Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A crazy mixed up head banging latte writing DIY kinda week

Didja miss me?!? :)

I've been a good little junker later and have adopted a schedule of sorts. I've been writing and DIYing in between all the crazy that's been going on in my sign shop.

I'm still attempting to learn how to play with Windows 7 on a new Mac alongside new software AND new equipment. (my old system failed from a power surge) So I head bang with this temporary jury rigged setup by day...

Truncated post: click to read more below

(gotta love that DIY cutter stand to the left... I like it better than the fancy stand it came with!)

And then I've earned some DIY time. I'm revamping a room for a special feature that's coming soon so I have a deadline!

Wait! Make that two! Two rooms, two features. Nothing going on here....

And then... my writing.

I've taken the writing thang to a new level. When I'm at home, I work on my old signs ebook. Like tonight. I'm using Mac's Pages. The text is all done and tonight I started adding pretty elements. Yay!

And when my son is at cadets twice a week, I sit in a coffee house and write for my bookbook on the laptop.

I haven't signed the book contract. But whether I do or not, I'm writing this thing regardless when time permits. Because one day that junk book WILL be out there for all to page through! I hope. :)

How I wish I could show you the pics I took at the coffee shop last night! What's up with this new tethering issue my iPhone is dictating to me? It won't let me load pics. Next time I bring the real camera.

I sat on a red leather chair with an awesome latte by my side, in front of a fireplace and zoomed through 1500 words. I'm on chapter two! I love writing like that away from home and all distractions.

Wait... I have an idea...

How lame. :)

Not quite my usual beauty shots, however just know, that chair was awesome to sit in for 2.5 hours, the table was the perfect height and that latte was poured piping hot into a monster glass cup. I really enjoy those moments! More on that soon. That event deserves a post all it's own.

I received some very fun things in the mail from bloggers too (squeal!) so I can't wait to show and tell!

I'm also getting my current blog looked at. I realize it's running really slow so know I've summoned for help. As well as attempting to get a shiny new one going too.

And wow... you totally blew me away with that last post. Thank-you so much for your thoughtful replies! If you'd like to chat it up, please oh please feel free to join the Facebook page. It's so easy to chat back and forth quick like over yonder.

So dear friends, if I owe you an email, giveaway event, money (whoops! hope not) or whatever, stay with me... I'll be your way shortly!

Thank-you for your patience in waiting for me to get all my ducks in a row. I'm working fast and furious so we can get this show on the road once and for all. :)  Fun reveals ahead!


  1. You've been so busy lately and I thought Im the only one who is busy and always in hurry :)
    cant wait to see all your prettyyyy projects

  2. Cracked me up to see the red leather chair on your phone pad!!! Ha!! That should help with the ambiance.
    Looking forward to hear and see more.

  3. Yea! You're doing such a great time lately managing your time to fit it all in. Great job & keep it up!

  4. Loving your blog and the fun "you" that shines through it!

  5. Hi, Donna

    It sound like things are really coming along for you. I am so happy for you. Keep on creating and writing. Can't wait. Have a Bless week.


  6. I can't believe how you're getting it all done! I love your motivation...I need more these days. It dwindles more & more the older I get. I'm excited to see & hear about all your newsworthy goodies soon!

  7. Good for you, Donna! Love those times when it feels like everything is ticking along smoothly. Can't wait to see what you are up to!!

  8. I can't wait to see that ebook and the bookbook. I love signs. I take pictures whenever I'm on vacation. Sometimes things have to be hard before they get easy. That's always been my experience. I'll go find you on FB. Have a great day.

  9. Busy, busy, busy! can't wait to see all your new adventures unfold!

  10. Ohhhh my goodness Donna you have so much going
    on right now!! How exciting!

  11. Busy, busy, busy. Keeps life interesting though, doesn't it?

  12. I HAVE missed you. Even though I don't hace a blog of my own, your's is the first one I looked at each morning before work. I so enjoy your pictures, words of encouragement and your style! ML - a friend in Texas.

  13. Doesn't it feel good to be so productive? I'm so glad you are writing an e-book...I hope you make a million!!! You deserve it.

  14. Salivating at the prospect of a book of your signs. Can't you picture a coffee table book filled with signs and junk!


  15. Wow, you are organized! Of course, with all you else could you....

    I am so happy for you.
    Glad to know you realize your blog is slow, also it erases my comments as I am typing. This has happened several times lately. Maybe because everything is not loaded up yet.

  16. You are "Wonder Woman"! You need one of those big cuff bracelets to signify it! You have inspired me with all your various projects because that's the only way I'm happy is if I have a bunch of stuff to work on. One project would bore me to tears! I'm slower than I used to be...LOTS slower but I keep plugging away and things are getting done around here and there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks for setting such a great example! Put me on the list for the sign book! I can't wait!!! I won't need one of those fancy machines you have will I?

  17. Oh Donna you to hit the high notes to show me how to lock & load!
    Thanks for the honesty ...really appreciate your last post, and yes I know when the sermon is all about me!..well especially for me!
    So very excited to keep following your trail....Thinking of you....Colleen

  18. You sure have been busy..Good Luck with all of your projects..

  19. You sound so busy! Can't wait to see what you have in store!

  20. Regarding your iPhone...It sounds like it's a syncing issue. Take a photo with iPhone, plug your iPhone into the docking cable that is plugged into a USB port on your Macbook, and if iPhoto doesn't automatically open, just open iPhoto and it should automatically sync and prompt you to import all or selected photos. Or a crazy round about way (since there is free WiFi at Starbucks) is e-mail the photo to your e-mail account on your laptop? Or even crazier yet...take your portable laptop and use photobooth...if you desperately want the photo to include a laptop on the coffee table, just borrow someone else's laptop for the photo shoot (doesn't everyone take their laptop to Starbucks?)! LOL.

  21. Writing in comfort...makes it so much easier.
    I do NOT have a comfy place to write at home.
    Must change that :)

    And, kudos to you for all of your irons in the fire!
    And, on writing the bookbook.
    ~ Dana


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!