Friday, July 22, 2011

Chef styled omelette

Chef styled Omelette

What I love about omelettes is that they can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner! This is the method a chef used when we stayed at a hotel not long ago and I've done it this way ever since. Easy and delicious!

- chop up whatever you love

above: green onions, fresh tomatoes and mushrooms, deli ham, cheddar cheese

other ideas: shrimp, bacon or sausage pieces, red or green peppers, etc.

- add a bit of olive oil in fry pan

- stir fry all except eggs and cheese

- lower the heat

- pour in egg, allow to cook a bit, season as desired

- as omelet cooks, tip pan to allow pooled up egg to travel to pan surface

- allow to cook a bit longer, then sprinkle on cheese

- flip top over and slide onto plate.

Why I love it:

This is a healthy meal made with whole, fresh ingredients. It's a little like eating your salad inside your scrambled eggs.  I now look forward to the fresh crunch. I never feel tired or sluggish after having one but feel fulfilled and energized for a good long while, which rates 5 stars for me! Best thing about it: it can be customized to your own taste.


The last picture is not the same omelette I made with all those ingredients. But it is made the same way.

That 'other omelette burned while I did the photo shoot, then proceed to fall on the floor. Really.

I'm not a cook, remember? :)

p.s. I don't know how to spell omelette so I googled it. This is one of the options it dictates. That's good enough for me!

Adding this to the Healthy Recipes' Linkup!


  1. Too funny! The omelet that fell on the floor was just a little treat for your fur babies. The pictured omelet looks delicious.

  2. Donna, you seriously crack me up!
    Note from Donna:
    Turn stove off while taking pics - lol

    Loots like an amazing omelet. I like that you watched how the chef did them so you could replicate them.

    On a recent trip to the South, we went to a few Waffle Houses. I fell in love with their "Cheese 'N Eggs" which I cal Cheesy eggs. A few attempts later - I can now make them at home. I'm thrilled.

    Thanks so much for sharing!
    And, for making me laugh.
    Your transparency is so refreshing.

  3. yum! I love adding more veggies, less egg ( you wouldn't believe how good spinach tastes with eggs.) Also ,I started using egg substitute .

  4. I made one the other day almost exactly like yours - with one other ingredient i believe, spinach. Dee-lish! Great job :)

  5. Right up there with real - real story, really tasty, really good for you. Now I will try one. I never knew the additions should be cooked first. No wonder my omelettes look like scrambled fall aparts.

  6. Donna that looks delicious!! I may have to head out to the store now. Hmm... And by the way, I google words ALL the time. Almost daily, haha. But really, no joke, I do! I'll have to think of a tasty recipe to add to your linkup. I LOVE cooking. Have a great weekend. : ) ~ Catie

  7. Donna, Your admission really reaches home for me. The popular saying at our house is that dinner is not ready until the smoke detector goes off!! Linda S. in NE

  8. Delicious... love all the ingredients that are in this.. and the possibilities are endless!!!

  9. So, when are we invited for breakfast?

  10. Donna you always make me laugh, I think you spell it "GOOD". Looks great to me. You have a really good blue flame on your stove too. Have a good weekend you and Cody.

  11. Burned and fell on the floor!!! Ha! Loved that for sure!
    Now I am not for the one that fell...the other one. Yum!

  12. Hi Donna...not sure why my picture from my link came up no thumbnail. My post reminded me of you in so many ways. Funny how you can be somewhere and think of a blogger friend LOL. Thanks for hosting.

  13. Thats the way I make my omelettes too :-) Omelettes really are!! Love 'em!!

  14. Oh, how funny. I wonder how many things have burnt, fallen, dried up or somehow turned unusable all because of taking pictures for our blogs!


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