Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I 'heart' collecting heart rocks!

Remember our last camping adventure?

It's nearing the end of the kiddo's summer vacation time our way, so we've been frequenting our favorite camping spot once again. And a new obsession has developed.

Most of you collect seashells by the seashore. But when you camp on a riverside, what does one collect? Driftwood? Perhaps. But for us it's rocks. But not JUST rocks.


Heart shaped rocks! My son found this baby and he set the theme for the rest of our excursions. This one was about 36" across! Isn't it gorgeous?!? Unfortunately I couldn't tuck it into my pocket to bring home darn it, but we did find a few we could.


Aren't they adorable?!?


This is where I found that big heart rock. It's located in the lower left of this picture if you really look. And this is only one spot. There are lots of sandy areas as well and sandbars located in the middle of the river.


If you walk down these pathways in the woods, you'll find dozens of little riverside hideaways, just waiting for you to park your chair and start your adventure.


These are weeds. I like weeds that look like this.


Oh my. Which way shall we go? See that big ol rock?


Here's my lil' rock helper dude posing on it. It isn't heart shaped, but he's in mine anyway. :)


I cannot WAIT to create something interesting with them!


Who knew rocks could be so darn cute and interesting? I can't wait to get my hands on some kind of spray on varnish and pretty them up. They glisten and glow radiant hues when wet.

Ok, well, we must be off. For when the sun shines, it's time to collect heart rocks in these parts!

Do you collect anything unusual or interesting? What have you done with your collections? What would you suggest we do with ours?


  1. Love the heart shaped rocks! I collect heart shaped kitchen is covered in them! Too bad you couldn't bring the BIG rock home with you.

  2. You and your family have good eyes! I have only come across one heart shaped rock, ever. I did find a potato in a heart shape once, but is was sort of perishable, lol.

    We have a thing for driftwood and pine cones. Seriously, they are taking over my window sills. I can tell where I got each one by the shapes of the different species.

  3. I have heaps and piles of many things I gather, but I've never really been a collector. These wonderful heart shaped rocks though could change all that. I think if they were mine, I'd tuck them about the house; as a paper wight, in a bowl, in the shoe of your son's, or his lunch bag once school begins. I tuck them all over the house... and once you've forgotten about it you'll love discovering them in closets and on shelves, I think so anyways...

  4. That's funny... we started collecting heart shaped rocks this year too!

    But our favourite thing to collect, as a family, is beach glass!! We have a summer place on Lake Champlain in Vermont, and we've found tens of thousands of pieces of beach glass over the past 2 summers!! After each summer, I take our findings and separated them by colour, putting them in jars and vases on a shelf in my kitchen. Actually, my kitchen is being remodeled, and all the colours are inspired by beach glass colours!

    I also love drift wood, but dont collect it really.

  5. I love heart shaped rocks too and have a collection of them. You have some really nice ones. DH found one about 36" across too, a few years back down in a ravine, had to be left behind but we did get a picture. We also pick up heart shaped leaves and shells. It does become an addiction.

    What a lovely place to get away from every day life, looking for happy heart shaped rocks.

    Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  6. My kids used to bring me heart shaped rocks and leaves. Loved it. Your rocks are awesome. It's nice that the big heart will be there for others to discover. I think it would feel like a nice loving message from the Universe. :)

  7. I love your site! Very inspiring. We live on the shore of Lake Michigan (the east side). I love to collect smooth black rocks. They are really pretty displayed in glass jars, which I also always have my eye out for when I go thrifting and junking! In trying to limit my sugar intake, it's way better to fill my jars with rocks than jelly beans!

  8. How long did it take you to acquire your great collection of heart rocks? You've got some really good ones. I own about 4 and they're only so-so! LOL You MUST visit this blog called Heart Rocks Home and see her collection. And if you google heart rocks you'll find another great website where people share they're heart shaped rocks - perhaps you could post yours on there too!

  9. What a great idea! We have been collecting rocks from different places we have been and I put them in my rock garden but these are adorable. I cannot wait to see what you do with them!

  10. I love rocks. I have all sorts of rocks laying around, doing nothing but collecting dust and making me happy. My passion is rocks with holes in them. I like to paint rocks, too. I have a sleeping dragon curled up by my computer and a funky troll that I painted on an almost square rock that my daughter found.

  11. Hi Donna,
    Happy to find your blog...I, too, am from BC. Love those heart shaped rocks..we, too, are always on the lookout for them.

  12. I have a huge heart rock collection. One of my guys started it for me walking home from school in the second grade and the other brothers jumped right in.
    My oldest studied in Kosovo at the University of Pristina last year and even brought one home from there for mom.
    I love my collection because they started it and over the years it shows that they are thinking of me wherever they are.

  13. I never would have dreamed you could find so many heart shaped rocks. They are just beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  14. I am definitely a rock lover. I have said many times, don't bring me diamonds. Bring me rocks. Plain old rocks. I do have a few heart-shaped rocks myself!

