Friday, January 6, 2012

A Week of Change - Part 4: Offer something. And here's mine...

Welcome to A Week of Change
This is a short series on encouraging you make those New Year resolutions a reality! 

The intro and all parts to A Week of Change can be viewed HERE

I haven't been sleeping very well lately.

Last night I was awake forever until I finally drifted off. I woke up again from the sound of pounding rain, and immediately my mind started racing again. I tossed and turned and finally drifted off again only to have some crazy dream about my computer going kaput. I actually got up in a panic to see if it happened...  are we a leeeetle bit computer reliant here?!? :)

So what's going on you ask? Lots. I promised to keep you in the loop about things as they transpired so I'm holding that promise.

That's a book contract. I know.


Now just know, I have not signed the contract. We are talking. I'd love it to be the right one, so I'm doing my homework.

And I'm actually totally cool with telling you this at this point, because it's all part of the journey. These types of decisions can affect you for a very long time so you have to make sure they're a good fit for you and your given circumstances.

Now, remember the new ebook?

When you write a book book, there's a time period where you're busy writing and waiting and not earning. Hence, the next scary thing I'm going to share with you.

I'm setting up to earn now, so I'm ABLE to write and not worry about the city turning my computer off on me. :) I'm the sole provider for my home and while I have a day job, the writing would take time away from that. So I'm planning a $ backup.


And this is what spoke to me. I get asked questions daily on how I make these and if I would provide design files, info and such.

(just a fun draft.. maybe)

I guess you've noticed I sort of have a thing about old signs by now, right? 

I've been a pro signmaker by trade for approx 20 years now. And while my thing has been working with vinyl lettering, my passion with signs really took off when I discovered the magic of using the decals as paint stencils. Now I can't stop! :)

I've shared a few bits and pieces on how I've made some signs, but this round, all my top secrets for  design, application and distressing will be revealed.

I've never touched on how to design signs yet so this section will be all new. Design is such a big deal. There's a reason some signs 'just look right' while others don't. So this book will show a novice the tips pros use to achieve the right scale for a given surface as well as how to work with the lettering beyond what a computer will punch out.

They just 'look' better when they're designed right. And whether you wish to just hang them in your home or earn an income from selling them, these tips will have you improving your design AND execution, showing them off in a much more professional way, no matter WHAT you put them on.

And I promise to keep it super DIY friendly as well. :)

And you guys have BEGGED me for vinyl kits. And I may still. But I have some other tricks up my sleeve that could save you lots of money.

Aside from the book, I'm going to be providing downloadable sign file kits that you can either print, or take to a local signmaker to have them output as decals to any size you desire!

Kits that fit stairways, flat doors, tops of furniture and on the list goes. I have loads of fun plans to get you signing up all those boring flat surfaces in a jiffy. :)

Teaching you how to layer colours will be included as well. This distressed look wasn't done with a sander. I found a much better way by accident and I'll be going into it much more thoroughly than I have to date.

I have some other cool surprises up my sleeve for this book I'll be sharing with you too, so stay tuned!

Hey, I even listened to my own advice and purchased (not yet live). Fun!! :)

(Bought it through Site 5 yet again and used that chat window feature... I LOVE those guys! If you need a domain and don't really know how to go about it, the live chat window people will walk you right through your transaction. LOVE!! Buy your site through my link here and they'll even toss me an itty bitty commission and will offer you the same thing. Thanks if you do!) 

The book will be slated for sale as soon as I finish it so stay tuned!  I'll also be adding some new things too not yet on the blog.

Signs not your cup of tea? No worries... I plan to write more ebooks, especially if the book book deal doesn't go through. There will eventually be a topic for most everyone available at some point. My idea well won't run dry anytime soon. :)

Well, this was a brave edition... and will conclude our Week of Change series. I think I've given you enough homework to last 2 years...

Oh right! I nearly forgot. The whole entire point of this instalment? 

Offer something. 

How did I do so far? :)

No matter what you decide to do with your new year, attempt to offer something of value. Working from home could include selling locally or online as a writer, photographer, crafter, decorator, blogger, farmer, teacher... the sky's the limit!

Just think about what you LOVE to do, and make it work. Chance are, if you love doing it, you'll get good at it and someone else will want a piece of that. So, make an offer!

