Thursday, May 5, 2011

New tool storage! And a guest post.


 I worked on  something today amidst all the mayhem of garage sale pile making.

Remember this picture? The pile is MUCH bigger than what you see here today.

But there is one thing missing out of this little pile. I may have lost some friends because I know a few locals were really REALLY interested in that tool caddy. Well...

 With the deadline of losing it looming,  I decided to roll up my sleeves to see if I could give it a shot.

Let's this say this shelving unit was soooo stuffed with crap it was pretty much spring loaded and ready to blow.

 Something I'm sure you didn't catch (scroll up for a peek) was the fact that this massive watermelon box was stapled to the back of the cubby. It did look really cool with the picture showing through the slats and all. Problem was, it was moldy as I had left the caddy out in the rain for... a year? Whoops.


 It was quite amazing. And was attached with a bazillion little rusty nails.

 I had a few sheets of bead board I thought I'd see if I could use as a backer instead. And know what? They fit PERFECT. Isn't that crazy?

 I just reused the little rusty nails over again. What the hey.

The unit required 3 sheets with one I cut down with the jigsaw in just a few minutes. No big deal. Crooked as all getout, but no big deal.

 I mean, look how the piece fit! See the switch plate to the right? Check the door to the left. We were squeakin' in! But it FIT.

 And the bead board backer looked amazing!

 I really like all the original writing on the label slats.  Just a very cool cool piece!

By the way, I do believe my brother said he made it. Which is another reason I wanted to keep it if I could.

 And here it is in all it's new glory. Alongside a freshly painted wall no less!

I have more plans for this area, perhaps shallow shelves for paint cans all the way up to the ceiling...

Awww... my little rusty cogs and jar full of beat up nails even have their own bedrooms now. :) Nighty nite guys!

This next photo is dedicated to my dear friend Miss Mustard Seed. She was scoffing in this post about some guy wanting to buy a decadent shelf she was after, and had visions of him using it in his workshop to house rusty screws and bolts inside an old peanut butter jar.

 How about rusty nails in a pickle jar instead? Is this better? :) I'm totally MMS's worst nightmare I can tell!

Remember my little chicken coop? It got emptied into the tool caddy thing so....

...this area is my new wood storage area!

I'm in love. I even have the wood separated by type. :)

A little hack trick to get these boards staying put is to just use a screw or nail in between them to keep them from falling over. 

Well now fellow woodworkers, it worked so well, I plan to go to the hardware store and get those BIG HONKIN' nails I always laugh at when out yonder. That will do the trick even more awesome as the stacks grow deeper.

 I call this one "Nightmare on Funky Junk Street."

MUCH improved! Thanks little garage sale, for inspiring this one!

 And where this is going... who knows!

Hey. Speaking of all things crusty and rusty...

I'm guest posting over at Freckled Laundry today, and I'm talking about RUST.

Oooh yes I am. For you see, Jami is hosting a Vintage Chic Series, and this week it was about metal.

Her slideshow of metals is to DIE for and very pro. Jami shows many examples of how she infuses metal to get her decadent look in her own home. 

If you love whites, you are in for a treat at Freckled Laundry! Goodness...

I've showcased how I use rust and why in my own home.
You can check out my rusty guest post HERE.

No worries MMS! No cob webbed food jars in sight. :)


  1. I love how you were able to use that piece and it looks as though it was meant to be in that space!


  2. I can hardly wait for Marian to see this post.;)

  3. What fabulous storage for all that small stuff that never finds a home. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  4. I was wondering why you were getting rid of the tool caddy when it looks like something you'd love....but I resisted from commenting. It does not surprise me at all..that you pulled it out of the pile and made use of it.

  5. With a perfect fit like that, it was MEANT TO BE that you kept that cubby system! So happy you gave it a second chance and now you have some very cool storage. You are rocking the organization, Donna. I literally laughed when I read, "speaking of all things crusty & rusty..." and BAM! there was my blog header. Ha! I know that isn't what you meant but it was too cute. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your guest post and the sweet and encouraging you said about my place. Speaking of cobwebs: Marian - Do not watch my video on full screen! Surely there's some dust in there.

    Thank you again, Donna!

  6. There are different kinds of wood? All those boards look the same to me! How about a tutorial? I am so glad that you kept that tool cubby thing. That would also work in a craft room for ribbons and googly eyes. Please keep the saddle. You will be sorry some day if you sell it. I would really like one of those chicken coop things, but I don't know where to get them. You just have so much energy, don't you. Ann

  7. Donna you are truly amazing. I would love to shop your yard sale ANYDAY! I might just want to live in your

    I saw your post over at FL, you ladies amaze me! Such great ideas...and yes Im a huge fan of rust too. With all of the rain we've been getting her in Jersey makes me want to put all my metals outside. lol

    Great posts...on both blogs today!

    Lucky 7 Design

  8. Donna, Yay! I'm so glad you decided to keep that piece, it's a prize! And where do you think I can get a cog? Where do they come from?

  9. Sometimes putting things in piles helps us to see the beauty of the piece. I mean, junk usually comes from piles? Right? :) I Love how it fits perfectly and corrals all of your supplies. What a great use of the piece. Now I think I am going to go create some piles while cleaning and hope to be so inspired!

  10. LOVE IT!!!! Seriously there anything that you can't do?

    Can you come to KS and stay a could learn me a few things :)

  11. Omg Donna-that tool holder is amazing! Crooked and all!!! I am visiting today because Mandi told us we could schmooze the judges if we wanted to, and I'm all for it;) jk! I am in the top 15 and hopefully will make it to the top 5!! But really, have been following your blog for awhile now and just love it!

  12. When everything just seems to fall into place like's referred to as a "God thing"!!

  13. Donna truly a lucky fit and oh so perfect. I have to admire your pallet wood scraps all sorted out, my garage looks totally similar filled with pallet pieces but you've inspired me to get a better handle on all the 'small stuff' cluttering up my work space. Thanks for the great post.

  14. clever clutter control! I like it lots!

    So can you believe that some people just toss good rusty nails into the trash? When they look so good in a pickle jar...what is wrong with these people!

  15. Hi there! Looks awesome! I wish you lived closer so I could have your help! I'm dying to put up beadboard and molding, but have a.) Never used a saw b.) Have no clue what I'm doing! Would love for you to e-mail me sometime and give some advice-lol!
    Thanks, Donna! Alyssa of Boston Bee

  16. that ad is GIANT. its pretty freakin cool how it fits just so.
    something aout it redminds me of kindergarten. the whole cubby thing.
    thanks for sharing your "make it better than it was before" thing.

  17. Oh no!! Rusty nails in a pickle jar. That's just wrong, wrong I tell you!

  18. Love it! I love any kind of storage cubie/shelves/etc. I'm dying to put one of those old coops in my two youngest boys room and fill it with books and toys (edges ground off, of course):)

  19. Wow that piece couldn't look better, perfect spot and perfect fit.

  20. I think you need a cute little chick plunked down in one of those cubbies.
    Looks great and so practical ta-boot.

  21. You are quite the handyman or HANDYWOMAN. Always intrigued by your projects. keep inspiring us!

  22. You have one of those U shaped drill thingees in the garage!!!! I remember my grandpa having one and I miss it so!!! I'm so jealous.

    I like your new 'one year' rule...brilliant as usual, Donna. I found a pile of pallets, now I have to get up the courage to swipe them. They're all falling apart and everything!


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