Thursday, October 15, 2009

The mothership of opportunity has flown in!

I said YES.

If you've followed my passion series recently, you know that we've been talking about finding that true passionate thing that your heart yearns to do.

(I can't believe I said YES!)

The quaint little village I live in has something that's called a Christmas Craft Crawl. All the crafty home spun artisian types of small businesses in the area group together for one weekend to bring the community closer to what our precious little town has to offer right on our own doorstep. A map of sorts is created so the visitors can visit one business to the next. Sign up was this week.

Today, I took a big step. Did I tell you?!? I said yes. Yes, I want to be a part of this. Because I have this incredible need to create for others. To show the intense joy I get by merely creating something out of nothing. I really need to do this. Because it's the single driving force within me that I can't hush any longer. In fact, I can't stop talking about it to others. I've bonded with the dream and now it's time to implement. I AM doing this.

The show takes place in a month's time. Sounds simple enough, yes? An exsisting business can do abit of cleanup, open their door and off they go. I could only wish my list were that easy to accomplish. Basically put, I need to set up a new business in the scope of 1 month.

On my to-do list in muttering rambling form...

sneak peek of my Saturday linky project!

- prime and paint many MANY long overdue projects with 5 inches of dust on them scattered throughout the house/workshop.

- primp and pretty things up - more pillows on the bed, tweak vignettes.. etc. x 1,000,000,000

- buy a colour printer

- print up in-house tour signs displaying before pictures on pieces

- get front entry tile finished (been 1.5 years now, think it's about time?!?)

- print up a small portfolio in book form for guests to view

- learn photoshop pronto

- get my new logo designed up

- get my new 'professional' blog up and running with actual features and info with new undesigned logo of course

- inhale... exhale... slowly so I don't pass out

- brochures... cards..

- sandwhich board sign that'll really shine as I'm off the main drag in town

- front garden weeded

- front door primed and painted my new gorgeous black coffee colour already chosen

- move ugly travel trailer to the side of my house (this one is NOT for the faint of heart)

- curtains hung (that I don't yet have)

- flip my garage into a workshop (check! see above? ohhhh it was nasty for awhile... I'll do a before and after on it very soon)

- trim colour finished on the exterior...

Need I go on here?!?

One more. Because it's a doozy.

Christmas 2008

- decorate early for Christmas to the HILT amid the dust/primer/paint.

I said yes today. So I'm going be totally focused on stroking off those list items.

I'm going to tell you something. Everything has been lining up for this. Right down to my iphone I chose when my crappy one that did nothing died. I've been making decisions for a very long time to do this without even realizing the end result. When I look back, I shake my head in amazement. It was as if this plan was implemented LONG before I even knew about it... know what I'm saying here?!? Do you know my story about how my house reno came about? If not, I'll have to share that with you sometime very soon.

I just know there are a few procratinators out there wishing and dreaming they could somehow make their own passions come to full colour in their lives. So I'm going to take you on this little journey of flipping the love of my life hobby into my career, in hopes of inspiring you to do the very same.

Your world is waiting out there. Are you doing something about it? Follow along with me and let's see if we can't do something about that.

My house as my porfolio. Oh my goodness gracious. I'll have to move out...

P.S. Pick up the button on the right side widget and spread the word! See you tomorrow at the Saturday Nite Special linky par-tay!! (that I CAN do quick like...)


  1. Good luck! I don't envy your to do list. I have a feeling you can do it, but you may not sleep much in the next month:)

  2. How exciting for you! I always do better when I have a deadline as I can no longer procrastinate. You will get everything done and it will be wonderful! We have a Christmas Stroll where we live and I look forward to it every year.

  3. Good for you going with what you love. Just remember the most important on the list, breathe! I am sure it will go wonderfully as your house is already gorgeous. I can't wait to see how your journey goes!

