Friday, June 11, 2010

SNS #34 brings you - old crates and a winner!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #34!

If you're new here, join in! There are now three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the themed link! Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
~ This weekend's themed link ~

old crates/boxes

I am CRAZY in love with the rustic look of old crates and boxes.

I just love the simple typography, especially against woodsy natural organic type backgrounds.

Not only are they fun to look at, they can be productive too. This old coffee crate is the perfect height for a funky side table.

This black box is actually a trunk on it's end, sitting upright, which houses my stereo. The small coffee crate beside it hides two small speakers. You have to admit, these are alot more fun to look at than wires, knobs and speakers! Unless you like wires, knobs and speakers of course. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

And those boxes or crates don't have to stand alone. Stacking gives you the ability to pull together different elements in your room.

 And take advantage of their true form. This old coke crate with sections is perfect for storing acrylic paints with all the colours perfectly in sight.

I use two real deal pop crates to store movies under my palette TV stand. Simply apply felt protectors to the bottoms if you have hardwood floors and they work like cool looking drawers.

Wish you had some but can't afford them? Did you know they're quite easy to simulate yourself?

For my old crate stair project, I personally used some vinyl cut decals in reverse to create a painting mask. But any stencil will do as long as you get good adhesion.
 Stain overtop of your painted stencil, and you get...

... old crate stairs. Yes, it's that easy. You can do this application on most any surface!

I use my stash very simply but I KNOW alot of you have done wonderful revamps with yours. I can't wait to see what you've brought to the party in the way of old crates/boxes! Bring it on in the themed link below! I need some new ideas. :)

~ Upcoming themed linkups ~

old doors
garden features/art
old suitcases

There! Now you can preplan some projects so you can join in easier! I'll post them in the order you see here.

What other themes would you like to see on SNS? Let me know in comments and I'll add them to the list! 

~ A Winner! ~

 We have a winner for The Pleated Poppy giveaway!

Click HERE or on the giveaway button to see if it's you.:)

Also at the Sponsor Store in the same post is a fun link party  of another kind. 
Go check it out!
 ~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and within 1 month old. The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

I know what you're doing this weekend. :)
See you Monday!


  1. Bummer! It's too dark to take pictures of the crates in my living room! I'll have to do a photo shoot tomorrow!

  2. Sounds great Katie! I'll be watching for your post. :) Bring those crates on!!


  3. I love your use of the coke crate for a container for your paints...wonderful idea! I use an old cheese box to hold my remotes...keeps them all in one place.

  4. Oh man I am going to be drooling over these old crate projects...I just know it! Great theme Donna - Love all your crates..the steps though are on the top of my list! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~Stephanie Lynn

  5. I love how you decorate! The crates all look terrific! Very creative uses also!
    ps thanks for hosting this great party each week!

  6. Sorry to post my Pirate Toy Chest two weeks in a row, but it was just too perfect for your crate and box category. ;)

  7. #6 Ann Marie, no apology necessary! Themed projects can be re-entered again. Great to see yours!


  8. I just bought an old Pepsi crate but I haven't figured out anything cool to do with it yet. I really look forward to being inspired by all the creative bloggers out there!

  9. I adore those crates...what a great job you did. Thanks for hosting the party:) I love to join in and check out the others.

  10. I love your blog,and look forward to your Saturday Linky party to see what is going on with the rest of the folks that love your blog! As for a suggested 'redo'....I'd love to see old's purely selfish that I request this b/c I have one that is calling my name, but I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet once I answer the call!

  11. Hi Donna, thanks so much for hosting! Love all your crate/ your style!

  12. I love the old suitcase theme, Christy! Thanks for that one!

    Sorry for those of you confused where the Sponsor Store is. The link is now active within the post. Oops!!


  13. Every time I see those stairs I go ga-ga! Seriously, Every Time!!!!

    So wonderful!

  14. Love all your crates Donna! I have a few but not like your collection... I just love old wooden crates! Love the way you have made them so functional/useful yet decorative at the same time.

    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Hi Donna,
    I'm loving all your crates! All your paint treatments and lettering look awesome!!
    Your new blog design looks her done just in time for the party...way to go!
    Have a great weekend! ~ Jo :)

  16. Thanks for all the kudos, friends! Sorry I didn't have anything brand new to share. I was busy with the Gitter Done deal.

    Jo... BARELY!! LOL Thanks to all of you for sticking with me through all that dramatic upheaval. Life nearly ended as I knew it. :) Just funky additions are next.


  17. I just love this site! Seriously, I could just stay on here for hours...but must get something done!

    I always feel like a stalker when I'm done however when I try to apply the ideas to my life...they don't look as wonderful!