(I have to hit publish now don't I.... ahhh! I'm running to bed!)

What do you plan to offer in due time?


  1. This. is. awesome! Congratulations, and I know there are oodles of folks out there (like me!) who would love to learn to make a reproduction sign. (In fact, I need a sign for my shop. The old one looks a little run-down, but not in a good way.) So this morning, I finally noticed you are Canadian. I just finished my Maple Leaf dresser--I'd love it if you'd check it out!

  2. Donna it's 4:27 am and I have yet to sleep! I laid down and ... well you know. You see we have plans to redo our den in the next few months and I was just laying in bed thinking about your fireplace and mantel actually carving Styrofoam in my head to look like your mantel (you see what you do to us). And this evening at dinner I said to my husband what we really need is a cool old sign for the fireplace. So needless to say sign me up for the first book! Sleep, who needs it?

  3. Congratulations, Donna! I'm up trying to learn how to do my new blog so I can participate in all the DIY/crafting blogs around here! Gotta start somewhere, right? =)

  4. AWESOME!!! So proud of you. Can't wait to see the bookS!

  5. I was so tired last night I went to sleep at 8:30. So I am up early and what an exciting way to wake up. Can't wait and congratulations on your book.

  6. I'm sooo excited about your ebook! I want it NOW!!!!! Congrats on the ebook and best wishes for the book book!
    This year I'm centered around just two words: FOCUS and ACTION! I set up a "Productivity Journal" and a brand new blog to keep me on track. I'll be offering a craft community where unskilled crafters gain skills and confidence! (and a hardy dose of laughter too!)

  7. This post was chock full of goodness....Wow!!
    Congrats on the book!
    What could I offer...hmmm..I have to think on this one. Thanks for the push

  8. Wow...Donna, you amaze me. Such energy...I love it!!!!

    Looking forward to each and every book-book..e-book and anything else you decide to write.

    Yay for 2012 enthusiasm !

    Janet xox

  9. Congratulations, Donna! I knew it was just a matter of time for a talented lady like you! :-)...hugs...Debbie

  10. I’m so excited for you Donna and will be first in line to buy that book! Congratulations! As for me – not sure what I’ll offer right now but I’m a great organizer and I think that’s why I always have such successful gatherings and classes so it will probably be something along that line – but it will have to wait until I retire in 3 years and counting. In the meantime I’ll work on a plan, how’s that?

  11. How exciting!!! I love your sign making and would love to be a part of this learning experience....I'm not that talented, so something like an ebook might be just what I would need. good luck!!
    Angela from NJ

  12. Donna that is soooo cool!!! I am excited for you and your new adventures!!

  13. Congratulations Donna! You have enough talent to fill volume’s of books and I am going to buy everyone! For selfish reason's I think this is how you should be making your living...
    So we can get more of Funky Junk Interiors!!
    I know this is just the beginning of your wonderful journey, thanks for taking us along.

  14. Everything is better when shared with others. You are doing a wonderful job of sharing info and making a connection with others! Keep on keeping on!

  15. I can't wait for the book. All of the books. Thanks

  16. Such exciting news Donna! I will definitely be buying that ebook when it comes out! Can't wait to hear what you decide about the book book. Here's to an adventurous new year!

  17. Ok Miss Donna, you made me get off my rear and fix my computer issue this morning so I could comment. First of all, my sincerest congratulations. Whatever you decide, it will be the right decision. I know you let faith guide you, so I know this is going to be an amazing move for you. I'd buy dirt to support you if I had to, so I'll definitely be buying all those books. You've earned this, and you deserve it. Be proud.

  18. Did you make signs for Country Grocer on Vancouver Island? Because the one by my house has these amazing signs. Everytime I am in there I think of you. Congrats by the way.

  19. Congratulations! You've worked hard and I'm sure all of this will be a huge success! Thanks for all you do for all of us! now what can I offer...

  20. fabulous...doesn't it feel good to have a plan - I'm rooting for you!

  21. Congrats on moving forward!! I really hope you sign the contract because ever since I started following your blog I've thought she needs to write a book!! I love to go into our local B&N but seldom find that perfect idea book.....I think my mind ha been subconsciously just been waiting for your book to appear on the shelf. I hope it's a go for you...and Happy New Year, too!

