Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm featured on DIY! Comment and you may be next!

When someone features me, they get the royal treatment around here. Squeal!!!! Who doesn't like a little bloggy love?

The DIY Show Off 
Click the button above for a quick visit to Roeshel's cool blog.

The feature article is on my entryway horsegate coathook. (click on big words to see the feature) This little project is taking on a life of it's own I'm pleased to report! And soooo easy to do.

You can also see the entire project from start to finish on my sidebar widget to the right under The Front Entry.

Have you been by DIY before?

Roeshel runs this show.  This gal is all about featuring YOU. If you have something noteworthy to share with other DIY fanatics out there, you'll want to email The DIY Showoff bigwig herself with your project. You never know, you could be next. :)

And there's something else pretty special about Roeshel. She is an active visitor to other blogs and loves to give out lots of comment love. Check any linky parties. That girl's name is above mine each and everytime and from what I've seen, she's a very active in becoming a follower of your blog if she likes what she sees. She's amazing and knows how to make someone feel worthy big time.

So please join me in visiting Roeshel at her place for a quick visit and see what her gig is all about. You won't be sorry. AND, you could be next! Let her know I said, "Hey!"


Hey...know what? I'm going to do one better in order to share the feature love. Leave me a comment (include your fav url of a project if you like!), become a follower, and I'll go through the list and pick someone to feature. So, two chances to strut your stuff! Start that commenting so I can start my visits! Whooo hoooooo!


  1. Aw, Donna...thank you so much. Why is it I always tear up when someone has something sweet to say about me? ::sniff:: I'll be smiling all week. Thank you so much for the "feature" of me in return, for all of the nice thoughts and for the PR. I love it! :)
    Thank you for sharing your creative genius with the world and being an inspiration to us all.


  2. What a great idea. I once used a screen door for the very same thing! One of these days, I'll post that door in it's newest use. I love fun and unusual things.

  3. Jane @ Finding FabulousOctober 6, 2009 at 9:55 AM

    Congratulations! I love the DIY Show Off too, her blog has so many great ideas! I love your foyer...that coat hook is really cool! Hey, I've started a new day called: Frugulicious Friday, a day where we share our thriftiest, most frugalicious home decor finds! I hope you can join the party on Friday!

  4. very neat idea! Love your blog by the way!!


  5. Congrats on being featured at DIY. I love Roeschel's blog. Love your entryway also. The floor is amazing!

  6. Congrats! What an honor, and you deserve it.

    I LOVE your horsegate coathook!! -Tammy

  7. I found your blog this morning from the feature at DIY!!! I absolutely Love what you did with your entryway! You have inspired me to finish mine! I already have the hooks and had the bench pictured in my head but seeing what you have done brings it to life! Thank you!

  8. I can't wait to check it out!
    PS I drool every time I see your entryway!

  9. I followed on over here by way of DIY's blog too! What a great idea! Yours...well, it was a great idea to come over for a visit too, but you know what I mean, right? LOL I love re-purposing things and your home has a wealth of inspiration! Thanks!
    Hey! I'd love it if you visited me!!! Right now I'm hosting a quilt giveaway, wanna see? Come check it out: http://sweetjeanette.blogspot.com/2009/10/qult-walhanging-give-away.html

  10. I love everything on your blog. Congrads on the feature! Your blog deserves to be well-known.

  11. How great that you were featured. I'm a big fan of your entry gate, no, your awesome metal and wood stairs redo, or make that your funky shed, how about the awesome kitchen counters~~okay, too hard to pick a favourite ;)

  12. Thanks for your continued comments gals! I can't wait to feature one of you!

    For the record, I have my comments on author approval mode. This is the only way I know of to check ALL my comments quickly without missing even one. Comments are huge to me as they're my only way of reaching out to you.

    Party on!

    FJ Donna

  13. Congrats! I love Roeshele's blog- isn't she a sweetie? I absolutely love your entryway- if mine was bigger/ had more wall space, I think I would have to copy your idea! I will have to post back with a project!

  14. so stinkin cute!! - I LURVE that gate & your shed - oh my! I think one of my favorite things is the jar lid wreath that came that way & you saw beauty in the function.

  15. I think I found you a couple weeks ago and I love visiting. I'm already a follower :o) I love your entry way with all its character. So glad Roeshel featured it! I also have been following the DIY Show Off...LOVE IT. It's been a great way to find new blogs and inspiration.
    peace to you...cindy

  16. Comgratulations you crafty DIYou! I love your ideas.

  17. love your blog, I'd love for you to stop by mine!


  18. Congrats!

    I love your entry! Your house is gorgeous...will you come over and decorate mine, too? :) :)

  19. Good idea! Congrats on being featured. I always get so excited when someone features me. It's nice to know your work is appreciated. I love that gate hanging in your hall and have been on the hunt for one since I saw it. You don't have an extra one hanging around that you want to slap a stamp on and send it to PA, do you?

  20. Congrats, Donna on the feature, you are so deserving! the horsegate is ONE of my favorites! I'm already a follower, by the way, a devoted follower. :)

  21. Hi, this is the way country should be done! I love it! I am truly enamored with your hinge idea. I am going to be looking high and low for a good way to use (okay, steal) that idea :). I would love for you to check out my blog.

  22. Donna, you seriously inspire me almost every day! I am just loving your blog, and I am totally going to make a shutter!! I just updated tonight, been busy with some fun projects! Take a look! Thanks! :)

  23. Hi, I know I already posted here, and I can't wait to read about Rhoda. However, I saw this in the NYTimes this a.m. and thought it might give you some inspiration. It's Junk-tastic!


  24. I love all the love...

    Gosh, all these great ideas...it just makes you feel cozy on the inside.

    Well, I was just going to let you know that the "office" is finally finished except for the decorating part.


  25. I am already a fan of your blog and also the DIY blog. It's no surprise to me that your wonderful entryway horsegate coathook was featured. I always look forward to reading your new entries and seeing all your wonderful projects. Sheer inspiration!

  26. Oh, I just love your cool blog! I am a huge "junkin" fan so I am off to cruise around your blog. Stop by sometime if you get a chance!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!