Friday, March 26, 2010

SNS #23 brings you - rustic laundry & something new!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #23!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

~ This weekend's DIY Feature ~
Rustic laundry room

One of my very favorite things to do is find a hidden jewel in blogland. And I believe I have one for you right here. Meet Sausha from Show & Tell.

Here's the before. I didn't even notice the great shelf and same cupboards in the before until now. Goes to show you, a great after brings out the best in everything around it!

This room entirely inspires me! I am adoring that black shelf that runs the entire width of the room. It frames the cool old gate so nicely! Black cabs anchor the room with some good visual weight, but it's so not overdone. This is a great balance of lights and darks.

Isn't this piece amazing? It's an old gate that use to be red. Sausha simply painted white over it and distressed the edges bringing out the red tones. It's the perfect backdrop for that amazing wreath. Don't you adore the unexpected art aspect of it?

These risers were built to create a place to stash the laundry. I've seen the risers you can purchase, but this idea by far makes way more sense! Size them perfectly for your laundry baskets and you never have to trip over those things again. Brilliant idea.

An unexpected surprise is the green ladder. It's originally from Sausha's grandma's barn so there's some special meaning linked to it. I love useful pieces like that. And this little lady looks right at home against that wonderful beadboard wall.

Did you notice the light?!? This room is delightfully, simply perfect. :)

Laundry rooms tend to be forgotten and rather ignored. I know mine is. :( But this showing is total proof that this workhorse of a room can too go out in high style. I'm sooo motivated to get going on mine! Between Patina White's laundry room and this one... my goodness. No more excuses!

Thanks Sausha for giving us some amazing laundry room eye candy this weekend. :)

Sausha's blog is brand new as of Feb 2010. Snoop around. She's been featured here before in the SNS highlights. She's gonna be a good one. :)

How about you? Is your laundry room last on your list too? Why do we DO that?!?

~ Now, for something new! ~

 SNS is continuing to grow! I'm thrilled you've come to find this little local yokel Canadian blog party to be one of your favs! With the growth in mind, I'd like to give this new idea a trial run.

I've created two MckLinkys for this weekend.

One is for

Home Decor
junk to jewel transformations, rooms, renos, gardening, misc.

and the other is for

Crafts, Sewing and Cooking
crafting from new supplies, sewing, and recipes

As blog parties grow, they tend to lose abit of their intimacy. You've all been so awesome at leaving comments and I hope that never diminishes. So by separating the DIY's into the 2 categories, it's my hope that you'll be able to better seek out the types of linkups you yourself prefer, so your stay is as enjoyable as possible. Uncertain where your entry belongs? Choose one and go with it. We'll figure out nitty gritty details after the test run.

The two MckLinkys will be well labeled below. Please let me know in comments your thoughts on this idea as the trial progresses. I'd love your feedback!

~  Blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended  post, not your main blog url. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. I've allowed 100 characters in the link title area, so go ahead and tell us you blog name AND project description. There's room. :)

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Happy weekend, all!

(these party linkups are no longer available as they are with a different service I'm no longer affiliated with)


  1. What a beautiful laundry room! The gate and ladder are perfect and really make the space!

    Kat :)

  2. LOVE that laundry room! Maybe someday we'll fix my "dungeon" laundry room *sigh*
    Thanks for hosting! :o)

  3. What an amazing Laundry Room. So true about placing them on the back burner. Mine is 85% finished and I have no inspiration to get me in gear...can you possibly do a LR workshop..ha,ha

    Like the separate catagories..of course I messed up and linked to both...sorry!

    Thanks for hosting - Have a great weekend! Off to check out some links!

  4. We recently bought new front loaders and I HATE how low they are to the ground and the risers, $200 each, and not at all functional, looks like I may have a new project, this is perfect! Thanks Donna! Another great party!

  5. Thank you again for hosting, Donna. That laundry room is beautimous! My laundry is definitely a high priority on my to-do list!

    : )

    Julie M.

  6. My laundry ROOM is a high priority too...hehehe!!!

  7. Thanks for hosting the party. I accidentally put my craft under home decor. I didn't know how to delete it, so please feel free to delete under home decor.


  8. Sorry I got in a hurry and linked to the wrong list. Feel free to delete my cookies on the home decor list.
    And what a great idea! Love it! It will be much easier to go thru all the great projects now.
    Thanks so much for hosting!

