Friday, October 9, 2009

Video paint tip ~ how to cut in

Around these parts it's trim painting time!

I am going after a tone on tone effect around the windows, which blends oh so very well with the black coffee colour on the roofline and soon to be doors. I can't wait!

Here are my dream kitchen windows from the outside. You can see the trim colour coming to life in a subtle way, which is exactly what I had in mind.

Colour trick around windows ~ I'm not a huge fan of dark trim around windows if your house is light in colour and your trimwork is really beefy, like in this case. Too dark can give the the illusion of too much 'eyeliner'. A soft hush around the windows is working well in this case.

I was asked in a comment area what the barn star in my kitchen window looked from the outside. It looks abit weird in this picture due to the reflection, but when you stand on the lawn down below... whispers that there's something whimsical inside. I love the effect when glancing from the great outdoors.

And now, it's my pleasure to offer you one of the greatest tips of all time for painters far and wide...

How to cut in when painting so you never ever need painters tape again!

Once I mastered his technique, not only did I throw away the tape, my painting speed increased 10 fold. Get yourself a GOOD quality angled brush with abit of thickness to it (so it holds lots of paint), follow the tip you're about to see, then practice practice practice!

Make yourself do this next time you paint a room. By the time the room is completed, you'll be good at this. It doesn't take long to master!

Here you go.. another goofy attempt at being a You Tube Movie Star. (snort)

The main key to this tip is, ensure you wipe the paint OFF the one side of your brush where you are cutting in. You can't mess up where there is no paint. Yes. It's that easy.

Another very good tip is to pour your paint into empty clean containers (I save my yogurt containers) with lids on them, and use the paint that way so you don't contaminate the paint in the can and gob up the rim around the can. (in other words, don't do what I did on the video... heeee)

Got any good painting tricks/tips to share?


  1. I just finished painting my bathroom and could have used this a few days ago. I'm sure I can find something else that needs painting to try it out though.

  2. Love how your trim is turning out. Can't wait to see the finished project! Good tips on no tape cutting in. I am so lazy I have perfected the use no tape method. Just seems to be such a waste of time and tape.

  3. My son would so call me a dork if he saw me videoing something for the blog,, ha ha. He's loving that way. I've tried cutting in before but always make a huge mess,, didnt realize one side of the brush shouldnt have paint on it.,duh! But do I paint the trim before the walls or the walls before the trim.. ?? One day i will be a master painter,,? yeah right.. Thanks for sharing..

  4. I do all the painting around here. There is more than one colored dot on the ceilings I have to admit from where my roller has slipped.

  5. I LOVE it! I have a tendency to go with the darker accents but now I see the light! (pun!) I used your tutorial on adding a siggy and gave it my own twist! Thanks for the inspiration! It isn't quite perfect yet but I have plenty of time to play around with it! Thanks for sharing all your tips with us! Your blog is one of my favorites!

  6. Great Video!
    I love that technique and a good paint brush really does make it easier. I, too, am a self proclaimed pro at cutting in. It's amazing how once you master it, you become so proud and it makes you dread painting less and less.
    Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful talents!

  7. My mom was a professional painter for my city's hospital for years. She taught me all she knew from that job.
    I use painter's tape a lot, but only when it comes to making decorative elements in the middle of a wall. Corners are a bit tough, also. So many times I will tape off a corner if the ceiling is to be a different color than the walls.

    Best tip my mom ever gave:
    ALWAYS buy a quality brush. It need to be angled (even if you aren't doing trim), plus quality brushed doen't lose their bristles!!
    Has anyone ever picked a bristle off the wall amidst wet paint? lol

  8. Great tip. I'm currently painting my kitchen, will be trying this! Love your pets ;~)

  9. Great Video! A good sash brush is gold. Here's a couple of tips I recommend to anyone painting...
    Take a nail and tap 5 or 6 holes in the rim of the can, this way when you drag your brush there, the paint will drain back into the can, and you won't have trouble sealing it up afterwards.
    Another tip for water based painting is to rinse out your brush right after you finish up, or anytime you leave the job between coats-once you have rinsed the brush, drag the brush over a bar of soap-this will keep the hair from splaying outwards, and it will give you more control next time you go to use it.
    For oil based paints, you can rinse with paint thinner in a coffee can, (use it again and again as the paint will settle to the bottom) and then soak the brush in baby oil. This keep the hair from drying out, much like a conditioner, and also act as a barrier, preventing paint from travelling to the ferrule of the brush (the metal part) When you need to use it again, a quick swish in some thinner will remove the oil. Your brushes will last for years...

  10. I love that you didn't erase your 'first cut'. That gives us all a little hope! ;) If it were me- you would've seen a totally flat video, because I would have re-recorded a MILLION times!!
    Thanks for the painting tip- it will be put to good use soon... (My husband has no idea I will be painting the bathroom...Again... His poor soul!)
    Love the furry babies, they are so cute!

  11. Hey, glad to see there was actually some interest in this tip! A pro painter watched me cut in one day, grabbed the brush and showed me the way. I haven't used painters tape since that day a few years ago.

    Thanks for all of your added tips! I don't think it's possible to know it all so I'm drinking it all in.

    RM, I finally figured out how to 'cut' bad segments of video out, but I don't mind showing my screw up side at all. Makes us all feel a little more human, ya know?

    Paint on brothahs and sistas!

  12. I just found your blog and it is incredible! I'm so excited about it. :)

  13. A good brush is worth every penny. Just take care of it! Another tip: if you have heavily textured walls, run a line of calk where the walls meet the ceiling and smooth it with your finger. After it dry's you can cut in over it and the line will be alot smoother and straighter!

  14. I agree about good quality brushes. They do a much better job and last for years if you take care of them. Love the video, your pets are cute. I too gave up painters tape a few years and many rooms ago. The job of painting seems so much easier and less time consuming now.


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