  4. That is one big list! No doubt in my mind that you will get it all accomplished - I think you are related to the energizer bunny! I love your "Passion" series... keeps my hopes up. Time is my big issue, but I don't let the lack of it prevent me from doing something whenever I can. A little here a little there adds up to a lot in the long run.

  5. You go girl! I'm so excited for you....wish I lived closer :o) Just yesterday I finally made it out to our local antique malls/shops and noticed a SAD collection of stuff. Definitely the niche for junky/chippy/tattered/metal collectors just awaiting. Hmmmm.

  6. go, go, go -- we are behind you all the way! Can't wait to see how everything comes together!!

  7. Good luck with everything Donna....wish I was closer so I could help you out. If there is anything I can do from here let me know.

    you inspire me, all the best.....

  8. I can't way to follow along your journey, but first I think I need a nap after reading your to-do list. Your passion is contagious- thank you for sharing your excitement with us all. That's one bug I don't mind catching.

  9. wowza!! sounds very exciting...nothing like having people over to get you motivated!! from one passionate person to can do this! have fun! all the best, erin

  10. I'm so excited for you. Breathe! It'll be great!!!

  11. Good for you! I can't wait to see how that table turns out. You are a busy girl!

  12. This sounds so exciting, Donna, and YOU sound so excited! It does come through in your post. I am always so happy to hear about people who get to do what they love for a living. {I get to do mine, although only part-time at present}. I think if you set goals for yourself everyday, you can get this all done in no time at all. And don't be afraid to ask for help ~ if someone else can do the sign, brochures, etc. for you, let them help. Sometimes we think we have to do everything all by ourselves.

  13. You can do it!!! The best way to get EVERYTHING finished that I have been putting off, is plan something at my house!!! It almost KILLS me but in the end, so WORTH it!!

    You will be wonderful and they will LOVE you!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  14. Wow. You guys never cease to amaze me. I can't tell you how much your support means to me right now. I'm scared to take the leap but exhilarated all the same! It won't be easy, but what worthwhile ever is?

    I'm off to a weekend workshop where I'll no doubt bag abit more inspiration. Couldn't come at a better time!

    FJ Donna

  15. How exciting AND overwhelming! Sounds like my to do list!

    Sounds so very exciting! and yes you CAN!!!

  16. I'm so looking forward to following you on this journey. What you're about to do is one of my dreams. I'm excited for you.


  17. You go girl! Pace yourself, breathe and enjoy the ride!! Maybe you can enlist some help for the garden weeding or wish for snow, or rake leaves over the beds....

  18. This sounds so exciting! Nothing like a ton of people coming over to motivate you. Good luck! I can't wait to see everything!

  19. You go Donna!!!! I can hardly wait, and am soooo excited for you! You are so inspiring, and I can't wait to hear how it all turns out!

  20. I'm so excited for you!! This is truly the only way I accomplish things. Invite people over! Right now, I'd need two months to get ready (sadly, not kidding). You, on the other hand, will dazzle your guests and inspire all of us too! Thank you for sharing the excitement!! -Tammy

  21. Oh, Donna I am so PROUD of you!!! And jealous too. :) I wish I lived close and could come and help you get all that done, then you could come help me make that same dream come true for myself! Keep us posted on your progress, and remember we're all rooting for you.

  22. Good Luck Donna... you will be fine... just take one thing at a time and finish it... then go on to the next thing... I am starting to live my dream also... I am just going where I am being led... it is an interesting journey and I have no idea where it is going to end up but I am just going for it... You will do well... I can feel it in my bones... I wish you truckloads of luck but I don't think you are going to need it... Let it happen...

  23. I'm just reading this now--yes, I know a bit late to say the least. If anyone can do it, you surely can. I don't know about you, but deadlines get the job done. My dh volunteered to host our Sunday school Christmas party. So HE has a ceiling to finish in record time. I only wish that they told him the date was two weeks earlier so I would have time to decorate without the scaffolding. :)


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