Friday, January 6, 2012

Sat Nite Special link party 115 - featuring the best of 2011

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #115, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.
This weekend's theme - your 1 best project for each category

Home Decor

I'd have to say the pallet sofa would rank first in HD. It's something that ended up being totally useful, sound, something I totally looked forward to sitting on every day and pretty funky to look at. And being that it even won a contest may confirm my decision somewhat. :) (drill hasn't arrived yet!)


I don't really 'craft' that much, but when I created my twig garland, I was pretty impressed with me for having that kind of attention span! :) Very easy to make, although a tad time consuming.


Oh paleese... I haven't sewn for real in years so sewing on this branch button will have to be it! Ha!


What does it say about you when your best recipe of the year is a yogurt popsicle?!? 
Kept me off ice-cream for a whole year so let's pretend I'm just an outstanding chef, shall we?

Voting enabled this SNS

I attempted to activate the voting feature this round but messed it up. The links now show up again but the voting isn't effective for 2 days. LOL Ah well. I'd rather not break it more at this point. Enjoy the voteless party!

How to link up this weekend

Share your ONE FAVORITE PROJECT in each of the 2011 BEST categories.

(no multiple bests in one post please)

The first two Home Decor and Sewing/Crafting/Recipe categories remain the same as usual.
Upcoming themes:

Jan 13 - your 2011 best JUNK project

Jan 20 - your 2011 best OUTDOOR project 

Jan 27 - Picture Perfect room reveals

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you with no additional permission required. Cuz I wanna make you a star. :)

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!


  1. Donna for some reason the 'add your link' buttons aren't showing up?

  2. Oh no... something is wrong. I'm off to fix! BRB


  3. I messed up the voting thing which turned everything off. It should be working now. Learn something new every day. :)


  4. It still doesn't have any "add your link buttons" :(

  5. scrap the voting thing. it's still wrong! I'm not touching it at this point! Carry on with a broken SNS. Sorry gang! :)


  6. Happy Friday! I love the different categories of your par-taay!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  7. they're all working from my end Katie. Anyone else have issues?


  8. Donna, you are a Wonder Woman. The party is really starting to rock!

    All buttons seem to be working for me from Illinois,
    Suzanne at WHYCUZICAN

  9. What an extra fun party, Donna! Thanks for hosting! Love all of your "best of 2011" features! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. What a fun, massive party! Thanks for hosting, and I am so excited for you to finish that book :) Happy New Year's!

  11. Donna - wow - what a plethora of linky parties! Linked up 4 tonight. Here's to a fab 2012!

  12. Doesn't work on my iPad but works on my laptop. Thanks for hosting another fun party!

  13. oh this party is so fun! i love how you had favorites of 2011 in each catergory! i surprisingly had something to link up in each area! yippee!

    thank you for hosting! i am shocked that you think you aren't crafty btw! i love your blog and all that you bring to they cyber world! thanks again!

  14. Good save! Don't worry about the voting thing - it's just fun to have categories & themes! (I've quit a bunch of other linkies 'cause yours is so much fun!)

    And I didn't miss the "Offer" post. It just struck me dumb. Dumb as in speechless not, well, you know. Not that I don't feel I have anything to offer. It just really touched a chord. So I'm still pondering the whole subject.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Always enjoy joining your party Donna. I am so excited for you and your new venture of a book contract!!!!!! Wow how fun is that!!!!

    Love all your projects and look forward to more crazy wonderful ideas of yours this year!!!

    bee blessed

  16. Thanks for such a great link party! I linked up a few projects. Happy New Year!
    Take care,

  17. ugh!....I still can't see anything...hopefully it will workmtomorrow when I come back :( wanted to see all the cool projects too.............sniff,sniff

  18. Your twiggy garland is a favorite of mine for sure! I still have my version hanging up ;-)

  19. So much fun stuff here my head is spinning! :)

  20. Thanks for hosting a fun end of the year party AND "SNS" throughout the year!

  21. So hard to pick what to share in each category Donna!! :) All linked up- thanks for hosting!

  22. Thanks for hosting Donna. I stared into space for quite a while before deciding which to share. Love your picks.

  23. Happy New Year, Donna! Thank you for all of your kindness and inspiration in 2011!!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  24. Thank you so much for hosting, Donna! Happy New Year to ya!

  25. Thank you so much for hosting the party, Donna! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  26. Hi Donna

    This is my first time to one of your parties so I am keeping my fingers crossed I did it correctly ..
    Just let me know if I didnt and I'll try to fix it ..

    thanks for hosting

  27. Your link party always has such great projects linked up ... it's one of my favorites! Thanks so much for hosting.

  28. Good morning! I have linked up several of my projects: Broken Mirror Art, Canning Jalapeno Pepper Jelly, Vintage Pillow Case Dress, DIY Spinning Composter & My Easy Lace Shirt. Thanks for hosting such an expansive party! This is fun!
    I tried to read your "Story About Hope" on your About Me page, but it went to a blank error page. Just thought I should let you know!
    Peace out!

  29. Hope the new year has been good to ya Donna. Thanks so much for hosting this FUN weekend party.


  30. This is so much fun! Thanks for putting this together! Have a great weekend :)

  31. Hi there! I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for this fun party! Happy 2012 :))Deidre~

  32. Hey Donna-it works for me now!!! Yeah!!! I'm going to go link up & then hide out in my office looking at all of the lovely links!

    Once again...thanks so much for hosting :)

  33. So excited to share my daughter's wedding pics with ya. (Put in crafts/sewing section as the link I added highlighted the handmade decor) It was rustic and we used lots of recycled/reclaimed junk to decorate. Basically shopped the house :)

    Also hooked up a couple other posts for your theme. Having fun sorting thru the links. You have a talented bunch of followers for sure!

  34. I love these linky parties Donna. It sure makes it easy to blog hop. Thanks!!! :)

  35. Donna, you are awesome for having these wonderful linkups! Thank you for taking the time and sharing and giving a hand up to those of us that are just getting started. That's the coolest!!! Forgive me, I think I linked one in the wrong category. I'm going back but your page is moving very slowly right now...
    Have a great Saturday night!

  36. Thanks so much for hosting! I hope you're having a fabulous New Year! :)

  37. Hi Donna- You have accomplished so much! Thanks for taking the time to host a fab linky party! Your plate sounds very full! xo, in Colorado

  38. Love your great linky parties. Always look forward to them and sometimes I even have something to share as well. Happy New Year, you are an inspiration (and sometimes a good big push forward as well).

  39. You always have rockin awesome projects ;) Thanks for hosting Donna!

  40. Every time I visit your blog I'm inspired! What great ideas! I've just started my own blog. Hope I can inspire others as well!

  41. Thanks for hosting! Love your top pick this week, awesome transformation! xo

  42. Darn, missed it.
    I'm always too late to the party - lol.

    Donna, LOVE your sewing project!
    I'm with ya.
    The closest I would have come is my "Map Star Garland!"



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