Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Featuring You! ~ Part 3

Greetings all! You saw Part 2 yesterday and here's the last edition of our little Featuring You series. Enjoy!


Cheap Chic Home
Colour vs. black and white photos? Great tip to help you decide!

Mustard Seed Creations
Poly and glazing technique. Brilliant info!

The Little Green Bean
Coffee bar makeover - now I want a coffee bar!!

This concludes the Featuring You! series. Thanks again all, for the wonderful inspiration and for a chance to peek deep inside your blogs!

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Now that you're nice and inspired, it's time to fling around some primer and paint again and get crackin' for...

Anything goes linky party!

Link to any of your fav past or present projects, but make sure it's a good one because the winner will get a full blog interview/feature next week! Linky will be ready to go Friday midnightish.

P.S. I had this pie in the sky plan tomorrow to post a bloggy tip how-to on making a blog button, but because of the Saturday party, I'm wanting to attempt to finish a project in time! Huff huff puff puff... I can see hosting linky project parties are going to keep me on my project toes here... and that's a good thing! Cya soon!


  1. Love the chalkboard labels. I did this to mine but I painted it directly on the jar. If I had known about this method, I would have done this. Love the look though.

  2. Thanks Donna, you're awesome! I'm excited about Saturday's party, thanks for the "invite"!

  3. I have the same jars! I love them! Chalkboards are always fun and ever changing aren't they? Great post! Krista

  4. Thanks so much for featuring me! This is such a nice surprise. For some reason your comment went into "moderation" and I am just now seeing it. This is such a fun site!
    @ Cheap Chic Home

  5. I'll be at the party. Thanks for the invite.

  6. Oh how exciting to see my dear friend of Cheap Chic Home being highlighted!!!! She has such wonderful ideas! You should be a regular reader of her blog!!!

  7. Hi Danna!! Thanks for the feature-again! You rock!! I am LOVING the new things you have done with your blog, I look forwrd to it every day!!!

  8. Your blog is always fabulous. I would LOVE a tutorial on how to make a blog button. I'll keep checking !


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!