Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Followers Giveaway Event - Draw #4, Treasures from the Heart

Draw #4!

 Each day until Sat Jan 23 (except Wed, but I have something else for you THAT day) we'll feature a giveaway along with a comment of the day to make things a little more interesting! So check back daily in comments so you don't miss lots of fun banter and tips galore. This IS a party after all. :) 
All the draws are open until Sat Jan 30 midnight Pacific time. One entry per draw per person please. You do not have to be a follower or subscriber to enter, however feel free to join if you like what you see. :)

So, let's party!

~ Comment of the day ~

"What was your riskiest project to date?"

You know the ones I'm speaking of. The kind where you took some kind of risk where you had no idea if your idea was sound and sane?!? Then you proceeded to hold you breath while you hit post? But then you're glad you went for it because the response was actually favorable??? Please don't tell me I'm the only one that goes through this...

I'll admit I have a few that fall under this category. Ok, maybe everything I do. Keeps me young I guess. :)

But without a doubt, I had some of you GASPING wondering what in blazes I was thinking when I laid THIS down on my lawn. I even second guessed myself for awhile. BUT I knew with a pending deadline, I had to gitter done. So with the door from the burn pile and the gate from the dump, this pile of trash became...

my  White Trash Bedroom. Nearly every component was indeed created from trash. This little shabby ensemble still makes me smile every single day. :)

This room (like all my others) resulted in working around finds, as opposed to having a big pie in the sky plan. I save this and that and wait for the vision to hit.

Ok, and this was my 2nd riskiest. The hanger curtains. I remember hitting the post button around midnight and then tossing and turning. At one point I even went up to the computer to remove the post, but then decided, if you don't risk a little, you don't grow. The next AM I literally RAN to computer to see if everyone left funky town. You were all still here and with rave reviews to boot! Talk about losing it all to having it all back, eh?

OHH! AND care to check out risk #3?!?

Tune in Wed for the Workshop Series, Building your own Workshop -  Part 2 - Purging. Instead of a normal giveaway that day, I've made something for ALL of you. :) And yes, it's VERY risky. (another sleepless night here I come!)

 You're turn. :)
What is your riskiest DIY project to date?

Tell us about it in the comments! And the story behind it. Don't forget to include your url if you have it online so we can go take a peek. :)

But first, how about a little party present? :)

Meet Barbara Jean from Treasures from the Heart.

Barbara Jean is well known for her amazing nest creations. Her designs are created with layers upon layers of papers, lace and pearls, and utilizes boxes, picture frames, gloves, or most anything for her bases. Here's a shot of one of her latest creations. She has this item as well as MANY others in her Treasures from the Heart SHOP.

She's a big part of our DIY blog network as well, and one of her specialties is actually creating nests from scratch. She just made these in the last week and has some big plans in store. Check out her infamous nest tutorials on her DIY blog - wooden variety  and the mini .

I snooped around in her archives and found this hot tip on how to create vintage looking buttons. There's a secret ingredient to this recipe you'll never guess. :)

Today, Barbara Jean has a very special (one click) post waiting for your visit. She wants you to come on over and pick out your own sweet giveaway item should your name be drawn.

Please remember to give her abit of bloggy comment love for her generosity while you're there. :)

How to enter the giveaway

1. Visit Barbara Jean's blog HERE to choose your giveaway item if you won.

2. Come back to comments HERE and let us know...

- which item you'd choose if you won, #1, #2, or #3. (mandatory to win)
- your comment for the question of the day reply if you wish; we'd love to read it!
- include your email if it's not on your blog/don't have a blog (mandatory to win)

3. Make sure you enter each giveaway listed below!

See ya tomorrow for 'Big Risk #3'. :)

and all our wonderful giveaway sponsors,

Draw #1 - Creations from My Heart
Draw #2 - Jaz Creations
Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean
Draw #4 - Treasures from the Heart


  1. Hey girl!
    Looks great. Thank you so much. You did a great job scrounging around and finding good treasures to post.
    I'm linked up to your post.

    and HAPPY PARTY!!!

    barbara jean

  2. I just visited Barbara Jean and told her number 1 is my favorite project. And the project I dreaded the most is the one where I took a saw into some cupboard doors. I had never done anything like it and wasn't at all sure about the outcome, but it turned out great.

  3. I love, love, love all of Barbara Jeans work, but number two is what I will be dreaming of today. As far as risky projects go.....
    They are all risky to me because I find that every thing goes though an ugly stage before it become pretty and I have to have the guts to hang in there and not run away scared. This is the only way I ever get anything done.