    I need to study more under you! I'm re-doing my kitchen at the moment and would love to have your input...please go see my blog and tell me what you think!

    Blessings to you,

  18. Such wonderful uses for crates!! I am going to have to go shopping with you yet again. So you can help me find some of these treasures. You always have some terrific finds!!!

  19. uugh! I can't believe my camera is still broken!! (even though 1/2 of my crates are packed and ready for the move) This theme is right up my alley! Great idea!

  20. I don't know why HGTV or Discovery channel hasn't found you yet and offered you a design show! Your stuff is always incredibly amazing :)

  21. I have several coke boxes and am working on a new craft/project room so I am absolutely stealing your idea for organizing paints. That's clever. Your stairs project has to be the absolute most genius project in all of blog land. I would love for those to be my stairs. Thanks for hosting and I'll be joining in later today.

  22. Donna, not that I'm pouting or anything :) pictures are not protected, feel free to steal! Sidebar status is a great honor! :)

  23. Thank you for hostessing! I have some crates but they are in storage for now! I've already seen some great ideas on how to use them....your stairs are absolutley amazing!!!!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Wow! you gave us some awesome ideas for the use of old crates and even how to create our won old crates! Love this post! Thank you for hosting!

  25. I can just hear the flea marketers across the country, scratching their heads and saying something like -- "why is everyone buying crates this week, or gates, or..." :) We love you, girl :).

  26. hey donna!

    i dont' have anything to link today, just here for inspiration.

    i don't care how many times you post that staircase of yours ~ i will never get tired of seeing it. it is truly amazing.
    love all your crates.

    hope you have a great weekend.

  27. Taking pictures of boxes as we speak, but I wanted to suggest SHUTTERS for a theme. My neighbor just gave me 5 unfinished ones and I'm dying for inspiration. Please consider adding that to upcoming themes. pretty please? enjoy your blog so much.

  28. Hi Ms Funky Junk! So glad I found you. What a great theme. I have been looking at all the postings from the other blogger's who are participating in this weeks theme and I am always amazed by the creativity! It's so fun to see what people are able to come up with and that just inspires me! Thanks for starting my weekend off so nicely, Marcia

  29. Hi Donna! I can not tell you how much I love you hosting these parties! I realize that there might be something wrong with me be can I tell you this is just about the highlight of my weekend! You guys are all so talented and give everyone such great ideas. I went to not one but two community garage sales today and came home EMPTY handed! I think they're on to us, haha. However I did go dumpster diving last night and got two patio door size old wood shutters... woo to the whooo. I'm off to slap some white paint on those babies. Have a great rest of the weekend girls <3

  30. I love all of your projects and your style. I actually have a coke crate that I am keeping my paints in. Glad to know that I doing some "trendy" things :)

  31. love all the great ideas!!!!
    being crafty challenged here........but how or what did you use to do the stars on the steps??
    thanks, kim

  32. Don't know where I have been, but I added you to my blog roll. I adore the old crates. Are those stairs in your home?? Can I come visit?? I love that!!! I will try to join in on your memes if I have the item of the week! Great ideas....

  33. Donna, Thanks so much for the side bar linky love! I get all giddy when I see you like something I've created. I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Thanks again - you rock! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  34. Hey all! Loving the links! Had a family kite day today so wasn't around much, so I have much catching up to do!

    #32, How did I paint the stars on the steps:

    All the stamped looking designs were done the same way. If you click on the link to that post (shown in black bold), it shows how I designed the illustrations on the computer, then used a vinyl cutter to create my own stencils.

    The stars were painted first, allowed to dry, then the text stenciled the next day to create the 2 tones.

    #33, yes, the stairs are in my own home. Still love'm to death! The cats are getting better about them now. :) (read the post!)

    #28 Jean, I LOVE a shutters theme! Consider it on the list!

    How fun are those crate links, eh?!? WANT!


  35. I'm So in love with your CRATE stairs. I think I told you a time or two before but it bears repeating! YOU, are genious. I love all your crates! LOVE THEM! You have the best parties...I swear!

  36. Thanks for the great party...I just love all the old crates and fun to decorate with.

  37. Thanks so much for featuring my moss rock buckets! Love your link party!

  38. I posted my crates I made and painted, but you could easily stain them and make them look old just like you did with your stairs.

    Did you already do a pallet theme?

  39. I was so happy I was able to join the crate party!!! I found one this weekend for $5.00!!!! I love the colors too! I just love your blog!!! Take care!

  40. Ha! I came over to see what new items have been linked up and saw that all that shows up for my "New" old crate title is "New" ??? I don't know what happened there. I'm having so much fun looking at all the other projects. Thanks so much for hosting.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!