Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Loving HINGES! - update on barnwood shutter

Most of you have surely seen my little barnwood shutter I created from scrap wood. The premise was to adorne a window in a fun whimsical way. A 'surprise' element if you will.

And this is what put the icing on the cake. I landed these wonderfully chunky hinges at a thirft for 50 cents each. Colour/pantina, all perfect as is! I totally giggled my way to the cash register. You know that feeling.

When I picked up the hinges, I knew exactly where they would go. However, it was hard not to utilize them  in so many other areas. Can you imagine these types of hinges hanging artwork? Pictures? Wreaths? You name it, hinges can lend a VERY funky unique way of mounting things to walls.

But being that I had this cute little shutter that needed abit of extra detail, that's where these hinges will reside. For now. :)

Full totally easy to do tutorial on how to build this shutter is right over HERE. 

Happy hinge shopping! teehee!!

P.S. ~ Keep commenting and and becoming a follower via  THIS POST for your chance to be featured! Feature will be this weekend so don't delay! Show me what ya got. :)


  1. Love the look! I never thought of hanging hinges for wreaths and pics. Clever idea though. I would of done the "Snoopy dance" finding those beauties.

  2. Beauty can be found in the most basic things. I love the shutter and hinge.

  3. Okay, so I just found you and am now wondering where your blog has been all my life! I love your style, and barn wood makes me swoon every time (I have a big stack outside labeled "NOT FIREWOOD"). Keep up the awesome projects! :)

  4. Another fabulous project Donna! And 50 cents? I would do the happy dance too. Hope you bought as many as you could find. If I can find some well loved wood, I would love to make some cute shutters. My father-in-law had a small saw mill operation until recently, so I will have to see what I can come up with. My brother-in-law has a bad habit of burning it. I love him, but he actually calls it junk. He has no idea!

  5. Oooh, those hinges are fabulous! Another thing to add to my wish list! :)

  6. Oh, loving that pic, gotta go check out your instructions next on how to build the shutter.

    First, I wanted to tell you to check out my blog,
    tomorrow for a surprise! ;)

  7. Donna, I LOVEd those shutters already, but those hinges just bring even more authenticity to them. I LOVE IT! What a bargain!

  8. a huge hinge fan ... to look at ... as purposeful ... love them all ... and you know it, the rustier, the better!

  9. They are so easy to handle you can slightly tilt the shutter thereby allowing enough light to enter in the room and also retaining irritant homebody at bay. Another leading benefit offered by wooden shutters is security; they give additional feeling of protection and make you feel good and peaceful.


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