Friday, October 16, 2009

Linky party today! Introducing a 'change my mind' coffee table.

Welcome to Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special linky party! Feel free to grab the funky barn star button (coding on the right sidebar widget)  to share the fun! (this picture won't be enough unless you add your own link to it, due to 'funky junk' isn't my blog address)

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

This party is about any project you are proud of. Any theme, any thing, past or present. This is a party that's geared to include everyone, no matter what you love to create!

And... there's even a prize! I'm going to offer one of you something wonderful for your blog.

I'll be visiting all the links and will select a winner. Be sure to be a follower, for if you are and you win, you'll get a full interview/feature for your blog! After I announce the 'winner', I'll be emailing you some questions so we can tap into that creative mind of yours.

So, here's my little project. Meet 'Ms. Knotty Pine But Has Potential.'

When I found this table, I wasn't sure about it. I mean, look at the lines and detail! It's gorgeous! But I felt the style was too elegant for my rustic decor. I went home and pined (pun intended!) about it, worrying someone would get 'my table.' I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to drive all the way back to get it. I paid $20 as is.

And I left it like this for the longest time ever. Until I realized, it was smack dab in the middle of my upstairs and the as is was so wrong for my house. This party was the perfect motivator to get busy.

Buh-bye knottie blonde...

Hellooooo platinum blonde! The primer goes on. Looks better already!

Primer plus dreaming... oh the possibilities here.. see the funky little carvings on the top by a child? Precious! I left them. In fact, I fell in love with all the rustic details.

Hmmm... still thinking... thinking... such a process! Nevermind.. let's finish the painting part first.

Antique white goes on. Mmmmmm... doncha love that rustic detail here?

The glaze really brought out all those great rustic features!

Add your funky junk of choice... (this will have to do.. .I'm at a workshop all weekend and have to make this quick!)

... throw on a few loose tiles you can interchange at any time... (they fit so perfect!!)

And you have yourself a merry little 'change your mind' at will coffee table! The milk crate underneath holds dvd storage.

Hmmm.. vignette needed abit of beefing up. Better!

And here is the tile-less version I had done up for Christmas.


Here is the room it sits in so you can see why I made the choices I did.  I wanted the table lighter to tie in with the sofa, however having the tile on top ties in really well with the fireplace as well as visually anchoring the table. And I'm also debating on making a large square cushion out of that burlapy cream material you saw in one pic, for tired footsies during movie hour.

This table is a keeper for those with small kiddos because of that ridge around the edge. Do you have any idea what an awesome LEGO table this baby is?!? And how that ridge traps drink spills? It's not my personal dream coffee table (still looking for an old wagon or trunk or bench) but it's a great pitstop.

The attached linky party is now over. Let's concentrate on ASPTL and TTTT! :)

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Now it's your turn! Link up, and remember to spread some comment love on the other's links when you can! Parties are gabfests doncha know. :) Have a blast, and good luck!

To link up:

1. Make your post, then once made, click on the TITLE of your post for the correct address. Links simply brought back to your generic blog address will be deleted so if you link is gone, please try again!

2. Please link back to this party within your post by either the linky button or words so others can join in too!

I'm giddy. I wana see what you're all up to. :)

(link code no longer available)


  1. I am so inspired...going to have to look around to see which project I am most proud of...I'll be back, and I'll be following. I love your blog.
    Holly @ 504 Main

  2. Seriously awesome table-I can't believe how perfectly the tiles fit!

  3. Thanks for hosting this fun party! I *can't hardly wait* to check back and see everybody's projects. I've been a follower since I got started on this blogging adventure. Um, about a month ago. :) Have a great day!

  4. I love your table! I really like the painted portion and seeing it in the room, I can see the tile top works really well.

  5. Wow the table turned out GREAT! I recently found a coffee table that I'm tryimg to figure out what to do with. BTW, I linked up 3 of my past projects 1 that I completed last night just for this linky party! If I can only link one please let me know!

  6. That's so beautiful and it ties in so well with the whole room decor. Your creativity amazes me.

    One thing I'll mention about a cushion on top. I have a friend who has a large square table like that, but it has big bulky sturdy legs. She made a cusion for the top and everyone that comes in the room, young or old, sits on it. Those things are just so inviting, but I'm not sure the legs on your table can support that. Just something to think about.

  7. This is awesome and looks fabulous in your room!! Love the glaze and the distressing! I LOVE this !

    Lou Cinda :)

  8. LOVE your coffee table Donna! The paint is perfect... and the tile that you can switch out is too smart! Thanks for hosting... what a fun party!

  9. You did yourself proud on that table, M'am. Beauty, eh?
    I linked up and left you a surprise.

  10. Hey Donna
    I love what you did with that table and its much more "you"..

  11. Love the coffee table! What a deal!!! I love the tiles, but glad you left them versatile, I love the thought of a burlap top, that was my first idea for it.

