w/some molding and drapes would look great. You could even put one panel on each window, and pull back to opposite sides if that makes sense. Something in the brown family that would be good. I think it is probably the busy pattern on the valances that she is not liking. Hope this helps. Jackie

  18. Bag #3.
    As for the window, I think that either a frame around the window or a vinyl saying or design on the window. Tough choice.

  19. I would definetly choose bag # 3.
    For the window I would do some type of stained glass look, find a painting that is absolutly loved and do your own version of it.

  20. First off, thanks for another great giveaway. I really like Missy's work and her blog. Thanks for the introduction to her blog. I would pick #3 if I were the lucky winner.
    As far as the window, I would try to find a paint technique to make the window look aged. Then I would either get a rub off or vinyl word printed on it. Next, put some items, that she collects or likes, with some greenery. You could even use a mantel scarf if that fits her decor better.

    Have a blessed day!

  21. #3 And darn! I was so excited, Ithought I might get to win my Charlie owl! LOL (Not that I ever win anyway. ha!)

    As far as the window, wow, what a crazy window. I think I'd frame it, sort of "frost it" to keep the light from causing glare and put a nice vinyl saying on it.

  22. Hey Donna - love what your doing this is so much fun - and I love the wednesday series you and Ms. Mustard are doing.
    Anyway - I'd chose bag number 3.
    And for that window - I think it is neat. I would probably put a big vinyl saying in it so that it can act more as a picture or statement feature without losing the wonderful light.


  23. Thank you for the opportunity to enter in the give away. If I were the lucky winner I'd pick bag #3!!!!

    Have a great day and thanks for introducing her blog to us!

  24. Since I HAVE to choose, I pick #3, but I love all the bags.
    I agree with Dawn about the sheers. I wouldnt cover up those windows with the blinds.

  25. crazy aunt trish (yes that is how we refer to her. if you met her youd understand!) loves coffee. she is a teacher in inner city philly and would look so dang cute sporting this bag!

  26. Hi, I would pick bag #2. Love it. As for the window above the fireplace... I make stained glass windows and I would make a window that would be fabulous there. Something that went with the colors and design of the room. My email is

  27. I would like #3 with the orange liner. It's too cute. As for the window, I would put a colorful glass bottle collection. I have about 40 antique bottles and I can't find a good place for them. I would love a window like that to display them.

  28. This is so fun!
    1. I would pick bag #3 I love it!
    2. As for Amy's window I would hang a reclaimed stained glass window inside the casing, If she cant find one that suits her decor how about using Gallery Glass on a plain one with a pattern from her favorite fabric.

  29. I would a love/hate with that window too....WHO DESIGNS THESE THINGS? Maybe a frosted letter monogram? Do they make those? Or she could have a custom made wrought iron thingy that would fit exactly inside. I saw those all over the place when we lived in Arizona.

    Too bad the window extends the width of the fireplace- otherwise I'd just cover that bad boy up! ;)

    Oh, and lovin' bag #2.

  30. I love bag number 3! Thanks so much!

  31. Hi! What a fun party! I'd chose bag #3 although all of her bags and creativity are awesome! Thanks for the introduction!

    As for the window - I'd frame it with some pretty moulding to match the fireplace. I know there isn't much room, so I'd attach it so it shrunk the window a little (gave it an inside border) and I'd use vinyl art words or monogram on the glass.


  32. I LOVE bag #2!

    For the window over the fireplace, I would consider having a stained glass insert made. Normally I don't go for stained glass, but they've come a long way and they can do modern images as well as traditional. The other option I can think of is a woven shade, like bamboo?

  33. I would do a stained glass piece up there to let in the light. Would also draw interest to the fireplace. I just saw a product at Joann's that would work here. They are stick on images that transform a window into a stained glass window. This would be perfect up there since due to the height no one would be any wiser. They were fairly inexpensive too.

  34. OOOOOH I've be DYING for Missy's stuff! I LOOOOVE #3, then 2, AND 1. Too cute to choose!

  35. I love #3!!

    As for the windows... I would ignore the middle one and just do 4 panels flanking the 2 outside windows. That will end up putting fabric on both sides of the middle window also because there is very little wall space there.

  36. I'd choose #1! What a creative lady. I think all of her creations are fab! As for the decorating initial thought was some kind of stained glass. I guess everyone else thought the same thing.

  37. Oh I love the Sumatran bag!

    As for the window I would scour the thrift stores for an old door that would cover the space when turned horizonally. It would of course have to be funky. Then you have a somewhat blank canvas you could hang a picture, plates, trays, etc.

    Come on by my blog today. I have a post I think that you will love.

  38. For the giveaway, I would chose #2. For the window...I was just thinking how I would get rid of the window, and I came across a forum at where there is some advice for a similar dilema. But if I couldn't get rid of the window, I was thinking of changing the vallences, and creating long, straight curtains on either side of the fireplace. Then you could put a really big grapevine/twiggy wreath either sitting, and leaning on the top of the mantel, or actually hung from the top part of the window above the fireplace. Good Luck!!!