    Congrats on 1000 I am dreaming of 100 one day.
    Thanks for all you do.
    Cha Cha

  4. Barbar Jean's creations are wonderful. I'm in love with the baby shoe bird's nest.
    I love making unique and pretty cottage/romantic pillows. The hardest thing for me was deciding if my work was good enough to show anyone, let alone sell!
    But the feedback I have been receiving from all you bloggin friends has given me confidence to show off and even sell my work.

  5. I love birds nests and eggs; also egg prints which I have six of, but they are packed up at the moment. I think I'd go for the birds nest in the box that has sheet music on it.

  6. Oh this is such a fun party. Leave it to you to come up with something original!

    My riskiest project was painting my countertops. I asked my hubby what he thought of me painting them and I can't quote him cause it is rather vulgar. I waited til he left for a hunting trip and went to town. I had the yucky gray laminate tops. Very 80's. It also had the backsplash that matched it. So I ripped off the backsplash. Everything was going great. I was singing and dancing cause I felt so clever. Then, the last piece, I tore a hole in the drywall! Now I was running around in circles going "OMGOMGOMG!" After I calmed down from the scare, I patched the hole and slapped up a travertine tile backsplash. Then I painted the countertops black. I love it. When the hubby came home, he didn't beleive me when I told him that I just painted them. They look so good, I even did the bathroom!

  7. Definitely the Bird's Nest in the vintage shoe is my choice!! Love it very much!
    My riskiest project was a sofa that was too large for my sitting room...so I took off one cushion and got out my saw and cut off one end of the sofa...arm and all. Then I removed the arm. I re-attached the arm to the now love seat and wa-la...sweet love seat was born. Then I recovered the entire piece of furniture. It was alot of fun...unfortunately I did not take pictures of this feat!

  8. I am a follower of both Barbara Jeans blog, as well as yours. You both give me such wonderful ideas and inspiration!

    If I won, i would pick #2. I am a birds nest girl...and in that little baby boot, it couldnt be any sweeter.

    My riskiest project is awaiting. My husbands grandfather made a dry sink cabinet. For me in its crrent state, it isnt functional. I would love to add a "counter" piece to the top, as well as paint it. It is natural pine. I dont want to ruin it though so its been sitting in my gargae for years. I need to strap on my big balls and just go for it. I think I will use it as a kitchen island after it's transformation.

    (If I were lucky enough to win...my email is on my profile...but I am still also holding out for the publishers clearing house sweepstakes, if that says anything abou tmy luck...)

    HUGS, friend!
    Tales from Bloggertiaville

  9. I must be saving my creative juices for flowing after retirement.. so I don't have any horror stories about that... mine are usually the "opinion" posts that keep me up at night after posting... in my opinion.. that's not what you're looking ofr here.... however...

    I think the "Sweet and Simple" shoe nest would be my choice! lovin' your giveaway!

  10. I think one the riskest things has been turning a unusual things into signs, such as a headboard, a wooden window valance and an old foosball table. But I am so glad I did as they turned out great. I really like #1 but all of her creations are great!

  11. I am always shocked at what posts get very few comments and which ones are a hit. This was my riskiest post.... on a project that failed. Oddly enough, it was also my post that got the most comments....http://themagicbrushinc.blogspot.com/2009/04/ode-to-ping-pong-wreath.html

  12. #1
    And gosh I don't think I have been blogging long enough to have a OMG moment. I can see where you would though. And why do I stay up at night dreaming of projects????

  13. Oh I love #1!
    My biggest risk is making my own house shutters. I haven't finished all of them. I will once the ground thaws.

  14. LOL I'm loving these comments! I'll be chuckling all day. :D

    And so glad you're enjoying the parties! The sponsors are a bunch of great gals that are up to trying new things too, so kudos to ALL of you! :)

    FJ Donna

  15. I went for a visit and have to say #1 is my favorite although it was hard to choose. My riskiest project I have done was at my home we sold a couple of years ago. It was really small and the entrance hall was very narrow. My husband is a thin man but he need room to move because he moves so fast, so I was unable to put anything on the wall that he would bump and knock down on the way through. I bought cheap picket fence pieces and asked hubby to cut a couple of boards longer than the pickets and a curved board to top those to look like a arbor. Glued onto the wall with some sort or glue that will not let loose and added a couple of nails here and there. Painted blue sky, clouds and then flower and butterflies one stroke style around the fenceing. Can you picture that. Hope so. My husband shook his head the whole time. But everyone liked it!

  16. I have actually ordered from Barbara before and her stuff is awesome! I would definitely pick the vintage baby shoe! LOVE IT!!

    I LOVED the gate over your bed!! AND the curtain! Anything you do is magazine worthy in my book!!

