Thursday, May 5, 2011

My new one year rule

As of today, I have a new rule.

 Anything I collect, if I haven't used it or worked on it by the end of one year, it GOES.

You see, I tend to lose steam if something sits for too long. My mind changes, my passions go after something else, and then my stock sits. Then when I go revisit it, it feels like someone else's stuff.

 I have the weirdest stuff up for grabs at my garage sale too.


All these poor little lost souls need a creative mind to make them come to life in some unique way.

 So why not hang onto this monster picture and paint it up to become a killer chalkboard like I intended?

Because I don't have ROOM for one perhaps?

 Dodge Dakota soft tonneau cover, like new, all parts there, ex cond.

I admit, I also have some things up for grabs that are of actual value, such as this tonneau cover. It came with my truck and I now have a canopy. I thought I'd like the fun of switching it out from time to time... kinda like a sporty new look just for kicks.

Hilarious. I think I don't need the extra work is what I really think.

 Brand new weather stripping that isn't right for my doors and ALL my doors need this stuff still.
 Did I mention how much I detest returning and reshopping for things? Once is bad enough. Plus, they're 4 years old now.

Oh and those shelves? I have a ton more of them. And they weigh a ton. Super heavy duty. From my last house. 

Why not use them since I need shelves? I'm into my pallet wood season of life. It's an energy thing. 

I have no idea what that means btw. It just felt right.

 I had big BIG BIIIIG dreams for these. Sorry I forgot what they were, you two.

 And just how many headboards does it take to fill a garage? I lost count.

These were going to be made into a cool coat hook panels. All 80ish of them.

 I've always held onto bikes for way too long than feasible. My son grew out of this a YEAR ago.

They come in handy when friends visit but.. you know.. a single carport and all doesn't easily accommodate transportation for all your friends. 1 bike per kid per household. It's the law 'round these parts now.

As you can see, I was pretty relentless today. Nothing but nothing came back into the house again.

Oh! Except for a latte maker thing I had forgotten was given to me. I plugged it in tonite (my deadline for decisions) and it looks like Starbucks may see less of me!

"The One Year Driveway Collection."

Wonder what the toss off trends will be next year?

Neighborhood garage sale
Chilliwack, BC Canada
Sat May 7
9:00 AM - ?

Bring your umbrella. *sob*

Wanna come? 
Please email me for directions (with proof of sanity)


  1. Wish I was your neighbor! I did a charity trip this weekend and donated a whole truck full myself. Good luck with your sale!

  2. OMG..i could have wrote this!!!Good luck with your sale..:))

  3. Yikes! I see stuff here I could use...too bad I am so far away. Those cement post things would go in to my garden. The light fixture thing...that has promise. Although I've got all the lights I need. I had an idea of how to make a really cool one...but I don't need or want a new one. So I haven't made it. But that turquoise furniture is tempting...perhaps it could be a potting bench? I'm in need of one of those desperately. And the thing I am most attracted to is the white footboard to a bed....that seems like it could be something great.

    And I've been looking for a frame just that size to make into a chalkboard....really you don't have a spot for it?

    But then I have a garage full of stuff too.

  4. Notice I didn't mention the floor lamp...I have a couple of those in the garage and those tables are great...but I know how it is if you don't need one.

  5. How do you get there from South FL?!? Oh, well, shipping costs would be ridiculous.

    Down here... we have "bulk pick-up" days... where you can gather stuff from your house/garage that you don't want/like/need anymore and the truck comes around and hauls it off! OK... so when I put stuff out, it magically disappears BEFORE the truck arrives! Yea! Someone wanted/liked/needed it for themselves! Everyone is happy! (especially my hubby!)

    My other alternatives: family/ friends/ consignment/ charity/ and Freecycle! All of them work well... at different times... depending on the value & quality of my items!

    Did I mention that I live in a gated community that does not "allow" garage sales? Makes me unhappy... because I LOVE to go to and have garage sales! Oh, well...

    Good luck with yours!


  6. Looks like a fun yard sale. I should take your advice and get rid of the 20 chairs I was going to make planters out of! Good luck. Diane

  7. Oh how I wish that I lived closer. It would be cool just to spend the day with you! I wonder if anyone would miss me if I took a bit of a road trip?

  8. Good luck on your sale! Sure wish I lived closer!

  9. Good for you and I like the new rule! I only wish I was there to retrieve those cast offs!

  10. We don't have a garage and my junk is taking over the porch....I'm GLAD you don't live next to me or I'd be in really big trouble... :)

  11. I would love to come to your yard sale! I think the one-year rule is a good one. I have so much stuff packed away that has not been touched in years. Now I just need to find the time to do it! Have fun at your sale!

  12. I would love to come to your garage sale, but I think I need to adopt your 1 year rule as well. I couldn't have said it better, I lose interest in the projects and then they just pile up.