  39. I would put one of those easy roman shades up in that window. I keep seeing tutorials for super easy ones all over blogland.

  40. First and foremost, shame on Amy for not LOVING that window!
    It needs a frame on it.
    Think of how many mantles have a large mirror above it, or any large picture for that matter!
    Just frame it, stick up accessories, and you have the coolest "picture" of any of your friends!

    And I would LOVE to have tote #2! So fun!

  41. I would like the stained glass idea or plants. Either one would showcase the light from the window. I love bag number 1...they are all so cute!

  42. I like bag number two.
    I think a stained rectangular stained glass window hung by chains in front of the middle window would be really cool. Or maybe three small stained glass pieces.

  43. i'd make a frame to fit the window so its like a always changing piece of art! I love the kitchen chalk board thing!!

  44. I like the idea of either a very simple stained glass window (not gaudy - just simple design) or an etched glass with a clear motif on it such as the house name, the word home or welcome on it.

    I love bag #1 as I love green and it's really simple and graphic.

  45. love bag number 3, the coffee one, and what great stuff she has. i'll be going back to poke around when i have more time.

    as far as the question of the day. what a bizarre place for a window. my initial thought is to frame it out and hang a rectangular sign over that doesn't fill up the whole space. light can still sneak in around the edges but it won't be so glaring. or some type of iron work to diffuse it. that's all i got.

    look forward to hearing what they decide to do.

  46. oh this is fun! first the looks like she loves the scrolly about having a piece made for the window? it will add to the fireplace grate she has and by adding two tall candlestands on each side of the window it will draw your eye up..those would be place on each side -top of mantle.. and
    I would love to win the # 3 prize the Sumantra coffee bag! love it! thanks for the great time!

  47. oops another idea for the fireplace! two tall containers setting on each side of fireplace with tall twigs from yard or ikea placed on the floor..with the iron works in window! heheee gosh i cant stop! thanks

  48. Loved #3!!

    thanks Donna'


    barbara jean

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Forgot to say I prefer #3. I guess I was too excited about my idea. :)

    I would put up one of those painted wooden signs that you find at craft fairs. I'd hang it so that it was slightly off center and hang it on the wall above the window with a bit of the sign hanging in front of the window. Not sure you can understand what I mean, but I hope it makes sense. Also it would be fitting to have the sign say "Home is where the hearth is."

  51. I like bag #2. Wow, she has some great ideas! I love all the ways she has used burlap, and the bags are so clever!

  52. I just recently found your site! Must say I'm lovin' it! Can't wait to join your next party! I love #3. I love coffee but recently gave it up so I would love to appreciate it in another way! The bag is perfect! If you have a moment, check out my Monday's Method post. Its a new series I am doing ~ interior design advice for my readers. On that note, I wouldn't do anything with the window. I would accessorize the mantel to involve the light from the window. Lovely colored art glass for example that would look amazing with the natural light shining through it during the day and pop off the black sky at night.
    Paula Grace ~

  53. I would just love bag number 3!!! Ummm I would probably put something in front of it to capture the light that looked modern but I'm not very good at that stuff so I'm not sure lol.

  54. If I had that window I would put up a custom Iron piece that fits the window. Or I would put an old window there- something architectural.
    I want the second pillow but I love the 3rd one too.
    My blog is

  55. I like bag number #2!

    And what I would do with the window is apply a stained glass film over it, to kind of compliment and match the neat designs on her chair without completely blocking the window or the light. Something like here:

    Thanks! melimsah at gmail dot com. :)

  56. I like #2 the best. As for the window ~ the very first thing I thought of was stained glass. It is really the perfect window for it. They could get one of those kits and do an insert instead of doing it directly on the window.
    Reading through some of the other comments here I also like the idea of the wrought iron insert ~ it would be gorgeous.

  57. I love the Little Green Bean and would love to win any of her stuff, but my favorite one is number 3. I just love the orange. For the decorating dilemma, I would either hang a stained glass window over it or for a less expensive alternative that is more temporary I would put up a wreath over it with the same star thingy hanging from the center like on the valences. I would use a twiggy wreath to keep the light coming in(I love light) and add texture to the area.

  58. Bag #3

    I would love a stained glass window above the FP...but if that is not cost effective...etch the glass making it art rather then something to cover up.

  59. Hey Donna! I would also love to win bag #3

    As for the decorating dilemma, I would continue the valance across the all and then flank the fireplace in some great fabric curtains (with some sheen to them, cuz I LOVE sheen) in the blue color from the valance.

    I would also play around with the idea of doing a decorative "etched glass" design with frosted contact paper.

  60. I love the bags - I would choose number three, the lining is yummy. I love the door she repurposed too!

    As for the window - I would get a huge and tall (but not necessarily as wide, 2/3 width would be adequate) piece of scrolled metal art for the area. But move the one in front of the fireplace out of there so it won't compete!