  15. So cute!! Your son AND the rocks!! :)
    Can't wait to see what you decide to do with them.

  16. i have a heart shaped rock too......only one but i guess it's a start!!!!!!:0)

  17. Gayle, it took about two days to find all those rocks on the table. I didn't photograph all of them either. LOL But we are talking all day ventures. What else can one do on rock beds when you really think about it. LOL

    And now that I'm on the lookout, the findings have become naturally easy, or should I say unnaturally. I can't stop seeing hearts! This is a BAD thing. I take along a backpack lawnchair thing and it's nearly too heavy to wear back to the campsite, loaded down with all these craters.

    We're getting pickier now. Only the finest come back with us. :)

    Funky Junk Donna

  18. Love the heart shaped rocks! While we were in Michigan this year we picked up Petosky stones. Tara (Cody and Tara are the same age) was a great finder of them and got some that were as big as my hand. Petosky is the Michigan state stone and has beautiful patterns to them. We are going to find someone to polish and cut them.

    I have collected sands before. In Hawaii there was black sand but it was forbidden to take that sand, but in Jamaica I took some and in Cayman Brac.

  19. I have never seen so many heart shaped rocks, ever! That is such a cool collection, I love it!

  20. I collect heart rocks too. I have for years. I just never know what to do with them. I was just thinking this morning I can put some of my favorites in a shawdow box, well I hope you can think of something wonderful to do with them:)
    PS I was just thinking, how about a stepping stone with the heart rocks around the edging of it, wouldn't that be cool. I may do that

  21. Honestly, they are so beautiful just the way they are. Maybe you could fill an apothecary jar with sand or small pebbles and display them in there or maybe on long tray. I always love to cover things up and embellish them, but really these are just so special just the way they are... I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be beautiful!

    If you get a chance, stop by and say hi! I just put up 3 New Posts.
    Have a great week,

  22. What a CUTE idea! I think you need to keep those rocks a`natural! and in a cute gavanized bucket/container, next to your door! If you get to many...I think some would make a darling gift for a "just stopped by to say Hi" guest. Your awesome! rosycheeks

  23. Raising my hand.....
    I am a heart shaped rock collector too!
    I am amazed at all the comments to see just how many heart shaped rock collectors there are out there!
    Three cheers everybody!
    I keep mine in bowls and baskets...the grandkids like to play with them occasionally!

    My grandson and I started bringing each other rocks from places that we visited!
    Those are in a special garden.

    Thanks for sharing your collection with us!


  24. Hello Donna - love your heart rock collection! I have one too. My son and I started it many years ago when he was little and have continued to this day. So special! I have leaves and other natural lovelies too. Thank you for sharing these great photos!


  25. Getting a comment from me doesn't necessarily confirm that you're not crazy...maybe we're just looking at the world through the same crazy eyes? Anyway, I'd rather think you're right, so we'll leave it at that...we're both completely sane and have wonderful taste!

    I just wanted to share that my husband threw my wonderful stack of reclaimed wood, discarded from our remodeling projects and perfect for birdhouses and such (perhaps, one of these days) into the dumpster. The dumpster is huge and my "valuable" wood is under stuff that has been pulled from the flat roof we're replacing, so no way to retrieve it. A little moment of sorrow for the loss of my "funky junk" dream......I thought you might understand and empathize.

  26. So cute!

    I have a good friend who has a heart rock collection. She keeps them displayed in her china cabinet. :)

  27. Love your collection of heart shaped rocks...what fun!!!

  28. Oh my goodness!!! I love heart rocks too! I only have two..they are big ones and I love them in my flower bed. COOOOOOOL post!!

  29. I collect heart things too. It all started when my Daughter brought me home a heart shaped rock and than my Hubby brought home a puppy with a white heart shaped spot on her head.


  30. What a neat post. I have been "collecting" hearts in nature for years...but not always in physical form--sometimes I take a photo, but most of the hearts just get stored in my memory. I've spotted heart-shaped leaves, clouds, bark formations, shells, rocks, cacti, etc. Maybe I should start bringing more home :)

  31. I came across you, by trying to find heart shaped rocks.My name is Melanie,I don't use the computer much so I hope Iam doing this correct. What I'am trying to do is find a store,rockshop,collectors,and people that would sell me heart shape rocks.I'am having a heart dedication for my 19 year old son that was killed in a hit and run accident last month.His name is DYLAN COLE BARNES he was my heart,I always told him that.My heart is gone. I' am making a rockgarden around the tree he is buried under.I do not know how to begin this process of losing my son,I thought I could get everyone that loved him,friends and family to sign a rock and place it under the tree.Do you have any contacts that may help me. If so thank you if not thank you anyway. Melanie Henslee 972-537-7719 my e-mail is

  32. I colet hart rocks too and I also got my husband colleting them too, I think that god put them there for as reminder that his love and for us to feel it and pass it on:)

  33. My twin sister taught me to seek heart rocks. She said, "When you find one, say a prayer for the one in your heart." It is so addicting! So glad to see that we are not alone! Thanks Jani! Love you! Judy


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