  9. Great idea with the 2 linkies! Thanks for hosting Donna, and great feature!

  10. That laundry room is amazing. Love the ladder. Great idea to have 2 separate linkys. Thanks for hosting such a fun growing party.

  11. Oh, so loving your loving the linky things! I am too! I can wade through whatever I'm in the mood for now. :) Choices choices... life is good! :D

    You're blowing me away as usual. This is way too much fun to be legal...

    FJ Donna

  12. Gorgeous living room, and I'm loving the two Mcklinkies! :)

  13. Oh gosh... I've messed something up. :P Hang in there, gang! Trying to fix...

    FJ Donna

  14. You are such a thoughtful hostess! Thank you for not only hosting, but trying to make it even more individualized and specific for us! You go above and beyond - and we love and appreciate you!
    And that laundry room.... she looks like a blogger to follow!

  15. Hey girl - my first time to link up and the dingy blond posted in the wrong area - can you please delete from the food area? So sorry...

    Love the inspiration of the laundry room - mine SO needs an overhaul!

    Thanks for hosting!

  16. WOW, thanks so much for all the awesome things you said about my laundry room - you totally have a way with words - can you come over and write all my posts?!

    I love how you took each thing and highlighted it - i am also loving how people are picking certain things from the laundry room that they like and hearing their opinions on why they like it - it's cool to look at things from other peoples perspectives. Does that make any sense?!

    Anyways, thanks again - i'm off to check out all the other link ups tonight and email this post to all my friends :)

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  17. Ahhh, there's the star of the weekend. :) Hope I did you proud, Sausha. :)

    As for the wrong linkups, no worries gang! This is a trial. It'll all come more naturally next time. Party on!

    FJ Donna

  18. Hi Donna! I see Logan's Armoire on your sidebar, thanks!!! I posted an artsy-crafty project too! Thanks again!

  19. Hi Donna, wonderful Feature. We usually don't have Laundry rooms here in Europe. But you might say I have a laundry basement. It is hideous.
    I linked up before I took the time to read the new rules. I don't know if my wreath is home decor or craft, anyway it is Donna inspired.
    Have a wonderful weekend (oh and btw I took your advice and bought the big boy with the huge tooth). I am still scared of him. I will introduce you to him on my blog.

  20. I haven't even thought about my laundry room. Now it is in my head and I have to fix it!! LOL! What a gorgeous room she has made. I love the old gate with the primitive wreath. Such a nice touch!! I loved it all...and that storage under the washer and perfect!!
    PS. I finally linked up too!! woohoo!!

  21. A beautiful, yet functional laundry room. Wish I could work that magic with our, but it is outside, on the back side of the garage and gets so dusty.

  22. i think sausha & you have alot in common! i too, just found her blog earlier in the week. i totally ooooo'd & awed over the entire thing. she is amazing.

    what i also found just as amazing - if not that her husband is in IRAQ & wont be back until JULY! she defiantly knows how to use "alone" time to transform everything into a wonderland!

    happy weekend!

  23. I always appreciate all that you do. I love your parties. I am going to read your photo tips more carefully when I have time. I linked up my chair last night and may have linked to the wrong party. I have been planning my father in law's 80th bday party. It is today. Busy busy and tired tired so if I need to link to the other party let me know. I can't wait to see what you did for the contest. I know it will be great whatever it is.

  24. Ugh - I accidentally put my Decorative Framed Map in the wrong one, so I went ahead and added it to the correct one, but there isn't a way for me to delete it from the cooking and crafting category. Sorry! Can you remove that please??

    Thanks so much for this. I am on the lookout for ideas for new baby frames this weekend, so hopefully I'll find something here :)

  25. Thanks for hosting again and for featuring me on the sidebar last weekend! Looking forward to all of the great projects again!

  26. I love the dual parties - so much easier to find the stuff you're interested in! Thanks for great party hosting!

  27. I love the gate turned to wreath display...

  28. Wow! Donna, you are quite the hostess! Two parties at once! You're going to wear yourself out mingling!
    nah, seriously, I love the idea of the two parties. Although, I can only attend the one. Ya see, I only deal in junk! No recipes, no crafts made from new stuff. But that's okay, I like to look at what other's do!
    Have a great weekend!
    ps Did you know I've been in the process of "gutting" my garage? I'll let you know when the video comes out! :)

  29. Love the laundry room. It is way too cute and so functional and pretty. Makes you want to be in there. Great job. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  30. Donna, you are like the BEST BLOG MOMMA!!! You support everyone so beautifully and make everyone feel as though they are truly the "specialist" for the moment!