    Lou Cinda

  17. My scariest project to date was building our bed. My husband love to woodwork, but had only made very simple things like frames. I could build too, but never something so BIG! And we built it out of antique doors, after we stripped to old paint off, so we could paint it without a big mess. But we constantly get compliments on it and many people have asked for one of their own! Plus it only cost $180 for the whole Cal King bed!

  18. Love Barbara Jean's creations! Number 2 is my choice (so sweet!!) and my riskest DIY project was stamping purple dragonfly's all over my green bathroom walls. Turned out great but that first stamp was scary!!!

  19. I really like #2 (along with everyone else)!

    I don't think I've ventured to far outof my comfort zone (yet) to have a really bad blog story to tell - I guess I need to work on that, huh?

  20. Number 2 is really sweet and I have my own bible and keys I can add. :)

  21. This is so much fun! I LOVE #2 and am drooling just thinking about it! One of the biggest jobs I attempted is making my own cement pavers for a brick path to my workshop. Not too hard, just alot of work and I didn't know if I would finish it. But I did and I love it! Thanks for the chance to win! uffda_68787@yahoo.com

  22. How cute are all of her creations, I think I like #1 for me. It would look adorable in my little girls room. I am looking forward to see tomorrows post and what you have come up with now :)

  23. New to the blogging community. Gathering photos and details of the projects I have done. We are currently into year 3 of building our farm...so there are many. Once photos are organized, I will post at http://welcometotheturnerfarm.blogspot.com.
    I have been so inspired with all that I've seen so far and look forward to discovering more favorites. I really like #2 - sweet!

  24. i love number 1, although they're all great.


  25. I love #2 - Sweet and Simple. I love all of her creations. Thanks for the opportunity.

  26. I'd choose #1. So cute! I left some comment love for Barbara as well. I haven't done too many risky projects (yet). Something I thought was risky was painting my kitchen the color I painted it. A dark turquoise. Here's the link to my post:


  27. #2 just makes me so happy. I refer to my children as my little birds and that nest is so wonderful.

    Riskiest project would be my photo wall. Having a huge wall to work with made this project a bit daunting. So far so good. It's all about the balance.

    Carina- cv715@yahoo.com

  28. I love #2 and I love birds and nest so this is making me all excited. Unfortunately, my biggest risk is so scary that I haven't attempted it yet, I want to repaint my china hutch but I'm scared, trying to decide on color and technique, ugh!

  29. I really love #2 - it's just perfect!

    My biggest risk? I tore out a broken sink in our downstairs bathroom and replaced all by myself! The only help I had was a plumbing book I had picked up at Goodwill, but it worked! Not without some blood, sweat and tears, but by golly, in the end, I got it done!

  30. Since I am new to your blog just this month I do have to say your "risk taking" projects are so adorable....love, love, love the head board and on my goodness the curtians on the hanger are way too cute...going to be watching for old wooden hangers. I myslef have not really blogged about anything really risky...I am sure that there will be something in the future.

    I have been Blog Friends with Barbara Jean for a while now....a very talented lady she is too!! I love #2...how I would love that little shoe to sit by my antique spool chest!

  31. I love all her creations but I think the nest in the baby shoe is sweet.

    I'd say my riskiest project has been painting black and white diamonds on my deck. I have to mathetmatical sensibilities and had to find a way to do it without it looking off. I didn't know if it would turn out but I love it now!


  32. I love that little baby shoe nest she has going on! So adorable!

    I don't think I've done a super risky project yet. Most of my projects tend to be on the simple side--and we can't do too much to our actual house since it technically belongs to the military! ;)


  33. Love your blog! And I love the curtain hanger. Definitely want to try that.

    My riskiest project was my "new" old dining room table. The table top was a curbside find with no legs. After investing a lot of time refinishnig it, I was at a lost as to what I would use for the legs. My first two ideas bombed. Lets just say, I have some extra legs lurking around my home. It was an excrutiating and nerve racking experience but the end result was worth it. I even truned the whole experience into a cute poem. Please take a look for yourself.

  34. I love the "enjoy the little things" I think my most risky undertaking was when I first started using color on my walls! Antique white was color of choice for years and I thought i WOULD die the first roller of avacado green (which was much prettier than it sounds!) was rolled on my kitchen wall. It turned out lovely! We sold the house 3 months after I had painted color on all the walls- yes it was a surprise - I would never have put all that work into painting if I had only known we would be moving!

  35. I chopped my wedding dress in half:
    IN HALF~ It was crazy! I just didn't want it to sit in the closet for more than 11 years, so on our anniversary, I turned it into art!

