Monday, October 5, 2009

How to shop for funky rust in the country

The local yokel cornmaze barn out this way had some very unique vignettes on display. If you're into decorating with rusty barn stuff for the great outdoors, this is your lucky day!

So you can view this breathtaking setting as a peaceful wide open field with plenty of fresh air...

Or you've just thrown yourself into a self inflicted anxiety filled corn forest that people willingly get lost in. Willingly! Daily. Crazy stuff.

As you can imagine, I was alot more inspired when I saw this heavenly wall of rust. Let Walmart even TRY and carry this kinda loot.

I'll admit I would NEVER have thought of a vignette quite like this. But it did make me smile. :)

Likin' that nice old window. Unfortunately it's still hanging there and not at my place instead. Just trying to share the love is all.

I like the center box idea creating a shelf for the plant. And I totally desire that rusty round thing with the hook to install a light I wish to higher and lower upon command in my landing. Now if you look to your lower right, see that boot?

It had alot more personality from this angle. What a hoot (enanny). That sounded a little more country I think. What is a hootenany anyway? Maybe I should google that before writing it here, it could be dark country for all I know.


And, what cornmaze barn place wouldn't  be complete without the cheesie cutouts the youngsters pose behind?

I'm not quite certain as to why the pig wore a frown. Maybe it's cuz we had hotdogs over the firepit for lunch?

No worries. This one took care of all that.


  1. What a wall of rusty eye candy!! I love, love love to look at stuff like that.....hmmmm maybe cuz that's kinda the stuff we had on the farm growing up...nah, I just like it cuz it's so cool!! ;~)

  2. Wonderful pics! And the last few (especially last one) are a real hoot (enanny) - ha. I like that. -tammy

  3. I love old rusted stuff. I am planting flowers in a boot next it!

  4. too much fun! there is something so compelling about rust ... on just about anything (except my car) ... and my urban sister-in-law feels the same way and absolutely loves to come to our country home just to find an old rusty pail! one year for christmas i gave her a lovely pottery dish along with an old rusty oil can ... the oohs and aahs definitely were more colourful for the oil can which no one else could understand!
    your pics were all great!

  5. This was a great place, huh? I loved how they used the old boots as planters.

  6. I love your blog, the pics and ideas are fabulous! Cindy

  7. My mom always uses old boots as planters. Now I can see her strange habit as quirky and cute, but I hated it growing up :)

  8. I haven't done the corn maze thing in years - mine are all older. After the first try, I just let them go through it every year after!
    I'm with you on the round thing with the hook. Great idea!
    Mary Lou

  9. o for crying out loud! I LOvE your blog!Come visit me! im gonna follow you and i hope you do me and we become great friends!And maybe youll like me enough you will put me in your blog list! lol again love it!

  10. Hi. I'm a Pitt Meadows girl. I'm wondering which corn maze this is. Chilliwack? Those mountains look familiar. I don't think it is the one here.

  11. Hey neighbour Lori E!! Yes, the cornmaze is in Chilliwack, BC Canada, on Old Yale Road near the highway. It's alot of fun... if you like getting lost in creepy cornstalks that is. I felt dizzy after about 3 turns, took a bad girl shortcut and was outa there. We jumped in the corn sandbox and road on pedal gocarts instead. :)

    It makes for a fun afternoon!

    FJ Donna

  12. Whispering Creek... mah oh mah. Your blog is STUNNING. You're so IN.

    FJ Donna


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