Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Featuring.... Missy!

After my new office post went up, Missy from  Days Go By made a comment. Apparently my office post inspired her enough to create a little office in an unused area in her home.


Isn't it charming?!? If I'm not mistaken, her desk looks like an antique sewing machine cabinet... I LOVE it!

What REALLY inspired me was that old window chalkboard! It's naturally sectioned off to keep tabs on her kid's schooling activities. And it just looks so cool! I am extremely touched that something I did encouraged another to go forth and create!

So I got down to reading a bit of Missy's blog. And oh my gosh, this girl has lived a dream of mine. Check out what she just did. And be prepared for your jaw to drop like mine did.

Gaaaaaaa...... I can't speak. Yes, she was a volunteer on an Extreme Home Makeover show!


Isn't she cute to boot?!? This was the day she spent on the set when Ty was working.

Doh!!!!!! This was another day on the set.

ADMIT it! You'd want to be a part of this too! Never mind the amazing experience and to simply help someone in need. But to CREATE and learn with the greats AND meet them?!? Just surreal.

Yeah, I'm a little star struck for sure. But wana know what else this girl does?


She's also an amazing photographer.

She photographs kids found here. Isn't that a gorgeous shot?!? I know. Stop already.

Please join me in visiting  Days Go By. Check out her full story on the Extreme show, and do check out her photography. And don't forget to tell her just how fortunate and talented she is too...

I really love spotlighting someone else's creativity and life experiences. If you've ever been inspired by one of the Funky Junk projects, please be sure to tell me about it. You just may be next. :)


  1. Gracious, that's a lot of talent in one little body! I really like her office area. It's one that looks beautiful, but functional too.

  2. That is so cool! She is so pretty, I'm sure they all wanted their picture taken with HER! Anyway, they would have had to call security on me, because I would not have let go of Ty after the picture was taken.

    It is nice to hear that you've inspired someone in some small way ~ sometimes we don't realize we do that.

  3. Her little office space is so cute! I'm off to visit her blog!


  4. I don't want to be next (wallflower, haha), but I thought I would take this opportunity to come out of hiding, and tell you how much your blog inspires me! Your work is amazing, and just how I want my home to look. I am a military wife, so we are always on the move and just recently arrived in Japan. I cried sad, sad tears when I saw what they were giving us for a house here. It took me several days to get out of the pity-party and to the point of feeling challenged to make an ugly shell into a beautiful home ~ only time will tell! We are moving in today, GULP.
    Thank you for all the inspiration, and keep up the great work! :)

  5. She needs to go help out the volunteers at Enchanted Makeovers! She's a keeper!

  6. Missy's space is wonderful! She had done an excellent job. Jackie

  7. love the office stuff! also spent some time with Ty at Design on a Dime, really nice guy!


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