    Your blog is awesome, and I have got to get back to blogging on a regular basis!


  12. Great idea, Donna! :) I dug up my Board & Batten project from almost 9 months ago and linked it up! Thanks for giving me a reason to do it! :)

    Can't wait to see all the other projects!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  13. Great idea for a party, Donna! I linked up one post, but I'll be back later, can I link up more than one?

  14. Ok, I couldn't resist! I added the Riddling Rack too - hope you don't mind! :)

    And thanks again for hosting this, Donna! Great idea!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  15. I need to get busy with the sand paper and paint!

  16. Oh My...Love the table. You seen the potential in the table and you went for it and it fits perfectly in your living room. GREAT JOB! Thanks for hosting such a fun party.


  17. Hi Donna! Thanks for hosting, now I'm off to see what everyone has linked to! Have a great day...Janell

  18. Hey gang! Wow, this is fun! I don't have time to visit more blogs at the moment, but I most certainly will!!

    Go ahead and link up more than one project if you wish. Just makes for more eye candy I say. :) I don't really have a hard and fast rule on this one, however perhaps we should cap it at up to 2 per person so you can leave something cool to show off the next time and leaves a more even playing field for the others. :)

    I'll be visiting soon if I haven't already!

    Funky Junk Donna

  19. Great job. I can't believe the tiles fit perfectly. $20 really? Score.

  20. Hi. I found you through Cindy at Cottage Instincts. That table is great! I love the changeable tile idea. I will definitely be back to get some more ideas. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful evening.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Goofed my comments, lol! You AND your table rock! You are such an inspiration and I am such a 'wannabe'! I linked up for my first time!

  23. The coffee table was cute, but now it's gorgeous!!! I am in love, love, love with your fireplace. The rustic stone makes my heart go pitter patter!

  24. The table looks just wonderful! I love how it turned out. Also, your family room and fireplace look so lovely. Congrats on all of the links for your party (and on a Saturday!) Good for you!

  25. Your table is perfect, what a great find. It's perfect in front of the fireplace!

  26. Love this table. What did you use for a glaze?
    I would love to get that look

  27. I am in LOVE with this table. What an amazing before and after. And I love the addition of the tiles. Great ideas.


  28. I really really like that table! You did an awesome job with it!

  29. I love the new look. Rustic and gorgeous details. Great job! ;)

    Thanks for hosting an awesome party. I was caught off guard but came up with a revisited project. Look forward to future parties and hope to be prepared! Off to check out the other links!

    Have a rest of the weekend!

  30. It looks GREAT! Love the paint treatment, and look at how gorgeous it looks against that fireplace! Magnificent! Hope you can check out my blog soon, the first of the many interior shots of the house now that I'm having better luck with my camera. The first of the series is up now!

  31. Hi there! This is my first Sat nite party to enter and I'm loving it. :)Thank you for having a little contest too..that makes it extra fun and exciting!

    As you know, I was super excited about finding your blog and your amazing talent. That table turned out excellent! I especially love the glaze. Good work. I would have never thought of the tiles either.

  32. This is awesome.
    Table turned out great!!

    So glad i happened upon your special night.
    I've joined in.

    barbara jean

  33. This will be a good party! How long is it going on? I can't post til I get back in town tomorrow night. ...Your table looks great with the glaze on it!

  34. Donna,
    Thank you so much for featuring my mini-nest tutorial on your hot find!!

    Hope you'll do another fun event like this again.

    Signed up to follow so will not miss out on anything.

    barbara jean

  35. So happy I found your blog this morning! I feel right at home here.

  36. What a great party Donna! This is awesome and I am sooo addicted to looking at all these blogs! Your table BTW- Amazing!!!

  37. I love what you did with the table and I love your blog! I'm glad I found it - I'll definitely be back =)
    xo Isa

  38. Hi Donna... I am honoured that you made your way over to my little ole blog... Welcome aboard... I love your blog and have followed you for sometime now... you are the first I hit each day... I love your courage to do things on your own and I so love that you use real power tools... I am just getting into them... I figure I can't do too much damage with a paintbrush so that is where my comfort zone lies right now... I am a bookeeper by day so I need all ten of those wiggly things in tact... have a great day Donna and please don't stop inspiring... Hugs Deb

  39. wow! incredible job. love the distressed look.

  40. Your table looks perfect in that space. The tiles tie in perfectly to the fireplace! Meant to be.

  41. It's fabulous!!! But then everything you do is. We wouldn't expect anything less.

  42. I love, love, love this table. What an amazing job you did on it. The top was just begging for tile, wasn't it? And yet I'd never have thought of that. So smart of you!

  43. It turned out great. The antique glaze really brought out the details. Your living room looks so cozy and I adore your fire place! That photo makes me want to curl up with a cup of coffee and a book.

  44. I know this is an older post, but the table looks awesome! Can you tell me how you do your glazing? Mine never turns out quite that nice...step by step??


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!