    "Tis a gift of yours" - besides the other 42, 869 gifts you have!

    I LOVE LOVE you SO much!

    The laundry room? I want to live there! ;o

    The side bar specials? OH MY. The talent that is out there living and breathing and taking care of family and working and other life things and finding time to do these GORGEOUS things to their homes and enhance their lives - just simply touch me and move me to CREATE BIG.

    Dual McKLinkies? BRILLIANT!

    I hope some day I feel worthy enough to join in. For now, I'm still sheepishly just enjoying what everyone else is doing.

  31. Great idea to have 2 link-ups! I love to find a hidden jewel too--she is great!

  32. What an amazing laundry room!!

  33. Thanks for hosting. I'm Barb and am new to linking but it's a blast! I'm now a follower of yours.. I hope you will go to
    & find some ideas that might inspire you & your family/Home. I hope you will follow me too. I just finished 4 Kitchen Chairs for $1.25 ea. with black & white polka dots fabric..then 4 stools..a hutch..a table runner..& napkin holder..I couldn't stop! Ha! Ha! Anyway I have aprons, bows, vinyl lettering, one-painting, jewelry & Lots of please leave me a comment (if you will) & tell me what you think..Have a great day! Barb

  34. Donna,
    As usual your keepin' it interesting! Thanks for all you hard bloggin' work! You keep us all coming back week after week! And, love show and tell btw. great feature! Keep it up! But also, take a nap!!!

  35. Love that gate with the wreath she put up! What a great piece of wall decor!

  36. Thanks for hosting these parties every week, Donna! I definitely have had more people look at my blog from these parties than I could have gotten on my own! And thanks for showing some love for my stepladder table!

  37. Thank you so much for hosting the party, Donna! Of course, I was one of those who was unsure of where to put mine, so as you said -- I just chose one and went with it! Have a great weekend!

  38. Awesome linkup! I think I put a few links on the wrong section. Oops. I'll pay more attention next saturday. I love that laundry room. Amazing makeover!

  39. You smart and thoughtful girl, putting up side by side linkies, Thanks!

  40. Love the two linkies - great thinking!

    We finally did something with our laundry room to make it less dungoney. It's better, but a far cry from the beautiful one you featured!

    Thanks for hosting, Donna! :)

    -Ann Marie

  41. HI! I just found your blog from a click and a click and I'm so happy I did! I have literally read it from the beginning and enjoyed every post. I even took notes on some of the informative posts! Really - you have done an outstanding job ~
    Can't wait to follow and see more.
    :) Sarah

  42. Hey! Cool idea to have two categories! I wasn't sure which one to put my link in. It is for home decor, but also crafing (i think?). So I linked to both categories. But if you think it belongs in one more than the other, please feel free to delete one! :) Thanks for the party! I just love your blog... :)

  43. Donna,
    Great idea to divide them up, bus, alas, I have only been cleaning out my paint room and no pics.=(
    Will try to remember to take some for next time.

    Have a great Sunday!!


    barbara jean

  44. That laundry room is so great... now I'm off to my boring laundry room. What am I saying? I don't even have a 'laundry room'!!! :(
    Great party, as always!

  45. I will never ignore my laundry room again. Thanks for the McLinky. I hope everyone can visit my DIY Organic Bib and Hat set at Amelie Jo.

  46. I spent my rainy Sunday trying to find new blogs and am s happy to have found yours,and so many others through your SNS..I am new to this world and can't belive what I have been missing..(it's even better than finding my fav decorating magazine in the mailbox every month..)I can get daily inspiration here..where have I been?? the talent is incredible,not sure that I can bring anything to this world of blogging or not but am having fun :)

  47. Totally LOVE the idea of separating crafts from home decor. I've tried to encourage just home decor, but it hasn't worked out very well...I don't think most gals read the small print. :) I deleted posts for a few weeks, but it too a lot more of my time.

    Sometimes it was hard to draw the line between a home decor craft and a craft craft, ya know?

  48. Oh my goodness! That is just SOO sweet!! Something like that would retail for a few hundred dollars and you did it Fabulously for oh so less!!! Thanks for the great pics of everything you did. :>

  49. I definitely would have bought it the first time around! It's just beautiful and you can do so many things with it for the different seasons. It looks just beautiful as you have it right this site.

  50. That rustic laundry room looks pretty amazing indeed, very organized. I'd love to have laundry room like that.


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