Thursday, February 2, 2012

The day 'the competition' arrived (cat vs. cordless drill)

My little something' something' came in the mail... eeee! Do you remember why I won this cordless drill? I'll go dig for the post... be right back!

(cat wanders in the room in my absence...)

"What's this... awww man, it arrived! 


Truncated post: click to read more below

Well, I'm not looking' at it! Cuz it's gonna take away some ear scratching cuddling time. I know how she works...

There, take THAT drill! 

Wait... I just dusted it off.. WONDERFUL.

Sigh.... I can see it now.

She'll do a video on how it works for "THE BLOOOAAAG" and then she'll yank out some pallet boards to give it a real work out. Just dandy!

"Teddy! Did you see it?!? Look! EEEEE! Isn't it pretty?!? But it'll NEVER be as pretty as YOU are, my fuzzy wuzzy witto kitten! Mwa!! xoxo Wanna be in the picture? You'll make it even prettier!"

I'll scratch your ears...

Yeah well, it's my day job, ok?

Thank so much Earth Day Canada! I LOVE my new Panasonic cordless drill with a chuck! :)

(my bragging rights win post is HERE)


Yes, I will do a demo with this sweet thing soon! I just wanted to get a few shots of it before it got all dirty.

Then again, looks like my cat had a handle on that. :)

Next on my wish list is some kinda palm sander. Do you have a favourite you'd recommend?

What tool are you after?


  1. I looove that corrugated iron!! Make something. Ann

  2. I wish I could get my dogs to pose as well as you beautiful kitty. Congrats on winning the drill.

  3. I love it when you do a great project and it wins a prize! Congrats sweety! My cats are always a blur when I try to get them in my work photos lol They need some tips from Teddy!

  4. Tooo cute!! What a nice shiny new prize!!

  5. That is one cool drill. I'm very attached to mine. Kitty or drill? hmmmm. . .;0)

  6. I know you've been (patiently) waiting for this goody to arrive! Some stuff's really gonna get done now! Time to go make some noise -much to the dismay of the little kitty-kins.

  7. oh Donna good for you ;). my pooch is camera shy . i even set up with a tripod and she freaks out. ha ha , the drill is very pretty. there has got to be something wrong with that statement. i am sure you will give it a workout. good tools are worth every penny and the price of this one was perfect enjoy

  8. A girl has got to have her own tools! And this one if a beauty. Enjoy.

  9. Beauty, looks like the Cadillac of drills. You go girl, you should be so proud.
    A new chop saw would make my life easier, so would that gorgeous drill. Oh yeah!

  10. Donna you will love that cordless. I love mine and take it any time I go to my daughter's house. She always has projects for me to do. Has your kitty had drama classes or is that sweet thing just talented. Oh wait, Cody wasn't around to pose so I bet the kitty stepped in and took his place and job. WOW!!! Smart kitty. teehee!!! Now if you could just teach him to use that drill...hmmm.

  11. oh are going to have so much fun with that drill :)

  12. Congratulations! What a great prize!

  13. lol lol That's my every photo shoot...upstaged by my feline staff! Love your new toy!...hugs...Debbie

  14. So glad to hear you got it. I don't use a palm sander. I use orbital sanders and a mouse sander for hard to reach areas. I love my DeWalt sander, but then again I love my Craftsman sanders too. I also have a belt sander but he doesn't get as much use. Have fun with your new drill.


  15. Random orbital sanders are the best. Both of mine are Makitas, there are other good brands, but I like the fit of it in my hand. Some are too big for me to hold comfortably. Most ROS's use velcro type systems, no cutting the paper, they are sized for the sander, just stick it on and go! The key to using it is not to push down, let the sander ride over the wood.

  16. Love the 'cattitude'...great pics. Nice drill - can't wait to see what you create with it!


  17. I have recently been looking for a drill. I want something more lightweight though-most seem so heavy for me and my hands are small to try to hold on to it. How are you liking this one?


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