Thursday, October 8, 2009

Featuring.... Rhoda!

I have a BIG treat for you. If you don't know who this gal is yet, allow me to introduce you.

This is the lovely Rhoda, from the enormously popular blog, Southern Hospitality.

 I personally came across Rhoda one day when she posted a comment on my blog back in the olden days (about a year ago). When I found out how  popular she was, I was in awe that she took the time to comment on my own little newbie site!  You will still see her often posting comments all over blogland so some things never change it seems. Lucky for us!

Southern Hospitality is Rhoda's blogging headquarters, online now for the past 2 years with a very large following attached. She currently offers decorating services through her blog as well as on a personal level as well as blogs for pleasure. Her father and her ex were very handy with tools and both have taught her many of the building and wiring skills she uses today. And I'm very pleased to have her come for a visit and share her with Funky Junk Interiors' followers!

FJD ~ What a dream! Blogging AND decorating for your living! Do you ever pinch yourself?

Rhoda ~ "It truly is a blessing and yes, I do have to pinch myself sometimes. I spent 30 years in the Corporate world and it’s so great to be able to be at home, doing something I love to do. Now mind you, I make a part-time income, compared with fulltime when I was working, but this is SO much better. I absolutely love blogging and devote a lot of time to it. And to have a successful blog, it does take a lot of work."

What is it about blogging that you adore so much?

"When I first started blogging, I met so many wonderful people from all over the country and truly, that is the best thing about blogging. The people, the women who have formed a community. It’s such a great way to share ideas and inspiration with each other, blogging has truly brought us all together and we can share in each others lives even though we are miles apart. Blogging brings together kindred hearts and allows us all a way to communicate and share. What a fun thing that is!"

Can monetizing a blog along with sponsors offer a comfortable income?

"Well, as I mentioned, I make a part-time income from blogging and that is a combination of advertising and doing personal online consultations. It’s only been since the first of the year that I started offering online consultations and that has really been fun too. I’ve enjoyed working with many women in making their homes more beautiful. Advertising is a great way to make some extra money with blogging. I joined Blogher advertising network about a year into blogging and it has been great for me. I also signed up for their Review program, which has given me many perks, along with 2 shopping sprees, an HP printer and being able to offer my readers giveaways too. So, it’s a win-win situation for me. My sponsors have been great too and I have enjoyed working with them in giveaways too. I don’t have to rely on my income to pay the bills, so for me it’s a nice part-time income and allows me to have my “fun” money to spend. I’m not getting rich with sponsors or advertising, but it’s plenty for me.

I don’t recommend that anyone start a blog for the sole purpose of making money. From what I’ve read, that simply won’t work. It’s only when you blog and share your passion that it might be able to spill over into advertising on your blog. Not all blogs are going to grow to the point of making much money on advertising. Mine has grown steadily and allowed me to be able to enjoy some of those perks."

What is your alltime favorite project you've worked on?

"I think the recent most rewarding project was adding molding to my diningroom chairrail AND painting it a lighter color. I’ve enjoyed those changes SO much."

Wow! Stunning!! Check out the rest of Rhoda's dining room here.

What project do you wish was wiped clean from your memory bank?

Armoire story here.

"Well, none of them have really flopped on me, so I have to say I’m happy I did all of the projects I’ve done. One little faux pas I had when I was painting an armoire in my bedroom a few years ago and not too long after we moved in our house. I had just about finished the whole project and was going over the soft blue paint with some woodstain to age it a bit, when one misstep happened and I kicked over the can and sent woodstain flying…all over the carpet. Talk about a mess! I was so mad at myself. I had never done anything that ridiculous before and right at the end of the project too. I had to blot up the woodstain as best as I could and even called in a carpet cleaning service to take a look at it. They had no luck either. I ended up having to put a rug over it so that I wouldn’t have to look at it every day and it was right where my chair and ottoman was, so it worked out OK. One of these days, we’ll replace that carpet, but the pain is gone from that mess up now."

You totally put the beadboard wallpaper on the blog map! How do you feel about being known as basically the founder to the stuff in our eyes?

"Well, I’m certainly not the one who first found the stuff, I’m sure. I had read about it a few years ago on a big decorating board (Garden Web), so I was aware it was out there for awhile and had even ordered a sample that I kept for at least a year before I tried it. I guess with the popularity of blogs now, that is certainly the way to get the word out about a product, so I was happily surprised when Home Depot sold out of the stuff after my initial project! And I’m really happy that so many other bloggers tried it too and were equally happy with it. When I find something great, I sure don’t mind sharing it and that’s really part of the fun of blogging."