  22. YES! We want a book! You go girl. Love, love, love what you do.

  23. Hi Donna-

    What a great idea. I know you have been thinking hard about what kind of e-book to write. This is perfect for you and unique that is hasn't been done before. Tells ya that when you take your time and really think hard you can come up with the perfect plan.

    My best- Diane

  24. I look forward to you ebook. I do paint signs and have for about 10 years now, but I am always looking for new techiniques and useful tricks. For my new direction this year though I am getting my Nursery License. I want to provide the harder to find plants that the other garden centers do not. I read about them in my garden magazines, try to find them for my garden locally and am met with the deer in the headlight look. It is a niche I think I can fill on a small scale.

  25. Wow!! So very happy for you. Go for it - thats better than hitting the lottery in my book. It will be awesome.

  26. Oh Donna, so very exciting! Wish we could just go have coffee (wait you gave it up, right?) and talk and talk and plan and dream and work and work! Praying for the right decisions to be made!

  27. Don't run to bed. Thank you for sharing. This has been an amazing week from FJI and we love you for that. Usually blogs your size seem beyond the sorts of issues that face the rest of us and we could all use a little help and encouragement. You always do that! Good, good luck with the book.


  28. Way to go, girl! I knew you would do it! Just keep plugging you always have amazing inner strength!

  29. Congratulations! I hope this all works out to be the right fit.

    You're so creative and productive, I'm sure you will make it all work.

    Happy New Year. Looks like it's going to be a good one.

  30. You are unbelievable. No two ways about it... incredibly unbelievably talented! THANK YOU!!!

  31. Congratulations! I wanna be like you when I grow up. :)


  32. Donna I am SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! You give us all hope that we will achieve our dreams one day too!! The books are going to be amazing- e books and paper!! Hugs, Courtney

  33. Amazing! So happy for you. All that hard work is paying off. I LOVE your style and I too have a thing for old signs so I am loving the information!

  34. Wow! Congratulations! I was tossing and turning all night just thinking about the home redo challengs i've given myself, i can't even imagine what you're going through right now! I hope it works out for you!

  35. Donna, this is all wonderful news! I am so happy for you. This is what a lot of us dream of. I am looking forward to reading your book and e-books. I know this will be only the first of many books you will have published. I foresee your own HGTV show. We all love your work and energy. So glad to be able to glean ideas from you. Love you, Girl!

  36. awesome Donna! You are one of the first blogs I followed. Leap and a net will appear!
    Have fun! xo,

  37. How exciting, Donna! Congratulations and I will be keeping you in prayer as you make this decision. I know it will not be made lightly! It looks like I might be taking the plunge by selling at our Farmer's market this year... Currently there are NO signs at our Farmer's market so this couldn't have come at a better time. The other oddity was the lack of herbs... plants, fresh, or even dried. So as we plan the garden and landscaping around the house we are including more herbs. Hopefully there will be a market and we can expand. It would be wonderful to have a small operation on our tiny 1/2 acre so we could sell herbs (and possibly edible flowers) to local restaurants!! We shall see....
    Once again congratulations!!

  38. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to read your new book!

  39. Hi there! I am a lover of your blog and don't live too far away. I have introduced your blog to my boss and she is hooked. She owns Katja's quilt shoppe in Kamloops and we would love it if you would stop in and say Hi sometime when you are zooming by. We are on the highway so easy to find. Thanks so much for your time. Have a great day.

    p.s. I was looking for a place to e-mail you, bur had to do it this way .

  40. What a great way to start 2012! Your enthusiasm and talent are contageous. Fly, Donna, fly...and take us with you!

  41. You're so fun! Great post.. Great opportunity.. Great online site idea! (So, when ya gonna join us on Wordpress?) My new site is up and running :)

  42. A book-book deal? Nice! And an e-book(s) too. I'm just so proud to know you. Books have to be the smallest, tiniest, back-of-the-warehouse dream I have. Not for a million years have I considered such a thing. But maybe if Donna can I can. I'm watching and listening and learning from you Donna. You go girl!
    Miss Ellie

  43. Hey Carla, anyone can email me by either clicking 'ABOUT' or on the mail envelope icon under my picture on the right sidebar. I'll make that more obvious soon, I think many think the email envelope is to follow, which it isn't. :)


  44. Oh I am SO excited for you! You are so brave - and yet it seems so logical (and therefore not nearly as scary) for you to do this! Can't wait to buy your first one!

