Sunday, June 13, 2010

Decorating the great outdoors with junk for 'Gitter Done!'

Yay! It's finally here!

This is a linked up show off post alongside yours. To get to the main event to link up, please click HERE.

I had no intention on working with this project. But the passion of it got away with me. I mean, lookit the rust! Can you guess what I played with?

My beloved little character building! This use to be a greenhouse, that I filled with firewood. After wrapping the exterior with old fence boards, it became a magnet for other fun things.

The scale of it has always been abit small for the size of the yard. So the addition of two palettes for a front step and boardwalk plus a ladder really increased the scale.

I found the geraniums for a steal at a local thrift of all places, so I went crazy and loaded the old white crate up.

Can't wait to see them established. BUT we aren't done here. I like throwing in some interesting elements to look at. Funky garden art if you will. :)

I chose a dark garnet colour for the geraniums. And in hindsight, as much as I love them, they don't pop colour wise like the brighter reds from a distance. Next year I'll go brighter. But getting these for $12 instead of $50? No comparison!

Here's an unexpected twist. This ladder (thanks Vic!) with dangling chain is to guide the ivy.

"I love you, oh rusty chain!"

And no character building wall is complete without old rusty tools for wall art. I love how they don't pop with colour, but rather offer subtle interest.

And most of you have seen the little boardwalk by now. I also added another palette for the front step that needs some colour tweaking. More blonde like this or grayish I think.

 Let's move on to the birdhouse garden!

I finally got to it and cleaned up this area. It still lacks some colour, but it's a great start!

Bad junk. So let's turn it into good junk. The ladder was from a friend, (thanks Vic!) and the heart shaped basket is from my Mom's garden. They deserved better homes don't you think?

The ladder was slightly cut down in height and is now going to hold up the raspberries as they get spindly tall. The old metal can is just for junkin' fun, however I'd like to punch the bottom out of it, sink it in the soil abit and plant tall sunflowers or cosmos inside. Wouldn't that be cool?

Here's my mom's sweet little heart shaped basket that was in her own garden. I'll be tweaking it with added interest but this works for today. And the birdhouses got picked up off the ground and placed in their rightful homes. Cuteness!

Lastly, this one rates #1 in my book. This thorn in my side tree base of weedy soil finally got some much needed love.  My wonderful neighbours knocked on my door last weekend and asked if I cared to partake in their extra bark mulch. I don't think I've ever jumped in my truck so fast to pick up landscape fabric to 'Gitter Done!' LOVE!! Thanks Jake and Janette!

The moral to this post: 

Working in your garden is exactly like working inside your home. Create vignettes with things you appreciate, move your plants around abit, and sticking to yearly perennials, and you too can have an outdoor space you can fall in love with for very little cash spent.

What elements do you decorate with outdoors? 
Anything unusual?



  1. Seriously - you're killing me. This is AMAZING Donna! If I listed what I liked I'd be reposting your whole post. Love it! Amazing job! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  2. Ha! This is the second post I've read tonight (out of only a handful) with cool old ladders. I picked up a double vintage ladder at an estate sale last summer and have yet to put it to "use." I also have a cool galvanized garbage can like yours. I rescued it from the dump! It's currently holding my potting soil.

    Thank you for the inspiration...I just might join your party someday...if I actually ever get anything done!!!

    Have a gorgeous week!

    : )

    Julie M., your neighbor to the south who thinks you should come on down and organize my junk! : )

  3. Wow, this looks great. Love all the elements but the ladders especially. Wish I could find me a bunch of those, great idea to use them to grow winding bushes on!
    And those little birdhouses are adorable, never seen anything like them around here. Do the birdies actually use them?

  4. You definitely have some very funky junk in your garden! I love your character building, it's so cool, and I really love the birdhouse ladder!

  5. Amazing!!!! You have outdone yourself!! You must have whirled around like the Tasmanian devil, girl!!! You got so much done.
    I love the use of wooden ladders!! Very cool! And your birdhouse garden is beautiful.

  6. Your yard looks gread Donna! I will need another couple weeks to show off my stuff, nothing got totally done for this round! Rain and events got in the way...but I have BIG plans in the works....just you wait and see. :)

  7. I just love, LOVE all your little surprises here and there in your garden. You have some super-fantastic pieces in your gardens!

    I agree whole heartedly with you about "decorating" our gardens as we would in doors. I enjoy so much finding and adding little unexpected elements to my gardens. Plants and flowers are surely beautiful, but it's fun to catch a glimpse of an unexpected little something amongst them.

    Thanks for sharing and for more inspiration.

  8. I just love this - - - and I think sunflowers growing from that old garbage can would be fantabulous!!!!

    I'm SO going to copy your idea of putting the bird houses on the ladder. . . . what a great way to display them!