If you were a chunk of metal, what shade would you be?
(I had to do it. You know, my metal obsession and all...)

"I think I’ll have to stick with gold. Gold has always been my first love in metals I wear, even though now I have a lot of silver jewelry too. But, gold will always be the most beautiful metal in my book. Besides, my hubby loves gold too especially gold coins and he even pans for gold when he gets a chance."

What is your favorite type of escape from all things decorating/blogging?

"I have always loved reading and working out is one of the things I do to keep myself sane. Exercising is a very important part of my life and has been for many, many years (over 25), so when I don’t get to exercise, I tend to get cranky and lazy. But, I have to say that yardsaling (which of course is related to decorating) is the most fun hobby that I’ve loved for a long, long time."

What main tip/s would you give up and coming decorator bloggers going after a larger following?

"I think just be yourself. That’s the best thing I can tell anyone. I think readers love to get to know the person behind the blog, so I’ve been pretty open and transparent on my blog. When I read a blog and can’t tell who the person is behind the blog, when it has more of a business feel to it, it doesn’t interest me as much, so I’m guessing that other people feel the same way. I like to see a real personality behind a blog, so I think that would be my main tip. Let your personality shine through. I post about a lot of decorating topics and those are the ones I’m most passionate about, but I don’t just blog about that and I think that, too gives my readers a more well-rounded idea of who I am. Life is not all about decorating, so it’s been fun for me to mix it up and everyone seems to enjoy that."

Anything else you'd like to add?

"Be patient! I see so many blogs scrambling to get new readers and I think if someone appears too desperate about it, that will turn readers off. Just let it happen if it’s going to happen. And again, not every blog is going to explode and grow really big. It takes a lot of work and determination to have a good blog that people will want to come back to and read day after day. I think having fun and interesting content is the best thing you can work on. Taking good pics is also a must, those are the things that make ME want to read a blog. Mine is certainly not the best blog on the block and there are so many who are bigger than I am, but I’m very grateful for the many faithful followers who have been with me from the beginning and keep on coming back day after day. I love them all! Of course, I’d love for my blog to keep growing too and that just keeps me on my toes."

Wow, that was great! Thanks so much Rhoda for allowing us to step just a little into your life. You are a treasure!

Do indeed check out Rhoda's Top Posts link. She's got some amazing topics covered such as...

Painting furniture black

Framing out boring mirrors (one of my personal favs)

The laundry room tour (isn't this incredible?!?)

And so much more!

Thanks again Rhoda! It was a blast!


  1. This Rhoda is impressive..going to check out her blog..thanks.

  2. Wow, what a great interview. Lots of advice for people new to blogging like me. Love the photos you posted - am going to check out her blog.

  3. I'm making the move from a wedding blog to a newlywed/nesting blog, so I'm loving all these interior design blogs! Love yours, and love Rhoda's :) Thanks for the great inspiration.

  4. I love Rhoda! I left an award on my blog for you. No obligation to post or follow rules. I just wanted to let you know your blog so inspiring. Pam

  5. Thank you SO much, Donna! that was fun to see myself featured on your blog too. I really appreciate it a bunch. I'll link over here from my post today! xoxo

  6. Oh how I do love Rhoda. Such talent, creativity and southern charm. I really enjoyed this feature! :)


  7. I have been following Rhoda for a couple of years now...she is such a doll and even if you're an annon like me....she's very her !!!

    Nice to meet you Donna !!!

    Kathy :)

  8. Thanks for introducing her to me!! I love your blog, it's always so fun to read. Krista

  9. I happened to come across your interview of Rhoda and thoroughly enjoyed it. I started blogging almost two years ago and I quickly "found" Rhoda. Imagine my surprise when we discovered we were "neighbors" of sorts....she lives in B'ham and I'm in Montgomery. In fact, she lives about 3 miles from my son! So we quickly made plans to meet and since then, we've had some wonderful shopping, thrifting and just visiting times together. We even went to Atlanta in January to meet up with Eddie Ross! I just love Rhoda and let me tell you, what you see is what you get! Plus, her home is to die for!


  10. I just found her blog a few days ago and while she IS indeed very talented, my eyes were particularly in love with her guest room (not pictured here) and her laundry room!


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