  36. The vintage baby shoe is so charming. Definitely #2 is my favorite. I'm afraid I'm not much of a risk taker. All my projects that are risky are laying in my basement waiting . . . for warmer weather, for summer vacation, and for courage. Thank you for inspiring me.

  37. My house is one big study in risky projects. :)

    Beautiful giveaway.
    I love the first choice.

  38. Barbara Jean is so sweet. I just love all of her creations and her store. I would pick #1 if I had to choose, but all are lovely.
    I have not posted any risky things yet, they are still on my digital file. Someday I will get up the courage to post one. I am hoping that blogging will inspire me to take some risks and get rid of the fear of being wrong :) This too shall pass :)
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  39. I haven't had as many "risky" projects as you have, but my most recent one was buying a pretty sad-looking dresser from Goodwill and giving it a paint job. My husband was very doubtful because we were trying to make the paint look similar to the wood finish on the rest of our bedroom furniture, but it turned out pretty well!

    And I really like #2 and #1, in that order. Her items are so great!

  40. I know I'm late as usual, but missed you all this week. I have avoided one-upping you, Donna, but couldn't resist this time. :) I hope you will not write me off as a friend after this reveal.

  41. my my...just found your blog. love it...
    hmmmm....i've junked all over the place!!! here and in europe....i love trash!! i made a crazy end table out of a trashed picked cabinet, my friend's mother's chippy green house boards, old fabric i found in a cardboard bin at goodwill, glass knobs i found in a junk tray at a flea market and a coat of paint from the oops isle. i used my electric saw and nailed the old board to the cabinet...it was one of those wacky moments of reinvention, but it was fun! i also trashed picked a big giant headboard from a super busy highway a long time ago and hung it on my wall!! i've had many projects like that!! your headboard is wonderful. love the invention.

  42. I think I'd have to go with number 2 even though the others are beautiful as well!


  43. Definitely number 2, although they are all sweet. I love the bible and the shoe. My riskiest project? I am not sure. Maybe an island I made from a roadside desk. Not really risk, but very pieced together. Had an oil drip pan as the top and other odd things. Sold quickly!

  44. Memories #3;}

    I thought that I was sooo cool when i bought a white rusty outdoor table and neon blue chairs from a yard sale;}(me being cool)
    I brought it home after getting some supplies: spray paint, a bottom(leg) for the table and another bottom(leg) for the chair and when i got all of my items home, I started sanding and priming and thought to myself:"what the heck did you just buy?"
    Needless to say once it was all said and done it is sitting outside on my patio in all of it's new glory!
    Thanks for the opprotunity!

  45. I have to say I love giveaway #1. The little bird nest on the frame is too cute! My riskiest project has to be the french chairs DIY. I painted these chairs 3 different times in one week until I found just the right color. I had never sewn ANYTHING before but I attempted to reupholster these 2 chairs. I even had to buy my first sewing machine for this project. I think it took me about 30 minutes to just thread the needle. There was a lot of screaming and ranting going on during my DIY but I did finish the chairs and now love them!

  46. I just love each thing that Barbara has created. I think my favorite is #1 because it looks like spring and I am so homesick for spring! Thank you for the offer.

  47. Wow, 1000 followers! That's a lot!!! My favorite is #1 because it is so Springy! Congrats on the blogger accomplishment!

  48. I love Barbara Jean's number 1 giveaway!
    Congrats on 1000 followers.

  49. I love number 2. I don't know about risky projects. I'm such a newbie at this whole thing but I have been picking up some cigar boxes and am about ready to start something with one of those. I see old sheet music, a nest (have several natural ones), some old keys, a photo......it will be my riskiest to date. Thanks for this wonderful give away.


  50. I would pick #2. I love it!!!! And my riskiest DIY? I'm really not a risk taker. So the riskiest for me was my letter art. I had seen a "family" letter art sign in a store for $100 & knew that I could make my own. It was a little intimidating trying to visualize letters in ordinary things around my house, but I managed to do it and was quite happy with the results. Now I'm hooked & keep changing out the sign with a new word for each season.

  51. I love number 2 so much. I'm a renter so haven't gotten to be too risky yet. Well, i did take a bookcase and decoupage it with border ripped in weird shapes overlapping and it was risky at first but turned out cute.

  52. I love that shoe nest- her stuff is new to me and so cute!

  53. Hi. I would like to win #3. Memories. They are all sweet.
    My riskiest project was being the contractor for a 1000 sq ft. addition to our home.. And...almost done.

  54. Shoe nest please. I'm loving birdies right now.
    missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

  55. Thank-you for all your entries! The contest is now closed, and a winner will be announced soon.

    FJ Donna


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!