  9. kinda a shame your woodshed isn't a cute little house to play with! :) nicely done!

  10. Your yard looks terrific. I so love that shed. And the ladder with the houses! We had a bit of a hiccup here so I will be late to the party. But I'm working on it ;

  11. AWESOME!! I love that your dog is in the one picture of your shed... what a poser?! Did you stage that! I love the huge flower box... I'm soo gonna do that too!

  12. Wow! You have been a busy little beaver! I love the big shovel/bucket under the tree...the chain for the ivy...the geraniums in the white box...ok,ok, I love all of it!

  13. I'm with Stephanie - I love everything you've done!! So creative and the results are just lovely. I could spend hours just strolling through your yard ~ and I am NOT an outdoor girl.

    Good Job!!!

  14. Your hard work must be very rewarding! What a beautiful, tranquil yard you have...I love everything about it. LOVE the idea with the tin trash can....please show us pics of that!!!
    The red geraniums? Perfect. They are my favorite flower and I think they make your sweet little shed shine!

  15. That shed...I'm speechless and jealous. I want it exactly the way it is.

  16. Way to go, Donna! Every time I see your garden shed, I fall in love! It's so charming, and I love all the rusty "garden art". ;-) Your garden is looking beautiful!
    Have a great day!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  17. Wow! Amazing! My 4 yr. old was looking over my shoulder and he said your "pop" building was really cool! I love all the little special touches you used to personalize you areas! Great job! :o)

  18. Wow! Love everything... especially that vertical bird condo you have going there! Free bark mulch?! What a treat - and your little tree looks so darn proud!

  19. Ok, here's what my dad would've said "Well pop my garter and call me shorty!" (It's a southern thing you know.:))

    And here's what I say, OH.MY.STINKING.GOODNESS! This is absolutely fabulous! FABULOUS I say. Every single element is so well planned. What a paradise you have in that yard. The character building is to die for. Personally, I'd toss that wood out of there, put your tablescape you recently featured in there, stock up on a few books, and use it for my own personal little retreat. A place to sit and read or have cocoa by myself. I WANT ONE.

    The work you put into this yard is evident. Every inch of it is just beautiful. Seriously, I'm so envious. I've been fighting having to go out and pull weeds from my shrubbery - aren't I the wimp? I can't seem to make myself tolerate the heat and especially the humidity.


  20. Hi donna -

    What a beautiful yard you have! Congrats on all the hard work you have put into it - it's very impressive and inspiring!

    The sentence you wrote about the geranium price jumped out at me. I know you said that you weren't crazy about the color, but in the interest of saving money, at the end of the season, you can cut the tops off of the flowers, put them in water for a few days until they develop roots, and replant them inside for the winter. I have been doing that for the past couple years now (I started with some free cuttings from the plants at my office), and it's really cut down on the cost that I would normally spend on annuals. Just thought I'd pass my money-saving idea along.

    Keep up the great work on your blog! I'm a long-time reader and it's been really fun to see the transformation it has undergone! Best to you always.


  21. Your yard is fabulous!!! I wish mine looked as good. I told hubby this morning that he needs to clear out all his crap from the back yard. I want to make it beautiful again. Thanks for hosting this "gitter done" party. It was finally the motivation I needed to do my 15 year procrastination project.

  22. Oh my gosh!!! Love the transformation you did!! You so inspire me!


  23. Girl, I love you funky junk. That shed is fab....just my kind of stuff!!

  24. Great job Donna and you know how much I love your character building ~ it was one of the things you were working on when I first found you and stayed!! The geraniums are beautiful ~ I will have to look for the deeper ones ~ I am a creature of habit and usually stick with red and white.
    Thank you for hosting this linky party ~ it was fun getting everything ready for it and I have been putting that binder off for a LONG time!!

  25. I am falling in love with your shed all over again... *sigh*

    You rock!

  26. Love the geraniums and I think the color really "pops" least in your pics!! But I'm sure the brighter ones will, too! What a great building!! It looks fab with all your rusty tools! I gotta ask... that beautiful sculpture of rusty metal... what is that? Is it bells? I don't see it in the other pics... just curious! Love everything you did with the yard! Looks great!

    Kendra @ Creative Ambitions

  27. You make junk look good. In my yard, it just looks like junk.

  28. I borrowed your trash can idea on a post I made today at Mel's Cabin....I hope you like it.

  29. I would so like to visit your wonderful little shed. That whole display is me through and through. I just sent my 48 year old son a text telling him to be on the look out for a flat ole ladder. He texted back and sad he thought he could put his hands on one. Yea my Birdhouse ladder is on the way.


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