  13. Our neighborhood yard sale was last week, and boy does it feel great to purge. Of course, it never fails that in a few weeks (or years) I'll say, "I wish I hadn't gotten rid of that _______ (fill in the blank with whatever you just sold)." Oh well, money in the pocket is better than stuff in the garage, right? I hope you have a wonderful sale. Good luck!

    BTW, I have a whopper of a good project to link up this weekend at your party. I cannot wait for you to see it. Can you say barnwood headboard?


  14. You crack me up! Proof of sanity! I hope you make a ton of money and have great weather for your sale! Great rule of thumb by the way :)

  15. This is a really good idea. I think I might try this. If I haven't used it by the end of summer maybe. Although I am not sure because I would love to come to your sale. Maybe you could get a big truck and do a traveling sale? lol

  16. Donna ~
    I have been trying to work through some of the stuff that I have had in my workshop for years ~ You are right sometimes you kind of wonder why you bought some of the things that you bought ~ I have been loading up and going to Goodwill with some things that I just knew would be cool!!


  17. Ooooo I see some really cool stuff. wish I lived closer. I'm on the Eastern side of Canada. I hear ya. Sometimes I say "What was I thinking"?????
    happy garage sale day.

  18. Oh I want those big pillars for my garden to put a bird bath on! They look like concrete. Or if they're short enough, make a top for a bench. Sniff, why do you have to live so far?

  19. I love your new rule and may have to start following it. But I'm afraid I'd have nothing left in my house... Good luck with your garage sale. You're going to make a lot of people very happy! LOL

  20. Hope the garage sale is a good one despite the rain. I could use those cement pedastals...could put a potted plant on each at the entrance of a walkway. Wish I lived closer or shipping wasn't so expensive. Have a good one.

  21. I need to purge, as well. I hope I can do it as well as you!

  22. Donna sounds like a plan Stan.... wish I where closer to grab all the stuff you don't want.. have a happy Mother's Day


  23. GAH! I WISH I lived anywhere remotely near you...your junk is totally right up my alley!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Oh, I did this last weekend. There's something SO liberating about having someone pay YOU to haul your junk away...brilliant!
    Although, I must say, I would snap up those pedestals in a heart beat!
    Good luck to you!

  25. I've been looking for a table base for a project - yours looks just about right...maybe if I leave right now, I can make it to your place by saturday morning...!

  26. I so hated shopping at your sale...knowing I couldn't bring home a thing...bummer. Lots of goodies there...have a great sale...that will be easy!

  27. Thanks for the invite, I would love to come. I'll just check google maps for directions from Brisbane, Australia....Seriously, cudos to you for not becoming a Hoarders episode. But actually, there is no way I could get rid of any of this! How do you do it? :)

  28. My heart has been shrinking for the last few posts, since distance is a HUGE problem for me to get any of the amazing things you are offering! Darn! Garage or yard sales are not something you see here in Guatemala, and hence, one cannot find (or has to become rather clever) items with potential; treasures if you will. Oh well...the luck!
    have a great day! and a fantastic sale!

    Claudia from Guatemala

  29. Have a 'get rid of everything' garage sale. Great bunch of stuff. Hope the rain lets off or at least is light.
    - Joy

  30. This looks like the side of my yard where only I see. Yikes, I think it is a disease that people like us have. Good for you for having the one year rule. I need to make one for myself too.

  31. wonderful stuff..I better not let my husband know about it cuz he will be there in a flash...we can't walk in the garage or the basement so i am going to adopt your rule!...Well maybe we have a bit of room!..hmmmm

  32. Oohh! Cement pedestal things!! That big picture thing!! Is that a painting or a print? It must be a painting because it has a label on it. I don't see the little red table. Are you keeping that? I am going to a big White Elephant sale tomorrow at a church. It is the biggest thing around here all year. I don't need anything but my Christmas money is burning a hole in my pocket. About the deadline,...could we push that to 18 months or maybe two years? Do sewers get a different deadline? Ann

  33. Yes I want to come! Hold on...checking Google maps. It's 1973 miles from Hendersonville, TN. Shoot.

  34. Donna, you are too funny! Your one year rule sounds great! I'm totally the same way about getting things done soon or I forget/lose inspiration. Way to purge! :) ~Rachel

  35. Aw, Donna wanna come to your sale but I think Texas is too far to make it there!
    I love recycling things people don't want, especially the poor orphan things that end up on the curb. Hope you clear the carport tomorrow! ~MaryDee

  36. Yes, a 1 year rule is good. I'd come if I didn't live thousands of miles away! :-)

  37. I would also love to come, but since I'm several provinces away that won't be possible this weekend ;) If you don't sell the Trans Canada sign, maybe you could let me know?

  38. I hope someone in my neck of the woods is also having a one year rule this weekend since I can't get to your event. With all your wonderful items, the rain won't keep anybody away--have fun!


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