Friday, July 22, 2011

Sat Nite Special # 91 - healthy recipes

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #91
theme - healthy recipes

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up which stays open indefinitely. Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I'll be featuring SNS highlights during the weekend on FJI Facebook, so join in and see what they're all saying about your stuff. :)
This weekend's theme:

~ healthy recipes ~

I'm not a fancy cook. So when I made the commitment to better my own eating habits, it really was a very easy transition.

The secret? I chose real food. And most real food is already prepared... fresh from the garden. :)

But salads indeed do get old. So it's my hope that by sharing our healthy meals, we can grow our menus into something to really look forward to while sticking to our healthy habits.

Three of my basic staples these days are:

Chef styled omelette

Fresh fruit with a dollop of low fat vanilla yogurt

Fresh Veggie Bake

inspired by Junk Loser member Karen

Add any fresh veggies to a baking pan, drizzle with olive oil, season to taste.

Cover loosely with tin foil and bake until done.


(pic above is veggies raw... I burnt the baked variety... better next time!)

Have a HEALTHY recipe to share?
Link it up HERE.

up next:
~ what can I make out of ____? ~

Stumped on what to make with that old bed frame? Rusty bucket? Baby crib? Gather all those goods up and let us brainstorm with you!

*the order of this list is subject to change: please check weekly for the new theme.

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime. 
They're always open.
List HERE.

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only please.  Items for sale may be linked up if you show your project in tutorial form on your blog. Linkups or comments for selling items, advertising your giveaway or promoting your own link party etc. may be removed.

2. Please cut and paste the address of your post, not your home page.

3. Please link back to the party (button or text) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old. Repeat linkups will be removed.

The themed link up may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

 5. By linking up to SNS, you're cool with being highlighted on FJI Facebook, added to the themed linkups and for possible future features on FJI without additional permission required.

 Come on over and see if we're talking about you this weekend. :)

Healthy recipes linkup HERE


  1. Thanks for hosting, Donna! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. thank you, as always, for being such a gracious linky hostess. blog parties are the best, aren't they?! Hope you have an awesome weekend ~diane

  3. Thanks for always being a gracious hostess, Donna! Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks for hosting! I think simple recipes are the best.

  5. Hi Donna, I still have to come up with a good recipe to post. But I will!! Thanks for hosting. Have a fabulous weekend. : ) ~ Catie

  6. You know how I know I'm doing pretty well on my diet? When I see your pictures of carrots and broccoli, omelette, and snippet size portions of raw vegies, and I'm thinking, "Mmmm, don't those look good!" ;)

  7. I lost 7 lbs in 6 days on the paver diet. I explain how in my post. Thanks so much for hosting!

  8. The berries and yogurt sounds and looks so good right now!! Sigh!! Be a great breakfast!!
    Have a good weekend sweetie

  9. Nice pictures Donna:-) thanks for hosting! I see so many beautiful things again!

  10. Thanks so much for hosting!

  11. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a fabulous weekend! HUGS~

  12. Thanks for hosting Again! Stay cool this weekend!

  13. Hi Donna! Hope you're having a great weekend! I just linked up a recipe! Thanks for hosting!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!