  45. I was very encouraged by your post, Donna. And so happy for your success. You're on your way to some exciting things. We women are strong and hard-working and nobody can keep us down. You are evidence of what can happen when we run with our dreams. Can't wait to read more about your changes and adventure.

  46. brilliant! bring on the ebook!! and congrats on the book offer...hoping it's what you want it to be.

    and, as always, thanks for sharing your highs/lows and in betweens with your invisible friends. your bravery is truly inspiring.

  47. Well..... so much for being the first one to purchase your ebook! :)

    I can't wait to get my hands on it. After all the homework is done, I hope your book book offer is exactly what you want - you are an inspiration to so many. Love your blog!

  48. YAY!!!!!! I cannot wait for your Ebook!!! How exciting!!! And with your creative mind, I know the well won't run dry for many, many, many, many {ok, maybe never} moons!
    <3 Christina

  49. Oh. My. Goodness!!!! YAY for you, if you so choose to take on this mission! I can totally see it and will definitely want to buy it when it's done!

  50. Congrats and I will buy your book for sure!

  51. Donna, if your publishers want to do a survey about whether this is a viable book, I don't think they need to look further than your blog where we're all saying yes, Yes, YES we will buy this book!

    Thanks for being such a great cheerleader for the masses. You are inspirational.

  52. Thanks for this post. I really enjoyed it!

  53. Congratulations! You are amazing and will do great!

  54. Donna you are amazing and I can not wait for your ebooks!!! I will be buying and I hope you get published too, you are a huge inspiration and your work is out of this world! I will be buying that book too! :) Then you can do an American book tour so I can finally meet you in person and we can have coffee!

  55. Congratulations Donna!!! What a wonderful start to the new year. I am thrilled for you!

  56. That is some mazing news. I hope when the book comes( i'm sure it will) I can get a hold of it even though Im far away. Amazon is thankfully a good thing that way. I will be cheering on you and your journey. Enjoy it!


  57. Like I've said, coolest girl at "blog" high school! I am buying anything you got, book, vinyl kits, sign makin kit, girl get it done!

  58. Donna, this is great news! I love that you aren't jumping at the book deal before researching it. And I love that you are going to write some e-books. I want to make a sign for my garden. I know what I want it to say and when your e-book is ready, I'd be happy to post about it on my website as well. Looking froward to following your progress.

    Stevie :)

  59. Congratulations Donna, I knew you could do it. Girl you can do anything you set your mind too.
    Great roll model for your son. Good job!!!

  60. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to be able to work on some signs myself!

  61. So excited for you..

  62. Congratulations Donna! This is so exciting for you. I can't wait to hear more. Your signs are great! I would love to buy a kit. You are so inspirational. I've been in a bit of a blog rut this week (no posting) but I think after reading your series I'm ready to get on with it already. Best of luck to you in all your new endeavors! Carrie

  63. Go Girl! Awesome news! I love your signs and your site! It is also great that you are being cautious and doing it right. It will end up being the right deal for you. Congrats!

  64. I'm so excited about the 'Week of change' that I mentioned it on my blog this morning! Thanks so much for all of the great info...and encouragement! ♥

  65. Hi Donna,
    Check out Houzz today. They listed ways to use pallets (your specialty). I hope they inspire you.

  66. To say I am excited for you would be an totally wonderful and inspirational. Your talents are truly a gift and you are so kind to share them. I cannot wait to buy your books whether they be e-books or other. Have a truly Blessed day and New Year!
    hugs, mb

  67. How exciting for you that many opportunities are popping up.
    As convenient as e books are for immediate buyer gratification I would still love a coffee table book by you. HUGE glossy pictures to dream over.

  68. Donna, one of my passions are Signs, I love signs!
    I finally purchased a Silhouette Cameo so I can take my personal signs/art up a notch. I am so looking forward to purchasing your E-Book!!!!!


  69. Donna, breathe! You'll do great! You've been given a gift to share! Can't wait to read the book!
    You're newest follower,


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!