  61. Whoops
    I am


  62. I love that fireplace AND that window...I would love that I am probably not much help...I would either add a frame around it to make it look like "art" above the fireplace or a vinyl saying. I'm just super jealous of all that natural light that it is hard for me to see the need to mess with it...always different when you live with it! I hope we get to see an after picture:)

    As for the awesome bags from the little green bean...I heart #1 and that fantastic green!

  63. I would hang unframed photos from the top of the window, kind of like a play on the valances on either side of the fireplace. And I love #2- the pillow!

  64. I Love Bag #2! As for the window I agree with others about adding a frame around the window that matches the fireplace and use vinyl art words.

  65. OOO, the Sumatran Coffee bag! I love little Green Bean.

    The window, hmm, I would do some type of shutter, like your bathroom shutter. I am not sure where to attach them, but I think some rustic wood would be good (I'm a poet).

  66. I like bag #3!

    Someone mentioned earlier putting colored glass vases in the window, like suncatchers. I think that with a series of frames around the window made out of molding to take the eye upward would be pretty. I'd also love to see long, flowing curtains (like some of the dropcloth curtains people are making now) on the standard sized windows. I think it would make the eye dance around the room. :o) Best of luck!

  67. I like the idea of using something like Tableaux Faux Iron

    Bag No. 3 is my favorite!

  68. I like the idea that several have said about a stained glass window!

    I love Missy's bags! If I had to choose, I would pick. #1.

    Thanks to Donna and Missy!

  69. I would climb up there and make it a glass on glass stained window! :0) I'd pick #2.
    Have a good one!

  70. Hi Donna -

    If budget is a factor for Amy's window there used to be a product called Gallery Glass. What it was basically - was Mod Podge tinted with color. They sold it in crafts stores. I did this on the sidelights that frame my front door 15 years ago. I did it all clear to look belved with lead. I copied a design from a Pella Window catalog. It looks as good today as the day I applied it.

    I like #2.

  71. I LOVE #3! Orange is my new favorite color. As for the window...what about large decorative plates in different sizes. Like the ones at Pier 1. Just layer them up against each other.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  72. Love, love Bag # 3 "Sumatran Coffee"

    I could see Amy's fireplace mantel with some height...tall greenery that would hide some of the window but still let in the light...with some accessories...candles, pictures.

  73. For the window above the fireplace, leaded glass window. Not stained glass, too many colors and patterns to compete with.

    I did leaded glass on a mirror with a kit. To my surprise it was pretty easy to do.

  74. Coffeebag number 3 from Summatra is my favorite!
    Hmm that window. Since there are two big windows on the side of the fireplace I don't think she needs the extra window, so I would probably cover it up with a big standing mirror, artwork or something else I could lay my hands on. As a window I don't really see it work.

  75. I would choose #3.

    Regarding the window....I used a product I ordered called gallery glass, I am sure MIcheals sells is. It paints on like glue and drys like a clear "stain". I "scribbled" mine on it LoVE the effect it created. Lets light in but still is private!

  76. Seems like everyone would choose the #3 bag and I am no exception! That window? Not curtains, that's for sure. Maybe those stick on sayings that are so popular now. Something understated to let the light shine in. Thanks for the chance to win!

  77. Item #2

    I would love to see some etching mixed with stain glass on that window.


  78. I love bag #3, the orange liner is so fun! As for the window, I would fill it with vintage glass bottle and jars of different colrs, ooh would vintage blue jars be so pretty, that way you still have light coming in but it adds visual interest.

  79. I would choose the beautiful "V" bag (#2) and give it to a dear creative friend whose name begins with a V. First, I am very thankful that window is not in my house! If it were I would stare at it, obsess about it, pray over it, and seek advise from someone like you! When this is over I hope you do a post about what you would do with this window.

  80. My first thought was some sheers with some taller and heavier items on the mantel. That would draw more attention to the fireplace as a focal point.

    And I LOVE number 3 for the giveaway!

  81. I like them all, but #3 is my choice.

  82. I'm really loving #3!

  83. I also love the number 3 bag! I would cover the window in some type of iron filigree. A custom piece could get very expensive so I would look for a ready made alternative. Stores like Homegoods, Hobby Lobby and Kirklands sell the decorative metal pieces that are made to hang on the wall. She could place one large filigree piece or several smaller pieces in this opening for a custom look.

  84. I would pick the Sumatra Coffee tote. Cool!

  85. I love the Little Green bean! I would love to win Tote bag # 2 "V".

  86. I would love to win bag #2. Love the green and the way the words are on their side on the back. Very cool!

  87. I would love to win bag #3,

    I put front of the windows a lot's of candles or flowers!

    and one more: THIS BLOG IS SO COOL!


    Krisztina from Hungary

  88. Bag #3 is my choice!

  89. I love the Sumatra bag!
    For the window over the fireplace I think I would go with a Plantation shutter in a finish to match the woodwork in the room

  90. I would like to have bag #1.
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  91. I love the Sumetran Coffee bag! Great site- love the numbers on the dresser.

  92. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!