Thursday, September 3, 2009

I AM going to do these things!

Like every other household with small kiddos, we are also gearing up for the back to school rah rah. That makes things soooo busy! But I'm always taking time in the quiet evenings to dream in order to be inspired to create once again. These following pictures WILL happen in my home. Eventually.

Click on the pics and they'll take you to their source.

I love these Pottery Barn wheels! I've been on the lookout for junky seconds from machine shops. I want real gears to hang on the wall. Real deal metal is expensive! But I'm not giving up.

Sigh... this would look so great in my kitchen. I only need three please, CNS Lighting. And I'd get them too if we didn't have such crazy brokerage fees with goods coming from the USA into Canada!

But then this style would be a more refined upscale industrial funk for above my island. With a price to match unfortunately. I love you Ballard Lights but I can't afford you. :(

Ohhhh Vintage Junkie! I'm loving what you have created for these chairs! I'd like loose cushions looking like this tied to mine.

Most all have seen this bathroom before. But I'm doing one better. I am GOING to have my galvanized metal clad siding for my shower surround. I've already talked to a friend that knows how to do it. He said to come pick up his saw anytime. Gaa... Guess that means this'll be a DIY. Soon!

If you haven't viewed these steps before, you have been missing out! I drool over this Twice Remembered glorious staircase time and time again. I'm going to utilize this inspiration for my back patio stairs outdoors.

Isn't this an incredibly cool idea for a garden gate?!? Joys of Home, that is one of a kind! I have a lovely chain link variety gate now. One day... one day...

Sweeeeet! I've always wanted to make a drawer tray. The Farm Chicks nailed it good.

Yeeeeeehawwww! Seeing this makeover had me running for a cow patterned throw pillow for my sofa. You MUST go check out the before on this one. Just remember to close your mouth afterwards.

Other plans in the works:
- I'm GOING to make fake roller blinds from pvc pipe and burlap for my 3 kitchen windows. There's no room for curtains and I'm not a valance person.
- I'm GOING to repaint the laundry room (paint and new brush ready, check!) and I'm GOING to finally paint up and place that cute bookshelf with the curvy top for laundry help storage.
- I'm GOING to hang those awesome tarnished brass house numbers from my neighbour. As soon as I find the perfect backing idea for them. And I have the perfect place in mind...
- I'm GOING to this list as it grows. It'll keep me honest! (going now looks like the weirdest word ever invented, kwim?) So so so much to do and show and tell and accomplish!
- I'm GOING to give up on this blogger posting thing. It messes my spacing up so bad! And the word writer thing won't show my little picture on a blog list. ARG. I'm GOING to lose my mind! So excuse the terrible spacing. I give up and am trying to have a life.

And I'm going to write a post about all the glitches about posting on blogger. I've had to rediscover in order to trouble shoot for soooo long. I'm still inventing and discovering so spywork nearly done. Ok, gripe over. Back to on topic...
As you can see, lots of dreaming going on with some implementing here and there. Just not alot of pounding and sawing and I'm missing it! Having a new roof just gone on my house, I am happy to report I've been busy fiddling with the trim work outdoors. (you can peek HERE)

So, what about you? Have you been finding the time to create during this busy time of year? Or are you in creative mourning much like myself? I hope to scope out abit of time during this long weekend to kick up some dust! Here's wishing the same for you!


  1. Aw, thank you SO much for featuring my steps! I feel so honored! I know your patio steps will look great when you are finished and I can't wait to see them!

    Thanks again!

  2. If the shipper will send the goods by USPS you will not get hammered by brokerage fees and they will be delivered by mail ~ it is only the courier companies that charge brokerage. I work for one of those "said" courier companies :o) Loving your dream images ~ cannot wait to see your DYI project in the bathroom.

  3. You have some great things on your to-do list and I can't wait to see what you do with it all! I can help you with the cushions for your chairs, I just started making some out of recycled coffee bean bags, let me know if you would like some!

  4. Such great inspiration as well as lovely ideas. I love the stairs how cool is that? I also love the cushions too, my girls are back in school and have been since the 12th of August... I too have been planning and plotting some decor ideas as well. I hope you enjoy your day and have a great weekend :)


  5. Ooooh I love all of the wonderful things on your to-do list! Thanks so much for featuring my garden gate as one of them.
    That's the problem with so many awesome blogs. We see all of these incredibly inspiring ideas and we want to add them to our list which just keeps growing longer and longer!

  6. You're going to be one busy gal! I love the garden gate. Am forwarding it to my carpenter, as he's working on mine. Kim's stairs are precious!

  7. One of our local Junk grounds had a load (HUGE) of old wheels and gears, already SOLD... a big theme park here in Charlotte bought every last one of them!! Now what did they need ALL of them for?? I had ideas in the works! Tootles, Janna

  8. i can almost hear your wheels turning ... quick kids, get on the bus, mama's feeling creative


  9. Love all your ideas. I have saved a few to my computer to add to my to do list. I have spent this lovely american labor day weekend doing some serious labor. But labor of love it is. I am finally trying my hand at a booth space at a big antique/craft fair in October so I have been refinishing furniture and making pillows etc to get ready for it. I have to say I am tired but it is a good tired.
    It is great to do what you love.


  10. trying to figure out how to post a comment!
    i just found your blog and loooove it! don't discontinue the passion series! love it too! it's what brought me back for a 2nd and 3rd peek.

  11. I found many interesting things, especially in your blog discussions. You can use a small transformation of the blog layout though, but the overall design is very good.


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