Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vintage hanger crop cloth curtains

Vintage hanger drop cloth curtains via Funky Junk Interiors

I don't sew.

Or should I say, I haven't sewn since my sewing machine took an upside down tumble six months ago and continues to sit in that very position under a pile of junk in the basement.

I liked it upside down just fine until the fabric topic for So You Think came up. After mild panic set in, I realized, I just 'gotta be me'. Funk my project up so you don't need a sewing machine, right?

This idea isn't brand new to the net. You've seen my white version HERE. After all this time, I'm still loving this creation, although the idea was due for a tweak fest to better suit the area I needed it in.

How to design your hanger curtains

#1. Hardware

A woodsy antique hanger with weathered clothespins becomes today's chosen hardware. If you like a look that's a little less destressed, go new with both and you have a totally different look.

2. Fabric choices

Choices, choices! Any sheet or piece of  fabric will work, however...

*tip: heavy fabrics hang differently than poly/cotton blends, so experiement away. Thicker creates a more casual appearance, and thinner a little more refined.

... yes, I quite like the painter's drop cloth for this chosen application. Loads of neutral rustic texture, perfect for where this little darlin' is going.

3. Build it

Bring your fabric through the hanger opening, then straighten the fabric along the rod, sliding the fabric from one side to the other. bit by bit. This creates a nice even ruffle.

Isn't she pretty?!?

Add your hardware...

... hmm.. we need something more, but just a touch.

4. Decorate it

Twine and buttons? Sure!  Perfect for a little rustic earthy touch. Other ideas may be ribbon, beads, metal charms, the sky's the limit!

Oh! That's kinda cute! A metal star button no less! I think I'm going to stop here though because...

... I love how the twine dances it's way down the curtains for some added texture. So with the two combined, this ought to do it.

Looks sweet in this little corner. It's just enough bling to make you turn your head in further curiosity.

 No harm came to this painter's dropcloth in this project. The extra bulk of the fabric was simply rolled at floor level then worked into a puddle. This allows you to change your mind and use your dropcloth for another project should you desire.

You saw them here first. Hanger Curtains, The DropCloth Edition. Simple in design, however elaborate in bringing a little unique warmth to an otherwise very tall and skinny boring problematic window.

Only one more to go. :)

All my So You Think entries to date are HERE.

This project ranked 4/7.  Thank-you for your votes!


  1. Hey Donna! You loved my button push pins, I adore your buttons on your drop cloth hanger curtain! Soooo cute, and yes, the star is my fave too. Nice job!

  2. Love the buttons added to the drop cloth, you are a creative lady. Great Post!

  3. What a cute idea! Thank goodness stuffy formal curtains are out of style. I love this casual look.

  4. Oooh I love all I need to do is go and find a long, tall, skinny boring window and a painter with a drop cloth...and I'm there!

  5. I love this and already voted for you!!!

  6. How fun. You just posted this! And I happened to stop by on my way to bed!

    Donna, I love this. I love that it's drop cloth! I love your buttons on it in twine. I voted for you AGAIN! Hello!!!!

    I wish I had a tall, skinny problematic window. I think I'm going to make one of my short fat ones problematic. Do you mind if I replicate this some where in my house???? I will TOTALLY give you all the credit!

    Is drop cloth inexpensive, btw???

    oh and tomorrow stop by....I can't believe I did this, but I actually called my neighbor after I looked out the window at the curb in front of his house. He had a load of things....I took them all home. Who am I? Where did myself go???? I've morphed into some other creature!!!!!

  7. I'm really liking that corner, Donna! Love the buttons you added as embellishment!

  8. Adorable. I love it! I didn't think I could like your little corner any more than I already did...but now I do :).

  9. Haha.. my google ads are bringing up... HANGERS. LOL!!

    Thanks for your compliments, all. Fabric is NOT my thing so if I got even one vote, I would have been thrilled. :)

    FJ Donna

  10. Wow I have never seen this before... it is stunning and so easy. Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. You are a girl after my own heart using a dropcloth!!!!!!! These are adorable!

  12. I love dropcloths, your curtain and I totally love your little corner. You're amazing!

  13. What a fun idea! I love the texture of drop cloths - I never would have thought of something so creative as this.

  14. Gorgeous. Honestly, who needs a machine when you can do that!

  15. Fan-Freakin-Tastic! Upside down sewing machine left on the floor... toooo funny! This is MY kind of "sewing"! Voted for you. again. big hug!

  16. I loved your first version of the hanger curtain...but I love this one just as much....or maybe even better...funny thing...I almost did drop cloth curtains for this week's challenge. Ha!

    My favorite part of this project is that hanger!! Drool.

    You always do amazing things...truly in awe. Too bad we don't live closer. It'd be fun to hang with you lady!

  17. What a clever idea! It looks fabulous too! I am soo intimidated by sewing, but taking a class is on my ever-growing list of things to do!

  18. I love this, it has weight, texture, style and it's the perfect compliment to your long, narrow window! Great job!

    Kat :)

  19. oh my goodness...LOVE this! I'm constantly putting together MORE curtains for our home in very sunny Colorado - this is going on my to-do list. Great post!

  20. You are so creative and this is really cool!

  21. I love the addition of the buttons! You say you don't craft, sew...but you are a natural! :)

  22. I again am speachless!! You are the bomb!!

  23. What a super creative take on the usual window panel! It looks fabulous in that corner and agree that the buttons are just the perfect amount of bling.


  24. Yes! This is something that I could do..I'm not a sewer and your idea is perfect!! I love it!
    Lisa :-)

  25. Looks fabulous! And the buttons add so much to this project! I love it!!

  26. I love this, too!! It looks perfect with your message center piece! And the buttons...perfect choice...just made it all that much better!

  27. I really like the addition of the buttons and since I already have a wooden hanger collection.. I really need to do this somewhere!

  28. What a fantastic idea, I really like it!

  29. What a great idea! So simple and creative! I love drop cloths and they are the curtains of choice from my dining room and probably every other room when I get around to the makeovers! Your corner is too cool, I think I have a bed frame in the barn... where can I put it in here:) Thanks for more inspiration, Theresa

  30. Love it! fantastic idea and so simple!

  31. I think this has got to be my most favorite "no sew" project ever! I just love it!! The buttons and twine made me gasp with glee.

  32. Sweet! Love that whole corner!

    Happy Monday!

    barbara jean

  33. Love it!
    Please ship all those items in the corner to my house! :)
    Good luck this week.

  34. What a clever Idea, I love it!!!

  35. These are so pretty, I love this idea! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

  36. the kind of texture all the different details bring to this...

  37. SHUT UP!! I LOVE this!! I have always loved it, but then you go and amp it up and I just ADORE it!! The buttons!!! Perfection!!

    I going to vote!

    Lou Cinda :)

  38. Painters drop cloth who would have thought.
    It is wonderful texture and I love the hanger and buttons and twine. It's perfect and I want to try it.

  39. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.

    That's all I'm gonna say about that.

  40. You have got my vote AGAIN! Donna, you are amazing and if you don't win this whole thing, I will be shocked!!! I love it!

  41. I love your creativity and decorating style!


  42. Thank you so much for sharing it is simple and natural. Love it

  43. That is fabulous - I can't believe the beautiful look you got in such an unusual way. Love it! Linda

  44. ANOTHER fabulous Donna project!!!! You're creativity is amazing!!!!

  45. Vintahe hanging crop clothe hanger shown here is excellent. Know all about it


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